The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"...."Emilio stayed silent before finally saying "no. My problems are my own. Ill find away to solve them." Emilio gently set the boulder down and started to walk away.
( xD well good luck doing it remember to reply tho)

Tavia frowns before catching up, pouting again. "Your brain is as hard as a rock."
Mikahmia was taken a back by the boy's statement. Of course he knew that secrets were to be kept, what did this boy take him for? A liar, a cheat? or did he knew about Aayame, the chances for that were slim and so slim in fact that Mikahmia did not feel he had a right to mention the fact his sister lived there, he knew that already, her name started with not one but two a's she was on top of the list. He tried not to care his sister was there, sure they had a past, he knew that but it was just so hard to accept it. To actually accept the fact that his own sister was trying to attend a school with others like her was just so unlike her he did not know what he was thinking. How was he thinking like this? He let a long dramatic pause play out before couching and retuning to reality.

"So will I be needing to get an apartment or will there be a room for me?" He asked loosely hoping that his pause was not regarded as him being weak, he already knew the boy was judging him for his appearance everything he said was not even phasing this smug guy and at the moment Mikahmia was not in particular liking it. His own boss was twice as smug as the boy in front of him twice his age too but that was in maturity Mikamia hated people who put on fronts and waited for that special person to tear them down. His sister did that, now come to think of it did Mikahmia's life really revolve around his sister, and if it did, why?

Mikahmia coming to reality with himself took a moment to relax. it was now that Zero's remark about killing students. Technically Mikahmia did not kill anyone who was not on his list. "Only if they do not appear on my list." he nearly said irritatingly, he was letting his previous reality check rule his emotions for a moment but shook them off. In retrospect it is rules not to harm a student on grounds so if they are in need to die I will take them off grounds.


Aayame was fine with the cat laying right where she was. "yeah everything is just fine." She said half-mindedly as something caught her nose. "Hey cat wake up." almost rudely she flicked her tail to wake the cat. Something was happening, a smell, not of human blood but neither of a demon blood. Something still flowing through a creature still standing, not quite a beating heart but something she had reconised nonetheless. "Do... do you smell that?" She asked raising to her feet and jumping off the bed taking closer stands beside the door. She stood for a few moments confused her wolf ears twitching, and then she changed into her human form and grabbed for the door handle.

Opening the door flooded his scent to her. Her whole body started riving in anger. "That creep!" She growled lowly pulling her ears back against her skull which now was beginning to get framed in dark red curly hair instead of her normal stick straight blonde hair. She growled again turning towards the cat her eyes washing from all colour for a brief second before turning their red again. "Stay here!" She demanded the cat and took off.

She ran down the hallways nothing guiding her but her nose and on the way she grabbed a broom from a gaunter whom was mopping up the floors. Reaching her destination she grabbed the broom twirling it and running straight for Mikahmia. "You creep!" She growled her ears pulled back dark red hair blazing. Mikahmia in the attack had managed though now laying on his back with the girl on top of him a knife being the only thing between the two.

"Not here Aaya!" He hissed at her in return, his eyes for a single moment went grey then flashed red and were back to their baby blue colour. Aayame was insulted she could not believe her brother was here.

"Get out of here!" She demanded yanking back the broom and pushing herself off of him. "I don't want to fight with you anymore and I DON'T NEED A BABY SITTER!" she was crying though she was angry, her vampire demon now had completely overtook her half wolf half human self. Mikahmia got to his feet and put away his blade quickly turning to Zero.

"Sorry, sibling rivalry." Was all he could say before Aayame had herself on top of him again. "For someone who does not want to fight anymore you certainly are fighting pretty welL!" Mikahmia responded to each of her stabs and thrusts with just the broom and breaking the broom handle she landed it in his arm before he only in defense now slashed at her leg kicking her off of him. The broom handle now was completely through his arm and probably having broken a bone or two in his forearm. He grunted yanking it out but smiled looking at it. "Brilliant, still good with male weapons I see." Mikahmia seemed to be egging on the attack from Aayame but in actual fact all he needed was for her to slip up, to ingest his blood and the whole fight would be over.

This battle was over though because Aayame had drawn blood and Mikah had too, she closed her eyes and jumped one last time Mikahmia's vampire instinct taking over and stabbing the girl straighty through her stomach. She closed one of her eyes and Mikahmia smacked her once to knock her out. "Great god that had to be one of the fast-" Suddenly the girl bit him, not as her vampire self but as her normal inhuman sized wolf self. She tore into his throat growling at him as she did this.


Jack was all for the hug, he liked hugs. He liked Anari, but suddenly his eyes flashed red, he heard a crash, breaking glass perhaps? His ears furrowed back as he smelled the vampire demon blood all the way from where they were. "Crap Mikah is here." He whispered through his mind. He struggled a moment to relece himself fro mAnari's grip as he smeleld the sibling's blood and a lot of it pouriong from their bodies. "Ah, anri-San my dear, I hate to cut this short, my dear it just seems well... that the two people I am supposed to be watching, well they have gotten into a fight." He licked the girl on the cheek and then hopped from her arms.

"I cannot promise you safety, and I cannot promise you this will be pretty but I can show you two of our coven members and what happens when you don't embrace what you are, if you'd like." He figured their fight was his informational lesson to be taught, he had already failed his job, not entirely, as far as he knew Mikahmia did not break out his anti-vampire weapons yet, but it was a matter of time before he had, Aaayme was not on his list, or maybe she was, Jack knew the girl, she was on top of that list, she created that list for him. "Well if you want to come, let's go, look lively now!" Jack turned on his white paws and started down the hallway, for a cat he ran witn incredible speed, and then he saw the gruesome scene before him.

Mikahmia was on the floor bleeding, his hair silver his eyes red, Aayame a wolf a steak it looked like in her stomach growling and on top of Mikahmia. "What in the hell happened here?" Aayame's eyes shut and she started out a wolf type wine Jack looked around and took a seat grooming his paw like that was not his fault which in reality.... it was his fault. vampires could not take the pain thought talk took, Jack blinked and trotted next to Zero grabbing his pant leg with his paw after sitting and pointed to Aayame and then to Mikahmia. "They are siblings, sir, I am here to protect them" It seemed almost funny, a cat, protecting something that compared to him right then he was flea sized, Mikahmia and Aayame both had fatal injures. it seemed almost impossible for either of them to survive.

"Also, I would not worry, they have both done worse to each other." Aaayme and Mikahmia both had their eyes shut, Aayame was wining and limping helplessly until she collapsed beside the office her wolf form fading until she was human again, her blonde self only cringing in pain and covered in blood. Mikahmia was bleeding out, but with no beating heart bleeding to death was not an option. "Seems hard to believe it now, sir, but it is true." Jack said now in his human form and fixing his tie like he'd been standing there the entire time as a human.

{ @D'Gamr @Madi @SilverBlack Your posts, well you all i just kinda put them together, so I would recommend joining in. Sorry about the craziness. I do love a good actio nscene and I tried to be breif with it... yes... X.X This is my breifness...I just love these two characters for that very reason.... sorry, I am crazy...}
{My fingers are throbbing.... ~Holds up fingers~


Anari looked at him somewhat confused. "Are you required to watch people?" she asked curiously. Then the strong smell of blood hit her nose. It smelled like a mix between vampire and wolf. "It's ok Jack. She felt his tongue touch her cheek and she smiled a little. "Hey, wait!" she said beginning to follow him but she stopped.

A small fear rose in her. His words echoed in her head. She was used to blood but the thing was would another fight start between the two people Jack was supposed to be watching. She snapped out of the thought and ran after him, catching up to where she was behind him. Anari suddenly stopped when she saw the scene. There was blood almost everywhere she looked.

"A-Are they going to be ok!?" she asked Jack with a little panic in her voice. She walked forward stepping in the blood. There was horror in her eyes and her wolf ears stood straight up staying alert. She looked up at Aayame then backed up a little. Anari stared at the wounds and blinked about a couple of times. "Why would they fight though?" she thought as she went back to Jack's side.

She peeked from behind Jack at the two. "Why did they begin to fight?" she asked Jack lowly.
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{And D'Gmr they didn't go anywhere, Aayame passed out by the office entrance and Mikahmia is still on the floor bleeding... Just letting you know.}
{Well I cannot really copy the place where I said it but basically she passed out. O.o collapsed more like it I guess. Sorry. xD }
(Sorryyy I'm busyyyy)

(@LucianGrey7971) "Hmmm is that so?" Tavia tilts her head to one side. "I wonder what I'm stubborn at..."

(Zero requires more effort...I mean I have to type alot. I will type that later after I have more time )

(@DarkAncient Did u replied to mine yet tho lol)
Zero can feel that he has started to make the other feel negative. Well too bad, he's not good at dealing with people anyway. Blinking slightly, he can sense that the other has been thinking about a lot of stuff...Serious stuff, he can tell. That reminds him, that Keith had mentioned once about meeting a hunter. He had said that he is not a usual hunter...And goes by a name that he, as he said, had suddenly forgotten. Slightly irritated, he lets out a sigh. Anyway, even though he doesn't trust this new guardian in front of him, he still needs to show a certain politeness. Maybe, later, he will call on Keith to see who the hell this hunter is.

Mikah doesn't like him, as he noticed. Well, he doesn't like the other either. Can't be helped, Zero doesn't like strangers, especially those that appears rather mysterious. "There will be a room for you," he explained swiftly without much feelings. "It is a section on the dorms for guardians, teachers, etc.....

So Mikah has this possibility of killing students that is on his list huh. Well if that happens that Zero will certainly kick him off from the guardian position. Just as that thought is crawling onto his mind, Aayame bursts into the room. Things happened so fast, all of a sudden, abruptly. Suddenly, Aayame has burst into the room and a fight has started between this pair of...Siblings....As Jack explained. Zero frowns, watching the fight. Is it because of his tiredness? Somehow his mind has frozen when he thought about what to do. Before he realized it they are both on the floor....Wounded like hell.

Well this is ridiculous like hell.

Zero does not give a damn about how serious their wounds are, or whatever relationship all he cares about is....

They break the school rules.

More important, one is a school guardian.

Ridiculously ridiculous!!

Zero decides to ignore Jack's existence as he walks over to the wounded siblings. Looking down at them with his hard, cold eyes, he makes sure they are not completely unconscious yet before speaking, his voice is rather icy. "Aayame...Mikah. Fighting in the middle of the night. Mikah, as a school guardian, you are supposed to stop students from the fight...Yet you fight with them. Are you not educated enough to know what a school guardian's job is? Or did you earn the position, just for the sake of fun? Oh, I don't care how much she attacked you first. Stopping it without a fight is what a school guardian is supposed to do." He turns his attention to Aayame. "And you, too. Bursting here in the middle of the night to fight, is completely unacceptable. You are the one who caused this, too. That is enough for suspension...But I will only give you detention for 2 weeks. Consider that my kindness." Immature, immature, immature. A bunch of immature creatures.

He is scowling so tightly when he noticed that Keith has been standing there the whole time. When Zero looks toward him, he waves a hand. "I heard something, so I came. Turned out to be quite interesting! Zero, you are indeed entertaining when you are scolding people. Oh, by the way, scowling is not good too. You get wrinkles easily." He winks at Jack as a greeting before walking to Zero and pats his shoulder, then looks toward the wounded siblings on the floor with a grin.

"Don't be so irresponsible, you are a teacher, too." The cold guardian said to him with an irritated voice.

"No no no. I'm only a hunting teacher. Just a hunting teacher. I am only responsible for teaching students how to hunt." Keith replies cheerfully and turns to Jack. "Who are you? Haven't seen you before?" 
(I CANT FIND ITTTT D:< @DarkAncient )
Jack blinks a moment feeling ignored unwanted and as if for a brief moment he was not there. He fixes his tie while the two children (because technically that is what they both are) get scolded. He wonders briefly what would happen if their dad were still there, what would happen? Riku (their father) was taken by his sister after they were born, favouring the other two siblings as well the two extra cats she took them too. Riko (Riku's sister) was a sick girl only wanted what was best though, maybe she knew Aayame and Mikahmia would fight, even if they had though who was to really blame, was it Riko or themselves? Coyoty did the best she could at raising them but she did it alone and still they turned out just as cold if not colder then her demon side in their own human forms.

He recognised the wounds and jolted forward to take care of them but he was addressed instead. He is scared is cost is blown, but he deck idea Keith from somewhere too. Perhaps as, was it at the bar Jack visited that one time? Or was Keith there was his own sibling came and attacked him when he had Coyoty with him. "Ah, well." He started, not being sure technically it wasn't a lie. "No, I do not believe I know you." He blinked, a horrible liar, he had been doing it for close to a hundred years and here he stood still sucking at it. "However cold and heartless that other guardian may be, in my opinion I think Mikahmia had no choice Aayame there is a good fighter," at this point Aayame was yanking the broom handle from her side and looked up her eyes closed for a second before their red iris re opened and glared at Mikahmia

"This is all your fault!" She growled narrowing her eyes, since Mikahmia's throat was technically not a part of him he should have been made imoblised but he was in demon form all need to breath flew out the window as quickly as he took this form. "Rubbish," he stated sitting up and grabbing the remnits of his throat off the ground. "You nearly cost me my job!" He hissed in return, they were siblings and though they hated eachother with a passion this was their makeup conversation, usually carried out on hospital beds where they were placed on purpose next to eachother.

"I cost you your job?! You should be happy to even have a collage education!" She spat in return pointing the broom handle at the boy, "some collages do not allow girls who can only claim they are sixteen because of their birth certificate, even though I blew through high school!" Mikahmia rolled his eyes at this staement. He was a hunter and though he knew he was in the wrong fighting with his own sibling she came at him drew his blood first, everything after that was self defence, not every case was the same, not every student is the same either. He knew the rules, he simply felt they did not apply to Aayame, they need had in the past. He glanced towards the hunting teacher and Jack wondering silently what they were talking about.

"Jack is trying to keep Keith from knowing about him." Aayame snickered in return the detention thing not even phasing her, still. She had been given far worse, punishments that would kill a normal human were delivered to her, and thigh her mother did well to harm of not kill the person who did it, Aayame was no longer with her mother, but that was her decision. Mikahmia nods slightly and places his hand over his missing throat swallowing slightly before painfully forcing his skin and muscles there to grow back before he even tried to assume his human form. "If anyone knows what type of hunter I am Aaya you know I am out of here right?" Aayame started laughig and grabs her stomach owning over in said laughter.

"Oh gods!" She whispers closing her eyes. "Your killing me." She turns off her laughter like it is a valve and glances at Mikahmia again. "The only reason to did not kill me tonight when you had the chance was not because your throat was on the floor or because to were worried about your job it was because deep down inside when I changed you," she pauses getting lower wit her voice as not to tip off any onlooking listeners. "You started to understand what it was like. And for the record I have not seen mother sice I left her, she was still looking for dad at that time I betcha though Riko hid him pretty well and wiped his memory." Jack glanced back even though he was addressing Keith something catching his heightened cat ears. "I am Jack," he says not entirely paying attention all of the sudden, he though out his hand out as if to shake to meet Keith for the first time.

He heard Aayame say how she betted that Riko took Riku and wiped his memory, in actual fact though to be nice and say that he knew the truth would be too much. Coyoty wiped Riku's memory for him, kissed him goodbye and forced Riko off with him. It was entirely her choice and she choose it better that way. The two families were in get oil at the time like a Romeo and Juliet story only against vampire mutants and just mutants one way or another they would have lost Riku, either to death or due to what Coyoty forced to happen. Aayame did not know the real story and that was one of the major reasons jack was doing as he was told. He then realised his situation and how Anari knew this student thing was a cover up. He swallowed and returned his gaze to Keith.

"And you are?" Was all he could muster.
(I'm kinda confused about what u typed XDD Wait who is the one asking who u r at the last part? :D )
(alright I will just let Blanco walks out of Reito's room....)

Blanco has yet another night with Reito when he wakes up half way at the sound of battling and stuff going on on the first floor office. Frowning slightly, he walks out of the room and heads down the hallway.


Keith frowns slightly, staring at Jack. He seems quite familiar....When Jack says he doesn't know him Keith is quite sure the other is lying. He decides not to voice it though, knowing about him or not is not a serious problem. As Jack explained that Mikah doesn't have much of a choice, Keith simply chuckles as he glances back at the new guardian who is still showing his unpleasant face expression at the siblings. Zero is trying his best to remain calm in this situation, this is probably his first time seeing a fight going on between a guardian and a student. He allows no excuses whatsoever...Seriously, a fight starting in the middle of the night is simply intolerable. A moment later though, he feels a hand on his shoulder to see Keith there, who whispers something to him. Zero sighs then, knowing Keith is persuading him not to use his abilities here to stop the siblings from quarreling. Keith is telling Zero that he can handle stuff from then on, and that this guardian can go to rest. Zero knows why, this hunting teacher is probably curious about something. But that doesn't mean he will leave...He backs off as the hunting teacher takes his position.

"Mikah! It has been a while~Do you remember me?" Keith has stepped in between Mikah and Aayame while they are quarreling with each other. Though they seem to be arguing about something quite important, something dealing with their pasts, as Zero said, this "argument" has caught quite a small war and is at the middle of the night. He joyfully turns his attention to Jack meanwhile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Jack. I am Keith, the hunting teacher." Whatever he met Jack already or not it is not important right now. After introducing himself he looks toward Mikah again. "It is a pleasure to see you here in the school, we met at a bar a few days ago. What a great thing to know that you two are this...wonderful siblings." He winks at Aayame at that before starting to tease. "Aayame is quite a cute and pretty girl~" Before Aayame can respond much to that he turns back to the new guardian.

"Yep, it is exactly as Zero said. If you go on any further you will lose your job. I'm sorry that we have to interrupt your fabulous talk between you beautiful siblings. You guys shall continue that talk somewhere else peacefully and quietly. Or else...I think you already know the answer?" Keith smiles charmingly as he said so. "What's more, I am quite curious about you. It will be a great pleasure if we can have a talk." After saying all that, he exhales a sigh. What kind of hunter is Mikah, is what he is most curious about. If he is a hunter who hunts down vampires, then Keith should feel cautious and pleased at the same time. A great hunter is who he needs anyway, someone valuable enough to help him seek revenge while not aim for his sister, a half vampire...No, she is so close to be a vampire, though not a pure one. Tavia is forced to turn into a vampire, to turn into a specie she hate herself...By the disgusting blood of those vampires that destroyed their village.

That's when Keith realizes something, that Mikah and Aayame are also a pair of siblings. But they fight so much he finds it funny. Do they truly hate each other by heart, or just hate each other. It's none of his concern anyway. They may have a past, but Keith has nothing to do with it, so he might as well not be curious about it. He raises an eyebrow at Zero, who is currently standing besides Jack, and decides to ignore both of them's existence for while as he grins back at the bloody wounded siblings.
Maximus sighed and sat up looking towards his door. "If I wanted to find Blanco, what would be the best way to do it?" He was eager to join the student council as he figured it would help him waste time and help others, something he wanted to do desperately. As he sat up he snapped and changed his clothing a nice white button up topped with a red vest and black dress pants now added to his top hat. He smiled at his new attire and slipped into some dress shoes standing up and walking to the door. "Does he by chance have an office or should I just cause a ruckus and see if he appears." Maximus gave an impish grin as he spun his cane in his hand. "Ladies first of course."

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