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The Alliance - (Closed. Private)


"Thank you, Soren”

“……?” He frowned down at Cyrus at the sound of those words, blinking at him with a questioning stare. Why was Cyrus thanking him? Was the question that passed through his head for a second. But I mean—The lead, the plan, the plane, he had practically volunteered to help rescue his sister even though Soren had his own reason behind it and probably wouldn’t have considered it if it didn’t involve Gostov (Takes a deep breath) Yeah, Soren guessed he did deserve the thanks, “Don’t worry about it” But he wasn’t that much of an asshole to rub it in his face, instead, he placed a hand over one of those tight fists on the raven head’s lap, giving it a small pat, “Just relax for now”

“Alright! I got the keys—Where did yall go?
” Sienna cheerfully hopped in the plane and placed a hand above her eyes, looking around for a moment as if she was trying to spot some secret island in the distance or something. “Ah! There you are! You gonna hang back there, Soren-boo?” She purred, twirling the keys on her index finger, “For a while yeah, you can go ahead” “Fine, fine” She waved one of her hands and rolled her eyes, heading towards the pilot’s chamber.

The rabbit chuckled, staring out the window. Some of the airport crew had come out of the building to help prepare for their departure. Two men were already pulling away the long ladder-like stairs that they used to climb aboard. They were all wearing orange vests and had protective gear over their ears. Then, the plane’s engines fired on and the big turbines under the wings begun to spin.

Soren turned back to stare at Cyrus; “We can watch a movie if you want…we have ten hours, you know”
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Ten hours to kill indeed...

Feeling a wee bit sly, Cyrus nodded his head. "Sounds good to me," he agreed lightly, "What kind of movies do you like?"

Okay, he had a plan or three for their long flight; and he had to manage it in less than ten hours, since he figured he'd take a nap and Soren would go up with his foxy friend (aha jokes). He was going to make a friend out of Soren - and kind of screw himself over by undoubtedly falling head over god damn heels for the man - even if it killed him. So, he was going to ask all the childish things of his likes and dislikes, because it was a fool proof plan. Eventually, yes, he'd ask about Gostov and, yes, if need be he would reveal his own little story.

It was strange, really, how little resistance to the thought he felt. But if you sleep all cuddled up with someone (and like Cyrus) you're bound to trust them more easily; sleeping, you are at your weakest.

And he knew that for sure.

The mouse fixed his collar and sleeves, kind of a habit that he had developed after his "recovery" from the first time. It was done thoughtlessly, before his focus would be on patting the seatbelt around his waist. Yay safety.
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"Sounds good to me. What kind of movies do you like?"

“Hm…Action…Mystery…some Romance once in a while” He chuckled at that, shrugging carelessly.

Beep“Alrightttttt children, welcome aboard Blue Sky!!! If you look out your window, you will notice that we started moving! Please buckle up until we are up in the air and turn off any electronic stuff. This is your captain, Sienna speaking ♥ Oh, and if you are going to eat, don’t spill anything! Cuz I don’t want to be cleaning up after you kids” Beep.

Soren blinked, his eyes half closing. Ugh that woman, what was he going to do with her? But indeed they were moving. He glanced out the window, seeing the small airport building becoming littler and littler with the distance. Guess it was time to get comfy.

The plane moved over to the end of the track, positioning itself right in the middle of it. It stopped, and Soren guessed this was the part when Sienna double checked with the control tower to see if it was safe to continue. “…You know…Can I tell you something?” The man swallowed, gripping the seat’s handle a little bit tighter, “…I really hate this part”—Everytime. The feeling of their bodies zooming up in the air was just horrendous. Something the rabbit could never get used to.

Beep—“Got permission to depart. Here weeee gooooo~” Beep.

Then it moved again, with much speed this time. Each passing second that the plane rode across the long road, it got faster…and faster…and faster! Soren already felt the butterflies forming in his stomach. “Shit…” The airplane shook with speed, its engines roaring in his ears that fell flat against his head and then he couldn’t help but squeeze his eyes shut when the giant, metal bird finally ripped through the gravity and launched away to the skies.
Well, he wasn't like Soren when it came to take off - though he found the roar extremely unpleasant, and the rise to send his stomach into a cartwheel and all - because once they started tilting back to rise away from the earth, the mouse had to fight off the temptation to lift his arms over his head. No, seriously, every part of him demanded that he cackle with laughter, and it took all of his willpower not to. Higher and higher the razor-like bird rose, cutting through the winds, the currents, and eventually the clouds. Glancing over to his side, Cyrus saw the man's discomfort and couldn't help but to smile softly.

He's not all badass... Was the one thought that graced his mind.

Hoping he wouldn't cause Soren to leap from his seat, the mouse put his hands on the tense one closest to him; one of his smaller hands held onto Soren's and the other did little taps and pats, and traced small lines in a rhythmic way. He even started to hum, not so loudly that it was obnoxious or annoying, but loud enough - and clear enough - to be heard over the plane's humming. It sounded like some classical piece, one that was gentle and with a nice tempo. His head swayed with the beat, his fingers drumming against the rabbit's skin.

It had initially been to comfort the other, but now it just felt natural to do.



Soren didn’t expect Cyrus to do that. Usually, when he dared to tell somebody of his discomfort, the person told him to just relax, that everything was going to be ok....Thats it. He had to close his eyes and take a deep breath, forcing his mind to not concentrate on the loud sound that the engines made as the plane increase in altitude. It was that part, just that part that always freaked him out. But never has somebody actually bothered to take a hold of his hand like that. Nor to stroke it like that, nor to stare at him like that and hum a melody so that he could focus on it instead of that other sound. The feeling made his heart make a big jump. Of course, the rabbit associated it with his fear and not because of the real reason.

“Hmmm~ ♪ Hmm-hmm ♪ Hmmm~ “

Soren closed his eyes, unconsciously leaning towards the mouse a little more to hear his hums better. They were the only comfort he had right now. And he stayed like until the plane finally reached enough altitude for the seatbelt sign to blink off.

Beep—“How you two doing back there? We made it! We are now 40,000 feet in the air. You can walk around unless I turn on the belt sign ok? Oh and the TV should turn on now, so you can watch movies. Have fun!”—Beep

It was then that Soren’s eyes slowly cracked open, his shoulders and grip relaxing, “…….” So much for trying to hide his little fear from the mouse. How embarrassing… “Sorry about that” The man mumbled, looking away for a moment, “It’s ok now” You could tell Soren didn't do this very often. He was at a loss of words. Maybe a little bit too flustered for his liking.
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"It's ok now."

Too bad, because he suddenly found an interest in the rabbit's hands. "Dude..." he muttered with a soft voice, eyes a bit wide as he just played with the hand, holding onto the fingers individually, thumbs running against the palm, "Do you moisturize your hands are something? They're soft, and like really warm.."

He knew his own hands were cooler to the touch - his circulation wasn't so great, something he got from his old man - and by no means we're his hands smooth or soft or anything like it. Just like the rest of him, they were heavily scarred and marked, but had faded enough over time to not be easily seen; just lines of white coarsing through his skin.

//yay shortness


Ok, this time, Soren couldn’t hold back his blush. It surprised him when Cyrus started to touch his hand like that, pointing out the softness of it. He let him hold it and stroke it for a few seconds more before he slowly pulled it away from his hands, chuckling “I uh…Yes, I do. I rub some cream on them after my showers…” His blue eyes blinked away, tucking some of his white locks of hair behind an ear. Cyrus must think he’s some girly diva or something now. Was it bad that he had soft hands?...Judging from the raven head’s expression, it wasn’t, but at the same time, it made him feel a little bit weird. Surely, there were other guys with soft hands, right?

“…Anyways, would you like to pick a movie?” Better to stray away from that subject. Instead, he focused on the screen in front of Cyrus’s seat and touched it. “Here is the list of movies”
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Did he overly invade personal space? Probably; that was a thing he seemed to have a special ability for. The moment to apologize had passed, and either way it seemed like Soren wanted to change the subject. Shame, the mouse didn't mind just holding that larger, warmer hand. "Um..."

So, movies...

He caught sight of one that sparked his interest, amber eyes lighting up a storm. The mouse gave Soren's arm a few excited pats, bouncing in his seat. "Ooh!" Cyrus exclaimed, pointing at some samurai movie, "Soren, can we watch that?? It'll be fun!" To prove his point, he waved his hands in front of him as if he was holding a sword - or a lightsaber, who knows - either way, it was actually elegant, as if he had waved the classroom meter stick around like a sword hundreds of times before.

The raven even went so far as to make "whooshing" noises, stuck in an imaginary battle of his own that had his tail up and jolting with every sword-swipe.

You know, Soren was experiencing new things with this man lately. He’s never seen somebody get THAT excited about a samurai movie…ever. It was…cute, but it made the man blink in surprise when Cyrus waved that invisible sword around and made those whooshing noises. Jeez…how old was he? Though he let out a yelp when Cyrus’s tail suddenly smacked his hand by accident, and holy shit did that hurt! Like a thin whip lashing his skin. “Al-alright, alright—Ahaha!” Silly, just silly. Sometimes he was too much. The small sting from the hit quickly faded, and Soren reached towards the screen to click on the movie. “You want me to go get snacks? I know Sienna keeps some in the back” He felt strange doing this. You know, watching movies and eating snacks when they were about to go on a serious mission. But what could they do? They were stuck in a plane for ten hours…Might as well do something fun to pass the time.
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"You want me to go get snacks? I know Sienna keeps some in the back."

He was on his feet in the aisle, crouched with a serious expression on his face. The blade of his sword was directed in front of him with "refined precision", tail steadying itself as if he was some big animal stalking prey. "Go for it," Cyrus replied in a hush tone, "I've got your back." Again trying to prove his point, he swung the sword up and down in front of him. If need be, should he be disarmed, he'd resort to practiced karate chops and kicks; aka spastic flailing of limbs. Same thing, except pulled off by some deeply mouse kid that attacked like he was thirteen instead of, you know, a whole decade older than that.

Whatever. Samurais were cooler than him, it was fine.

“Alright there, Mr. Mighty Samurai. Guard my seat for me in case a big, bad enemy tries to take it” No, seriously, how old was he? Soren walked to the back as he lowly laughed to himself, pushing some blue curtains aside. There was a small kitchen at the back of the plane, nothing too exciting. He was sure Sienna didn’t even use it, since the woman…Did she even cook? He’s never seen her even step inside a kitchen to LOOK for food…did she eat?

Shaking his head to forget the unnecessary thoughts, Soren focused on what he came to do. Snacks. Some Doritos, a couple of sodas and Oreos. Was that good enough? Soren thought so. The rabbit nodded to himself and went back to the seat, finding Cyrus still guarding it with his life. “Thanks for taking care of my spot” He said, slipping inside and flopping back down again. “Now come here, a Samurai has to eat too”
Carefully, caaaaaarefuuullyyyyy, the mighty Samurai backed up towards the seating, tumbling into his designated spot once the back of his legs came into contact with the chair's arm. His sword went flying into the unknown and his tail finally decided to relax. In a graceful heap against the upholstered seat, he looked mildly content with his body a lump and his limbs all splayed everywhere. The rabbit's side was safe from spill of Cyrus, luckily, so no accidental punches/kicks to the face. Which is always good.

Of course, even though there was still movie to be watched, the mouse became dramatic, a band against his forehead. "My lord..." he huffed heavily, a strained expression on his face, "I... I had sustained damage while you were away... I won't make it.."

Those amber orbs had also taken on a dying light, focusing on Soren as if it was the only thing he ever wanted to see. "M-may you live long...and continue to believe--" Gasp. "--in my sword..." His hand had raised, trembled as it reached for that smooth face. But with a dying breath, the great Samuari let his arm fall, dangling over the edge of the seat - his eyes closed and his tail went lip, the only "joking" sign to it all was the tongue hanging from his mouth.

Soren had watched Cyrus’s whole act with great interest, actually letting his attention stray away from the movie, because one was happening right before his eyes. Apparently he had his own Samurai warrior now…And apparently he was a lord. My, it was like being in their own movie. Too bad that the beloved Samurai was dying before his eyes now and had completely left his bag of snacks abandoned on the side of his seat. “…May my brave, loyal Samurai rest in peace. It’s too bad I’ll never get to confess my undying, secret, forbidden love to him” Soren swept up the abandoned bag and took out some chips, throwing them in his mouth.

Munch, munch, munch… “Shame…” He then turned back and continued watching the movie with half lidded eyes.
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"WoahwoahwoahwoahwoAHWOAH--" The mouse was flailing in an instant, trying to accomplish many things at once; one of which was to get his chips back, because we all know how mice feel about chips. Well, main reason (that he'll never say out loud) was that he wanted to grab that beautiful man by the shoulders, shake him like a doll and get him to confess his undying love. For the sake of the ship- I mean chips. Chips.

The tail was curled unhappily, Cyrus watching as his poor chips were devoured before his very alive eyes. So, he did what any adult did and nabbed whatever remained of Soren's own chips, leaning far to the opposite side of his seat with the prize. A totally not fair trade since his chips were in someone else's hands. Maybe he could get twice the amount of chips...

"My lord, I have returned from the dead, summoned by the very energy of your feelings so that I may make sweet love to you beneath the Sakura tree--"

All of it was said with an indifferent and rather bratty tone - his chips had just been stolen for Chrissake! - up until the end where he snorted on accident. Covering his nose and mouth, the raven tried not to cackle so loudly, just on the off chance that Mr. Soren Lord Sir was engrossed in the movie.


"My lord, I have returned from the dead, summoned by the very energy of your feelings so that I may make sweet love to you beneath the Sakura tree--"

“--Make sweet love to me? Who said anything about sweet love making?” Yeah, Soren was concentrated on the movie, even if Cyrus snatched HIS chips as a punishment for taking his own. But it was Cyrus’s last statement that made him turn his head and stare at the mouse with widen eyes. His expression was rather amused, a small grin on his lips, “Am I understanding right, Mr. Cyrus Clifford, that you came back to life with the hopes of having sex with me?” Because, that’s what Soren understood. He never mentioned anything about the matter, so it was totally Cyrus’s idea here.

Soren clicked his tongue and leaned his chin on the palm of his hand, staring him with an expression that said, ‘Well?’ Waiting for an answer. Oh he could be teasing when he wanted to, and this seemed like such a good opportunity.

This should be interesting.
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Cyrus was so close to falling out of his seat, clinging to the arm as if it was his lifeline. "You said that you never had the chance to confess your undying, secret love for me!" he countered, voice a bit more shrill from contained laughter and mild embarrassment than he would've liked, "I obviously heard that from the spirit world and everyone knows that after a moment like that, you gotta do the do - the good ol' frickle frack."

Plus the statement had been done sarcastically; a continuation of the Samurai joke. If the rabbit really did miss that and took it literally, then it was Cyrus that was going to get a kick out of this.

But he had to not die first. That took a bit more priority.

Still, he had give something of an answer to that last question; "Look in a mirror sometime, sweetheart," the mouse teased, "Frankly, anyone would want to have sex with you so, even if I did, I wouldn't be the only one."

“Do the do - the good ol' frickle frack.” His lips curled inwards to kind of TRY to suppress his incoming laughter, but Soren failed in doing so. He laughed way harder than he would have liked, slapping a hand to his mouth. “Cyrus—Haha!” He wanted to speak, to comment on how hilariously adorable that had sounded, but Soren couldn’t. frickle…frack…FRICKLE FRACK? What kind of adult refers to intercourse as frickle frack? It was beyond his understanding, but it had been beautiful.

“Oh Cyrus, you are killing me” He didn’t know what it was…Maybe he became soft when he was around the mouse. Or maybe it was because they slept together? Some people say that when two people sleep besides each other, their soul bounds and they become closer. Soren stopped believing that when Gostov betrayed him. They slept many nights together, besides each other, but their souls never found that connection. Perhaps his own already knew how dark and twisted Gostov’s was, but because he had been so in love, Soren failed to pick up the message.

But he certainly felt more comfortable with Cyrus.

When his laughter died out, Soren let out a sigh and patted him on the shoulder, "What am I going to do with you?”
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"What am I going to do with you?"

Good question, and he could come up with a few brilliant responses. The mouse secured himself back in his seat, reaching over and exchanging chip bags so that his own was back in his possession; it didn't matter who had whose chips, it was more about 'mine' and such. Kicking his feet out in front of him, tapping the shoes together. "Well," Cyrus started with, "I heard I'm a good drinking partner, so there's always that."

Grinning, he gestured to the running movie. "A horrible movie buddy though," he admitted lightly. Leaning back with his hands clasped in his lap, he forgot all sense of conversation. What now, though? The movie had yet to finish, and he didn't want to interrupt it all that much anymore.

“A horrible movie buddy? We just acted out THE whole movie. I think that was pretty great” The man chuckled, taking a moment to slide open the window and take a peek outside. The view was pretty nice, miles and miles of ocean with a few islands here and there. Everything seemed to be ok, so he just closed it again and turned back to the movie.

They were silent for a long time, eyes glued on the screen. Sienna turned on the seat belt sign in once occasion when they got mild turbulence, but otherwise, the flight was going smoothly. Soren thought for a moment how hilarious it would be if they watched like 8-9 movies straight so the whole way would seem shorter. Movies were about 1 and a half to two hours long right? Like a movie marathon or something—Of course, that was just a silly idea that he never suggested. They couldn’t waste all of their time on movies.

Credits finally flashed on the screen, along with the movie’s title and some cheesy victory song. It had been OK, not a movie he would re-watch definitely. But certainly entertaining for a while. The man leaned forwards and exited out of the credit screen, switching back to the movie catalog. “It was very good, thanks for the recommendation” Soren smiled, glancing at his companion besides him.
But Cyrus seemed...disappointed, arms crossed over his chest and a pout on his face. "It was good, yeah," he agreed, soon shaking his head and locks of black around his face, "but they shouldn't have been all upfront about the guy's brother being the one to kill the emperor, they should've kept it secret so that you don't have a clue!" His top arm uncrossed so that he could wave the hand thoughtfully. "Maybe then I would've suspected Snape-san even more."

'Snape-san' had been the dark and menacing character - a war general, actually - that had the whole Professor Snape-like traitor air to him. He was supposed to pose as the main villain, wrongfully accused by both the main protagonist and the watcher.

Cyrus-sama was displeased.

But the raven looked over at Soren, grinning from ear to ear. "My sword fight was cooler than that first one, though!" he joked, leaning against the rabbit, "Come oooon, admit that you totally fell for my sword skills~"

Soren raised an eyebrow, staring down at Cyrus with a little smile of his own. But he didn’t say anything, instead, the man unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. “I’m going to go check on Sienna. See if she needs something. Excuse me, please” Maybe Soren should consider switching to the outer seat because he was going to be getting up a lot to check on her. It WAS ten hours. He didn’t expect Sienna to fly for ten hours, maybe she’ll have him take over in a bit.

Once Cyrus stood and stepped into the aisle, the rabbit slipped out and fixed his vest, dusting away any crumbs on his clothes after eating all those snacks. “I’ll be right back” Soren knew, of course, that he still had something to comment on. So before Cyrus could sit down again, the man took a hold of his arm and stepped towards the mouse, leaning down and placing a hand around Cyrus’s ears as if he was going to tell him a secret, “But if I admit I fell for your sword skills, we’ll have to make love in this plane and I don’t think that’s very romantic” Was his whisper.

Soren chuckled, turning around and walking down to the pilot’s chamber. He was still smiling by the time he got there, but the other Soren in his head narrowed his eyes and inwardly growled at his behavior. Had that been too inappropriate? Perhaps he shouldn’t have said that….

“Hey, how are you doing?”
He fell back into his seat, sitting there for a moment with no change to his being for the first few seconds. Hands flew up to his face, smacking against his cheeks as literally everything about him seared like a frying pan, redder than a slice of tuna sashimi. Was he hot? Yes, he was very hot; there was no stopping his hotness. Cyrus could've sworn that his own little jokes and comments were nowhere NEAR the coolness and fluidity of Soren's.

Dying... He was dying... Kill him please, he was going to die. The mouse's tail was curled heavily around his leg now, wanting to flail around from his being a flustered mess; his ears were quivering a bit too, trying to hide themselves in his hair.

While Soren was gone, however, he climbed onto his seat and reached for the compartments, wanting to die with his pillow at the very least.


“Hey, how are you doing?”

“……………” Soren’s eyes widened and ears perked when they fell on the woman. Her head rolled to the side lazily, crackers shoved in her mouth. There was a tablet in her lap with a paused movie and ears phones that she slowly removed when the rabbit stepped inside the room. “Soren! Hey, what’s up, need me for anything?” His eyes moved from sienna’s feet that were propped up on the control board, to the soda that she was drinking, to the steering wheel moving from side to side by itself, to her face—“I always forget these things have autopilot” She smirked at his comment, putting the things aside to take a stand and stretch her arms up, tail flicking playfully, “Scared ya? I just have to watch it. It’s pretty much a straight line for like three hundred miles” Sienna shrugged, going over to him, “So what’s up, pretty boy? How is ya little mouse friend holding?” “We just watched a movie. I wanted to check up on you” He flinched when the woman suddenly gasped, slapping a hand to her chest dramatically, “What a gentleman. But i'm ok, if I need you take over, I’ll go get you”

“You sure you don’t need anything?”
Was his last question, but Sienna just dismissed him with a wave of hand, going back to her own television series. Guess she was ok.

The white haired male exited to the main hall again, walking back to Cyrus, who he found hugging a pillow. “Do you mind if we switch seats? I’m going to get up every hours or so and I don’t want to bother you” Soren asked, “Everything is going smoothly by the way”

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Do you mind if we switch seats? I’m going to get up every hours or so and I don’t want to bother you”

He didn't want to move, he just wanted to keep screaming to himself for no reason. In the end, grumbling to himself the mouse slid out of the seat, dragging his pillow with him as he moved to the window instead. Despite Soren having left the seat empty for a while, it was still considerably warm, so the raven had to resist the urge to curl up into a little ball.

Everything was going smoothly. Good, awesome. Great.

With his pillow in his lap, Cyrus peered through the window with wide eyes. It was a wonderful sight, seeing the shadow of the metal bird waving over the rolling, bumpy clouds. There were some open pockets in the white, allowing a view of green earth that soon - finally - broke into deep blue. "Woah..." he breathed quietly, grip tightening on the pillow unconsciously. He liked flying, really, because he got to see everything from an amazing height.

“You like the view?”
Soren figured Cyrus would. The switch didn’t seem so bad now, huh? It certainly was a very pretty day for flying, and if he could, he would grab a parachute and sky dive all the way down there. It was beyond his knowledge why Soren could do THAT, but couldn’t take the feeling of the plane taking off. Maybe he liked going down better than up, who knows.

He slightly smiled and sat down, getting comfy in his new seat again. “Have you ever sky-dived before?” Soren asked, peeking out of the window over the mouse’s shoulder, “It’s a really unique experience, and on days like these, the view is amazing” A small sigh escaped his lips, and he sat back, relaxing his shoulders. The plane was so quiet—It literally was only them and it was kind of nice. Relieving in a way.
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