The Aether Chronicles

lol omg so I guess so far we're dealing with a cast of mostly ladies? I dig, I dig, I could pull out a male character of mine and play an pilot/captain character.
My CS is on the way, and you'll love it! Buwhahahaha!

It won't be the best, but you'll love it cause it's a personal, special character made with extreme amounts of passion and love just for your roleplay!

And It'll be a guy, and not a trap this time, so you'll have that! HAhahahnyhaufufaa!
I mean, my Witches RP is designed around a mostly female cast, so I'm not bothered. I might also play two characters, because I had a blast making Stork. He was the helicopter pirate for a group of terrorists in a superpower rp.

"... I'm here for the dental insurance and paid vacations."

Tagging @Giyari for potential lolz.
I'm so excited o

Last time I ran this it wasn't Active

Also roo I can't see your image
Well I wrote up the summary for my organization

Now I just need the island

Then I can work on my character!
I know

she uploaded them rather than link so I'm about to go and re add them all manually.
Sorry. I never link. I usually download the pictures that I want and sometimes crop them or re-size them before uploading them back to RpN.
Kharmin said:
Sorry. I never link. I usually download the pictures that I want and sometimes crop them or re-size them before uploading them back to RpN.
I do that, then upload to imgur

It helps

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