The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

{OH MEH GODS ITS A ONE LINER!!!! ~Points to it getting grossed look okiddin~ kidding its fine I understand I am going to throw my Jack's phone out the window. I need to grab mine to respond} 
Jack glanced down at Aayame his mind pressed a bit. "yes, she will be fine, she is a vampire, they recover quickly." He said his cat ears folding back as they walked, this was one of his finer examples of what he was talking about earlier people not coming to acceptance with their demons. At least Anari said she would try. He had been begging and pleading with Aayame for years to at least try. Nothing about this stubborn girl would ever change her mind though. She hated what shew as and blamed herself for nearly everything that went wrong in the family.

As they approached a room Jack glanced around and went into the room placing Aayame on a table in the room. Without warning he slit into his wrist and in a flash Aayame was biting him making him wince slightly. "Anari-San, you-" he paused groaning a moment. "You have to promise me what I told you about these children will not leave this room, or the room we were in. You see our family is still pulling themselves out of the ruins of a terrible past and we do not need any more people trying to ruin our future too. I am not saying you will or have even thought of it, but I am requesting of you not to speak to Tavia, Zero or Tavia's brother Keith, please, I do not have the authority or the time to explain, just, can you trust me?"

Jack was now beside Anari his wrist was hidden now where Aayame had bitten him and the wolf girl was laying flat moaning ever so slightly over her own pain. "more importantly," Jack started and took Anari's chin in his hand caressing her beautiful caramel covered skin, she contrasted against his own pale skin. "Can i trust you?"


Anari stared at the girl. Then she thought about what Jack told her earlier. "So this is what he meant by embracing who I was." she thought.

She quickly jumped back when Aayame bit him that quickly. Her glance turned back to him when he asked his request. "I trust you." she replied. "But what if they talked to me?" she asked lowly.

"Yes you can trust me." Anari said again. She then hugged him tightly. "I-I should be heading to b-bed." she said quickly pulling away from him and walking back to her room.
(It's okay, you can't helped it because sometimes that's the only way it will work in a rp.)

That very sharp eyes of Mikah has slightly unsettled Keith. He frowns, knowing that the other has noticed that something is troubling him. But he smiles pleasantly anyway, knowing that the other is troubled with something too. He knows that expression all too well from his sister--the desire for food--mostly blood. But seeing that the other started talking about other topics, Keith decides to let it pass. He just wished that this new guardian does not plan on feeding on students. Well, if he did, it's the guardians, student council president,'s and student discipline matters, none of his business. He chuckles when Mikah talked about that "creep show wolf," and how they're rivals while leaning against a windowsill all the time.

When Mikah explained about what kind of hunter he is, it caught Keith's attention really well, and that clearly marked the difference between what kind of hunters they are. A hunter specialized in hunting vampires, and a hunter who doesn't care about what he's hunting. That convinces Keith real well, then, that Mikah is not a friend nor foe. It is possible that, if another asked him to kill Tavia, that's what he will do. Keith has all thoughts running through his mind as he replies with his usual lighthearted tone, "Come on~Don't have to hold back so much. No worries, I leave my heart pretty open for people to read anyway." He pauses for a moment, crossing his arm before looking up testingly. "I see, you will whatever is on the list. I have a lot of enemies, you know. If I ask you to kill them and they ask you to kill me, what will you do?" He bends his head to one side before answering the other's question about what he is troubling about.

Keith sighs slightly at that, he walks over and places his hand on the others' that are holding the pen and the pad. "No need to be all businesslike in front of me." Gently pushing it down he turns around and looks out into the window. "I seek for you not as a job of clients but as in helping others with your most original self, as in assisting others for the sake of one own's heart's desire," he closes his eyes before opening it again. "So it's your rights to see if you want to help or not. I don't like to ask as a client, because I'm not that kind of a person. It makes me feel like a coward, and I'm sure Tavia won't want that too." He winks, a light smirk playing on his lips before looking back out of the window, an eerie night without a moon.

"Somehow it's as if you are digging into my secrets by asking those questions," Keith laughs a bit at his own words, talking about the question that Mikah asked about which family member changed and how close was that girl when she died. "Oh and no offense, I know you ask that to all of your clients. But since I'm not one of your clients, and I still ask for your help...I will just say the basic of it." He pauses, swallowing his saliva as he turns out and leans against the wall, once again leaning against the wall. "It's very simple. I have this dear village, and a little sister but unlike you, we are rather close despite all the tiny quarrels. And we are close to the vampires Vlaxuda back then, but they betrayed and destroyed the village. Everybody killed except for my sister and I, and sister got forced and turned from a human to a vampire. For me I seek revenge and turn myself into a wind spirit." He doesn't talk about how Tavia's lover was the one who betrayed her, who told Vlaxuda to attack the village, and turned her into a vampire. Nor did he talked about Juna, his lover who died, and how the wind spirits helped him seek revenge but instead failed and all died as well--and he doesn't even know if they have extinguished yet or not. He looks up to Mikah and smiles a smile that is hard to know if it's real or fake. "Anyway, that's the basic of my past. We siblings both seek revenge, but Tavia liked it here and somehow she found people who she can truly trust, so I don't know if she will like the idea of me asking you for help. Not like I trust you fully too, I will decide once you decide if you want to help or not." Keith makes everything sounds so easy, but repeating that past is actually really painful. He lets out yet another sigh as he takes out his cigarrete and begins to smoke out the window.
Mikahmia's hair ruffles slightly, under edges where his human ears are in this form his cat ears tickle them from being told that he did not have to be business like. He placed the pad down and took a break in deciding to act like he had to breathe instead of just standing there giving himself away like that. The boy looked down not sure how to answer Keith's question, usually without question he would but they would have to be on the list. "No," He answers quickly leaving room for himself to explain. "For requests to be carried out would need to get paid I am not saying you would I am simply letting you know that people would have to pay and no price is too high for human life considering every time I do get paid to kill a human creature or otherwise, I push my self that much closer to inhumanity." It was clear he held some sort of grudge against vampires, something he was not explaining here. His hands now slipped back into his trousers.

He swallows as Keith continues like a death sentence Mikahmia's job, a request as a single person to another, Mikahmia is not sure what to do and his years of training did not quite yet prepare him for the heart wrench that Keith shoveled at him. Vlaxuda, Merdorco's father, a horrible man a betrayer of his family it was him that ruined whatever it was, years ago before Mikahmia was born, Coyoty his mother told him the story again and again. His face did not change, he continued to look straight on his hands in his pockets, perhaps this was more of a give away then any reaction he could have taken, he was not sure.

Now what really got him was the statement about his sister "A little sister but unlike you, we are rather close despite all the tiny quarrels." He flicked his ears swallowing and looking out the window now. The silver rays of moonlight played on the treas casting shadows in the areas it could not reach and lit up areas where it could reach beautifully. The sound of his sister sounded nothing like him, he did not hate his sister as most would clearly assume with how he treated her, he nether pitied her though. He simply could not grow to accept what he was regardless of the fact Jack was always on him about accepting it.

As much as Mikahmia hated what he was he did not hate who he was and who he was was son of Coyoty Mathis and Riku, he could not just take lightly to what Keith had said how was he supposed to respond: "oh, my family attacked yours but don't worry they were all put to death' how would that play over? His own mother had part in killing the vampire members and she and fun doing it too. He tried not to look like he was thinking about one thing but the whole thing, Tavia sounded a little interesting anyway, she seemed like a person who was a follower, someone who bunny tailed another. Mikahmia could not hide the little laugh he stifled thinking of his siblings and his cousin Sandy being the same exact way.

"It sounds to me like they hurt you pretty bad," his choice of words pegged him, but he continued no matter how painful it might have been. Starving and hurt himself he could not lie to a person freely, lying was like trying to talk to Mary and lie to her. She knew everything. "Ah, well my mother might be a little bit more in tuned to the past, during that time I think there were only a few families of vampires and my mother is a part of one of the biggest groups." He was lying now and pausing nearly every word to make sure each and every word fell into place. "I can um, I can call her here if you want, she is a very strong member of the family and holds her thirst well, she is of no threat to you or the school in any way."

Of course his mother was of no harm, she hated what she was more then Mikahmia did and though she liked telling the story of what she did to the family of rebel vampires, Mikahmia knew the woman as strong as she was hated what she had done, a bloody death that left only one child alive, a boy, Merdorco he was leader and he changed his last name, not to anything overly different but different none the less, their family was still recovering from that attack on their family name and that village. Mikahmia blinked slightly, he assumed he had decided just then by offering up his own mother to help, maybe to understand Tavia a little more, or maybe to smell her, taste her blood because she of all people would hold the memories of whichever vampire bit her in her veins. The secrets to why they attacked them, secrets not even his mother knew.

Mikahmia tried pushing those thoughts out of his mind. They were nasty thoughts and most importantly demonic thoughts. Keith had mentioned however that he wanted Mikahmia to be in his most original form. A smile soon curled to his lips. "You said my most original form?" He questioned one of his eyebrows raising and a slier smile playing on his lips. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and flicked up his ears out of the folds of his tick white hair, then his eyes going blue he took the form of a small all-white turkish angora and still smiling now pulling his ears back nearly looking demonic he laughed. "I was born as a cat" no lies here, he was born in his cat form, Aayame in her wolf form and his other siblings cats as well. "So I guess this is my most original form, but somehow I assume that is not what you meant, no?" He turned his head now sitting on the windowsill dropping his tail over the inner edge of the windowsill still having that creepy smile on his face.

{Heh.... Mikahmia can be a bit of a meanie when it comes to this... since he does not like his demonic form that is XDD @SilverBlack }
Maximus nodded and smiled kissing Yoi lightly before picking her up and floating towards the guardian's office. The only reason he knew where that specific office was had to do with scouting out who might be angry with him at some point. "I guess it's time to go back to the place with all those angry people who talked to me about safety and stuff." He chuckled as he carried her off to the office giving her another soft kiss.
"Hmmm," Keith replies to Mikah's explanation about him being paid as a hunter with just a tiny mumble. When he does speaks about it though, he says it with a smirk playing on his lips. "Well it seems like you are helping me anyway. And no worries, I don't trust you. We can just know each other so we can use each other, and every time one go against we will just have a fight, and who wins survives, who loses don't. Well, not like you can use me much right now anyway," he says it in such a normal tone he finds it amusing himself. "Don't feel weird, I don't trust people. So it's normal that you are not trusted. I'm that bit different from my sister, so." His voice darkens a bit, "Don't trust me as well.." Then, Keith's face lightens up again, "Not like I expect you to trust me or anything." He chuckles before leaning out of his window by his back, so he is facing the moon.

Without changing his position, he whistles slightly, "...Well, we were hurt pretty bad, those villagers who died are hurt forever, but us, the two only survivors...Are hurt and seek for revenge. Anyway, it seems you know a lot about Vlaxuda already, maybe it is because you are....related to them or anything?" He lowers his voice at the last part, and stands straight again, "Well besides that you seem to be of great help already. And about that Mary you mentioned? Don't bother about her. I don't like to have my problems be known with other people especially with such as Mary--a stranger I know nothing about. All I need to know is whether or not Vlaxuda is still existing or is already dead. If it's still existing--and you decide to help--then we can find it together but," he pauses for a moment as Keith's voice turns cold along with his face expression. "I want to kill them myself...No, that specific one that killed her....And Tavia will like to kill Julio herself too." That "her", talking about Juna, his past lover, and Julio, Tavia's once-but-betrayed disgusting vampire, are the two main vampires that the siblings strive for. Ah, talking about siblings.

"Sorry, am my view about you siblings wrong? If it's wrong then accept my sincere apology, I mean no harm to the handsome you nor to your wonderful cute sister." Keith smiles warmly again, "Cause you seem to be bothered by my comments..." His smile flickers against the moonlight as he watches Mikah changes into his original form, listening to him explain how he was born as a cat, and feels that something within him has changed. Keith remains cool about it, his smile turns into a smirk as he claps his hands several time. "Interesting," he compliments, sounding both empty and filled with enthusiasm. "I like how you seem to change your character too," he winks before having the corner of his eyes look at Mikah and asks with that much of a testy tone, "...I assume whatever form you are in, you will cause Tavia no harm, right? Something like, tasting her blood~Testing with her~" He looks up at the ceiling in thought. "Just saying...She hates being tasted by vampires."


Yoi kisses back every time Maximus kissed her, she chuckles at his words, and smirks. "Well, I'm actually one of those people~" She winks, enjoying the moment with Maximus when she hears male footsteps coming over.

"Ah~What a pleasure to see you, Yoi, a great surprise to see that you got a lover as well."

There stands Blanco, smiling pleasantly while leaning against the doorframe. Yoi knows instantly that that smile is just another of his awesome charming smile that is created by just as many devious thoughts he has in mind. "Hey," she says lacing her arms around Maximus's shoulder. "Yep, I got a lover, just like you got a lover and shared the same bed twice despite the fact that you are the student council president."

"What a wonderful thing to learn that you are a stalker," the charming boy replies, and his eyes quickly scan over Maximus. "A pleasure to meet you, so why are you here at this point of night, which is against the school rule?"
Maximus almost let out a laugh. "My my I actually made the SDC chairman break a rule." He smiled and leaned up against his cane. "We never got to finish a conversation about me joining the student council. I do hope that you don't mind my inability to follow rules, it's sort of in my blood. Then again knowing my secret you already know that." As he leaned against his cane the skulls one eye began to violently glow purple and shake the mouth opening and closing rapidly as if trying to speak. It was an obvious sign of a trapped familiar in an object to any person who knew anything about demons. Maximus noticed this and with a sigh started to beat the skull of the cane against the wall until it stopped. "Unruly little thing, he needs to learn to work with me or he is of no use." He then began to lean against his cane again before a single raven feather slipped out of the skulls mouth. Maximus sighed at the feather and simply kicked it away. "What requirements are there for becoming a member of the student council?"
Mikahmia takes his human form dressing quickly but leaving his shirt off. As Keith says about fighting he remembered that was what Aayame told him, only her words were more dark and torturous to him. Hearing them again almost did nothing to him. He flicked his ears pulling his shirt on over a tattoo he had on his chest. "Ah, yeah." Was all he could stifle to make any noise right now was clearly a stupid idea, he did not trust Keith as it was but there was more to the story as to why he didn't. His sister for starters was one of them, one of those family members that his own mother told him to stay away from. He in truth liked listening to his mother, she had seen more in one year of her life then Mikahmia had seen his whole life, plus if that not reason enough then Coyoty was his mother and that ended all conversation for him.

"Oh I do not trust you." The boy breathed through his lips under his breath like he was not to proud to say it, but as he stood fixing his tie around his neck he walked over to the boy his eyes that cold grey again. "I probably never will because for all I know, and you can just be quiet when I say this" here he was telling someone who had to have years upon him to shut up, how mad was Mikahmia being now? "You could be working for someone who wants to hunt me, someone who holds a grudge on me. I just do not think I could do that, I have too much to risk. You will understand in time, there are a lot of people who want me dead." Mikahmia closed his eyes as they flashed a brief second of red, his voice had toned down just as cold as his eyes and now he knew he was letting his demon side take over him.

He coughed swallowing and took to the table with his note pad on it. Coyoty really did know more about this then him, and maybe if he had mentioned Mary she did too, but he was talking about the woman who had tortured and killed several members of her own step father's family. He listened to Keith speak though ignoring his demon, every time he mentioned a member of that family, or the whole family itself he wanted to tell Keith all about it, put him at ease but he had lied so much, he had to think of something now, Keith was getting suspicious. Mikahmia swallowed and looked down now deciding to give in, Keith deserved to know the truth, the whole truth.

"Ah, um, well... Vluxida is a major part of my history." A part of his body he sore right there just dropped off of him and walked away, it felt like the last sense of humanity the boy had, and it was, the rest of his demon side had completely taken over, his eyes still grey were several tones colder then previously. "Vluxida was a family that betrayed coven rules, they were a cold brand of vicious vampires still pure in vampire blood but not bluebloods like my mother and grandmother, I assume they were jealous of this, perhaps just cold like most vampires have a tendency to be. Anyway, they attacked your family and your village before my family could stop them.

"Sir Mercito Vluxida led them into battle most wanting so some forced to in fear they would die. His own son Merdorco Vluxida was forced to follow him, but h did not want to and paid for that, but I digress. After they attacked the village my mother and her mother set fort to punish them. First they sent four hunters including my mother to infiltrate the vampire rebels coven. Coyoty was first in, she attacked and killed several of them told to leave Merdorco, Mercito and Juilo unharmed, but she did not quite listen to that. You see when a vampire bites another vampire human creature excreta, they see that person's history, what they did and Coyoty bit Merdorco, by accident, she received every piece of history down to what happened to your sister and I assume the girl you loved, I was not told names.... None of us were.

"Anyway, Coyoty took the three she was supposed to spare and removed their fangs." Mikamia opened his mouth bearing his eight elongated molars. "If you remove them the vampire will not die as long as they are not bluebloods, the vampires can never feed again, their fangs do not grow back and they do not become human. They cannot starve because purebloods may not be able to eat human food but their bodies will not collapse like a bluebloods will. So my mother brought the three of them home to her mother. Angered by what she had done but not to the point of punishing her, Mary sent Jilo to jail, killed Merdorco's fsther and is currently living with Merodorco. Julio currently resides still living, but barely, you see vampire halfbloods are the only species that can go without feeding. We have ways of killing vampires."

Mikahmia pulled out a gun and a knife, a sword was neck followed by a bow and quiver of arrows. He pulled out each weapons clips arrows, sheath ect and pulled out a candle lifting it bashing the purple weapons in light. "Ameythist, it prevesnts a vampire from regenerating." As if to prove he was what he as and his weapons were authentic he took a blade and scliced quickly through his palm. It took a few seconds but the blood soon rushed to the surface of his hand where he cut. "A vampire with this type of weapon will surely die, but we have been keeping Julio from the brink of death. I assume if I take you there we can get killing him sorted out but I don't particularly think his sentence is over. It may have been Merdorco's father that lead them to battle but it was purely Julio's idea, and we just like Mary are not lenient no matter who you are."

Mikahmia came to a close sheathing the dagger he used and started to put away his weapons when Keith mentioned his sister. Their relationship as if Keith had read them wrong he was apologising. "Look, I dislike her, and I love her, she is my sister and more importantly my twin. We were born nearly the same time. We have the same mother and the same father so there is no way I couldn't love her. I understand her though, I do not pity her for what she is and she does not pity me. We have done our care share of killing and hurting people, equally, but when it comes down to it we cannot face each other to tell one another that. That is the truth of it all, everything, about Mary and about me and my sister. Yes I may be a vampire and yes I may con people to get paid to kill but I do not kill unless I am instructed or given an okay by the family. There is just no other way to put it, either way I would wound up like this, my fathers sister hated vampires and I guess I just got those jeans." Mikahmia was not once afraid or in fear that Keith would snap, get mad or otherwise, he assumed Kieth already knew that he was a vampire any vampire or creature can smell it. Vampires are high beings when they use their power correctly and he was not afraid to fight back, he after all had been fighting his whole life to stay alive. He would continue to fight.

Standing here not breathing his vampire side out for the whole world to see noticed that he was string even more hungry then previously, he was not sure how talking about his past could do that, but the proof lay in his eyes and he assumed now this is why Keith asked if Tavia would be safe. "I can easily assure you Tavia will not be harmed sir. Regardless of what I am who I am or who I can be, your sister will not be in any kind of danger." He blinked trying to wash the blood red that was coming to his eyes but he could not hide the fact he was starving.

{ @SilverBlack If I have to re-write a reply this long over again I am going to throw a brick a you! Heh, xD kidding. @D'Gamr IM SO SORRY!!!!!! I TRIED TO RESPOND BUT I WAS NOT SURE HOW! We need a time skip. I was going to have Jack stop you and yeah... But I guess now I can't... Would it be okay if you took back your recent reply and I do have him stop you!? BECAUSE YOU RUINED MY PERFECT KISSIG SCENE BY WALKING AWAY!!!! ~Smiles~ but I forgive.}
".... I'm gonna go find that one guy. .. Blanco I think his name was. .." Emilio said absent-mindedly and walked into the school
Tavia frowns as she catches up with Emilio. "Wait wait wait, why again~?"

(Emilio~! It will be a true pleasure if you reply faster. I know you are busy though sorry O3O)

(@CoyotyZephyrWolf my habit of replying to a long post is to also type long to match how long the other is xD Don't worry I will type shorter....I guess....mehehe...)

Blanco looks at Maximus, listens to his words and his interaction with that skull. He then think of other's words carefully with a smile still playing on his lips. Meanwhile Yoi gets to her feet and crosses her arm as she leans against a side of the wall. It takes a moment before Blanco starts to speak again, "I don't mind how many rules you break because I am a troublemaker myself, who somehow still have the position of the student council president and escape every punishment. But, if your troubles will cause me troubles then," he grins. "You can be easily kicked out...Let's see. You want to join the student council.There are not much requirements except the fact that you can keep a secret when one is being told. You see, we deal most with secrets..The problem is, how do I know you are worth to be part of the council?"
SilverBlack said:
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf my habit of replying to a long post is to also type long to match how long the other is xD Don't worry I will type shorter....I guess....mehehe...)
{Gods by the time were done we will be writing novels! That is how I post... xD }
"Wa- ugh." Jack glanced at Aayame a moment and turned to her kissing her forehead again and a second later she went silent. He grabbed his sleves and pulled them down buttoning them and raced after Anari.

"Anari-San wait!" He yelled his feet barely making any sound as he ran down the hall. He was strangely barefoot even though he was dressed so well, it was strange because he was always this way. Jack was not sure he even owned a pair of shoes, not since he was cursed. "I am glad that I can trust you, and I assure you as much as you may doubt me," jack stopped Anari this time and pulled her as close to him as possible. "You can trust me." He kissed her this time on the lips his ice cold pale lips touching her completely opposite ones softly, tenderly like he had practiced a hundred times before.

In truth jack had no experience with kissing any girl, he had never dated in any way since Mary took him in, he was asked to help with Coyoty and when she was taken he did not stop looking for her, after she returned she had kids and he volunteered to help take care of them. This did however make him incredibly caring but he fell for Anari, and fell incredibly hard if not quickly for the wolf, regardless of the fact he was a cat and she a wolf, he liked her spirit her fight. He liked her.
Anari heard her name being called and the whoosh of wind. She stopped and turned around quickly. "I never did doubt you." she told him as he pulled her close. Her face turned red and then she felt his lips touch hers and her eyes widened then calmed to where she closed her eyes. His lips were cold but they felt perfect.

She slowly pulled back from him and embraced him in a hug tightly where she began to snuggle against him. "What was the kiss for?" Anari asked him with a grin across her face. Her eyes stayed closed and she was slowly drifting off to sleep.
Matthias boldly walked up the steps to the big school carrying a blue book bag. He didn't mind the night, he love the stars. He started humming "This Endris Night" to himself then opened the door and looked around. No one was here. He started walking around the hallways, looking for someone to help him get settled in.


Ivor cautiously crept up to the large building in front of him. He was already afraid of the dark itself, who knows what creepy student could be lurking around outside? "Don't be scared, I promise it'll be fun." he whispered, patting Martin on the head reassuringly. Ivor hoped someone would be awake to show him his room where he would be safe and sound, hopefully. He tightened the scarf around his neck nervously. Ivor then proceeded up the steps of the school and slowly creaked open the door.
"Oh I'm awful good with secrets." Maximus gave a wicked smile to that comment and chuckled a bit to himself as if at an inside joke only he knew. "As for worth I'd put my bounty at about 10 million." He laughed a bit at his own joke and then coughed adjusting his hat. "But all jokes aside if you really desire to know my worth to your organization I think the information I previously gave you is proof enough. I was a traveler and I know most of this earth and hell by the insects that live in its dirt and the whispers that people don't want heard. It may not make me good at keeping secrets but it makes me damn well at dealing with them." His eyes seemed almost completely different when he spoke seriously. As if when he stopped joking he became a completely different person. His posture even seemed to change, less leaning and more straight and fixed. "Information is my specialty but so is keeping it sealed up in a box and sending it to the right person when necessary." His posture and eyes changed again suddenly as he smiled. "I guess you could also say murdering my own kind is a specialty as well but that only goes for demons who wish to cause the innocent harm."
Jack's smile slowly faded but the kiss was amazing he grinned and lifted Anari like she was the size of a sack of flour. (Normally he lifts things that weight WAY under what there supposed to.) He was delicate, strong but delicate. His years of training had made him this way, he was always up for a challenge though, even though this was not a challenge. "Think of it as a bed time kiss." He whispered twisting his voice into his demon one, one in which nearly no person could resist.

Being a demon of his kind they were normally beautiful abnormally such, perfect features, a voice that killed and a personality that almost always won. Each decade though that personality and looks changed, each one was different, as unique to the person as their human features were. Jack's included a spinoff of his dark black hair it changing to the light blush colour with an amber stripe, his fingers it ex black and his eyes usually went red. But today they stayed their captivating dark green. He took this form not to pray on Anari, not to win her over her love likes or otherwise. He did it because he wanted the girl to know what he was and as long as he was aware there was no rules against that such as long as the students were to be brought no harm.

Unlike most he was not dangerous, unlike many he was in control of his thirst, and unlike his family the person who changed them broke her own law. It was she who set the law not to change not kill a human being, it was her who formed a punishment suitable to carry out in case this law was ever broken. Each case evaluated studied even when the human that was changed had given their life up willingly, a chance to be immortal, any low life human would want that.

"So tell me Miss Anari, where is your room?"

{ @D'Gmr you avatar has created awe inspiring posts, xD you post}


Nairu yawned waking as she heard the door to the main building open not once but twice. She lay perched on a window will curled around her contrasting against her younger sister and listened as a boy wandered the halls. The world was dark for her besides what she heard what she could piece together everything looked like by smells hearing and various other senses. She yawned again poking her sister until the white cat woke up, this cat blinked its brilliant blue eyes looking around. She saw the boy wandering down the halls but her eyes fell on one that had something more interesting, something that smelled better and before Nairu could stop her Sairu was off towards the boy at lighting speed.

Nairu changed into her human form and darted after her sister spinning through the hallways narrowly missing the dragon boy as she ran. She was nimble even in this form though and made it to her sister just before the boy was trampled by a single white cat. "Ah-" she cut herself off unable to say much of anything. "Im so sorry!" she barely whispered her words flowing like velvet before she turned on her heals and ran in the other direction her long black hair flowing as she passed the dragon boy again this time in her arms a squirming white cat.

The boy in her mind was beautiful, and he smelled alright, closer to human then most anyone in this school, unlike the dragon boy that assaulted her nose each time she passed him. He did not smell bad he just had a distinct smell that was heightened due to Nairu's being a cat. She shook her head from those thoughts and locked herself up in her room reminding herself shed accidentally fallen asleep outside of her room because it was a lot cooler.

Blinking and calming herself she changed from her everyday outfit and into a black sleeveless dress with a white sleeved lace and silk over lay. This was her mothers and though still too big for her Nairu wore it. Sairu took her human form too and started laughing. "You like him." She giggled her blue eyes closing when she ran a brush through her now blonde hair removing a blue butterfly.

"Shut up." Nairu spat crawling on tip of the bed laying down her foot pressed against the cool wood of the stacked beds frame. Sairu's twitching white cat ears perked up over the bed and though Nairu could see her human ears only she was aware even now Sairu could not hear her well. It was like her sight, she could see in her human form but it was horrible sight leaving it hard to make most things out. Now that her parents were dead glasses hearing aids everything was medically unavailable to them, however neither girl were helpless they'd been living this way their whole lives, they learned to deal. And so Nairu sighed, using her hands to make pictures, a language she knew only Saiur would be able to decode to tell her to go to sleep. The blonde kissed Nairu on the cheek and smiled as her goodnight wish and lay under the bed on another bed curling up into her covers right away, Nairu however though as brief as their encounter was thought of the boy that smelled like a human and a hedgehog. "Maybe he's sonic." The girl whispered giggling to herself at the thought of the boy shed barely even said 5 words to being a fictional blue character from a Sega game.

{ @Pateer Drakon your post sorry its so long. DX}
(Sonic, lol)

Matthias felt inclined to run towards the direction of the girl with the cat to ask for help, but when he turned around he only saw a frightened looking boy. "Can you help me?" He called out. Matthias tilted his head up in questioningly matter.


Ivor was stunned from the sudden attack and was quite scared. When he saw a tall boy asking for his help, he felt like crying. "H-help... I need help." he whispered and turned invisible. He leaned against a wall and started to whimper. I always mess things up when I'm scared! Ivor thought. He took Martin from his pocket and held him to his chest. He was so tired, he barely had the strength to full on cry.


Though he could not see him, Matthias could hear the other boy's attempts at blubbering. He headed towards the sound and reached out. His hands felt something soft. It was Ivor's hair. "There you are then." Matthias said and sat down next to Ivor. He pat Ivor on the head, how childish this boy was! Matthias smiled, he remembered what the dragon would do to comfort him. He started to hum a sweet lullaby, Blue Eyed Ennis.


Ivor didn't know who this boy was, or why he was still here. He just wanted to find his room where he knew he would be safe. He wanted to go to sleep, on a soft warm bed of his own. Though he did like the tune the boy was humming. He closed his eyes and listened to the comforting sound, placing Martin in his lap.


Matthias was surprised when he saw the boy slowly re-appear. He noticed the small hedge hog in his lap, it almost looked like its owner. "What's your name?" Matthias asked. "Ivor." the boy whispered and fell asleep. The hedgehog rolled out of Ivor's lap and looked up at Matthias. What are you going to do now? it seemed to ask. Matthias knew. He slowly got up and transformed. He was a dragon now. He picked up Ivor with his teeth and place him on his back. He started walking, making sure not to drop Ivor. Martin trotted along beside Matthias, always loyal to his master.
Nairu's purple eyes went wide, her white silk blew slightly as she saw the dragon walking down the hallway. "Eep." She whispered, she had only left her room to tell the boy she was sorry, a more drawn out apology, and here she was being addressed by a dragon. He was not actually addressing her but more or less walking and this scared the Neko the most. She was so scared she did not see the nearly identical but opposite in colour girl on all fours staring up at the dragon.

Nether girl had ever seen a dragon in their lives and their wide eyes could not have stated that any better. "Ah... Sairu... I know- but." The black haired girl said her voice chocked and choppy. "Yeah, I think it is." Sairu still on all fours said her white ears twitching and flicking as she used her cat senses to be sure she was seeing things correctly. The blonde stood up watching the dragon still and closed her sisters mouth. "He's so pretty!" She said closing her eyes and clapping and jumping slightly her hair flying unpinned or anything around her face.

Nairu's purple eyes traced down the back of the dragon to the boy that smelled like the character from the Sega game. "Ah... Their.... F-" she cut off stammering for words a bit. "Friends." Sairu finished and stopped jumping up and down. "Hi miester dragon, can I pet you!?" She asked her cat ears flicking back and forth as she had no idea she was nearly yelling. Nairu was dumbfounded stunned into complete silence.
Matthias made sure to not step on the people around him. "I, am not a pet. Now, would you please help my friend and I find our rooms?" Matthias said with the utmost of dignity. He turned his head and pulled Ivor back up as he felt the boy slipping. Humans can be so troublesome at times, he thought. Matthais waited for a reply, watching the girls for any sign of a threat.
"Ah, um, sir, I hate to alarm you but neither me or my sister are... Human." Nairu's purple eyes blinked slowly as she swallowed informing the dragon that his thoughts were wrong, she had no idea these were thoughts and being called a troublesome human was pegging her. Sairu got a saddened look on her face. She had always wanted to touch a lizard and being a cat her mother kept her from them afraid she would hurt them, but this lizard was three times the size of her, we mother would most likely be worried it would hurt her instead.

"Um, I can take you guys to the office we got our room from a woman at the counter. S- Sairu come here quit bothering the nice dragon." Sairu did as she was told running behind her sister still upset that she could not touch the dragon. "I would assume things might get messy if you stay in that form... Would you mind takeoff your- ah, form closest to human? G- g-" Nairu coughed slightly her own cat ears pinned against her head blending in with her hair. "Given your size of course," Sairu was starting to shake behind Nariu now and the girl was picking up on her sisters fear.
A cold, whispering night breeze twisted through the moonlit trees, lulling nature to sleep as the guiding moon rose high into the sky. It illuminated the campus with its liquid silver light, making it much easier to see even though it must have been nearing midnight. Perched on the highest branch of a majestic oak tree, lay a Dragon, her deep indigo blue scales shimmering in the faint moonlight and her intense violet eyes taking it all in. Now normally when a student first comes to school, it's during the day, but when you're half Dragon...well it can make things a bit more difficult. Tyra's tail snaked around the trunk of the tree to help her keep balance and she sighed, a whisp of frosty white air escaping her lungs. Being a hybrid and not completely fully grown, she was quite small compared to the Western Dragons you would see in fairytales. She only stood at between 6 and 7 feet and as a female ice elemental, she was built for speed and agility, not strength.

Well? Are you going to sit up here all night or do something? she scolded herself inwardly, tucking her graceful wings tightly to her sides. Shifting her position, Tyra's scaley form slowly began to shrink and morph until the Dragon had disappeared and a tall, teenage girl was left sitting in its place. Her long, pale, robin's egg blue hair cascaded down over her shoulders in a waterfall-like fashion before she lept from the branch, catching tree limb after tree limb until she had safely reached the soft grass. It certainly was a beautiful estate. It was hard to imagine that almost everyone here was...inhuman. Of course she still had her doubts but this really was her last chance, or else she would once more be living out on the streets.

Tyra's nimble fingers gripped the wide strap of her satchel tightly and she forced her feet to take step after step, growing closer to the main building at a painfully slow pace. It seemed like ages before she finally stepped foot on the cement porch, staring up at the large doors in awe. She wasn't sure if anyone was even awake to help her find her way around, but if not, she could always sleep one more night outside. In fact, at the moment, caught up in her anxiety, she was thinking the ground might be more calming and comfortable than the school itself. Gritting her teeth together, she summoned her courage and took hold of the door handle, pushing hard. The wood door creaked open, allowing her entrance into the main corridor. She poked her head in first, looking around before finally entering. The door suddenly slammed behind her, causing her to jump at least three feet in the air, clutching her satchel to her chest as her heart beat frantically against her rib cage.

"H-hello...? Is anyone here?" Tyra called out softly, her pupils constricting into Dragonish slits as they became accustomed to the dark. She groaned as her voice echoed throughout the solitary hallway. Of course there's no one here...I mean, it's the middle of the night for crying out loud! she thought, sighing inwardly. Regaining her composure, she began to venture down the corridor, keeping a lookout for another moving form.
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