The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
"Ah, um, sir, I hate to alarm you but neither me or my sister are... Human." Nairu's purple eyes blinked slowly as she swallowed informing the dragon that his thoughts were wrong, she had no idea these were thoughts and being called a troublesome human was pegging her. Sairu got a saddened look on her face. She had always wanted to touch a lizard and being a cat her mother kept her from them afraid she would hurt them, but this lizard was three times the size of her, we mother would most likely be worried it would hurt her instead.
"Um, I can take you guys to the office we got our room from a woman at the counter. S- Sairu come here quit bothering the nice dragon." Sairu did as she was told running behind her sister still upset that she could not touch the dragon. "I would assume things might get messy if you stay in that form... Would you mind takeoff your- ah, form closest to human? G- g-" Nairu coughed slightly her own cat ears pinned against her head blending in with her hair. "Given your size of course," Sairu was starting to shake behind Nariu now and the girl was picking up on her sisters fear.
"It seems I am mistaken, I apologize." Matthias turned back into his human form, with Ivor now riding piggyback. "Thank you for the help, this little guy needed it." Matthias nodded his head towards Ivor. 'His little buddy here appreciates it I'm sure." Matthias looked at the hedgehog."Just lead the way." Matthias said.
Anari was surprised when Jack lifted her up. She laughed silently and kissed him on the forehead. Her face turned red once again when she heard his voice, it sounded different this time. "Well it was a nice bedtime kiss." she told him.

"How come your voice changed?" Anari asked with a tad bit of curiosity. "And Jack I have a question...Will you help me with my wolf side?" she asked.

She jumped down from his grasp. "Follow me." she told him as she walked ahead and turned a corner.

{Thanks :D and I lurve Sonic}
Nairu's purple eyes closed and she nodded warmly to Ivor. Sairu was still in awe of the dragon boy and more importantly wanted to feel his scales. "No problem just follow me." Nairu said reaching gingerly for Sairu's hand not at all bothered by the fact she was wearing her night gown. She walked silently back to the front of the building her eyes scanning the area where earlier the fight between the two siblings had happened. She shook her head and Sairu went running through the front door. "Alright, here we are." The girl smiled again crossing her arms over her chest. Sairu was playing with the bell now her cat ears and tail flicking back and forth.

{most people just NPC the person, I guess role play goes further this way. @Pateer Drakon your name interests me... It's German... Did you know?}


Jack smiled. "I am glad you liked it." He purred but cut himself short when Anari mentioned his voice. "Ah, just something that happens I guess." This vampire knew he would have to get blood soon but he was happy to be around Anari. She was good company and attractive and more importantly hands down inviting him to her room.

He pushed his hair aside with his now darken nailed hands and slipped his other into Anari's noticing his hair getting that brighter gold stripe down the front of it. He watched Anari as she guided him to her room his mind on another subject, he could not remember when a vampire last bit a werewolf, no on second thought he did, that werewolf had a child. He shook his head for a moment feeling suddenly sick he was letting his demon side control his thoughts. He had been alive for hundreds of years and never one time had he fallen for any girl, he had been always wanting to take care of children. He never thought if having his own children.

{ @D'Gmr this is the fastest any relationship of my characters has ever gone.... O.o and it's fine I like sonic too. ^~^}
@Tyra most of us do, I did when Mikahmia came in and he helped the lady so I guess it is a girl but really can be any gender.}
[Kay. D:]

Seeing as all the students, teachers, and counselors were all probably fast asleep in their own beds, Tyra exhaled dejectedly. "Well, I suppose it's up to me to find the head attendant myself...," she muttered to herself, rubbing her forehead with her forefinger and thumb, "It's what I get for showing up in the middle of the night." Hoping that they had a night attendant for helping students get settled in, she braced herself and continued on.

Tyra's worn tennis shoes clicked against the tile floor as she made her way down the corridor. Her sensitive Dragon vision had now fully adjusted and she could see quite clearly amongst the dark. It wasn't long before she came across a thick, bolded sign tacked up on the wall, that stated "Student Housing Attendant" with an arrow pointing in a specific direction. Following the plaque's directions, she soon came across more, following the bread crumb trail of signs until she finally spotted a warm, welcoming light creeping from a crack in an office door up ahead. Quickening her pace, she slipped her fingers around the edge of the door and pulled it open even further. She tilted her head, examining the lady sitting behind a large, mahogany desk, looking through a pair of oval reading glasses down at some paperwork. Papers, folders, and binders were all stacked neatly in organized piles and for an attendant's office, it was quite clean and orderly.

Tyra opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, the attendant's crisp, clear voice cracked the silence. "Well? Are you going to come in or to keep standing there all night?" Not once did she even look up from her work, only lifting a finger to press her glasses further up her nose. Swallowing nervously, the Dragon girl quickly shuffled in and took a seat in one of the guest chairs in front of the desk. Only then did the attendant lay down her paperwork and gaze over the girl. Her expression was stern, but not so uncaring as Tyra would have thought upon first sight.

"You must be Tyra, correct? A half Dragon, half Human hybrid. We don't get too many of you these days; it's refreshing to see a new face," she began, clasping her hands together and leaning forward, "And before you ask, yes we know your name. You'd be surprised on how many inhuman beings we keep an eye on in the city and neighboring areas. We have to be aware and make sure we can offer them the best education possible if they decide to come here. Don't be so frightened, Darling, we want you to think of here as a Sanctuary rather than an asylum." A silvery chuckle followed her remark as Tyra's expression flashed from worried, to terror, then to relief. "Now then, I just have a few forms for you to fill out. You can drop those off here in the morning. As of now, it's quite late and I'm sure you're tired. Here's the key to your room and instructions on how to get there," she explained, handing Tyra a silver key on a lanyard as well as a folded map.

Tyra smiled shyly and took the items gratefully, nodding. "Thank you very much," she told the attendant, rising and adjusting the strap of her satchel. She then left the office, sighing in relief at how things had gone. "Glad that's, how to get to the student housing..." It was quite easy to get too, having a specific stone path from the main administrative building to the dorms, and it wasn't long before the Dragon girl found her room in the girl's side of the dorms. Wasting no time in unlocking the door, she entered the room and locked it behind her, saying a silent prayer as it was a single, private room. That, of course, may change later but for now, she could get a good night's sleep. Not even bothering to change to more comfortable clothes, she collapsed on the soft bed, tossing her satchel off to the side. She hugged the pillow close to her head and closed her eyes, slipping into the land of unconsciousness.

[Lol, not really sure what to do now... Guess I'll just wait until morning. It seems everyone's characters are caught up right now anyway. ^^;]
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{ @Tyra, it is the middle of the night... Heh... Uh perhaps maybe if you read my post about Sairu and Nariu you could strike up a conversation with one of them *coughs Sairu is best coughs* the blonde girl is playing with the bell like a creep and Nairu is standing observing as she calls him the hedgehog boy. So either one of them are free and I cannot speak for Pateer but he might be willing to role play a bit with you. ^~^ of course doing this might have to change your response... Just advise so...}
[ @CoyotyZephyrWolf Yeah it's alright. It's just hard fitting into a roleplay that already has 286 pages of responses. Everyone's characters are already in relationships and such. Plus it's the middle of the night so, no one's really around. ^^; I'll just wait until I can find an opening to get more involved.]
{I am giving you an opening Tyra... I am offering you my character... Plus not everyone has relationships... I just hopeful started one with Jack... That's is all and I may be having another but I have Mikahmia and of course the girls to role play with. Like I said I am offering you one of my characters, you can take it or leave it but I wouldn't want you to feel left out and feel like I did not offer you to have a foot hold...}
[Aww oh no, I don't mean it like that! I guess, I'm just not really feeling it right now, you know? It's the middle of the night and I just think it would be better for Tyra to meet people during the day since most everyone's asleep or busy. Plus I'm curious to see where some of the other members of this roleplay stand since it's really only been the three of us replying for the past day. I just don't feel like I have a good handle on what's going on right now, per say. :3 Don't worry about it! I appreciate you offering me an opening though! I just feel the circumstances aren't super great right now.]
{sadly this is about how busy it gets until silver returns. She only brings in two more people though. xD she's a pretty awesome person, able to drag people here, alright whatever you prefer.}
[Yeah, that's kinda what I was afraid of, that this rp is kind dying out... D: Since there are only a few people that really roleplay here anymore. But you know, we'll see. Maybe it will pick up again.]
{during school time things can happen like that and I am not one to advertise but if you want faster response try joining Ishka high, it's an academy for monsters... A few of my friends RP there they are not the nicest bunch but they do now to role play and clog you full of responses. ^~^ this RP is not dying out, people are just busy that's all.}
[Okies, just wanted to make sure. ; u ; I know how busy school can make you... D:]
{Sorry for getting on so late the internet was out and omg @CoyotyZephyrWolf oAo I didn't make it too fast did I?}

"Well it sounds really sexy." she whispered to him with a small laugh. Her heart however was racing which was a good thing. She turned another corner and walked about three doors down, stopped, and turned to the left. "Here's my room." she told him opening the door and walking in.

"I only stay in here alone though. I think it's a good thing, well somewhat." Anari told Jack. She turned towards him and looked at him. "Hey, is something on your mind?" she asked curiously.
{NO NO! I like quick relationships... I have only ever had one character successfully in a relationship. Gods my role playing relationships is rusty...}

Jack's cat ears twitched and he started to purr again. Apparently his demon side was just as appealing to the girl as his human cover up. It was a nice thought. He was taken to a rather nice room, his cat self looking for something shiny out of place, his demon side thinking of Anari.

"I was just thinking how bwautiful you are." He said his perfect pearly whites at the girl as he stepped into her room. He thought of Aayame now, she should still be sleeping now on that table he left her on and he was now calculating how much time he had until she either woke up or Mikahmia was bored and wondering why he was here, he was rather happy Keith did away with the boy. He moved closer to the girl stroking her jawline again. "You said something about my voice?" He purred flicking his ears back and forth as he played with her hair now. His pale fingers ended darkly nearly blending in with her dark skin under the shadows.

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(Sorry for the late reply! Have been working on a lot of stuffs....I HATE SCHOOLWORKS WAA)

(@LucianGrey7971) "You are not going to do anything are you? And Blanco...I believe...In in the guardian office." Knowing that tension between Emilio and Blanco, she can't helped but ask.

(@DarkAncient) Blanco glances at him quietly before nodding. He snaps a finger and a contract flies down in front of Maximus. "You can join the student council, then. Yoi probably wants you in it as well, so I will let her go as wished for once." He smiles pleasantly at the girl, who smiles back.


Keith looks down at the floor while Mikah explains everything to him, some of them took him by surprise. However, the truth that Vlaxuda belongs to part of Mikah's family did not surprise him as much. What surprises him the most is that they have killed nearly everyone and Julio is still in jail. What does that conclude? ".....That so." He replies soft as a feather when Mikah finished explaining, his mind spinning in thoughts. It is Keith and Tavia's wish to destroy Vlaxuda by their own hands, but it seem to already be too late. Yet Julio is still alive, the cause of everything...Main one is still alive. Nearly dead though, in the jail being tortured like hell.

He looks at the weapon in Mikah's hands, the weapon that can kill a vampire without any healing. He has heard about it for quite some time--as a hunter, it is impossible not to know. The part about the fangs, how the other can drink and eat--He has also heard. Keith looks at it, and as he leans against the windowsill, he speaks with a easy tune. "I would like to meet Julio. I mean, we. Tavia will probably come too. What we're gonna do we're not sure. But then, we still wanna meet him." Keith explains, a smile hanging on his face that seems neither fake nor real.

Somehow, he is relieved that Mikah does not trust him. Keith doesn't really know what kinds of actions he will take once he finished accomplishing his goal. Maybe his mind will start telling him to kill all the vampires and ruin all the families, and Keith, though most of the time using his brain in the right way, can sometimes fail to control what his mind wants him to do. He exhales a sigh, taking out a cigarrete to smoke again.

"I apologize for not knowing your sibling's relationship." That, the hunting teacher says it with sincerity. "Quite complicated isn't it..." He comments, the wiggling line of smoke flies out the window from his cigarrete. "Tavia and I are orphans, and sometimes we can only rely on each other before becoming part of the village. That's why, maybe, we seem to understand each other a lot." Saying that, Keith's eyes soften, wavering a little against the moonlight.

(@CoyotyZephyrWolf There it's shorter. Well I'm busier these days so can't type long either way OwO)
Emilio stopped and looked at Tavia "Define do. Either way if you're going to continue to follow me, you'll need to move faster. I haven't got all day... well I DO but that's not the point." Emilio turned and walked towards the guardian office
"Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!!" Tavia catches on. "But whyyyy do you need to find Blanco anyway. Aren't you done with him..." Tavia says catching up.
Maximus grinned and took the document. "Thank you for accepting me." Without thinking he went to sign the document as all demons do. He pulled a quill made from a raven's feather and pricked his finger using that blood to sign the document. Once he was done he had a sudden realization and in a sort of embarrassed way put the quill away. "I'm sorry I always forget that isn't how you do things up here."
"What? You thought i was going to give up on becoming Chairman of the SDC? Not a chance. Its just I feel he knows something. Could be that he knows why I'm feeling the sense of... not danger. .. but unpleasantries? Something like that. Feels like things are gonna really get shaken up if I don't do somethin" Emilio said before putting his foot in the middle of the door and applied a bit of pressure. The door swung open and Emilio stepped in. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything... but I got the feeling my skills were needed"
Blanco chuckles and shakes his head at Maximus, "Blood is fine." He hears the door opens and sees Emilio there, and raises an eyebrow. "Tavia~What brings Emily here?" He asks indirectly at Tavia, who shrugs. "He said he feels unpleasant." Yoi frowns silently, walking over to Maximus. "I guess we're done here?" She says sweetly, she is facing her enemy, who wants her position, of course she will be more cautious.

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