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The Alliance - (Closed. Private)



Feeling suddenly returned to, well, everything; his face, his limbs, his head, even his chest for that matter. Amber eyes were fixed onto the ceiling above, wide in confused surprise. What just happened? Where the hell was he?! His palms turned down to feel the surface beneath him, scraping against cool wooden floorboards. Actually, it felt like a splash of water against his hot back.

So, he was on the floor, sprawled out on his back. The chair he had been sure he was seated on now lay knocked over and off to the side.

Why was he on the ground..?

Confused, Cyrus sat up and looked around. Quite a bit of time had passed - though he didn't know how much - but it was clear through the lighting and shadows that sneaked through his window. Shaking his head, he made it to a kneeling position when his eyes caught sight of something; piles of scattered, note covered paper and a laptop. Naturally, he grabbed them for closer inspection, finding that some had been the files he had mentioned to Soren the previous night and others were hand written notes - theories and possibilities, if you will.

During that time when he lost all literal sense in his very existence, the mouse figured he must've worked till he dropped. Er... Literally. But even that concerned him.

No matter - Cyrus got to his feet, unsteady and wobbling in place for a moment before looking over what he had written. But god did he feel sick, one hand traveling to hold his stomach. The information he had pieced together was simple enough to decipher, now it was just a matter of putting it together. Hopefully...


After taking that shower and getting dressed, Soren was ready to go back to work. He shoved the suitcases under his bed and cleaned up the little mess on the table before sitting down at his desk. Do to being under a small ‘penalty’ for messing up the mission the other day, no assignment was currently available for him to take. Which was totally okay in his opinion, because it gave him the chance to focus on their case. Besides, Soren couldn’t leave Cyrus all the work—He had to get his head in the game and start looking for leads…

To be honest, he wasn’t exactly sure where to start and as the minutes passed by, Soren found himself looking over Gostov’s criminal profile and records…It was sad for him. You have no idea how much it hurt reading all of the felonies that were written under his name; Homicide, stealing, illegal trafficking;That was the man he had previously loved. Even when he looked at Gostov’s picture and stared at those eyes, Soren felt naked—exposed completely in his presence, even if the black haired man wasn’t even in the room. And he was, Gostov knew absolutely everything about him. And the scary thing was that Soren had no idea if the things he knew about HIM were real. Everything had been fake, absolutely and completely fake. Back then, he had wrapped the innocent young man around his finger and managed to manipulate him like some kind of puppet. That made him mad, you know? Because he had ended up broken and betrayed like a fool. If the man he had loved back then could do that, then anybody could. Ten times easier, nonetheless. That was the moment the rabbit realized that nobody could be trusted, that was the reason Soren built up walls around himself to prevent that from repeating.

The pain had been breath-taking. Even know, as he stared at his eyes reflecting back on his computer screen, Soren's shattered heart twisted in such a way that made the man’s hairs prickle up in goosebumps.

So he scrolled down, fast, leaving that picture behind in the invisible wall of pixels that was now hidden, focusing on the records. On the actual facts. On the words that told him who this man really was…On the reality.

Then, he saw it…
”What’s this…?” It was a new folder that had been created this morning. He clicked on it, and a file named 'February 18', today’s date, appeared. The actual document was far more interesting than the name of the folder itself. Enough to make Soren’s eyes widen; He had to go tell Cyrus.
The trafficking system had been hard to locate - which was the point of course - but his "other" side had managed to find the tiniest shreds of...something. Only problem was that the him of now could barely piece together anything. It was infuriating, really, how affected he was by external thoughts. Part of him feverishly wished he was that Other more often.

With a growl of frustration - something very rare from him - he scattered the physical documents across his desk and rose to his feet. Turning around, Cyrus scanned the room thoughtfully. God damn, what was the link he found? He couldn't remember, and chances were he wouldn't remember. Running both hands through his soft raven hair, his gaze flickered between things here and there, lingering on the box cutter still lodged in the wall.

That would prove to be problematic, huh?

He quickly walked over, yanking it from the wall and grimacing at the at the mark it left behind. So, he did what any normal person would do and grabbed a sticker from his nightstand, placing it over the mark.


He turned on his heel and briskly walked for the door, a light scowl on his features. Right now, he wanted more water, maybe something else to eat other than the forgotten sandwich. Huffing to himself, the mouse pulled open the door and made to step out.
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It had been a lucky to bump into Cyrus walking out of his room right when he turned the corner. He would have come sooner but he had to stop and ask for his room number since the mouse never really gave it to him. “Cyrus!” The white rabbit called out, his walking picking up into jogging steps to catch up to him. How great that he got here just in time! “Hey—“ He slowed down when he finally caught the mouse’s attention and was able to catch up, nodding in greeting. “I found something…A lead” Soren said, patting the computer that was tucked under his arm, “I think I know where we can find them”

And hey, maybe Cyrus found something else during these hours, a perfect moment to share whatever bit of information they had. He blinked though, realizing he had stopped him from going wherever he was going, “Oh…right, sorry. I can come back later or send you the information if im interrupting” Soren apologized, blinking down at the younger male.
Wait. WAIT. As the rabbit had jogged toward him, with far more energy than he had expected, Cyrus had to hurry and relax his expression, only to jump to a cheerful smile once the other was close enough. Though, word of a lead made his energy rise anyways, so faking it didn't matter.

But really... A lead! All weakness he had felt prior to this moment was gone in a flash, the mouse bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Oh...right, sorry. I can come back later or send you the information if I'm interrupting."

"Screw that!" he exclaimed happily, smile stretching from ear to ear. Cyrus quickly grabbed the man's more available hand and started hurrying down the hall. "I just needed water and something to eat!" the raven explained, "Talk to me - This is great!"

It really was. His sister was closer than he thought, and so was the bastard he personally wanted to deck.

There was really no stopping the warmth and the happiness that flowed from him.
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Cyrus’s change of mood made Soren chuckle—Briefly of course.

The reason Soren wanted to be discrete about this information was because they weren’t supposed to even be looking at it. He had kind of hacked his way inside the databases since the nice and wonderful wonderland leaders or whatever had blocked his access to it. So they had to be extremely careful about where they got their information and who heard them talking about it…The walls have ears.

“I’ll tell you more details about it when we go back but…” He cleared his throat, switching the computer to the other hand that was now free of Cyrus’s hold. “Your sister IS their next profit. And I found a list of clients that are related to their branch of ‘business’ I managed to….” Soren paused, trying to find another word for it, “—'find' more information about it in the HQs servers. And apparently representatives of these businesses were spotted in different airports around the world…Destination, New York. Meaning…” He leaned down, his voice lowering “--those two might actually be planning on auctioning your sister in one of the biggest slave pools around the world”
Remember that glass of water he wanted so badly? It had been in his hands over the sink, raising to his lips when Soren finished that last thought.

And then it slipped, clattering loudly in the sink's basin.

His hands dropped, grabbing the edge of the counter as he gazed ahead at the faucet, at the drops that still struggled to fall. "Biggest slave pool, huh..?"

God, he tried so hard to keep a lively tone to his voice but it really wasn't working; even his expression had contorted from happy and cheerful to coldness and internally seething anger.

Gostov was as good as dead.

Cyrus then preoccupied himself with quick cleaning - the glass was set to dry and the water that had splashed onto the counter was soaked up with a rag. "Sorry..." he muttered, knuckles white from how tightly he had been clutching the cloth, "Just... Sorry." He looked at Soren and changed his expression to a sheepish smile. "I should...stay calm, huh?" the mouse asked, "We'll figure this out, right? It'll be okay, it's okay.."

But it sounded like he was trying to tell himself that.


No, Soren understood. He understood very well how shocking it must be fore Cyrus. Actually, part of what he was doing WAS to help him, since Wonderland didn’t give a crap. It was killing two birds with one stone kind of thing. The fact that one of his relatives was going to be sold…like some kind of…thing to these people—Well, it was a feeling Soren knew very well. He had been in Nora’s footsteps. But the difference was that, back then, nobody cared enough about him to think about a rescue. At least she had a brother, who clearly loved her by the expression he was trying to hold back.

“…Cyrus” Soren took a moment to look around; There was nobody near. “Listen to me….” He quickly turned to face the mouse, his eyes narrowing, “It should be none of my business, and really, it isn’t. But stop trying to hide your feelings by apologizing. You arent fooling anybody” He deadpanned, leaning closer to the raven head’s face, “...And, its annoying" If he wanted to feel bad, feel bad. What was the problem? It wasn't very common for Soren to feel irritated, but his reaction had done so. Why? Who knows.

Then he straightened up, cleared his throat and released a sigh, “Anyways, get your water. We need to discuss this somewhere else”
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He wasn't fooling anybody...

"What a shame," the mouse joked lightly, shrugging his shoulders as he grabbed the glass again and filled it with more water, "And here I thought I was a good actor." Once he was set to go, the mouse stood on his toes and gently tapped Soren on the nose with his middle finger, smiling. "Thank you, Soren," he said, tilting his head.

Lowering back to his usual, shorter height, Cyrus sipped from his glass and started walking, gesturing for the rabbit to follow. He had been close to straight up saying 'See, this little side of you is a reason why I like you' but decided against it. Besides, there were so many other things he just loved about the male.

Either way, the two approached his room and Cyrus pushed open the door with his foot, dramatically gesturing for Soren to enter.

What was with his nose poking stuff? It was like the…What, fourth time Cyrus had done it to him? I mean he didn’t have a problem with it, but the contact did make Soren slightly scrunch up his nose and wiggle it a little. Like a bunny of some sort—Yeah, that’s how he looked. But otherwise, the male said nothing about it and followed the mouse to his room, thanking him with a nod when Cyrus gestured him in.

The room was rather normal…Like any room in this place. He had to admit, Soren hoped to see more. Maybe it was the way Cyrus was that made the male think he decorated his room…better. But to each on its own. And he also wasn’t going to take his time and stare around the room like an enchanted princess. It would be rude and it clearly wasn’t the time for that. So, the man walked in and straight to the small table that was provided with the room, sitting down.

“Alright, come here” Now it was his turn to motion for him to step closer, opening the top of his laptop and quickly typing the password for it to unlock. The records he left open popped on the screen when it switched, “So…These are all the names and locations where the representatives were spotted. Somebody in HQ went ahead and also appointed the times and dates, and as you can see…are fairly recent. Apparently HQ members have known about this for a while, but because we are so understaffed, there really isn’t anything they can do about it. People over at the Gypsy wagon are also busy conducting a big mission which... leaves us empty handed. These people are so powerful though, that it says in one of the files that they were able to buy police records and reports so they wouldnt be proven guilty of such acts…Its…disgusting if you ask me” He rubbed a hand down his face, “Not many humans really care about us, even after many of us have stepped up…” Soren commented, clicking through some files, “I worked over at HQ for two and a half years and back then, I was assigned to a team that investigated certain areas where slave parties used for their gatherings. Thankfully I saved the records, and there are only two major locations where most activity has taken place….” He turned to the mouse, staring at his expression for a moment, “We can start there”
Listening.... He couldn't stop listening. It all interested him greatly, pacing back and forth around the table with an arm crossed and a hand on his chin. There was no way he could ever divert his attention from this, brow furrowed thoughtfully.

"We can start there."

His steps stopped him in front of the table, turning to look at the rabbit. "I've got a few questions then," Cyrus began with, lifting his hand and counting off the fingers, "One, what are these two locations? Two, how popular is the New York branch? Three, when is the auction?"

All of the emotions bubbling within his very core wanted him to do the purchasing, and then slaughter everyone. Which was a total no-no. The other idea was just charging in, guns a-blazing. Another no-no.

Then there was the part that found an odd calm and sort of clarity just by looking at the white rabbit; and the immediate plan he came up with was to scout.

A better choice, really.

“Manhattan and upstate New York. “
Soren replied, scrolling through the information, “Though all the representatives are flying to La Guardia airport, which is the closest one to Manhattan…So my guess is that they are heading to that branch. I cant really answer the last question, but one of those men took a plane there literally two hours ago. Meaning it’s soon.—“ His blue eyes moved to glance at Cyrus. “—Very soon. We have to move now, or we are going to lose her” With that, he stood up and closed the laptop. “We have to fly there now, Cyrus”
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"Losing her is not an-- Did you say fly?" the mouse cut himself off, staring up at Soren with wide eyes, "Like, right now-right now? Are we even allowed to?"

Wait, who was he to ask if something was allowed or not; he was literally considering situational murder of powerful people just a moment ago.

Rubbing his neck, the mouse raised an eyebrow. "I don't exactly think we can get a plane ticket at whatever-o'clock for an immediate flight," Cyrus admitted, "There's literally no way, no matter how persuasive you are."


"I don't exactly think we can get a plane ticket at whatever-o'clock for an immediate flight. There's literally no way, no matter how persuasive you are."

Yeah, yeah, Cyrus was right. There was absolutely no way they could plane tickets that fast. It was impossible. But if they didn’t do something, not only will Nora disappear from their radars, Gostov as well. Over his dead body was the rabbit going to let that man escape him again…He had hell waiting right at his tail and Soren was going to bring it to him. They had to fly to New York…They
HAD to. It wasn’t a matter of choice anymore.

‘Are we even allowed to?’ Cyrus’s question repeated in his head, making the man bite his lip in anxiousness. They technically weren’t…Actually, if they were to do this, there was the probability of getting kicked out of the Alliance, or worse, get in trouble with the law. So, No Cyrus, they aren’t allowed but, that was something that wasn’t going to stop Soren for doing it.

You would think a heartbreak was a very stupid reason to probably lose his job to, but his heart—HIS feelings did matter to him. Since clearly they didn’t matter to the man he gave his heart to, the least Soren could do was take care of himself. It had been his goal to capture this man and put him behind bars since the moment he backstabbed him and walked away without even looking back. That hurt…and Soren hated pain. But he also had the bad habit of holding grudges, especially when they involved his feelings. So damn right he was going to take the opportunity now.

“I know a way we can get there”—Hopefully. “Just....If you really want to rescue your sister, then quickly pack a bag and meet me in my room in ten minutes. TEN minutes, Cyrus. If you aren’t there by exactly ten minutes, I’m leaving. And you’ll probably never see me again” Soren had been walking towards the door as he spoke, closing it the moment his mouth released his last word. There just wasn’t time to explain…Hopefully this all worked. It was their last hope.

And so, Soren turned and jogged down the hall, making way to his room.
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“If you aren’t there by exactly ten minutes, I’m leaving. And you’ll probably never see me again”

That last part hurt more than he expected it to; the fear of loneliness found its way back in his throat, choking him, cutting off not only his oxygen but also his blood. Maybe it was an overreaction, but god he didn't need to hear that shortly after his episode.

Soren didn't know that, and even if he did there was no guarantee that he would've cared. He might've brushed it off as "That's pathetic" and ditch him anyways. Well, it was the mouse's fault for getting attached anyways.

With a startled gasp, he returned to present thought, eyes hurting from the swelling emotion. A minute had already passed, and he had no idea what he was to pack. Slapping his cheeks, the mouse scurried around his room, grabbing a small red backpack and tossing it onto his bed. Then came small possessions that could come in handy; wallet, passport, Swiss Army knife, a sheathed object he had yet to open since his arrival to wonderland,a set of clothes that were incredibly different from his current attire (you can probably make an educated guess as to what it is), then his little MP3 player with the flimsy headphones he liked so much, and a damn pillow. Just in case.

Even that took up quite a bit of time, now with four minutes. Slinging the bag over his shoulder, Cyrus grabbed the tool of shining black metal from its case and put it at his waist. He hurried out the door with quick and silent steps, ending up outside of Soren's door without a moment to spare.



“Took you long enough” Before Cyrus’s fist could touch the smooth face of the door, it pulled open and a hand shot out to grab the mouse’s. He was ready to go, with his bag hanging on his shoulder and his cellphone at hand. There wasn’t anything that Soren was particularly attached to in this place, so packing hasn’t been a challenge. Just some clothes, shoes, his small sketchbook, pencils and his diary.

Oh, but of course, he had to take the raven head along. That was something he had gotten attached to…Kinda…Just a tiny bit. It was only because he was related to the case, that’s all…

He closed the door and pulled the younger male along with him, walking half way down the hall before he finally released him. His pace was rather quick, taking long, hurried steps. Though when he heard somebody approach, Soren slowed down and relaxed, his face falling to that usual blank façade he was famous for…Just till that person passed, then he frowned and continued.

It didn’t stop until Soren led Cyrus down by the boats and quickly hopped inside one—It was then that his shoulders finally relaxed, turning to stare at his companion,
“Well, let’s get going. A friend of mine is going to be waiting for us at the other side” He placed his bag down and moved towards the steering wheel, turning on the machine on. “Buckle up”
They were speeding off a bit quicker than the mouse would've liked, the vessel cutting through the water like a bullet. The air was cooler that day, and his nose had already turned red from it - it stung. But it didn't take long for the boat to dock again, the duo clambering out and beginning to walk.

Cyrus had no clue where they were going - though he figured an airport or something - so imagine his surprise when Soren led him to a considerably beautiful female with blonde hair, standing with her arms crossed and her back against a car. Her fox ears were quite prominent on her head, too - at least she wasn't a cat, as Cyrus was NOT in the mood for one of them.

But, sure enough, this was their destination.


"Well, well, look who the wind brought"
Soren hopped out of the boat with a smile, strolling over to the woman who was walking in his direction. "Sienna..." "it's been a long time, I know" She chuckled, opening her arms to wrap them around the tall male, standing on her tippy toes. The hug was brief, friendly, and the two separated after a moment of embrace. "Thanks for coming" "Yeah yeah, get your ass in the car. We still need to talk" She cut him off and waved her hand towards the vehicle parked behind them, turning to glance at the quiet raven head, "Hey, guessing you are Soren's friend. Nice to meet you, 'name is Sienna"

She was a rather short woman, though a bit taller than Cyrus. Standing straight, her hair flowed down almost to her back, gracefully ruffling with the soft, sea breeze. The curious thing about her was the thick accent, understandable of course, but it made her pronounce the words in a more condensed way. "She's going to help us get to New York, Cyrus.--" Sienna raised an eyebrow and spun around, giving the rabbit that had spoke a little glare, "ah-ah! Get those bags in the car, mister! No chit-chat. You got alot to explain!" That made Soren blink and nod in understanding. She threw the keys in his direction and he snatched them off the air. "Anyways, come on mouse boy! Get in the car. We can leave introductions for later" with only a pat in the shoulder, Sienna skipped over to the driver's side, opening it and getting inside.
He had literally no idea what just happened, blinking wide eyes as Sienna made her departure. Well, she had seemed nice enough, and it wasn't unreasonable for her to want an explanation and all, but that didn't stop the flow of confusion. Still, it was amazing what Soren had accomplished in those ten minutes, seeing as how their possible ticket to New York was sitting in the driver's seat waiting for them to hurry up.

Cyrus snagged Soren's back and briefly patted the rabbit's arm before he started jogging ahead. The back door was yanked open and the mouse climbed in with the bags, leaving the passenger side for Soren. He quickly buckled in, seated in the middle so that he could easily be a part of whatever conversation ensued, and put his hands at his sides.

His nerves felt like they were gonna spark. . .


“What the hell did you get yourself involved in now, Soren?” “Look is nothing bad, I just really need you to fly us to New York” The conversation started as soon as the car begun to move, the white haired male buckling up, “New York!? That’s almost a ten hour flight. Why do you want to go there?” “It’s a long story” Her eyes half lidded in annoyance, “Then good thing the airport is not on the next block. Start talking” He sighed and leaned back on the seat, running a hand down his face. This woman…It was always like this. And the thing was, she wasn’t even asking in order to flight them there, because if that was the case, she wouldn’t be driving to the airport already. She was just asking to piss him off…Yeah, yeah that had to be it. He could see it in her eyes, even if she wasn’t looking directly at the man.

“To put it simply, we want to go rescue Cyrus’s sister. She was kidnapped by Gostov and David…” There was a pause. A long pause where he hesitated and looked out the window—Soren didn’t want to say the other reason…”—And Mr. Cat man, right?” But like always, Sienna hit the nail right in the center. She could read the man like an open book. “…Yeah…” She released a loud chuckle, side-glancing at Soren just to see that beautiful embarrassed blush he had on his cheeks. It bothered him that he couldn’t hide anything from her, “Well then, in that case, I’ll take you two. That jerk deserves some ass-whopping, ahahah!!” “Thanks Sienna” The fox woman shrugged, “Sure, as long as I don’t get involved”

Her blue eyes moved up to look at the quiet individual sitting in the back, grinning at him through the rear view mirror,
“Yo’ better kick his ass when you see him, you hear me? For hurting lil’old Soren too”
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Yo’ better kick his ass when you see him, you hear me? For hurting lil’old Soren too”

Wait. Waitwaitwait. What!? It wasn't like not knowing something about Soren kicked him in the face or anything, it was more so that it was so sudden that he was informed of this. The mouse knew now he had a ten hour flight to pester Soren over it later, so he instead nodded, returning the grin to Sienna. "You got it!" he promised brightly.

Gostov had....hurt Soren? Really? Physically, like his punch to Cyrus' face? Mentally? Emotionally? He had no idea, but now the raven was sitting in a private world of anger. Not only did the bitchy cat take his sister, but he had also apparently hurt the white haired rabbit. It pissed him off, it really did, and Cyrus had to ponder whether or not he'd kick Gostov, punch him, or outright shoot the man. A hard decision, really, but he suddenly felt it was all necessary.

The raven glanced out the window as buildings and streets whizzed past on the way to their destination.


Ugh, this woman! Why did she have to say that!? Cyrus didn’t need to know! It was too late when he shot her a glare, because she had turned her attention back to the road. He wasn’t planning on saying anything else on the matter, they were lucky Soren had remembered about Sienna’s whereabouts. And they were luckier that she happened to be a pilot who was kind of his best friend. He knew the woman wouldn’t usually do this, because even though she acted kind of…ditzy, she was careful in her work and about the things that she did. The primary reason she was now driving them to the airport, was because a long time ago, when they were on a mission together, Soren saved her ass from falling off a building after an explosion in Tokyo. So she owed him one and Soren figured this was the time for her to pay her part.

The whole way to the small airport was relatively quiet. Soren didn’t want to talk since he was afraid she would spill any more information to the mouse, and Cyrus was obviously quiet. That left Sienna, drowning the silence by putting some radio music which half of the time were pure commercials.

Finally, they arrived. Not to the public airport where tourists come and go, it was a small airport located at the other side of the city where smaller, private planes could land. The alliance had a few stationed there, including Sienna’s plane; A long, blue colored jet. They drove the car pass some gates and through the long miles of road inside the place, passing some aircrafts parked on the sides. Until they approached the familiar plane.
“Here we are boys!” The car stopped, turning off a few meters away from the giant bird. It was protocol, they had to leave other vehicles some distance away from the planes. She yanked the keys out and hopped out of the car, taking a deep breath. “Alright, you two can go ahead and get inside this baby. I’ll go get the keys. You can open the door by turning the red lever besides it” With that, she skipped away towards the building, leaving the two males.

Soren nodded and started taking out their bags, handing Cyrus his own,
“Ready?” He gave the raven head a little smile, motioning towards the plane with his head.
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The drive had passed in as much of a blur as the scenery, Cyrus remaining silent the entire way. It was nice to listen to something other than his own music for once - even though it was still music. Soon they arrived at their final destination, the mouse's eyes widening as he would stare, mouth agape at the blue plane. Suddenly he was wishing he had his own plane. Sienna sent the two off and he clambered out of the car, accepting his red bag from the rabbit.


He grinned in response, nodding his head as he slung the backpack over his shoulder. "You betcha. Want to hold hands and skip there?" he joked, barking a quick laugh before taking the lead towards the plane. Really, Cyrus felt like a total badass as he approached, swinging his arm as if the main slo-mo protagonist on his way to the final boss.

Reaching it first, the raven was fortunate enough to do the honors and open the plane; it was the most exciting thing ever, no joke. He'd have to tell Nora about it later.

Cyrus waved inside dramatically, bowing his torso. "After you, my lord~"

Soren almost rolled his eyes at Cyrus’s silly remark, but he didn’t, because Soren just came to accept that…Well…That was who Cyrus was. So instead, he said a simple “Thanks” And stepped inside the plane. The man had been in a few like this, so it wasn’t anything too new or exciting. He had even jumped out of planes, so yeah…Riding one was just like riding a taxi down the boulevard. He walked down the long aisle seats and finally stopped by a pair that weren't too far in the back, nor too far from the front—Right in the middle. It wasn’t going to be his seat for the whole ride either way, since eventually, Soren would have to move over to the pilot’s chamber and be of company to Sienna. Her co-pilot in case she wanted to get up to pee and stuff.

But for now, he’ll sit with Cyrus until the plane was up in the air.

The rabbit leaned down to pick up their bags, shoving them inside the compartments above the seats. Once they were all in there, Soren scurried in their set of seats and sat down by the window, looking up at Cyrus, “…And now to wait”
Ah, waiting. Waiting. Waiting was fun. Seating himself beside the rabbit, Cyrus kicked his legs out in that anxious type of way people do when they can't do anything else. It was a sort of bad habit, really, but he was far from caring. There were so many things on his mind - mostly intruding questions and such on Soren's personal life - but he figured that if he were to interrogate the hell out of the man, the mouse would also have to go over his life story.

So no thank you. Kinda.

Eventually, he stopped his swinging legs and tilted his head back, staring up at the ceiling over their heads. A ten hour flight awaited them, and it was starting to suck that he couldn't teleport across the world or something. If only he had gone to work searching instead of writing letters that instant he got back to the base, maybe they could've figured this out sooner. But maybe not, and he'd be stuck and frustrated.

Cyrus allowed his hands to clench into fists in his lap, head lowering to look at them like they were the most damn interesting things on the planet. "Thank you, Soren," the raven ended up saying.

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