The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Aayame looked down pulling on her slightly tight jeans. They fit her well that was not the problem, she wondered what made them too tight, did he want her to wear baggy cloths? She crossed eat arms over her chest and nearly glared at him as he spoke about the case.

Aayame saw the case and smiled. She guessed she was best at hunting archery and archery for sports since it was her favourite thing. She was skilled in it probably the best second only to male weapons since she use that the most but did not want anyone to see her pick up a sigh and beat someone with it, that would be bad.

"A test huh, what kind of test?" She asked looking down at her jeans now wondering what was so tight about them to him. All she was thinking about was the lack of freedom her tail had even with the hole she fashioned at the end, was this man reading her thoughts? She then evaluated the stupidity of her question "what kind test" how mentally impaired had she gotten living among humans. She though silenced her thoughts and simply waited for a response.

{I hate to be daft but I do have another character... I was wondering what to do with him. Could he be a part of the student council or something? If not then something else important?}
Anari changed to her PJs which were a tank and shorts. "It's so boring in here somewhat..." she whispered as she sat at the front of her bed. She then stood up and opened her door and walked out down the hallway. "I need to get familiar with this place." she thought as she quietly walked around. "But I hope I don't get in trouble."
@D'Gamr I'm just gonna post a response to that, hope you don't mind.

Jack was walking mindlessly down the hallway his mind was placed elsewhere but still conscious enough to realise he suddenly wound up bumping into someone. "Oh my, pardon me." He realising this was a girl took her hand and kissed the top of it. "Do forgive me." He Asked more then stated. He was not a flirt or a player, he was simply used to treating everyone with respect and his respect only seemed to grow around the female types especially this beautiful girl.
[Okie that's fine by me]

Anari hardly realized that she was bumped into. She blinked whenever the boy took her hand and kissed the top of it. She was a little surprised that a boy took her hand and kissed the top of it. I-it's fine." she told him with a nervous smile. She never really interacted with a guy at all in fact. "M-My name's Anari. And you?" she asked shaking in nervousness.
Yoi frowns, "You want to leave...This academy?" She blinks then nods slightly. "This academy has limitations you can't do whatever you want...I guess it limits your freedom too. It's alright, I understand. I won't force you to stay."


Keith observes Aayame as she looks toward her own clothing, her displeasure towards him and how her eyes shine with the case and the weapons. He never looks as if he's observing though, for he acts like his usual self. She seems to be quite irritated by his opinion of her jeans, and at that he sighs. "If you feel that 1 percent distracted from hunting due to that pair of jeans then I prefer you wear something else. Something that suits a pretty young lady like you and makes you feel 100% comfortable. Since, for now, you seem to be distracted by...A tail?" He raises an eyebrow. "Be blunt with me, if you have something to say even if it will completely offend me I don't care. You seem to have many complaints about me." With that, he lets out a sigh, but that turns into a smirk. "But I guess you're cute that way~"

Keith pauses for a moment then, "It's a test to see what kind of weapons suit you 100% well. You see," He points to another case, where different types of bows and arrows are displayed. "Even if you choose to use bows and arrows, there are many different kinds. It is a test about your strength and how your body cooperate with each type of weapon, and at last choose the one you're best with. I believe you get the idea."


(@LucianGrey7971 Welcome back! 8D Nothing happened Tavia is just following you and ask where you're heading =w=)
Jack smiled slightly, this girl was sweet, a bit stammered and taken a back probably by his own bold entrance into her life, but he was happy to have done that. "Anri is it?" He asked feeling like he sounded dumb. "Such a unique name." He finished grazing the top of her hand lightly with his cold lips. "I am Jack," smiling again he kissed her hand at last and looked around as if returning to reality.

"Why are you wandering around at this time of night?" He questions loosely hoping to not offend her. He himself, as a cat, this was his most active time of day, that and early morning, he was fine but mostly required a lazy nap during the highest sun point of the day because of his other side. He promised by joining this academy however that he would not show that side, even if it was his lifeline.


Aayame's red eyes narrowed. She at that moment wish her mother was alive, to stand there with her and tell this jerk off. "I am not the only one." She started remembering she had smelled a lot of people who were exactly like her here. But he was reading her thoughts and technically she was not just a wolf, one of the only types she knew besides her brother the actual person she was speaking about. She was debating on which of her she would say first, provided he really wanted her blunt.

"You have no idea what I am," she answered his cute comment with her fiery temper. She swallowed though closing her eyes and thinking of the weapon a moment that her brother used to hunt her. "Yeah," she stated half there all of the sudden. She looked at the archery case and sighed slightly. "Do you know anyone by the name of Mikahmia, by any chance?" He was a hunter, and so was Mikah, perhaps they ran into each other, even as Mikah hunted a different species of animal.

{ sorry it took so long to respond... I was kinda busy.}
"Of course you are not the only one," Keith chuckles. "There are tons of others like you. Anyway, I don't know if you want to hide your tail or not but if you want to hunt you need to wear those where you can completely forget about the existence of every possibly-can-be distractions, like your tail." He pauses for a moment. "Most of my other students juts let their tails out since it's the easiest way. But do not wear skirts unless they have leggings, or I prefer not wearing skirts at all."

"I have heard of Mikahmia," Keith thinks for a while before replying. "Yes, we did met once. Just happened to be under the same bar once, and we exchanged each other's name after knowing we are both hunters." He smiles lightly.
Aayame sighs heavily, her silver haired brother would be infuriated if he knew that Aayame was there, he hate their kind. "I see," she breathed for a moment blinking her red eyes. Mikah was probably finishing collage by now moving on wit his life. Even though he was not two minuets earlier then she was. "I do not think you understand sir, If I may be so hold there are not tones of people like me out there, only a selected few have ever been like me. That Mikahmia boy is my brother and he hunts my kind, the vampire side of me at least. And for the record nothing is a distraction for me I have been hunting striving to save my own life since I was little."

Aayame paused showing her ears and tail as more or less not really requested but assumed she showed the priceless fur that was her ears and tail. She looked like a fox her hair starting out beautiful golden rod blonde but ended in brilliant black tips.

Her red eyes narrowed slightly like she was confessing to some sort of a crime. "He didn't tell you he was hunting me did he?" She asked blinking then turned her head to walk away. "Never mind I will figure out something, if I had it my way I would come to class tomorrow wearing nothing," she turned her ears falling forward, "that is if I had it my way, goodnight mister Keith." She then walked from the room.

{I suddenly thought of how awesome it would be if Mikahmia stopped by the school? Can he be a gurdian?!}
"I don't want to leave, but I know there are people who will desire me to leave eventually." Maximus sighed and sat up obviously painfully. "There are some rules I cannot keep for very specific reasons and I hope you can understand that." He looked at his cane and tapped the skull a bit. "There are others at this school who are here to protect it and I know that they will not enjoy the rules I must break." He smiled like normal Maximus for a second. "But I promise to fix all damages I leave behind."
Anari nodded. "Yea, that's my name." she replied her cheeks a cherry red color from blushing so much. "T-Thank you and I like your name also." Her heart raced and she couldn't help but blush. "I-I'm sorry for blushing so much, it's just that no guy I've met has ever been this sweet and kind." she told him.

She didn't even realize she was looking down when Jack asked her a question. Her head slowly moved up and she looked at Jack's face. "Oh I'm pretty active at night at times and plus I was bored in my dorm room." she told him. "I think I should head back or we might get in trouble."
Keith tilts his head to one side slightly. "Is that so, well I don't know or don't care about what specie you are for I'm just a hunter and a teacher, so I don't know a lot about it anyway." He then grins one of his jerky grins. "As expected, your ears and tail is rather cute~" Saying that as a way to tease, it surprises himself when he loses his smile as Aayame said that her brother hunt down her--vampire side of her. Is he a vampire hunter?

He watches as Aayame leaves, and laughs slightly as she said she will come tomorrow in class wearing nothing. Well even if she does he won't care as long as she feels 100% that way~The problem will only be protection...Keith frowns, he is seriously thinking about what will happen if one comes naked. Maybe it's because the idea is just too new and interesting that Keith can't have it out of his mind, and that he chuckles to himself.

It can't be helped though, the part where Aayame mentioned about her brother get caught in his mind. A hunter who hunts down....It's dealing with vampires, and that's what he cares. And if that brother will hunt down, even the vampire side of a person who is not a complete vampire, then Tavia, his own little sister will be in danger soon. Yet, he trusts Tavia enough. A top class hunter won't be easily defeated. Thinking that way he resumes to the hunting club's room, having his playfulness coming back to him as he greets the hunting club members.


Yoi furrows her eyebrows. "If you have a valid reason for breaking the school rule then we may let you go. And, this academy is to protect students especially from their secrets, so no one will desire you to leave. It may even ruin the school's reputation...I don't want you to leave too." She said firmly.
There is no OOCs in your replies... Seriously I have read them all top to bottom (even though some are not for me) and seen nothing... I swear I must be going blind ~reads over them again~
(Well I did read it meow) 
(I guess, let me check...oh I messed something up myself so I dont hav ooc)
(And yes u can use him as guardian) 
(I'm sorry it's 2 in the morning here my brain is functioning quite tiredly) 
(Welcome and sorry needs sleep now goodnight)
{Oh. ~pats~ it's not even three pm here yet... ~in Japan~ I'll be home in... ~counts~ on the thirtieth. Yes sleep, goodnight.}
Maximus smiled a bit and nodded. "I'm glad I at least have you on my side Yoi." He stood blood still dripping from his wound as he hobbled to his kitchen. "I must say that this school is a nice place to be but I really need to stop getting injured if I am going to keep up with my school work." He started his coffee maker and sighed falling into a quickly conjured soft chair. "It will be impossible for me not to put others in danger by my simple presence but that's why I am going to need to break a few rules, to keep the danger out of the campus."
Jack breathed slightly unable to et over the fact her heart was racing so nicely it was causing him severe discomfort in trying to hide what he was. He sighed though pressing his lips together. "oh, well I do not know, it seems there is no one that minds and I have not seen a curfew posted anywhere." It was true there had not been a single curfew posted in any place that he could clearly see at least, and his eyesight was pristine.

"Perhaps though we should move to a more disclosed location." He offered taking her hand gently with both of his hands as he offered. Then he remembered the compliment on his curtsy towards her. "Oh, my what a shame you mean, no male has ever treated you with respect?" His tail for a second flicked out but he managed to hider it just as fast.
Anari sighed in relief. "Good thing that there isn't really a curfew then." she told Jack. Then she looked at him for a moment and saw he looked slightly uncomfortable.

She took his hand. "Sure, I don't mind." she replied. Then she looked down. "N-no, it's not like they haven't treated me with respect. It's just I was homeschooled for a long time and I never interacted with kids in my neighborhood, especially the boys. Y-You're really the first friend I-I met." she whispered to him.
"I see," Jack breathed talking Anari into the room he met Tavia in, this room was larger then most rooms and it seemed people hung here a lot, it smelled thickly of inhuman souls though. He took Anari to a table and pulled a chair out for her to sit in.

"Oh really?" He asked blinking his green eyes against the light of the room. All the lights here were screwing with his senses, he could see the flicking of the lights. Unlike humans his kind had higher senses and though humans were quite comfortable in these types of lights him and his kind could see the rapid flicking of the electricity flowing though the light. It was painful and for the most part annoying.

"That is a shame." He continued blinking and trying to ignore the lights. "You are a sweet if not pretty girl, almost every not should be wanting to meet you. However I was homeschooled too," kinda, his life was a little awkward being what he was and all that changing into a cat when he was sick, injured, scared, or otherwise would probably not have gone well with the humans. "I feel your pain." He could not say she was the first girl her met since technically his house was full of girls not directly related to him, only by the second part of his blood was he related to any of them, he was around them all the time too. He was actually getting homesick, they candle lit the house removed anything electronic except what each of his members wanted in their rooms. They were close and he wondered if they missed him as much as he was beginning to miss them.


Mikahmia sighed slightly pushing his thick blonde hair across his skull. "Late" he breathed in displeasure with himself for being so late. His eyes rested on the school as nightfall flooded the place. He entered the school looking around quickly blinking making sure no one saw he was late. He hated being late, this was never anything he would be caught doing, he was a hunter yet even at that being on time was key.

"Everyone must be sleeping by now," he whispered through his pale pink lips looking around the school some more, he thought about going to see one of the other guardians for a moment but then he remembered the hunter he had met at at a bar somewhere. He sighed smiling a the happy times until remembered why he was here. He was told to be a guardian to watch the school because some killings or something was going on. He was not haired to do it, he happily obliged to the request, so now he walked into the office and waited. Not having been assigned a room he guessed he should wait for one of the guardians. He told the lady at the front office who he was, apologised at least seven times for being late before she picked up the phone to call someone.

{Wanted a more grand entrance for him. ~Shrugs~ oh well. xD }
"Thanks for getting me a chair." she whispered as she took a seat.

She nodded. "Yea. I think it was because I was too shy to even interact with the kids in my neighborhood. I usually peered out my window at the kids playing in the snow, riding their bikes, and so on." she told him. "I feared for what they would've thought of me. I feared that...-" she began to say when she covered her left arm with her right hand which covered her tattoo.

"T-Thanks." she replied. She then looked at him. "You ok? Is something bothering you? Because it looks like something is."

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