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Fantasy The Adept

Llywelyn yawned, breaking the silence of night along with the crackling of his campfire. He had been traveling for some days in the company of a caravan of peddlers from Hasa like himself, making way for Banswara to trade their exotic goods. They had already crossed the kingdom's borders and were camping in a small clearing in the nearby woods. For the time, he was on watch duty, keeping an eye out for bandits or other miscreants who would steal from the peddlers. He couldn't sleep in peace anyway as he was put off ease after learning of recent events.

Earlier there had been discussion between some of the merchants regarding events in the city. The kingdom had began mustering Adept forces and soldiers a few days back in preparation of war. Though he had fought for most of his life, Llywelyn cringed at the thought of a full blown war spanning the continent. However, the tension he felt stemmed from more than just gossip.

The night was far too quiet. At this time, the nocturnal fauna would normally have made their presence known long ago, but their cries unaturally far and few in between. The air was heavy with the scent of smoke, and not just from the direction his own campfire. Llywelyn muddled over his thoughts. Maybe there was a wildfire recently, it would certainly explain the present circumstances. But if by any chance a person was responsible, this could spell out trouble... He sighed deeply I hope I'm just overthinking things.
"One final word of advise," Thomas replied, finishing his drink. "Be less eager. I had the same mindset during my first mission and that nearly cause me to botch the whole thing. Admittedly I was a lot younger then, but the point still stands. I don't know what kind of training you have had in this department, but remember that the mission comes before all else. That includes desire to prove yourself."

@Ch3rryBlossom28 @Ronin Ezekiel


"You get your own personal workshop, any material you need, a reliable food supply, comfortable bedding, sanctuary, and good favor among me and my allies," the king replied. "And, of course, you stay out of prison."

Eleonora nodded in response. "As nice as that sounds, I must decline. I shall not have my skills used for war." She said rather sternly. Imprisonment wouldn't be bad and eventually this king would either get tired of her being down there and kill her..or war would be over and something would be decided from there; either way she wasn't going to be involved in the nonsense that was war. Eleonora let pout a soft sigh as her mind drifted from her situation and to Axel. She wondered if he had gotten her letter yet or if he was even alive. The thought of Axel dead caused a painful twist in her chest, but she showed no outward signs that she was sad or in pain. Surely that man is too stubborn to die.. She thought to herself with a small chuckle.


Eleonora's dove flew high above the sky, her letter tightly secured onto the back of the bird. Eventually after getting lost then finding it's way again, the bird found where it's master had told it to go. The dove flew to a man's side and landed on his shoulder, cooing softly to get his attention. The dove would be slightly coated in black from the gun power in air.

"Your time is up," someone informed Thomas and Aurora. "I know Ethan isn't here yet, but time is of the essence. Please continue towards victory."

Thomas mounted his horse without a word and started heading out. He didn't look back, almost forgetting that Aurora was with him. He always went on solo missions in the past, after all.

(@Ronin Ezekiel has not been online for several days, so we will move on and hope he returns soon) @Ch3rryBlossom28


"I am sorry to here that," the king said. "I will never understand why the inventor of the most deadly weapon in existence will not fight herself. Don't expect your stay to be pleasant, but I will try to keep it from being too unpleasant. Take her to her cell."

Just then a messenger entered the room. "My lord," he began. "Thomas and Aurora have set out to fight the gunman. Ethan seems to have disappeared and is presumed to have left to retrieve the Devian girl from earlier."

Eleonora let out a small laugh. "Tis simple really. I never meant to make it. Twas only a mistake when creating something far more..interesting." She said, her voice caring a teasing tone as she left the king's side and was guided through his castle. Her heels clicked on the stone and her chains rattled once more as she mind drifted away once more. This time she wondered about her imprisonment. She would be completely alone this time, no Axel to come and visit her or steal her away from her isolation. Idly she wondered if it might drive her mad and what might happen if she went crazy while here.

Axel sat on his fortified tower for a long time. The doors and windows were covered in planks, only a rope remaining for him to get down, the exterior field was covered in burn scars and large wooden spikes sticking from the ground, out towards anyone incoming. The dove flying over toward him stuck out in the hellish terrain, Axel raising up to his feet to take the letter it had sent in hand. He took the small paper, unravelling it to reveal the contents inside, taking note of El's handwriting. His eyes began to scan the words inside, keeping the paper held still in his hand.. A frown slowly grew over his expression as he let out a deep, shaky breath through his nose. His blue eye began to slowly twitch as his yellow stilled, grabbing onto his rifle of as he stood up on the tower. He began to wander around the small perimeter, suddenly aiming his rifle and firing it off at any small target he could find. A rock, a branch, an animal. Anything. He took deeper breaths as he fired off more of his bullets, though soon falling back down on his back as he stopped himself, taking deep breaths as he mentally prepared himself. He did not have much time now.
After being dropped off in the kitchen, Amori sat down and watched the chef's work there magic, preparing things tommorow for breakfast that she presumed needed a long time to cook, "Do you mind if I grab something to eat?" She asked leaning over a bit farther to see what the head chef was making, "Help yourself, we have more then enough." She smiled in response and uttered a quick thanks before stuffing her face. She wasn't much of a savory or bitter liking person so she chomped down on fruit and vegetables. It didn't take much to fill her up, considering she was rather small. She quickly stalked of to find something to do.

As she passed a guard she looked him in the eye, "Is there a training hall around here?" She inquired. He just quirked a brow then jerked his head towards a large door that was left open at the end of the hall. As he looked back in the direction she came from, Amori crossed her arms, "If you think I'm an intruder just say so." She said, staring him down. He merely stared at the wall, "That's what I thought." She murmured then wandered down to the hall into the training area. It was huge, and about a thousand contraptions that left her clueless as to what the were luttered the room.

She walked over to a big hay man, then went to pick up some weird weapon with a circle and points sticking out of it. She dropped it back in its place after realizing she could barely lift it. Her hand slid down her leg to grab her dagger and remembered it wasn't there, He still has it? She thought with a scowl. She quickly found a different dagger and found the balance of it before tossing it in her hand then throwing it at the hay man. She hit it right on the forehead, grabbed another one and threw it at its chest. She frowned then walked up to it, ripped the two out and cut it's neck in half in two strokes. That was the only thing she was genuinly good at regarding fighting. She could only aim within a certain distance but she got tired easily. She just assumed that was the price of desk work.

She had a fairly good kick, not that one kick in particular was all that useful. She scowled and repeatedly kicked and slashed at the hay man until it fell into pieces.
<p>Aurora kept her mouth shut. She was afraid she would say something stupid to ruin whatever this was. For once she was actually not fighting with him and she would like to keep it that way during the mission. When the messenger came back and told them that Ethan wasn't going to be joining them Aurora wasn't too happy about that. At least with Ethan there was a buffer between her and Thomas but just the too of them? It was definitely going to test her mental strength. </p>


Seeing that Thomas had already mounted his horse and started leaving, Aurora quickly handed her empty bottle to the messenger and got on her horse. It took her a moment due to the bow and quiver. "Would you wait up!" She called out. She squeezed her thighs and Echo picked up a trot until she got up next to Thomas' horse. "Remember you aren't alone on this mission. I know you probably have a plan in that head of yours. Care to share it?"</p>
Thomas slowed down a bit until Aurora reached him and then matched her pace. He had been trying to work out a plan, but he had to keep scrapping them because he had a tendency to exclude Aurora in them at some point. He eventually decided to simplify it. "These arnt my standard missions, but I have something. Assuming he's still there, he'd have had plenty of time to prepare for us. He'll most likely have prepared an area around a place where he made base. Being an expert with guns, I'd imagine he will try to stay there for as long as possible and try to keep us away. Once we get close to the battleground, I'm going to leave you and disappear into the night. He won't know I'm there. You will have his attention. Try to stay behind cover, but give him hell. The only way we're winning this is by landing a killing blow from a distance or from behind by surprise. Try to pretend as if you're alone in the fight as to avoid giving me away. If you have a shot to take him out, do not hesitate."

Aurora nodded at what he said. It was a solid plan. They traveled mostly in silence, which was fine by her. It gave her time to think about what she was going to do if it was the man she was thinking about. Things had ended badly between them and she would love to shoot an arrow at him, but kill him? She was hoping if the time came that she could do it. As they got closer to their destination Aurora could smell fire burning. She could feel Echo tense beneath at the sound of a gun going off. Since the two rarely left the castle grounds, Aurora's horse was not used to the sounds of gun shots. It took a lot of trust between the two for Echo to not bolt at the sound of it. Aurora leaned down and patted the horse neck to try and sooth her. At this point she had expected Thomas to leave them to go off and do his thing. She hopped off Echo and tied her to the nearest tree. She knew the horse wouldn't run but it was just a precaution.

Aurora unclasped her bow from her back and pulled out an arrow. She cautiously moved around the trees towards where the gun shot came from. When she was able to get a good look at the tall form she tsked. It was exactly who she thought it was. Seeing him brought up something she hadn't felt in a while, rage for someone. She drew her arrow and fired it at Axel. She was aiming for the shoulder, a place that's not lethal.

@Shog @northguy
Thomas split off from Aurora and tried to run around to the other side. He didn't know how far to go, but he worked with it. He didn't like all of the burned land. He was trying to limit the possibility of someone sneaking up on him. Unfortunately for this shooter, Thomas's adept was in stealth and only a select few knew.

Thomas eventually reached a point and tied up his horse. He then ran through the burnt woods until he came across the edge of the perimeter. He saw Aurora shoot an arrow and made his move. Thomas was wearing dark colors and blended in nicely with the ground. The spikes the shooter had installed also provided some cover. They were by no means large enough to hide behind, but they obstructed the shooter's view if nothing else.
With Axel as high as he was, he quickly managed to duck under cover as the arrow flew toward him. He let out a breathy sigh, coming back up swiftly with his rifle in hand. In an instant, he took aim and swiftly fired. Only shortly after releasing the rifle and shooting with his pistols, trying to keep hard pressure on the archer attacking him, lining up shots toward Aurora's chest. This was going to be hell of a fight.
<p>Aurora cursed under her breath when he started firing at her. She took cover behind the tree and when he had to reload she would shoot and then move behind another tree. "Well Axel, it seems like you got some new toys since the last time I saw you." Aurora called out. Coming here she thought it would be him but her? Well she was hoping hearing her voice would catch him off guard and with that in mind she went to go take another shot. Having targets that had the same intelligence level, if not higher than her's, was different than what she was used too and a lot harder to hit, even with her adept.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33421-northguy/" data-mentionid="33421">@northguy</a></p>
Thomas made his way closer and closer to the shooter, always making sure to stay in his blind spot. If he did happen to look at Thomas, he probably wouldn't realize he saw a person. At least not immediately. He had to admit to himself that the shooter had done a good job at defending his tower. The spikes were set up in a way that anyone who wasn't him would probably make a crap ton of noise on that way there. Though it was still dangerous, seeing as one misstep could land his face through one of the spikes.

He eventually reached the tower the shooter was hiding in. Going up the rope would probably be suicide, so he had no choice but to try and climb the outside and try to assassinate the shooter from above. He began climbing up to the top. It was difficult at first, but higher up he found some good footholds. As he reached the top, however, one of the boards he placed his foot on broke open. It was one covering a window. Thomas fell a few feet before finding a good handhold. He was thankful for the gloves he was wearing, but his grip was slipping fast. Not only that, but the shooter definitely heard that.
The pressure did not deter. Axel continuing to fire whenever the opportunity struck, the voice hardly catching him off guard in his current state. He was going to kill whoever worked for that king. He ducked for cover yet again as he heard the climber fall down, he let out a few deep breaths as he released the pistols in his hands, replacing them with his four barreled "Puncher". He quickly moved under the cover the tower gave him, finally coming up to where he had heard the climber and firing the four shots from the pistol, his hand instantly kicking back on him as he went backward after the shot, taking cover behind one of the posts on the tower, letting out deep breaths.
While wondering around after having something to eat, Harley happened to catch some guards gossiping, guards were always the best when it came to gossip, they seemed to know everything that happened, most people didnt know but guards were the worst when it comes to gossiping.

After eves dropping on the guards, she found out that there were apparently two new adepts in the castle that were not from these lands, one was apparently in the training fields letting off some frustrations and the other apparently in the dungeons.

Harley, as curious as she was decided to go see one of them as she had never meet an adept that wasn't from the surrounding areas. Figuring that the adept that was in the dungeons would be the safer option at the current moment, she made her way down stair.

It was darker then she thought it would be but then again it was quite late at night. Walking to one of the cells that she thought was holding the adapt she sat down by the bars.

"Hello?" She whispered wondering if they were asleep since it was late at night.

Eleonora had been sitting in the very back part of her cell, the darkness concealing her. She had been down there for quite the amount of time and the silence was nearly maddening. Her thoughts had never once wavered from Axel and what he may be doing. She had heard from a couple of guards that people were sent after some gunner, so..she assumed that it was Axel. For a long time she debated on what fate may befall him.. Would he live? Likely. The man was far too stubborn and hard headed to die just yet. No. He'd live. But for how long? That was the question that haunted her.

After spending several hours thinking the same thing over and over, the woman finally gave up at the sound of someone entering the dungeon. Eleonora watched as a girl approached her cell. The female had two different colored eyes. An Adept. Interesting. The female looked to be a few years younger than herself but much shorter due to Eleonora's shoes. Eleonora emerged from the darkness of her cell and looked slightly down at the female.
"Hello~" She mused, wondering exactly why this girl was down here.

Thomas had never before been so thankful for all of the time he had been trained in climbing. Mostly it was with large walls in mind, but it still probably saved his life. He managed to avoid being shot by moving underneath the structure. It was hard to hold his position, but he couldn't rest. Now that the gunner knew he was here, avoiding detection would be harder. He instead moved to a different tactic. He climbed up to another side and found a boarded up window again. Instead of trying to climb over it, he shouted passed the window. "And just what do you think this is going to achieve? You killed several guards for no reason at all."
Axel remained under cover as he let out rather loud sound of laughter behind him as he kept a revolver in hand, the words' given by the climber had no luck on him, taking heavy breaths as he spoke back. "Because your king thought it best to start fighting mine!" He yelled back, down the window. Suddenly he came back up, trying to fire a shot off toward Aurora before falling back under the cover the wall, yelling back to him, "Then he up and decided to take the love of my life. And that was after the guardsmen!" A mad grin grew over his expression, realizing he only had a few loaded guns left, he took one of the few in hand. "So, I can shoot you off that wall there, or you can start making some offers!"

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Thomas had begun moving as soon as he had finished speaking and was in a different location. He had taken a short break in a position where he could rest his arms, but was up and moving again by the time the shooter finished speaking. "My king simply joined an alliance already against yours. And that one formed because the king of Deva offered Japura an alliance to fight Hasa and Bandar. This is self defense!" He stopped talking to quickly change position again. "As for your friend, every kingdom is rounding them up. If she wasn't here then it would be some other king!"
Aurora cursed as a bullet grazed her skin. She dropped her arrow and placed a hand over where it was bleeding. The stinging sensation was something she was definitely not used to. She listened in on what Thomas was asking him and his response was something she wasn't expecting. She rolled her eyes at the mention of his lover. So he finally found one he wants to keep huh? Even still it was no reason to kill the guards men. Everywhere they were taking Adept to use them in. Hearing the firing stop for a moment she stuck her head out only to shoot right back behind the tree. Hearing him threaten Thomas she reached back down for the arrow she dropped, ignoring the stinging sensation in her arm and quickly shot two arrows, back to back at Axel's head.
"oh youre awake, I worried that you were sleeping. I didnt wake you did I?" Harley grinned up at the female who was seemed to tower over Harley who was a little on the short side, it also didn't help that she was sitting on the floor.

"Oh my name is Harley nice to meet you, I heard that you were down here and came to investigate" Harley felt like she was being unusually chatty, though she blamed the lack of sleep and nerves, while listening to the guards she discovered that the other three had been sent on a mission though she wasnt sure on the details.

She was trying not to twist her fingers as she normally did, she hadn't ever really meet someone from another land, she was dying to ask questions but refrained as she didnt want to be rude.

Eleonora sat down across from the girl, making it easier on the both of them. "Not at all." She answered simply. Truth was, she barely got any sleep herself and being in a new location only made it harder. She missed her clock tower and all it's wonder..she missed the view from above..but now she was here..of her own choice. "Nice to meet you darling. My name is Eleonora, but most call me El." She introduced herself with a small smile. "I'm sure you've realized..there is not much to investigate..other than asking me questions." She said with a small chuckle. Eleonora could tell by the look in Harley's eyes that she really wanted to ask her some questions, so..why not answer them?

Harley smiled at the women across her and nodded, she was right the only thing they could do was ask questions "I've never meet anyone from another land before, I always wanted to see the world but haven't left the castle grounds since I was six. What is it like out there?"

Harley was excited to hear about the world, there were so many different people out there with different ways of doing things, it was all very exciting, Eleanora must have travelled somewhat to get to their lands. As Harley was the court entertainer, there wasnt any reason for her to leave the castle as everything she needed or wanted was supplied to her. In that sense she was jealous of the others as they got to explore just a little.

Eleonora tapped her chin. "Well. I'm from the kingdom of Deva..but I have traveled far and wide in my many years but nothing beats home. From where I live, you can see miles and miles of rolling hills, long meadows that children play in, and a sparkling river not far away. There's nothing like it." She stated, her duo colored eyes filling with longing and years of adventure. "The main city is also very beautiful and the people in it aren't too bad. The market is huge and always bustling. The King's castle is decorated to the brim with all kinds of ancient tapestries from the days of old. Truly...there is no place like home." She explained, her voice soft and gentle as she told of her home. "But. I think by far my favorite place to visit is in the southeast. Very lovely down there." She said with a small chuckle. Eleonora minded not about telling of her travels or about the beauty that was the world around them. Everyone deserved to see it. Everyone. The sad part was..it was all to be ruined by war..


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