The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio nodded slowly. "I see...well I am sorry for the problems I may have caused you" he said slowly before flipping out of the tree
Tavia begins to smile again, "It's nothing to worry about~! Where are you heading?" She follows behind Emilio again, half unconsciously.

Zero looks over at the girl slightly before turning back to what's in front of him. "It's nothing cool, trouble students are annoying." He opens the door at the end of the hallway, "Here's the dorm. The left is to the girls' dorm--As the symbol says--" he points to a symbol shaped like a girl. "And the right is the boys' dorm. I believe you already know that going to an opposite sex's dorm is against the school rule. Do you have your dorm number?"

Keith is playing with the girls when he notices the red-eyed girl far behind. Grinning, he calls out, "Is that another cute miss there?"
Aayame almost jumped at the sound of someone's voice, she froze mid track her eyes narrowing had her arms going across her chest. She then assessed the situation. The boy addressing her was playing around with the girls like he was flirting with them or something. She wondered why briefly but thought of a comeback faster then it took her mind to think of that twice. "Looks to me as if someone should quit acting like a love sick dog chasing nothing but his tail around." She said a smirk crossing her face. "Someone should put a leash on you, don't you think?" She questioned still smiling.
Anari nodded. "Yea I knew that it was a rule and my room number 366." she replied. "So, what if we do go to the opposite sex's room? Will we get in big trouble for it?"
"It varies from detention to some more series punishment, or to suspension. Depends on how serious it is--If we simply find you wandering around in the opposite sex's dorm or room with a valid reason, then it's possible for us to let you go. But if it's like finding two sleeping together or making out then, yeah." Zero explains while walking to the girls' dorm to show Anari her room.

Keith chuckles while walking toward Aayame, "Love sick dog huh? Maybe I am one, to have so many cute students around me for me to teach, sometimes it's inevitable, you know~?" He walks around her. "If it's you to put a leash on me, and be played by you, maybe I will be willing to lose my freedom~" Keith whispers to the other's ear, then stand up giggling. "But sadly you can't~That's against the school rule, especially when you are doing that to a teacher." Yep, he is a teacher, the hunting class's teacher. Probably the most carefree and hopeless one, but even the school principal get used to it, so it's nothing weird now as long as he doesn't go overboard.
"Oh, well that's reasonable." Anari replied yawning once again. "So they probably don't tolerate relationships here." she thought. "Has there been any troublemakers go here before?" she asked curiously.
Zero thought back to Blanco and Reito, the student council president and his lover, and sighs. "Yes, sure. A lot, really," since another school guardian also happened to have a relationship with one of the students. Yoi and Maximus also have a thing going on. "We allow relationship but we don't want it to cause troubles. They can do whatever they want outside of the school building, but inside it love interactions are forbidden. Even though there are some people who don't like following the rules...." Like Blanco and Reito, who slept together twice without getting into trouble since they're so good at escaping...
Aayame growled at the teacher baring her teeth at him. She was aware he was a teacher and did not like the fact he was flirting with her, if she'd been able to show her wolf side she probably would have attacked him to teach him a lesson. "Too bad older men do not attract me. I might actually be stupid enough to take you up on that offer. But sadly for you I am not. So why not you go chase the tail of some other girl who is willing to do that with you?" She turned crossing her arms dropping her invisible ears and then proceeded to walk away. Gods I hope I do not have that class.

{dating teachers is wrong... I had no idea he was a teacher! >~< sorry it took so long to respond I got sick again.}
(@Rai-Chan you stopped replying >~<)

(@CoyotyZephyrWolf lol it's okay XDD And lol I like forbidden love aw u r sick r u alright? :o )

Keith laughs, "You are an interesting student aren't you?" He says before letting the girls swarm over him again and glancing over at Aayame as she leaves. "Hey Keith look at my new gun do you think it's suitable for hunting?" A male student pops up and Keith chuckles, "Everything is suitable for hunting as long as you know how to use it correctly kiddo." He looks over at his watch then. "I still have hunting club's stuffs to deal with. See you all tomorrow?" "Can't you tell us who the hunting club members are?" "It's a secret, didn't I said that before?" He walks off then, with students of both females and males following as well.
Aayame rolled her eyes walking away. What was with him? She thought to herself and went back into her room for a shower. "Hunters class eh?" She questioned aloud after her shower. Running a brush through her hair she grabbed her schedule and stared wide eyes at it, "gods no!" She almost hollered noticing for fourth period she had none other then hunting class. She narrowed her eyes not at all looking forward to the next day.

{ @SilverBlack I'm okay. I get sick a lot I live. And thanks. ^~^ I guess forbidden love is okay... Considering what Aaya is....}
"Oh, I see what you mean." Anari replied. "Trust me I won't be a troublesome kid that would get in trouble." She then had a wide smile across her face. Her eyes began to close a little and she somewhat lost balanced, then she quickly opened her eyes. "Sorry, I'm just tired." she said.
Zero nods lightly, "You should rest." He comes upon her dorm and places a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad, this school is filled with troublesome kids, especially with all the secrets going on....This is your dorm. Anything else?"

(@CoyotyZephyrWolf Wait, she has hunting class now or tomorrow lol xD And yay I'm glad u're fine I hate being sick so freaking much.)
Anari nervously sweated a little when Zero placed his hand on her shoulder. "No I don't need anything else. Thank you though." she replied. "Why do they need to know our secrets?" she thought walking into her room and placing her bags on the floor beside her bed.
(got it)

Keith manages to finally be alone and enters the hunting club's room door, stepping into the luxurious room with guns and daggers all over the walls. He greets the members, asks where Tavia is, before nodding and walks to his desk to get the schedule. Sipping the coffee a student made for him he looks over it and smiles, Hunting class tomorrow both for second period and fourth period. Got it.

Zero nods, "If you have any questions I'm always there." With that, he turns around to walk away.
Aayame sighed heavily wondering what she would need for hunting class. Everything she needed she would stick in her bag for tomorrow. Sighing again not knowing what to do the girl threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt that though long sleeved fell over her pale thin shoulder. Drying her hair a few times with a towel she took her way to the hunters class' office. Maybe the jerk isn't swarmed with girls and guys fawning over him. She thought to herself still playing with her long still wet hair as she walked. She had forgotten her shoes again something she never wore anyway but had which made her footsteps silent.

Aayame was not one to even hold a weapon for hunting. She was a wolf and that was a disgrace to say to her. She we going to ask though, it was nice. "Um, sir...?" She asked knocking on the frame of the door.
Maximus stood there smiling for a second before a fist hit him square between the chest sending him flying into the wall. Through the door came crow the hood of his crow feather robe pulled back to show off his glowing yellow eyes. He flexed his crow like claws before looking to Maximus. "I would like to contest my contract. Show me what the famous Mad Maximus is capable of!" With that Krow jumped towards Maximus his claws back as he struck. When he arrived though his claws struck wall sinking deep into the wood with ease. Maximus stood behind him swinging his cane and smiling his body turning a dark black as his eyes began to glow white his smile reaching ear to ear. "You should know better Krow of all people I would expect you to understand how much more powerful our species is after consuming each other." Maximus had some confidence but there he stood in his dark form facing a demon he had no clue if he could control also in his dark form. He wasn't bluffing about the consumption but he had no idea how much the soul he had consumed would give him. "Big words as expected from an outlaw." Krow turned and struck his claws striking Maximus in the face and leaving a deep cut across his cheek. Maximus had let him strike though holding in the pain as he retaliated striking Krow hard with his cane. The strike hit with a strong crack and the site of Krow stumbling before regaining his balance. "I am more than just words Krow, my bounty should speak for that." He was too busy evaluating the energy from Krow to notice his movements. In what seemed a blur Krow was right in front of him his claws headed straight for Maximus' heart. Moving quickly but not quick enough Maximus avoided a lethal strike but the claws reopened a cut on his side from his earlier fight. Blood pouring out Maximus' vision began to blur as Krow moved to him again his claws raised. With the last of his vision he struck Krow in the neck with his cane sending the man tumbling into unconsciousness. "I think I need another rest, and you can consider out contract sealed!" With that Maximus fell and crow turned to a red light flying into the skull on Maximus' cane.

(I hope the longish post makes up for being gone so long)

{No, it's not long enough. You are not forgiven. ~Crosses arms turning away~ before you go mental I am only kidding. I have no say in the matter. Glad your back though}
Anari turned quickly from unpacking a bag towards Zero who was walking away. "Wait! I do have one question to ask. What are these "secrets" you're talking about?" she asked "I know you mentioned something about it a couple of minutes ago."
(lol it's okay Maximus xD )

Yoi bursts into the room after hearing such a noise to see Maximus lying there on the floor all wounded. She furrows her brows and run over to him, worried. "Oh lord I never know you are going this far!" She nearly slaps him before throwing him onto the bed and taking out some first aid kit out of nowhere.

Inside the hunting club's room is another room that is the hunting class's office, which has two doors--One to enter from the hunting club, other to show on the hallway. Keith is halfway flirting with one of the members when the door get knocked and he pauses. The member nods to him as she leaves the room and Keith put on a smile as he opens the door. "Ah~It's you again."

Zero pauses, "You do know that this academy is known for secrets. Each student each has secrets--No matter big or small--And stuff. This academy allows every student of different background to join, and it is the academy's duties to prevent any dangers from happening due to students' secrets, and allows students to stay as long as he or her self will not become a threat to the school. We protect students from their own secrets, stuff like that. But only the Student Council President contains information to each student's secrets, for it is him who deal with them the most, including his own."
Maximus groaned as his vision returned still blurry. "How was I supposed to know he would do that, then again I guess I shouldn't have tried somebody so head strong to start with." Maximus looked at the now once again bleeding wound and sighed. "And I had just healed that!" Pulling out his giant pocket watch though he watched the dark red light dance through the etched symbol on top and smiled. "But I got him now I have the famous Krow as my familiar, and I know just what to use him for."
Anari stared at him for a moment then she blinked. She felt her shirt sleeve was moving down her shoulder a bit and she quickly pulled it up covering the tattoo on her left arm. "That's really interesting." she replied. "Well thanks for everything Zero." she said going to close the door.
Aayame's hidden wolf ears pull back as she looks up two centimetres to reach eye contact with the man. "I-" she started having seen him flirt with the other girl, it disgusted her. People like him were a disgrace always flirting with people looking up girls' skirts he obviously was not a suitable teacher, at least not in her eyes.

"I need to know what kind of hunting weapons to being, being..." She paused keeping eye contact with Keith no matter how much he disgusted her. "Who I am I am not one to commonly use weapons however I am skilled in archery and in male weapons as well as throwing things accurately." She narrowed her red eyes blinking and thinking, of course she was good a male weapons everything was or could be a weapon to her. When she was enrolled in an actual middle school she used a pencil to slice someone's ear off that pissed her off, getting expelled she did not try and return to school till now where everything seemed to be perfect especially since she did not have to return to that tiny house she was staying in, after all it wasn't even her own she was just staying there. She decided there waiting for Keith to respond that she would need new clothing so she would have to go shopping this pants thing was not doing her hidden tail any justice.
Keith has no interest in peeking at girls' bodies or underwear so he doesn't really like girls to wear skirts while hunting, nor does he like hunters to wear tight jeans because it's hard to hunt that way so that's the first thing he notices. Exhaling a sigh he tilts his head to one side lightly as he leans against the door frame. "I don't care what weapon you use, as long as you feel the most comfortable with them, that is the best choice. The only thing that matters is your jeans--Too tight." He points at them before winking and turns around to his desk in the office. "If archery and those others you mentioned are what you are good at, then it can be your preferred choice. But even bows and arrows, and throwing or male weapons can have lots of types. Which means, you need testing." He points a huge glass closet inside the office, inside it hang all the kinds of far-distant weapons.

Yoi slaps Maximus real hard. "You idiot! Go back to bed right now. You just went against the school rule by fighting inside the school building by the way. I never know you will start a fight. I should never trust you again." She scowls.

Zero watches as Anari shuts the door with a light nod before he starts walking off.
Maximus sighed and rolled over into his bed turned away from her. "You should know I'm no good with rules that's the reason I'm here in the first place hiding. If you would rather me leave the school simply say the word and I'm on my way again no fuss. It doesn't matter either way travelling can be fun sometimes." He closed his eyes and took off his hat putting it in front of him on the bed.

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