The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Maximus gave Emilio a small nod and sighed. "Yeah I guess we are, but I was going to ask about the school festival, I guess now since I'm a member of the student council I could always help plan it." His cane began to glow again and soft yet audible whispering could be heard coming from it. Giving the cane an annoyed look he started knocking it against the wall and yelling under his breath something about learning to be a good familiar before being let out. "See you all later."
Mikahmia wrinkles his nose slightly and looks down swallowing. He can feel a disturbance suddenly this talk about his siblings when yet in fact it is almost as if he wants to eliminate all vampires. "You know crushing on my sister regardless of my like for her is not an at all advised thing for you to do. I also advise if you are going to get with my sister not to hurt her and the smoking thing has got to end, she hates that in men." Mikahmia realised suddenly before he can stop himself he has said too much.

He coughed once trying to over come that and return back to the subject of things. "Julio is on close watch in the prison, he has been punished sir, and more importantly for years the hunters... Well they- we- have been using him to test our weapons, just as long as we keep him alive of course." The silver haired boy begins to sheath his weapons as he knows if he was Keith he would want to hunt down that vampire and kill him themselves with his own hands. Torture would not be enough, Aayame would be fine with that and now he was on the subject of his sister again. Only this time he was thinking of the chances the two actually had together.

"At least someone is thinking of me, as for the record, Mikahmia's fancy weapons cannot cut all. Strangely our mother cannot get sliced or harmed by these weapons. It is strange because it even stripes Mikamia of his life source simply by touching them." The girl grabbed Mikamia's sleeve and yanked it back bearing an almost torn to the bone hand that was her brothers hand. "Not all of the vampires are like that though and not everyone is worth killing their whole families over just for one mistake." Aayame was inches from Keith now her cold hand inches from his face her normal red eyes narrowed as she smelled him.

"You smell so shockingly delicious, what are you? A Mage?" Mikahmia jolted forward but Aayame tossed the weapon she took from him at him landing it square in his shoulder. The girl's tail flicked back and forth as she observed the boy further knowing Mikahmia could do nothing to stop her no matter how many times she hurt him he could do nothing to stop her, or he would loose his job. "Julio smells just like you. He has a lot of regret you know." The girl kissed Keith on the cheek but paused as she did this. "Keith, you know that you cannot see him, and as much as I may hate you and him and everyone else like us, there is nothing that will fix it, not killing a hundred of them and veritably not killing whole families because my family is out there and I will be dammed if you think you can kill them without hearing from me." The girl smiled and pulled away flicking her tail as she turned. She turned her head as she walked away and winked at Mikahmia who's eyes were blood red. "You best get that hunger of yours fixed Mikah I would not want to see you harmed in any way because you refused to feed." The girl hopped onto a desk facig Keith.

"So you want to see the torture Julio is going through? What fun, I guess there is something about you we have in common after all." She smiled now sadistically a giggle behind her smile. Mikahmia pulled the knife from his shoulder groaning slightly and growled towards his sister. "Ah, you feeling like you want to torture someone don't you? Just fed huh, Aaya?" The girl turned her head sharply but did not comment towards him instead she was more interested in Keith. "So tell me lover boy, you want to see the boy who changed you and your sister and killed your first love? I'm down with that and I can get you in too, thanks to this." The girl yanked out and flashed a card at both Mikahmia and Keith. "It allows me to give up my blood once a year to that creep because I got my mothers genes in me so as long as he ingests my blood I am allowed on the property. Before you ask, If he ingests my mothers blood he will practically become immortal so they had to get the next best thing. Tell me now, do you want to see him? If so I get something in return." Mikahmia's mind begun to spin slightly Aayame was playing with the boy. She was conning him for something that she wanted, something she had always wanted.

{OH MY GOD THIS POST! Sorry I forgot I had Aayame free and I bought I would do a little conning here. I like my Aaya for this. ^~^}
".... Did that woman stare me down?" Emilio asked when Yoi and Maximus left. "Honestly that's just rude. Its like begging me to have another reason not to trust you people." Emilio let out a sigh "but I digress... you Blanco have some answers for me. What is going on that I am getting uneasy feelings?"
"There's a lot of things going on, which one do you mean?" Blanco's eyes have darkened slightly by that question, and a playful smirk plays onto his lips. "The thing is, some of them have nothing to do with you." He can tell that something is definitely going on with Keith and the new vampires Mikah and Aayame, and that the weird aura has been spreading, both dark and strange.

It is that moment when a huge headache strikes Tavia, and she suddenly shrieks of pain as she falls to the ground, hugging her head. In her mind is the image of her past playing like a movie, and that man Julio who turned her into a vampire. Something must be going on with Keith, she thought. Something...Something I must go too.... Tears run down her cheek for the pain is too strong, she struggles but has not much energy within her.

Yoi frowns slightly and leans into Maximus, "This school's too difficult to handle...Something's big is happening again." She sighs slightly as they walk out.


Keith laughed when Mikah said he's crushing on his sister. "I'm not crushing on her...But maybe I will." He had smirked and enjoyed how Mikah talked about his sister, seeing the fact that Mikah actually cared about his sister a lot, that's what's make Keith grinned.

But soon enough, things happened. Aayame appeared and suddenly, it's as if Mikah's been hold back. As Aayame kissed his cheek and inched near him, Keith has remain emotionless until she started to speak of Julio. Yes, Keith has wanted to meet him. Of course he has wanted to, and to kill him and stuff. Well then, a huge obstacle just popped in: Aayame. Huh, how surprising. She actually is quite playful and sadistic than the impression she first gave him when they first met. Keith listened to her speak, and his mind began to run in thoughts as the girl mentioned about how she need to give in her blood for Julio or else she would be damned from the property. Ugh how annoying, now that Aayame is connected with that son of a b***, if he wants to reach for his goal then he must go through his girl--like she said.

He hears Mikah's words, and his intention of wanting to stop his sister makes Keith likes him, well, a little. He knows all too damn well that Aayame is playing with him as she said she wanted something in return. His mind flies to Tavia suddenly, and he remembered that she is the one who hated him more, hated him more than ever than Keith himself. She is the one who said she waned revenge first, and Keith has followed because his hatred is strong too. So if there's a chance for revenge, he will always let her go first...Of course, killing him off, torturing him, won't fix anything. But it is a way to comfort one's heart dissatisfaction. But either way, it's going to affect Aayame, and god bloody hell does he has an idea of what might actually happen if he just strives for his own goal. Pausing a breath, he lets a smirk flickers onto his face as well. If Aayame wants to use this playful altitude that's how he will react too.

"First of all, the fact that I smell like Julio is really offensive, but I will forgive you since you are quite attractive right now." Keith lets his usual tone plays back onto his tongue. "Second of all, don't ignore your brother because hell I don't like having my sister disregarding my words~" He pats Aayame's head as though she is a little girl, and has one step at a time pushes her back slightly. "Third of all, you got something wrong. The vampire did not change me, I changed myself into a wind spirit. All he changed is my sister, into a vampire." He chuckles and lights a cigarrete, and starts to smoke, remembering that Mikah has said something about she doesn't like smokers. "And last of all, you said something about I need to give something in return. Well, it depends on what the hell that is. If I can afford it and my sister agrees with me too, then I might do...But then, I'm not afraid of turning against you guys or something to reach for my own goal. It may be bothersome that our sibling's desires will be so connected to you siblings and stuffs like that, but what happened to you guys...I don't care. If my sister cares then that's her business. I won't. Hopefully you get what I meant?" He bends down so they are at the same eye level, and he stares straight into her eyes until a message sound clicks in with his phone. Frowning, he looks at the text, which is from Tavia. "What is happening?" She is asking, and Keith just shuts the phone down. He will reply later.
Emilio merely glanced back at Tavia and frowned. "That's new..." he then turned his attention back to Blanco. "Then you tell me what things need to get taken care of... I get really...agitated... when things feel this way." Emilio's voice turned feral as he searched for the right word. He could have explained that this wasn't a threat, but where was the fun in that?
"The things that need to be taken care of has nothing to do with you, they can solve it on their own," Blanco smiles pleasantly. "My apologies if you feel this way, but I'm sure it will end, I mean, your agitation will vanish pretty soon." He glances over at Tavia, who stands up already. "I...I have somewhere to go..." She regains her balance as she starts to run away. Blanco chuckles then, "Well then, see you~" He begins to walk off.
{Keith should not have to bend. xD Aayame is an inch maybe shorter then Mikahmia.}

Aww, sounds like someone is getting upset. I know it sounds offensive that's the point Keith." Aayame smiles and glances at her brother who is twitching with his feeding need. The girl growled loosely at the tone of Keith's voice him saying she was cute. Lurching forward Mikahmia grabbed her almost as if to know what she was to say or do next. "Get your paws off me. And as for you." She turned to Keith her eyes getting less red as she breathed each word, "I care not who you are, you are clearly not my father and more importantly, do you know the hell I have been through with him!? My disrespect is the least of your worries." Her wolf ears pulled back and she bared her teeth at Keith angrily. "And DON'T call me cute."

She turned taking Mikahmia's weapon his hand jolting towards Aayame but pausing as she takes in an unneeded exasperated deep breath in. "So it is your sister. I thought so. Julio speaks about a girl a lot but I am sure he regrets nothing." Aayame perches herself on the table again laying down letting her blonde hair lay off the end of the table her tail flicking at the top also draped over the table. "I can get you to see him, your sister or otherwise but three things have to happen, one, I get to raise Tavia's blood don't worry I can't make her anything more then what she already is. Two you have to promise me not as a vampire hunter or whatever you are that you or her cause me no hassle, it is hard as it is getting outsiders getting into the academy. And last you cannot kill Julio unless the council says it is okay. Unfortunately he has been a long time body of the academy teaching the hunters and as a test for any new weapons they come up with." Aayame was playing with the knife and it's strength at this point, first she sliced it shallowly and counted the seconds it took for her hand to heal before she continued, then she started placing her fingers on the blade letting her demon side take over and cutting it then. Mikahmia winced every time she put a new cut in her skin, he noticed at this point she had been doing this for a long time.

"Aayame!" He almost gasped the girl sitting up.

"What?" She asked her eyes silver in colour glossy signalling her just feed state even in her demon form. The boy hesitated and then decided not to say anything on that subject he could later for now he addressed Aayame's need to taste Tavia's blood he was almost disgusted but that idea did not sound half bad. "Keith I know I don't know you well and in spite of things would you mind lending my brother a wrist? Before he keels over or something?" Aayame asked her ears twitching and her tail flicking playfully. "Please? In spite of my brother I can take back my want for Tavia's blood there is just a lot of history that my mum left out in telling the story you see being my mother and all that. You understand." She smiled now laying back down Mikahmia looking like someone struck him with a heavy blow. He was frozen with fear and shock those words could easily flow from someone who hated what she was so desperately much, it was clear to him jack fed her, and his blood would not last incredibly long, otherwise she would have offered herself to Mikahmia. He tried telling Keith he was fine but refused to let on to Aayame he was because she would have obviously said something in equal protest. He could not have her saying anything like that, that would be bad, it would let on she cared about him and he did not frankly want her or Keith for that mater to see him feed let alone be his meal.
Emilio waited until Tavia left and put a hand on Blanco's shoulder. "You and me now. The hell is going on Blanco. Don't give me that bullshit you give everyone else about things going back to normal. I can FEEL that something is not right. And my feelings are usually dead on"
Maximus swung his cane and whistled while he walked with Yoi. "Don't worry about it you deserve a vacation, next big thing turns up I'll handle it and be back in time to give you a massage before night fall." He grinned and continued to walk. "So what do you want to do? I know a great little tea shop in town that serves classical Japanese food, or there is always the bar after all I still owe you a drink." He chuckled again before continuing. "And then there is always Hawaii or just some good old fashioned sleep."
[MY NOTIFICATIONS DIDN'T WORK wtf ADFJGRFGKG! But I am here sorry for the delays]

Anari smiled at him purring. Her wolf ears twitched and her tail swayed back and forth. She then ruffled his hair and played with his cat ears. "Your ears are so adorable." she told him.

"Oh thanks." she told him. She quickly flinched when he moved closer and began to stroke her jawline. "Yea I did." Anari replied laughing. "It's really beautiful." she whispered to him as her ears twitched to him playing with her hair. She then embraced him in a hug and snuggled him against him closely.
Yoi chuckles, "Anywhere's fine as long as I'm with you~And massage sounds good~"

Blanco sighs, "Listen, some businesses are just not yours to get near with. That business is Tavia and her brothers, and goddamn hell I'm sure they don't want someone who has nothing to do with it to get involved." He says lightly, brushing Emilio's hand on his shoulder away.


Keith chuckles slightly, "There, you are getting upset, cutie." His voice gets colder. "And of course I don't know what you have been through, and neither do you know what we feel. We don't know each other that well so I can only talk with what I know. There, you got me?" He pats Aayame's head again and takes his hand away before she can do anything with it. "Aaaand with all the stuffs you said, the first second and third..It's really quite annoying isn't it? Having to go through all kinds of permissions like I'm a little kid or something. Maybe Tavia and I can just pretend we don't know you, and that we don't know all of you guys' families or you guys' councils and stuffs. We don't give a damn and just enter and kill Julio. Ahhh that sounds rather fun." He winks slightly before walking toward Mikah.

With an action as easy as pie, he takes out a tiny dagger and cuts his wrist, letting the blood flows down from the cut and drops into Mikah's slightly open mouth. He is about to reopen his mouth to speak again when a girl bursts into the room. "Keith! What is going on here?" Seeing the two other vampires in, she immediately raises two of her guns. "Who are you?" Her cautiousness rises up until Keith calms her down. "Tavia, put down your guns. This is Mikah' the one we met at the bar and I mentioned to you about. And this is Aayame, his cute little sister."

Tavia blinks, resting her arms back to her sides though not retreating the guns. "You decide on your own without me again," she scowls slightly. "What did you guys talked about?"

"I didn't decide on my own. I haven't even decided if I want their helps or not yet. It depends on you, Tavia. You are the one who hate Julio the most aren't you?" Keith lets out a sigh as he explains, and she raises a suspicious eyebrow. It is not until Keith explains everything until she calms down completely. "What a disappointment." She said, looking over at the siblings on the other sides. "You do know, brother, that I want to eliminate every single one of them, including Julio, with my own hands. Now all of them are all pretty much dead already, and Julio weak as well. You know what that concludes? No fun, no feeling, no emotions." She sighs.
Emilio merely stared at Blanco. He was about to say something when his right arm started to sspasm uncontrollably. "...." Emilio punched his arm hard and the twitching stopped. 'Interesting. Seems I don't have much of a choice regarding my true nature.' He thought looking intently at his right hand as he flexed it to make sure it was back under control.
"........Hmph." Blanco smirks slightly. "You're not good at controlling it huh. Well, it seem like I'm done with you aren't I." He says more than a statement than a question as begins to walk away.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{I am giving you an opening Tyra... I am offering you my character... Plus not everyone has relationships... I just hopeful started one with Jack... That's is all and I may be having another but I have Mikahmia and of course the girls to role play with. Like I said I am offering you one of my characters, you can take it or leave it but I wouldn't want you to feel left out and feel like I did not offer you to have a foot hold...}
(Sorry for the late reply, school is taking over my life...)

Matthias followed the two girls through the door. He glanced back at the odd scene of the cat girl behind him playing with the bells, then walked towards the front desk. There was a lady typing away on a computer, oblivious to the students walking in the door. Trying to use some charm, Matthias started, "Hello ma'm, I must say you are looking fine this quiet evening." The lady just stared up at him blankly and said in a monotone voice, "Matthias Pippin and Ivor Heartsworth. Here are the forms for both of you,assuming you're together." she set a few sheets of paper on the desk in front of her. Matthias was about to protest but the lady cut him off. "Lucky for you, you both share a room. You won't have to make an extra stop. Here are the keys and directions to your room. Enjoy your stay." She ended abruptly and then turned back to her monitor. Matthias took the papers, key and directions. With Ivor still sleeping on his back, he turned around ad looked at the girls. "Thank you for everything. I'm afraid it's late now and Ivor is getting heavy so it's time for us to retire. Hope to see you again in the morning." Matthias then headed into the halls. He found the right door and opened it. It was a pretty nice room, not as a nice as a cave, but fairly nice. Matthias lied Ivor and his things down on the bed on the right side of the room. He placed his own bag on the left bed. Matthias sighed and started working on his paperwork, using the desk in between the two beds. He soon finished,turned back into his dragon form and curled up on the rug in the middle of the room, turning three times before settling down. He hummed the same lullaby he had used to put Ivor to sleep, and soon fell into the realm of dreams.

(Matthias is a fairly small dragon about the size of a large horse, but has long limbs.)
Emilio gripped his arm until it bled to keep it from ripping Blanco's head straight from his shoulders. Instead he walked the other way. The smug way Blanco said what he said had sent Emilio over the edge once more. He was slowly shrinking back into his mind but this time if he truly went back into his mind, he would revert back to his Asazi ways.
"Well then a massage it is!" He smiled and began walking back towards his room still swinging his cane and humming though there was something in the air he didn't like. He could feel that something would happen soon, but he wasn't sure he cared to intervene. "As a member of the student council, will I get to help people with their secrets?" It was a random and serious question but it was important to Maximus. He wanted to know if he was allowed to help people solve the problems that they kept to themselves. "And another thing, I feel like there is a little more to your own secret than I've heard."
Yoi smiles lightly, "You can only help a student's secret if that student's secret is creating threats to the school, or if he or she allows you to help."

Blanco looks back at Emilio, knowing he is controlling his powers. He lets out a small sigh, then walks off himself. Emilio is an interesting person, he concludes, and chuckles by his own thought.
Maximus sighed and opened the door to his room letting her in. "I guess then I just have to wait for danger to come knocking on our door again, then again that isn't a long shot judging by the people who come here." He snapped as his trusty teapot and cup flew into the room and poured them two cups. "It's a special herbal blend that I put together myself, it helps relaxation."
"That is just it though." Mikahmia said. "Unless you have a card the land is protected by a spell you as a vampire or otherwise cannot enter. And for every one knowing it or not they know why," he breathed now glaring at his sister. She was now rolled over on her back again playing with the knife when Tavia burst into the room. Mikahmia evaded the blood being offered to him by this small outburst no matter how small it was.

Aayame bursts up her human from gone replaced with a fan wolf easily still as tall as Mikahmia the boy himself taking the form of his cat-demon side which was a large snow leopard. Still in comparison he was several inches smaller then Aayame as they stood balancing next to each other on the tables. Mikahmia started a low growl in the back of his throat it resonating without his direct effort though his lips. Aayame looked over the girl and though torturous and more sadistically minded simply took a seat curling her tail around her paws flicking it back and fourth silent and wordless. Mikahmia looked up at Keith when he mentioned Aayame as being cute, he realised now this was just the boy flirting with his sister, there was nothing behind it, no real feelings. On top of that he was pissing off Aayame which is something he wanted, strangely though weather his own sister realised that or not she decided to not react to his pissing off her any longer. She was clearly mad though, at least she was to Mikamia.

The siblings not able to take their human forms for now rested on the tables their obvious mental unstableness with being in the same room seemed voided and as strange as was they really had not forgotten it. Having Coyoty as a mother the woman could read minds, Aayame and Mikamia being twins had a type of connection to mind speak with each other and during the entire conversation not waiting a single moment yelled at each other this way. Ranting like someone who had ADHD and had not taken their medication that day. Left, right back and forth the two ranted until Aayame jumped on Mikamia attacking him again. Anyone in the room who'd seen them earlier would have thought they were stupid, Mikamia had just not ten minuets ago been told not to fight and as hard as this was to follow Mikamia tried. He only kicked Aayame off of him, then he hissed at her pulling his composer together though on the floor and with a torn ear and watched Tavia and Keith.

"Well if I did not know any better I would think Tavia has not the slightest clue on how to torture someone." Mikamia almost facepalmed himself even as a cat and though as funny as that would have clearly been he didn't, and he didn't because Aayame was not finished. "Honestly it makes me wonder what kind of hunter you are Tavia, Keith, you both claim to be hunters but how can yo hunt when neither of you knew that simply by ingesting Tavia's blood you would have known everything up to this point of the vampire that changed you because his blood is inside you and blood holds the key to memories. You people would never make it as a vampire hunter." Mikamia blinked a few times his mind slightly swimming. Aayame was right but how bluntly she put it could have been said a lot easier at least in the retrospect of things, it was just all confusing to him. He was a hungry vampire though, anything related to his own kind went in one torn ear and out the other perfect ear.

He blinked and tried to piece what his sister had said. "I gave you an option, take it or leave it." the blonde whispered and then took her human form walking up to Keith winking at him making her way to the window. Then, opening it she stepped on the windowsill and turned waving as she dropped. Seconds later she darted off in the sky towards the forest. Mikamia blinked again not realising entirely that his own sister whom changing back into human, hated Keith and yet winked at the boy she just seconds ago verbally bashed and said would make a terrible hunter one of the worst if not cheesiest insults you could make to a hunter. "Can someone tell me what we are doing here now? Because I am sure we all have better places to be." Mikamia dressed tightening his tie around a loose shirt bearing his ranking tattoo on his chest. A high rank, one of the highest in fact, not a half bad tattoo either, but it disappeared rather quickly by his short and though covered now to the human or normal creature a vampire could sense how high it was. Amethyst embedded into it, the highest rank, (no questioning my logic or sense of pain) only Tavia would be able to sense this and then he turned running his fingers through his silver hair. "I should get going. Stay alive my friends."

{ @SilverBlack as cheaply as it is written I'm still sick and I cannot shake it, I have posted forgive me next post will be better this is of course as log as we can have a time skip. ~is thinking if something for Aayame and Keith's hunters class~}
(Yesterday I'm super busy and today school starts and is busier so I might reply slower and shorter sorry owo)
"Oh, really now?" Jack questioned his head inches from Anari. He continued to purr, something he assumed she liked since the girl smiled at it. It was a soft rumble backed with a warm curve of his lips turned it into a louder almost growl but curled nicely when he smiled. His smile hitched and his purr faded a bit when he caused her to flinch, he removed his hand and looked around her room now.

He was rather shocked when the girl hugged him so suddenly, he stumbled a moment and then closed his eyes embracing her, his purr returning to his throat as he nuzzled into her soft warm skin. She felt so soft smelled incredibly nice for a werewolf and seemed rather interesting to be around. This was the fundamentals of a relationship, right? If they were Jack had no clue, no one taught him fundamentals of anything, he was completely in the dark when it came to this.

{I feel so incredibly bad that you waited THAT long to get THIS, will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me? If nto I can give you my weeks recap... O.o }

{@CoyotyZephyrWolf. Girl, it's fine :D . I was never impatient with waiting for you to post, and I don't like rushing people. You're infinity forgiven ^^. *hug*}

"Sorry, I tend to be sensitive to some things." she told him. "Sorry." She then stood on her tip-toes and kissed him on the nose. She then pulled away from him and went to lie down on her bed.

"I know this might be breaking a major rule, but do you want to stay here for tonight?" Anari asked him.
Her eyes began to close slightly. She was tired, but she wanted to stay up snuggling against Jack. She wanted him to stay, she didn't care if she did break a rule. She just wanted Jack to be by her side. Her eyes closed but she was still awake awaiting an answer from Jack.
Sounding like this Jack could not find it in his heart to say no. She sounded just too close to the only voice he could never say no to. He knew it would be breaking a rule but he knew he would not be the only one breaking it. Plus what was the worst that could happen to them, provided they were caught? He weighed his odds, chances and options here. They ended up much like this;

If he apposed to Anari's offer and brought up the rule and said he had to abide by it that much more due to the fact he was asked to be there solely to watch over the two siblings, Anari might not forgive him, she was asking him for a reason and though that reason was unclear to him right at that moment it would be explained if he stayed. If he had decided to stay the odds of them getting caught were very slim, a huge school with only a limited amount of teachers many if not most he was sure would have his back, Keith and Mikamia both included in this assumption would just write it off even if they had. His last resort was to go to his room and be alone, now Jack was not a lonely boy, neither that nor liking being alone he had to choose. He did have a roommate but the boy ran from the whole school into the depths of hell and left him here all by himself.

So his decision majorly swinging on the accepting side was chosen and his purr deepened that much more accepting this offer. "With a pretty girl? How can I not say yes?" He asked throwing almost a riddle into his acceptance sentence. With that said he closed the ajar door and started to remove his cloths for his sleeping wear. He always wore suits, no matter when or where he was it always worked that way, so removing his jacket, gloves and vest pins and pocket watch came first. Then he bent down and removed his shoes socks and started back up at his top removing his tie and his shirt. Removing his shirt you could see his entire chest on one side covered in a blue flame type tattoo. Or so it looked this in fact was not, it was actually a scar that surfaced because he had changed his bother who had given it to him. Normally as a vampire it would heal right away or after a feeding depending on how the vampire gathered nutrients. He was not so lucky.

So now standing in only his pants not sure how uncomfortable he should make Anari by obviously nonchalantly stripping in front of her even with everything appropriate covered and decided to sit his 6ft 8in self beside Anari. His hair still had that gold stripe, his fingers were still tipped in black and most of all the peace de resistance his cat ears and tail ticked and twitched as he watched the girl. "Can or human form my lady?"

{ @D'Gmr stupid American droid kept trying to auto correct certain words in this. Sorry it took so long to respond. Also I go in for a... Surgery this Friday so I don't know how much I will be responding this weekend....}
Emilio roamed through the hallways in a foul mood. His body seemed to be going through some sort of change and his mind couldn't keep it in check.

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