The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aayame sighed lightly letting her blonde hair she inherited from her father fall in front of her eyes as she unpacked her things loading them into the dresser closest to the bathroom. That was defiantly not the first time she ever heard someone say those words. Also never the first time she ever said them either. She pulled her ears back thinking of her mother, she inherited only one thing from her, and that was her thirst for blood.

Aayame blinked closing her drawer feeling strangely more friendly. "Really?" She answered turning holding her thin elbows in her palms loosely. "Me neither." She technically had two other forms but one was more promo ate then the other, dark blood red hair pale skin matching to her mother grey eyes and that same thirst for blood. "Secrets like that kinda ruined my family." She breathed lightly bending to the bed glancing at the girl. "So what's your secret?" She asked turning her head dropping one of her ears slightly.
"Well... I'm actually an alien who crashed here trying to get out of an arranged marriage... I was able to take a DNA sample from a human and convert myself to look like one." Amber said, still like her mind was somewhere else. She was only sitting on the bed fiddling with her hands, waiting for Aayame's response.
{No you're not being rude at all, it's fine. I was kinda tired when I made my previous post}

Anari quickly got up. All thoughts of sleep left her and she rushed to the table behind her and sank her claws into the table. She was startled and breathed slowly to keep her calm. "It was only instinct." she thought trying to keep herself calm whenever he hissed at her. She let go of the table and backed up a little. Her muscles tensed up and she continued to keep a steady breathing pattern.

She continued to stare at him and her eyes widened whenever she heard his voice go through her head. She slowly looked down. "But what if embracing who I am kills the ones I love?" she thought. "Why shouldn't I deny it?" she asked aloud this time. She knew what Jack was telling her was right but she was too frightened to accept it.

{just tell me if you want me to edit at anytime, it's fine}
"Darned arranged marriages," Aayame laughed it off, aliens or otherwise she really didn't care. "Cool, never met an alien before- wait isn't that an insult towards your species?" She was wondering because to be "alienated" was to be shunned from something, an insult. She shrugged slightly and climbed up to her bed stretching like a cat for a second before plopping down her tail flipped over the edge of the bed.

"You know my name, but I'm a vampire wolf, not a werewolf you call me that and I will personally rip your throat out, human or not." Aayame smiled sinking into the crook of her arm, insults like that were directly lined to her mother, insults her father would often go wide eyed and silent over even if they were not directed at him.

"My mum was a vampire and a wolf too." She continued regardless if the Amber girl below her was listening anymore, no one had managed to get this close to Aayame, no one.
"Don't worry, I'm not insulted at all" Amber said as she poked her head off the edge of the bed, sort of trying to look at Aayame, but instead started to make eye contact with her tail. "Does being a vampire wolf mean you dislike cats?" 
(That was probably a run-on sentence :P )
Aayame pulled her ears back upon the mention of cats, her father was a cat, her brother was one too. "Uh, well kinda." She closed her crimson red eyes and smiled. "My dad was a cat so it's not that I don't like them I just can't stand them. I love my father and all that but I come from a very mixed up family. Most of us are vampires, my father is not, my mother sold herself to keep him from turning, that was only after my father sister sold herself to keep him and my mum from marrying," she breathed slightly. "Before all that though my mum got pregnant and me and my brother and two of our other siblings taken by my fathers sister were born. I only spent nine years of my life with my brothers and sister. After I turned into a vampire my fathers sister took one of my brothers and my sister and then me and my other brother started getting into fights all the time."

Aayame was not I tuned to her past, in particular she hated it but it was relevant to the question and as for her tail, it lay still all for the tip which flicked at the tip, something shed been able to do since her father was a cat, he had a long thin tail and for her all she got was the length of his tail, and his hair colour of course, they way she saw it she did not look much like her parents.

{only character of mine to survive this long to have kids so sorry if it is a little jubley! ^~^}
Amber was silent for a long while, to the point where it seemed like she had fallen asleep. Then suddenly, a scratching noise broke the silence. Even though it was a small noise, it seemed like it was getting closer and closer to Aayame... but instead of some unknown creature, a small cat's head popped up over the edge of the bed where the ladder was. It crawled up onto the bed, where she noticed the cat was a dark blue color. The small cat curled up next to her and said "Hey, its me, Amber."
Maximus smiled and gave a small laugh. "But if I had told you what I was going to do you would have stopped me." He drank his coffee straight black and the bitterness seemed to strike him harder than the blow he had suffered. "Woopsie forgot something!" He grabbed a sack of pure cane sugar and just poured some into the cup mixing it with his finger before drinking it. "Much better now then." He smiled again and turned to Yoi. "I really need to find the time to meet Mr. Blanco in a more formal way than before."
Aayame sat for a moment while the silence covered the room like a velvet blanket. She sat up perking her ears a moment before the scratching sound could be heard and then flicked them forward after it. She jumped up changing into a huge wolf growling until the cat said it was Amber.

She blinked. "Ah- s- sorry- you.... You like cats?" She asked after sitting now tense but still sitting. Her thick blonde hair was now replaced by semi long brownish blonde fur covering her head to toe, her transformation into this form was faster then a blink of an eye, she though was duly wolf about the size of a small bear cub but larger then the average man, she however curled up still sat on the bed, all but her tail which still lay hanging over the bed.

She flicked her ears now nervous Amber was so close but alright other then that. She was shocked the girl had taken the form so quickly but now she put the prices together and seemed to understand that was why Amber asked of she liked cats. She shrugged and started to groom her abnormally large paws, waiting for a response.
She watched Aayame fix her paws as she felt a sort of fear rise in the back of her throat. "Yes... but it's alright if you don't wish to see me like this." She said as she lowered her ears in nervousness, as she knew she was technically a dog and all.
{ @D'Gamr I am so sorry I did not read your post until just now DX BAD ME! ~Crais~ And I am not sure how to respond... I think I has writers block again... DX}

Jack finished folding his suit and though struggled managed to get it on top of the table Anari was previously sitting at before he himself jumped on the table. His long silky black and white fir swayed as he cleaned his paw. He was not intentionally trying to scare the girl and he himself wound up acting upon instinct. "That is just it, by embracing it you will learn it!" He said, or rather thought to Anari. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out something from it.

Using his cat paws and his tail he unfolded the paper showing kind of a T chart. "You see," he started pointing to the top of the tree. "There are different ranks of vampires and werewolves such as yourself... On the top are the ones in most control, up until Mary started the coven they were just vampires of her ranking and werewolves born." He moved his paw down a notch to the next level. "other vampires werewolves and creatures below them of lower control are placed here, hunters are haired to kill those kinds of creatures, those are the ones that are most afraid of what they are and do not embrace what they are in the slightest." Jack slid the paper over to Anari his ears dropping.

"I do not want to see that happen to you."
True jack barely knew the girl, but she was nice to him, and he liked being nice to her, before it was almost a requirement, but now it was because he wanted to, because he decided he wanted to. It was all his idea of his own free will, no one forced him too, though no one appraised him it was nice nonetheless.



"no, no... it... it is not that." Aayame saw the cat having a striking resemblance to her brother, the blue tint in her coat even though she was black played the biggest part. Her brother yes he was snow white as a cat but in certain lighting he was no better then a blue tinted turkish angora. Aayame turned and reluctantly licked the cat with her huge tongue before returning to her paws, then she curled her tail around the cat.

"Do not get all mushy on me." She said not particularly enjoying the cat near her even. "DNA or otherwise I can still gain nutrition from your blood." It was a hollow threat, like her mother Aayame did not often feed and the likeliness of her actually carrying out this threat were low, not that she wouldn't if she had to because iof she could not carry out her threat how much was she worth.

{Sorry guys it's like night and I am passing out... xD }
This guy in front of him has as much depth as he sees in a few other students and teachers. Mikah he is, and as Zero observes, is a guy with joined the academy not just for the sake to become the guardian, and figures out the whole killing mystery, but has another secret behind it that can be more of the reason why he comes to the academy. Maybe it is to seek for a person, to revenge, or to kill. He, as a hunter--as Zero has already known, though doesn't know much about--May has simply come here to hunt down someone or something. Either way, it's none of his business, so he has no intention to figure out whatsoever. All he should care and cares about is how well the other can manage with the killing mystery.

"People dying anywhere is a bad thing," Mikah has said. It sounds real enough, but Zero has clearly seen through that the other didn't say it whole-heartedly. Maybe, as a hunter, people dying anywhere is just as normal as bugs dying, or so Zero sums. It reminds him of how he was once a mass murderer, and that same guilt runs through his mind again before Zero shakes it off with a slight frown. When Mikah mentioned about his awareness of his job, he just waves it off with one hand as he backs off and leans against the wall, a small sigh escaping his mouth while his face expression never changes. The lady in the office has long disappeared into her own room for the night, leaving the two alone.

Zero thinks for a moment when Mikah asked him about anything required to know at the school. It seems like this new guardian has already prepared pretty much for his own job and for figuring out the whole killing mystery. Zero does like the other's seriousness, though somehow he can't bring himself to trust or even take an actual liking on him. Well that doesn't matter, he rarely likes anyone anyway. "All you have to know is that wanting students to spill out their secrets without a valid reason or permission of a higher authority is against the school rule. Even if you know it you are not allowed to share it out to others unless it is a necessity or an emergency. Nobody asks students directly with their secrets anyway, they either go through the student council or through the principal of the academy. Ah, and I believe you know this already. Killing students even if they're threats to the school without permissions is also not allowed. It has to go through the process of a meeting, or discussion, throughout the school before it is decided to kill him/her or not."
"Ok... as long as its... alright..." Amber mumbled as she slowly fell asleep.

(sorry if falling asleep here is weird... I give you permission to wake me up if you want :P )
Anari looked down quiet ashamed a bit. She flinched at whatever he told her. He was right and she knew he was. She slowly looked up and saw the paper he pulled out of his pocket.

She looked at the paper, well rather a chart, and listened. "There was a ranking system?" she thought as she listened to him and looked at the chart. She shakily took the chart and looked at it. "Hunters kill the weak..." she said aloud. She placed the paper back onto the table and looked down once again.

"You don't?" she asked curiously. Anari quickly jumped over the table and hugged him tightly. "I don't want that to happen to me either." she told him with a small smile across her face. "T-Thank you I'll t-try to embrace what I am." she told him with a shaky voice.
After a grueling several hour drive, he finally arrives at the school, hoping that it will be the perfect place for him to attend. "I hope that it'll work out this time..."he mumbled softly to himself, hoping not to attract any unwanted attention. He feared what older students would do to a newcomer like himself. Although he really wants to get a formal education, the terror of the presense of other people was overwhelming. He had swallowed all of his fear when he applied but now that he has arrived, he isn't so sure anymore. "I wonder where new students are supposed to go..."he muttered, looking at the map of the school he was given.
"To do what anyone in my situation would do... Train until my enemies are forced to kneel before me" Emilio said with a hardened voice. "That is the only thing worth doing. " 
"To do what anyone in my situation would do... Train until my enemies are forced to kneel before me" Emilio said with a hardened voice. "That is the only thing worth doing. "
(Sorry I'm busy with school so I can't be on so much but yeah just remember to feed Maximus plenty of responses while I'm gone and are we gonna do the school carnival?)
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(Oh yeah that exists xD I stop rping as Blanco after Reito has quit rping but I don't want him to belong with anybody else either and he's the one responsible for the school carnival asdfkagnj and it's okay Yoi did reply to ur last response tho meow)

"If you train too much, you will become over muscular..." Tavia replies with a light frown.
"... who said I was only working on muscles? I train for speed and technique. Power comes naturally." He explained. Emilio grabbed a boulder and yanked it out of the ground with one arm. "This is only useful if I have the speed and technique to be able to apply."
"But your muscles might get accidentally trained," Tavia pouts. "I heard that men's muscles got trained 10 times faster than that of a woman's." She totally forgets that she should be off hunting.
(You forget there's a highly trained Asazi assassin... two of them)

"Why are you so worried about my body? I've done this for so long that I'm not sure that training by myself..."
(lol xD and Tavia is a high level hunter in the hunting club xD but I see your point. ^^)

"You want to train with me?" That sudden idea pops into Tavia's mind and she suggests it out without a second thought.
{sorry guys, I might need to take a little break. Heh! Sorry... I think if I can I might take a little vacation, a small one? I'm still going to be here but my friend just laid a big opportunity in my hands,,. And I think with everything that has happened I might take her up on her offer, it's just a break. School for me has ready started LONG before your guys' and well yeah... So is that alright. JUST FOR A BIT? Four days to a week that's all I'm asking.}
{never mind, I guess her parents said no... Should really ask before you get people excited. xD well I shall get to posting now!}

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