The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"....You won't put yourself in danger right?" Yoi asks with the slightest hint of worry.

Tavia's mood is lightened because Emilio doesn't sound as cold as before. "Demons don't get colds?" She chuckles. "Even vampires get colds.." She frowns then, realizing that she has already failed to hide her true self as a vampire in front of Emilio, since she always pretend to be humans. She shrugs though, for it is too late.
"Well that depends on what you consider to be danger." He let out a bit of nervous laughter before scratching the back of his head his right arm appearing to be working at least a little bit as he was able to limply hold the book. "I mean really what is danger."
"well i don't." Emilio straightened up and sighed. He subconsciously slowed down in order to continue talking with Tavia. Emilio leaned against a wall for support and closed his eyes
Drops down to hell. "crap where is she!" Looks around and hears a blood curdling scream "KYRIE" Runs toward a pack of demons.
Trinity growled at them and nipped at theyre fingers, put the pattig felt so good.

"Ohhh that's the spot..." she sighed.
Tavia frowns, "Oh, so it's only you who think you won't catch a cold, hell. Imma call the fire dragon over," With that, Tavia snaps her fingers and the forest immediately runs with hotness.

Keith chuckles, putting his arm around the girls. "See~? The fox enjoys it, she's pretty cute isn't she~?" So they end up all "kyaing" over the fox.
"I know I won't." Emilio frowned when the hot air hit him. "....I'm not thanking you." Emilio pushed off the wall and stared at Tavia. "....." Emilio leaned over and kissed her. "but thanks"
"I can't trust you with that," Tavia blushes slightly at the kiss. "And that sounds weird, you said you're not thanking me but you still did." She sighs, then frowns. That kiss suddenly reminds her of her past, how that "lover" of hers had once kissed her in such a similar way like Emilio. Tavia scowls then, standing up. She has nearly forgot her first goal to be in this school, which is to seek revenge of that same lover who betrayed and ruined her village. "I'm going back in, Emma, or Emily." She sticks her tongue out, keeping her cool as she starts to walk away.
Maximus smiled and sort of began to push Yoi out of his room. "No need to worry this is something demons do all the time it's no more dangerous than some stuff I've done before so really there is nothing to worry about okay." He was smiling but his nervous laughter gave him away.
Emilio watched her leave and scratched his head. "....heh." Emilio walked to the infirmary without much thought for what he had just did
"No! I won't go away and leave you like this," Yoi turns around to face Maximus. "You sound as if you're lying. Not trustworthy enough."

Tavia goes back to the school and enters her dorm room, shutting the door. Her phone bleeps and she realizes that it's a message. "Sista~How ya doing~?" She sighs, it's from Keith, her brother. Shutting the phone without replying she takes out a bottle of blood and drinks it, boosting up her energy once again. Finally, she leaves her dorm and walks down the school hallways.
Maximus sighed and shook his head. "In order to summon a familiar a demon must be alone, if the summoned beast sees another being in the room it will believe the summoner too weak and immediately leave. The thing is that when you do summon a familiar you have to prove to it you are stronger than it is by defeating it in battle. So that's what I'm going to do." He smiled. "Does that make things better?"
Emilio went to his dorm and moved the furniture and sat down. "...." He closed his eyes and took in a breath "spirits of the storm hear my words...allow me to feel your presence" the clouds around the school turned ominous and a storm silently started to brew.

"so instead of eating a heart and controlling your demonic side, you chose to take on elemental familiars." Mira sat on Emilio's window sill.
Yoi sits onto Maximus's bed. "Why do you need to summon a familiar?"

After wandering a bit in the school hallways, Tavia enters the hunting club's room, which is a hidden door behind a closet and needs password to enter. The room is big and luxurious, with expensive furniture, lamps, tables and different decorations. On the crimson red sofas are many of her members, all there for relaxation. Tavia sits on an empty spot and sighs, looking at the wall of her opposite side, where hundreds to thousands of different kinds of guns are hung. On the opposite side hung different kinds of daggers, and inside some glass closets are bows and arrows along with a few other types of weapons.

"Brother's not here?" Tavia asks one of the members.

"Been a while since I saw you! He's playing with girls again," the member replies with a gentle smile.
Maximus sat down next to her and smiled a little. "I plan on summoning a familiar to assist me if I end up in a battle I can't handle alone." He looked down at the book in his hands. "I know I can count on your help but if I get caught alone with the people who are going to be coming after me it might end poorly."
"............" Yoi sighs, "Fine...I will be right outside your dorm door." She sighs and walks outside the room.

(Rai-Chan? Have you stopped receiving notifications?)

Trinity's leg started shaking and she opened her big, black eyes. She tilted her head, and jumped on one of the girl's shoulder.
Emilio turned to look at her. An electric spirit took the form of a dragon and wrapped around Emilio before hissing at Mira.

"easy there. I know we can't fight here because of the rules...but if I catch you off school property....I won't hesitate to kill you."

"I killed the entire Asazi clan including my brother...what makes you think I can't kill you?" Thunder rumbled over the school as Emilio spoke. "you would just be target practice"

"as injured as you are? I'd kill full power? Maybe....unless I unleashed my true form." Mira flipped out the window and disappeared.

"...." Emilio closed his eyes and went back to his meditation
Maximus smiled and shut the door as she left. "Remember don't enter no matter what." With that he opened the book and began to speak his voice dropping and echoing loud enough to be heard outside the room as he spoke in an obviously inhuman language. Slowly a figure emerged from the water and looked down upon Maximus not speaking a word before striking at him with a sword. The blade was stopped midway as chains appeared wrapping around the figures body and pulling it to the ground. "One perk to being a conjurer is the ability to chain down summons." Maximus let out a slightly evil laugh as he held his pocket watch slowly swinging just above the figures neck. "This was all too easy, now do we have a contract?". Before nodding the figure managed to cut Maximus' leg from the shin to thigh leaving a pretty bloody wound. "Agreed, and that was for using chains." The figures voice was deep and screechy like the call of a crow.

(hey sorry for the delay 18th birthday is a lot of people taking you places anyway once I have time I need to make a bio for the figure)
Tavia stands up and sighs, changing her outfit to her black hunting uniform and goes to a suitcase, where she takes out her favorite guns and daggers. "What's with you? All of a sudden." A hunting member asks. "Just going off to hunt." "...What's with your spirit?" "A dude woke my spirits." With that, she leaves the room.

Yoi stands outside, furrowing her eyebrows at the noise going on.

"See? After all, you are just another girl who's easily flattered," Keith chuckles slightly.
Trinity jumped down, and as she touched the ground, she morphed back up into her beautiful human self.

"No way. I'm just a fox." she huffed.
Trinity huffed and flipped her hair over a shoulder. She turned on her heel, and walked away.
Keith watches the girl leaves, and smirks, going back to play with the girls. Just another type of girl, he thought. In the end they're all the same.

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