The Aether Chronicles

Kharmin said:
Sorry. I never link. I usually download the pictures that I want and sometimes crop them or re-size them before uploading them back to RpN.
If you're looking for somewhere really good to up pictures to, I hiiiighly recommend

It's like photobucket, but with zero guff and useless shit. Clean, simple, fast loading. I swear by it!
Thanks to both of you. I've not really had any issues before with my process until now, and I think that's because I sent them to Atom in a PM and they didn't transfer well when he copied/pasted the CS.

Ah, Atom got them in there now. Kudos, Atom!
Yes it's just cause of how we did it.

An attached image is put into a post with a code like regular images. If your post lacks the actual attachment then the code does nothing.
Thanks, again.

So, how many RPers did you want for this before things got started? What's the game plan? Whom do we kill.... er, I mean meet ... first?
I'll try and start tonight maybe after I get my two characters created.

Or tomorrow.
So what's the technology level of this RP? I see airships that I would compare to WWII era ships in the descriptions, is that a kind of indication of what everything's like?
I was interpreting things as Steampunk-ish due to the steam machines I'd read about as well as steam-powered weapons I thought I recalled reading? Anyway, that's kinda where I got my character stuff from.
Yeah, I was kind of wondering that as well. My character is themes around the Sky Knights, so I made him a tiny bit more medieval styled, using a spear and such.
Indeed. My asking was because it could be Steampunk as in Victorian style, a more modern WWI(I) style, or even a "Final Fantasy"-esque fantasy style. Gotta know these things in case I accidentally arm my character with a broadsword, only to have them mown down by a machine gun, or indeed the other way around... A Machine gun vs a Sword and shield wielding knight :P
Yeah, my character is sort of going for a Final Fantasy-Esque steampunk thing, as the roleplay seemed kind of like that.
Weapon tech wise

The highest are single shots

Like flintlocks or muskets

No MGs

But those aren't reeeaaalllllyyyy that common. I mean everyone can have one if they like but it's only one.

Otherwise it's melee weaponry. And weapons can have little gadgety additions like Octavia Who has a spear that opens into a Trident when a lever is pulled.

Also @Kharmin you gave me my five hundredth like ^-^
I have a few questions about technology, I don't think I saw an answer around, but please forgive me if this is redundant.

What are engines like in the world? What do they use for fuel, and from where does the fuel come? I assume coal, but I could be wrong, seeing as gyrocopters seem too small to accomodate a coal-burning steam engine.

If things are modeled after galleons, does that mean that many ships use wind power to navigate, and have some way of simulating a keel in the skies? Also, are many airships designed to be seaworthy, or do they spend most/all of their time in the skies?

EDIT: Just to clarify, when you say flintlocks/muskets you mean actual flintlock muskets, ie smoothbore, muzzle-loaded with ball and powder, and ignited by an actual flintlock mechanism, right?. I only ask because Rose Haverthorn looks to have a rifled, what looks to be a double action, in-line cap and ball pistol

yo dawg I heard you like edits, so I put an edit in your edit: Apparently I missed the fact that the pistol in question is steam-powered. What does steam do in the pistol? Does it act as a propulsion system, or does it work some sort of mechanism that could not be just powered by recoil?
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I seriously can't decide between Stork and Elaine.

Stork, I think, would be a pretty chill freighter pilot who just wants to make money at the end of the day and get wasted, maybe save up enough to get himself one of them fancy lightweight one-man superfast ships (aka he wants a steampunk equivalent of a fighterjet because gotta go fass). He DOES like thrills.

Elaine would be a a former (maybe currently active?) marauder, doing her part in taking down her father, who is a notorious marauder himself. For her, right and wrong is less about good and evil, and more about "does this help my old man or hurt him". Also I would be using that kickass picture of the white-haired lady with the fancy coat and sword.
welian said:
Gah! There's only one profile up last time I looked xD So the RP is so fresh and new, that I can't just be lazy and make the character that no one else seems to have made yet. Or rather, that's what I'll end up doing, because a lot of characters haven't been made yet... Wow, that turned into a koan, lol.
And yes, I will! I'm working on @Zahzi right now.
Waaaat you waaaaaaaant?
I think I'm going to play some entry-level Cielo Scuto captain with a hard-line utilitarian bent and a fair knowledge of military affairs. Do any of you have characters that would have cause to know such a captain?
My character has just graduated the academy for Cielo Scuto, and his father is a high-ranking member.
I'm working on a reformed pirate come Privateer, was in it for the money and notoriety, decided to pack it in when things got a little too bloodthirsty. As an apology and repentance for their crimes, they became a privateer and now work with the sky knights to take out the marauders. They're still kind of in it for the notoriety and money, just they now have the moral high ground and aren't getting hunted by the knights any more. Also I say "they" because I donno if they're male of female yet.... Though looking at the balance of sexes in the accepted characters so far, I'm thinking male

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