The Aether Chronicles

Elaine will eat him for breakfast. And not even as a main dish, like... as jam for her toast.

Don't insult him like that! He won't just be chewed up and spit out like some...Well...I...

He's not cute!
-shrug- I dunno, I'm not watching the CS thread.

Uuuugh I have to do a writing sample uuuugggghhhhhhh

//whines but does it anyways
Pentagon said:
EDIT: Just to clarify, when you say flintlocks/muskets you mean actual flintlock muskets, ie smoothbore, muzzle-loaded with ball and powder, and ignited by an actual flintlock mechanism, right?. I only ask because Rose Haverthorn looks to have a rifled, what looks to be a double action, in-line cap and ball pistol
yo dawg I heard you like edits, so I put an edit in your edit: Apparently I missed the fact that the pistol in question is steam-powered. What does steam do in the pistol? Does it act as a propulsion system, or does it work some sort of mechanism that could not be just powered by recoil?
Sorry. Just now read your question. Stupid site hasn't been updating me consistently. Anyway, that's my thought, that steam is the propulsion. I've always understood steam powered guns in Steampunk to be powered with small canisters of compressed steam, kind of like how a paintball gun uses CO2 to fire the paintballs.

And if this isn't a usual thing, @Atom, I can figure out some way for her to have obtained it / built it in her first post. Maybe a gift from Granny.
I'm operating off rule of fantasy meaning stuff works because this is a fantasy world and such
Pentagon said:
That... that's not quite what steam is. They also have a thing that is just compressed air, but it is not hot:
I will assume it is something like that. fantasy includes steam-powered everything? I honestly wasn't putting too much thought into describing how the pistol worked. It was a gun that looked steampunk-ish, and I knew it needed to function in a steampunk-ish way, so I just kinda went with that. Sorry. I tend to write my fantasy bits with "MAGIC!" as an explanation and call it good. The integrity and quality of the narrative itself is usually more my concern.
Oh yeah for sure: sorry, I am doing my best to not be an over-analytical asshat, but its hard. I get it though, I understand that steampunk needs to have magical steam engines, and if that is your explanation I am ok with it. Can my character use a gun that makes sense though? Just for my sanity?
Elaine is up, and she's delightfully barely-not-evil.
Soooo, my character idea split in half...

I now have a "Gentleman Pirate" called Dianne the Greywolf, and she's fabulously theatrical and over the top., and an unnamed male Sky Knight who is for all purposes, a butcher on the right side of the law.

I'm gonna do Dianne first though, because she's a slight rehash of an older character so she'll be quick, and because I want to play her more, because she's fan-fucking-tastic.
Oh my gawd Marko Pelko *bawling laughter* poor Erik is going to have a tough time dealing with everyone oh my gawwwwwd xD poor dude just wants to be alone with his condor but I have a feeling thats NOT gonna happen
Amityvillager said:
So I'm pretty excited for this to start back up. And everyone's characters are really interesting so far~ (:3)
I know right!? How do you think I feel? xD
I'm really liking forward to seeing Rose interact with Cyrus. The prodigy and the mad scientist. Should be lots of fun.

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