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The Alliance - (Closed. Private)

The view was so incredible that he thought he was going to get lost without the window separating him. Cyrus looked over his shoulder at the rabbit, beaming like a ninny. "The view is grea--"

Wait, skydiving? Skydiving... Whaaaaaaaaa--

Shaking his head, he returned his attention to the window, eyes glittering like honey versions of the ocean below. "No," the mouse responded, "I've never gone skydiving before; it seems like fun though!"

Chances were he was too small anyway to be safe about it. By no means was he tiny, but when falling from a plane towards the dizzying earth below, it's safe to be a certain weight.

//small post why


After their small discussion on sky diving, the two decided to watch another movie. This time, Soren picked it, but it hasn’t been as exciting as the one Cyrus picked and both of them ended up falling asleep. Well, first it had been Cyrus, whose head slipped to the side and leaned against the rabbit’s shoulder while he was watching. Guess he thought it was boring too. Good, because Soren turned it off and he also leaned his head back to close his eyes for a ‘moment.’ And by moment, I mean like, three hours.

After waking up and realizing the time, Soren left to cover for Sienna for a while. The woman then got up and went to talk to Cyrus while she ate something and walked around. She told him some stories about the little war her and Soren were in a few years ago. It was between the New York headquarters and a really powerful gang that decided to go against them. They had to work with the police and everything, people were kidnapped, killed…It had been tough. Then they shared some funny YouTube videos and with that, Sienna went back to the pilot’s quarters. She then relaxed on the co-pilot seat while Soren piloted the plane, talking about random things for about four hours, and that’s when the switch happened again. They were about three to four hours away from their destination, so she had no problem flying all the way there.

Soren then went back to Cyrus, and they took a moment to discuss their details and what they had so far. Leads, etc. They were pretty much on their own once they arrived, so they needed to know what to do. Plus, after a day or two, Wonderland was also going to start looking for them…and Soren was sure they were going to get in a lot of trouble for leaving the facility and pretty much borrowing a plane without their permission. But he wasn’t worried. It’s not something that was going to hold Soren back from what they needed to do.


It was finally time for the plane to land. Those ten and a half hours had gone by quickly…too quickly. Soren had fun, but fun always came to an end. Once they stepped foot on New York, their hunt begun and their clock started to tick. Nonetheless, the last minutes in the air had been enjoyable. New York’s nighttime aerial view was gorgeous.

“Alright guys, buckle up! We are going to land”

Sienna’s voice flowed out of the speakers, making Soren nod and prepare their seats. He briefly glanced at Cyrus, flashing a smile in his direction.

Yeah, he had fun.
“Alright guys, buckle up! We are going to land”

They were finally there... After ten hours of minor adventures they finally made it to their destination. Truth be told, his nerves had all suddenly knotted together and made him into an anxious mess. It was really crummy, but at this point it was the better feeling of their arrival.

He didn't like landing all that much.

But then things got so much better.

He had caught a glimpse - maybe it was for a second, but it felt like it would stay with him for hours - but Soren had given him a perfect smile. His gaydar was going hysterical, making his little heart pound in his equally little chest.

Dammit rabbit... Why you gotta be so damn attractive??

As the plane made its descent, the mouse held a hand out to him before returning the smiling expression. "Wanna hold hands again?" he offered, not exactly sounding sarcastic or teasing about it.



Soren didn’t mind the landing. It didn’t attack his stomach as much. The man had looked away to stare out the other open windows when the plane slightly tilted to the side, and the ground view was visible. But the image of a hand at the corner of his eye caught his attention, making the white haired male turn his head. "Wanna hold hands again?" Cyrus asked as he smiled brightly, his hand open and waiting for Soren’s to position itself on top. It made one of his rabbit ears twitch; “…S-sure” His reply came out a little awkward, but nonetheless, placed a hand over Cyrus’s, fingers closing around it.

Before, his body was engulfed in panic. But now that Soren’s mind was clear, he found the action a little strange. And the feeling that came with it too, that contrast between warm and cold. Why…were his hands always so cold? “…Do you…not like the landing?” There had to be a reason behind the hand holding…right? There had to.
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“…Do you…not like the landing?”

"Hm..." The mouse directed his attention upward, tightly holding Soren's hand as he kicked his feet out in front of him. "It's my least favorite," he admitted, "between the two for sure - in fact I kinda hate it - but it doesn't bother me so much."

He spared a glance over, shrugging his shoulders lightly, "I didn't know if it was only the takeoff you didn't like or not, so I just wanted to be safe."

Wow, he was probably making the rabbit uncomfortable, huh? It was only just starting to sink in and he was feeling like an idiot. With cheeks a lighter red than the cross on his shirt, Cyrus' grip slackened. "Sorry, should've checked first.."


“O-oh no that’s okay” Was Cyrus blushing? He so was. Oh man, he probably embarrassed him with what he said. Soren didn’t mean to do such thing. In fact, when he felt Cyrus try to untangle his fingers, thinking of undoing the hand holding thing, Soren gave it a little squeeze “We can hold hands…I don’t mind” Was his reply, shaking his head slightly, “I owe you for making me feel better in my time of misery. So…we…Can hold hands” Still didn’t fix the fact that Soren was kind of bad at this. It’s been a while, you know? And after the Gostov incident, the rabbit had enclosed himself from any source of affection. It was now that he was beginning to yearn for that feeling again. Because well, it felt nice. And it made him feel nice…
Cyrus smiled a bit more warmly, head tilted to the side. "M'kay," he hummed, "I'll try from making this a habit~"

Yeah, he'd put in the effort to not be super clingy, but how could he help it? If you were with such a warm, hella attractive guy all the time, you'd want to cling to him for as long as physically possible. But, of course, he refrained from doing so, taking a small breath as he glanced out the window and waited for landing.

//my short posts are crummy I need to get better at description


“Welcome tooooooo New York!” the plane successfully landed on the New-yorkin lands, slowly making its way to the bigger airport. They arrived there around 8pm at night, and Soren was more than glad to step out and stretch his muscles in ‘fresh air.’ “Finally…” The man sighed, his eyes glancing at Sienna, who was walking towards them with her usual foxy, graceful walk, “Well, safe and sound. You welcome” She chuckled, patting her chest as if telling herself ‘good job’ “Thanks Sienna. I appreciate it” “Hah! Well, it was a favor I owed you. So now that we are even, its gonna be harder to ask for my help” She said, and winked at the two men. She then looked at Cyrus and extended a hand out, “I’m afraid this is where I leave you two. But it was nice meeting you, Cyrus. Take care of my boy here” The rabbit playfully rolled his eyes at the ‘my boy’ comment; He was glad he got to see her after all this time, “I’ll be fine. You take care of yourself”
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Cyrus grinned, accepting the hand offered to him. "Don't worry, Sienna," he assured, "I'll keep him covered, you have nothing to worry about~" But then his tone became more serious, just like their situation as he nodded. "It was nice meeting you.. Thank you so much for doing this; I owe you big time!"

And he meant it, too.

His sister was so much closer now, standing as a likely goal instead of something so unbelievably far fetched. Then the duo started to part from the new (at least in his case) friend. Cyrus moved away and grabbed the bags from the overhead compartment, handing the rabbit his with a small smile. "Ready?" he asked then, a determined yet mysteriously calm glint in his amber eyes.



With a nod, Soren grabbed his bag. Oh yeah, he was ready alright. There was no way back now, so he HAD to be ready if he was going to do this.

The white haired man and the raven head both walked out of the plane, and was led back to the airport by a driver. There, they took another driver that would take them to Manhattan. That was their destination. But first, they had to leave their stuff in a hotel, which Soren already had reservations in.

So here was the plan, or at least part of it: In order to actually get close to the auctions, they both had to be IN them. There was no other way to investigate those things because everything was so secretive…It's almost impossible to find information about the eared slaves they had. So, in order to do this, the two were going to get fake identities and sneak inside.

“Have you ever been in New York, Cyrus?” The quiet inside the taxi was broken by Soren’s question, turning his head to look at the younger male.
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Frankly, his first few options re-presented themselves in his head. They were finally in New York - Cyrus was having a hard time not leaning out the taxi cab window - so it only made sense that he'd think of them again.

What good would charging in do? Hell, where was there to charge in?? Besides, the whole establishment was probably overrun with "security", so chances were the mouse would get ripped up by some flurry of bullets.

Not fun.

Mass murder was still an option, and that idea was the one to linger in his head. Can't risk injury if everyone's dead.

However, now that they were finally close to Nora there was just so much more at stake. Charging in was purely idiotic, and mass murder was already a no-no by most laws. Either way, the thought-train was interrupted by the older male;

Have you ever been in New York, Cyrus?”

Looking over, the raven shook his head. "No," Cyrus replied, "I've only ever really been around Europe - though I went to Minnesota for whatever reason. It's sorta cold." Tilting his head curiously, his bangs swayed a bit in front of his amber eyes. "Have you?"


“Mhm, many times actually” He leaned back on the seat, face forwards as he watched the many lights zooming by. If you ever want to see lively streets and excessive use of lights, New York was one of the best places around. “My internship was here. In the headquarters. So I would often go out and drink with Sienna and Gostov” Good old times…Too bad it wasn’t like that anymore. “Though I believe since that incident happened, the next incoming set of interns now start in other locations, like you. Headquarters is just a very dangerous place with all of it's information—“ His voice lowered, so only Cyrus could hear and not the man driving the car, “—It’s dangerous to have new trainees deal with that stuff” But that was the end of his story, and Soren turned to give him a little, toothless smile.

If he remembered correctly, they were almost at the hotel. And the nearer they got, the more nervous begun to feel. ‘I hope wonderland isn’t looking for us yet’ He thought, glancing out the window. He really hoped this worked too, because he was risking everything here…No, it HAD to work. They had to make it work. ‘You are worrying for nothing, stop it’ Soren’s own voice hissed, causing him to slightly shake his head. Suddenly, he felt very uneasy, the cramped ears inside his blue hat twitching in discomfort. The man didn’t want to think anything bad was going to happen…but he had a bad feeling in his gut. And his gut was 98% of the time correct. Soren had to watch out for Cyrus, especially now feeling like this.

“Alright, here we are” The taxi stopped at the front of the tall building, “That will be 35 dollars” The man slightly twisted his body back to stare at the two. “I got it—“ Soren said, taking out his wallet and handing the man his credit card. He then took it and swiped it on a little payment terminal he had in front. “Thank you gentlemen, have a goodnight”
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Cyrus was the first to climb out, a bit awed by the sights around him. He was far too used to small towns and villages, and naturally calm environments; this was a whole different ballgame. It wasn't until after he exited the confines of the taxi cab that he considered the sudden risks that opposed them. Seriously, if the receptionist at the hotel was affiliated with Gostov and David's crew, what kept their driver from being the same? They were in New York, the melting pot of all people; a shady person was undoubtedly a common occurrence.

And that...card system.. What kept Soren's identity from being tracked? The mouse didn't know if the credit card was his companion's personal one or a facade - he'd have to ask later - but chances were they'd be marked into the system.

Why not just hang a giant, fluorescent sign over their heads that read "PROBLEMATIC ASSHOLES, RIGHT THIS WAY"? It'd be better than being tracked in a corrupted system.

But what did he know?

Was situational murder allowed in New York-- Quickly shaking his head, Cyrus grabbed both bags, muttered a quick "Let's go" and hurried into the hotel lobby.

Remember those distractions he was always in dire need of? Yeah, he would've like something right now. For some reason, every fiber of him felt darker and more bloodthirsty than the "usual". Was it because someone close to him was captive in this massive city? Was it because-- No, that was the only reason. What else could it have been?

Either way, distractions were fun.


The taxi drove off, and now the two stood in front of the big hotel. The view was indeed nice. It was located in front of a very lively street, tall buildings raising high and mighty, cars zooming by—Cities always had their charm, even if they were noisy and polluted. Before, Soren always wanted to live in a city, because that way, he would never feel alone. He would see people no matter where he went and know that, even though he felt like that, there was always somebody else in this big place who also felt as lonely.

“Come on” The rabbit placed a hand on his shoulder, leading him inside the hotel with a blank stare. The room was already reserved, fake name of course. So all they did was get the key from the receptionist and find their designated room.

Too bad they weren’t going to vacation out here, because the room was freaking nice. It had a Jacuzzi, free drinks, warmed beds, all the channels you could possibly think of, and free room service. If the two were going to pretend being part of the nasty black market, they had to pretend they were rich bastards. That was the point of this hotel. “Alright, we made it” Click –Soren closed the door, shoulders relaxing. That airplane ride had his back sore…damn. The man was never good at keeping still in one place for long periods of times.

He walked over and set his suitcase down besides the bed, sitting down at the edge. His ears were already aching from being stuck under his hat for a long time, so he removed it and let them stretch up. “How did the ride treat you? Everything ok? Are you hungry?”
When the ears popped up, it took all Cyrus had to not start laughing. It was a wee bit adorable, contradicting to the cool male seated on the bed but the mouse didn't care, turning away and rubbing at his neck.

“How did the ride treat you?Everything ok? Are you hungry?”

Was everything okay? Frankly he couldn't tell, ditching his bag on the additional bed before moving over to the window. It presented a pretty grand view, one that made him forget about all of those "issues" for a moment. But only for a moment. "Yeah," he decided, "Everything's okay.. Actually, it's really not-- No,it is."

Cyrus allowed his hand to fly up and smack upon his forehead, eventually turning around with a sheepish smile. "It's okay," the mouse said, sounding a little more certain than he did a moment ago, "Everything's okay, just... A little weird."

In example, he extended his other hand out, every part trembling enough to be visible. "I'm just restless, that's all," Cyrus explained with a shrug, "I... I'm not hungry."

He felt bad for not being able to make sense of anything, and felt even worse for not being able to express it clearly enough. But he was okay - everything was okay... Sorta.

Damn words.

//sorry it's so unorganized


“…Cyrus…” He was so…How could Soren explain this? In a way, the white haired male felt guilty for this…The way Cyrus pressed a hand on his forehead and stuttered in his words wasn’t ok…He wasn’t ok. Soren frowned in worry, standing up and walking over to the mouse, who looked a little fazed. The poor man was even trembling? How could Cyrus say everything was okay? Soren had a feeling something like this could happen, and that’s why he felt guilty. Because he felt like he was the cause of Cyrus’s uncertainty.

“Hey, its okay if you aren’t” The rabbit stopped in front of him, looking down at the shorter male with half lidded eyes. “Are you nervous? I am” Soren chuckled, slowly taking the hand that was pressed against Cyrus’s forehead, gently giving it a pat, “But we made it this far, so you better not break down on me, got it…? You are my partner in this” There was a pause…

Now this was something he rarely said…Ever. On the contrary, Soren was the one that loved to hear those three words from somebody. But the amount of times they had left his lips was pretty much one to nothing. It was new…this was new. His heart clenched in such a way when his blue eyes fell on the raven head stare at him with such…Sad, broken, anxious eyes. It was new, but Soren felt like he needed to tell him. Soren’s lips pressed down in a thin line, licking them slightly as his blue eyes stared right at that troubled face; Cyrus needed to know that...

“I need you”
Soren approached him, Soren spoke to him - it was the man's words that suddenly gave him a sense of comfort he wasn't used to. To be told that it was okay to not be okay had Cyrus' eyes widening in what could best be described as disbelief. How could it ever be okay? You had to be okay to even survive, right? That was how the world functioned, right? He didn't know anymore, really...

And Soren even asked him how he was feeling! Yes, he was nervous, but for reasons he never verbalized to another before.. He didn't want to ever say it, but maybe it was necessary. Soon.

The rabbit's touch on his hand felt warm, soothing all the nerves that just couldn't stay still.

"But we made it this far, so you better not break down on me, got it…? You are my partner in this"

His attention was so focused on the mention of the breakdown - the unfortunate truth that he was so close to tumbling into - that he almost missed the identification of partner. He repeated the word to himself in a such a low and spaced voice that there was a chance he didn't even say anything. Cyrus was currently trapped, unable to tear his gaze away from the sapphire orbs that held him prisoner.

Perhaps it was childish to be so absorbed in that one word, but it...it erased a lot of the lonely emptiness he thought would never go away. The mouse wouldn't cling - he wouldn't become obsessed with the closeness - but the word partners, shouted between the two, made it feel like he wasn't alone for once.

But then came the part that totally shattered through his dazed surprise--

"I need you."

He had never heard those words before. Ever. It sounded foreign, and even though it was what crashed through his initial surprise, it felt unreal.

The mouse was 100% aware that he was staring, but he couldn't help it; the words Soren spoke just hit him like a wave. No one ever needed him before - unless you count his manipulative parents - and he never knew what being needed felt like. He always felt useless, more like a hindrance than anything else, but now he didn't know... He wasn't useless, it seemed, and that was a relief.

Plip...plip plip...


A warm liquid fell from his widened eyes in little, salty droplets. They dripped down his cheek - some even cleared his chin - and made their landing against the floor. Surprised by the sudden reaction, Cyrus found himself stumbling back, lightly knocking against the window so close to him. "Oh..." the raven made to say with a brighter tone, "S-sorry, sorry... I just--" Something was wrong with him, huh? His hands raised shakily, the fingers of the left curling slightly as he rubbed his eyes, trying to regain composure from the silent crying fit he slipped into. "My... My bad.. It's okay.."

Though he kept rubbing rather furiously at his face, there was a wavering smile on his lips. "Thank you... Soren.."
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There was nothing he could do but stare at the non-stop drops that flowed out of Cyrus’s eyes. Did…his words really mean that much to him? All was he saying was the truth, there was no need for tears. But Soren did not realize that, back then, he was the same. He cried and yearned for somebody to tell him that…And now…He didn’t know what to do when faced with the situation. Not once in the little adventure they had gone through has the man ever wondered—What…What happened to him? He remembered the rough skin under his fingertips when his wondering hand caressed Cyrus’s back. Seeing him like this, the raven head really did look broken. Weren’t they all? It was hard to believe Cyrus was twenty-three, because now, at this very moment, he looked like a child who had lost his way. A child who hit a corner, and there was no way out, who was hurt.

“Don’t cry…” Soren turned and walked across the room, to the dresser, where a tissue box was located. He yanked a few out of the box and returned with them at hand, crouching down in front of the crying mess. He was careful to remove Cyrus’s hands away from his face, wrapping his shaking fingers around the tissues. The rabbit didn’t want him to hurt his eyes. “Here…” He looked up at those watery, hazel eyes.

They were quite beautiful. Like unrefined diamonds that still managed to let out a gentle glow. Soren brushed the curtain of black bangs away from them, tucking them behind the mouse’s ear.
Cyrus really did hate crying - he hated being so weak and helpless - but this was the second time it had happened; and with Soren no less. The first time had been out of the internal agony of not being able to help his sister, or save her like he often promised. This second time was because... Well, frankly he didn't know why. He just cried.

Sniffling in attempts to calm down and cease the flow of emotions, the mouse was almost drawn in by Soren's warm touch when he placed the tissues into the younger's hand. Unable to say anything of thanks, afraid his voice would break completely, Cyrus only nodded. Shame it was as much as he could manage.

God he felt like a wreck, trembling in place with trails of salty tears streaming down his face. The raven did his best to clear it up - and actually managed to succeed - but every part of him claimed it was useless; he would just cry again soon, right? As his hands would lower from his face, it was a beautiful face with such elegant detail that sat in his blurred sight - was it an angel? An eared angel?

Well, it was close enough.

As Soren tucked the bangs away, never before had the mouse been so grateful to not have a heavily scarred face. Granted, it was still scarred and all, but not as prominently as literally every part of him; there was the cluster of scars around his right eye, almost taking the appearance of veins or something of the like, and there were others that covered his skin like the craters on the moon littered its surface.

Only difference was that they were past the fades white, and stood as more of a memory than anything else now...

Taking a slow breath, Cyrus closed his eyes and hung his head, subconsciously letting his head sink against the other's hand. "Sorry.." the raven breathed, "I'm... I'm okay now.."

And maybe he really was...

“It’s okay…” Soren swallowed, hushing the mouse as he softly sobbed. He felt really strange, and a soft, dusty color of red painted his cheeks…Maybe it was because he was a little embarrassed to be consoling somebody like this? or maybe it was because of the way the raven head rested against his hand in such a…comforting way? It was stupid, he knew, but sharing this kind of intimacy with someone was…it felt nice. Cyrus’s was here, crying in front of him, leaning on his hand as if it was the piece to Cyrus’s broken puzzle. It felt nice to, see somebody and have the opportunity to dry their tears away. The man’s hand slowly moved so that it was cupping the mouse’s cheek, wiping dry a loose tear with his thumb.

He looked…so small, and fragile. As if anything in the world could brake him right now.

“It’s okay…”

Soren’s cold, frozen heart made a small jump, filling his stomach with tickling butterflies—It was enough to make the man swallow again, and bite the inside of his cheek. ‘Please stop crying’ He closed his eyes for a second, ‘…Stop crying…’ Or he wasn’t going to be able to control his urge. The urge of wrapping his arms around this broken boy, and telling him over and over that he’ll protect him. Forever.
It's okay, it's okay - how many more times was he going to let Soren say that? Despite the senior telling him that it was okay to not be okay, now really...it really wasn't the time to crumble to dust. One of his hands raised to cling to Soren's wrist; it was his firm grasp on the situation, on his own hectic emotion, and a way to tell himself that it was all okay.

The skin against his scars was really soft, too soft for human comprehension-- What kind of moisturizer did the rabbit use?? His fingers trailed the limb he held, letting it comfort him as - through closed eyes - the flow of tears started to ease up.

He had to keep it together, he couldn't breakdown like this of all ways. If anything, he needed to stabilize that clustered mind of his before jumping into their hell of a situation; if he didn't, he'd break in that way before too long. It wasn't exactly a good thing. When Cyrus opened his amber eyes, it was focused on the ground, on the lower part of the rabbit's grouched form. Really, it was too blurred for it to make any sense to him, but it was--

"Fine..." he whispered to himself, letting his eyes widen a bit, "It's fine.. I'm okay now.."

He really had to be. It wasn't just Nora riding on his ability to keep it together, but Soren as well; for reasons the man didn't know. It was suddenly scary how easily he could scare his partner away, and that definitely wasn't something the mouse wanted. At all.

Eventually he straightened his head and took a shaky breath, trying to calm every burning cell in his body just to give himself more time for the big part of this whole thing. His hand fell from the rabbit's wrist, only to rise up again and pat that head of beautiful white hair. "Thank you, Soren," he said, smiling like usual with the tilt of his head, "I owe you big time now, huh?"

Soren let out a little chuckle, ears slightly falling back when his head was patted, “No need to feel like you owe me…we all break down once in a while” He said, now standing up, since it seemed Cyrus had composed himself enough. He hoped he was okay now, but Soren couldn’t help but wonder why he started crying in the first place…Did he remember something he shouldn’t have?

“Come on, we need to get ready. We don’t want to miss the opportunity to get into that auction, right?” Soren spun around, now leaving the raven head on his own as he walked over to his suitcase and took out the nicest clothes he had, along with a fedora hat. They’ll have to cover their ears in there, since all of those men were human. “Did you bring a hat? If not you can borrow one of mine” he smiled, picking one up to hold it out so Cyrus could see.
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Right, the auction! He almost forgot about it completely!

Well, to an extent; at the very mention, every nerve cooled like ice and he no longer felt like an absolute wreck. Cyrus hurried over to his bag, unzipping the main pocket to retrieve his articles of clothing. Frankly he had been tempted to use the red jacket, because he'd undoubtedly show up all those other snobs (though that wasn't a good thing).

He was glad he didn't; simple black looked a little plain, but the less attention the better. Opened or closed...?

“Did you bring a hat? If not you can borrow one of mine”

Oh. And he thought he had everything. How could he have forgotten the safety of the whole situation? Without a hat, he was not only suspicious but also the target; he hadn't really worn a hat before now, and he always figured his ears were a bit too...wide? Far apart? He didn't know, and frankly he didn't care at this point.

"Right.." he said then, scolding himself for making a mistake before going over to retrieve the offered hat, "Thanks. Uh... Well then."

With a quick salute he went off to the bathroom to "gussy up".

Entering the main room again, he was running a hand through his hair, amber eyes looking down at his simple suit. It only consisted of a black jacket and a red, collared shirt. That shirt was literally the only splash of color - everything else was black. With a smirk, he twirled on his right foot. "Well~?" the mouse teased, "I clean up pretty well, huh?"

Laughing, he took a look at the hat he had. After a bit of inspection, holding it this way and that in his hand, Cyrus finally put it on his head--

Only for it press his bangs forward as it slid down. "Um.... I got this under control!" he assured, removing it for a moment so that he could push his bangs back completely. Before they could slip, the hat was back on, catching the locks in a way that made it "stuck" in place.

"Heheh told ya~"

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