The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

{Sedrian Alright I was not offended I am a really.... Is weird the word here? ~Shrugs~ I am an impresser, I hate it when I so much as get the feeling I have ticked a person off. I think it's cuz I am not a people person and is shyer then a satin sheet. Sleeps well.}
"OH I'm sorry bout that didn't see you." picks up the bag making sure he was out of the way and put it under the bed."and why is a cat like yourself sleep in a dorm?" Smirks slightly at the thought."I'm such an idiot your a student RIGHT." 
{ bye sedrian}
Jack was about ready to start doing hand sighs when Nero apparently started to get it. He nodded his head closing his eyes and pulled out his academy card. It was of him, a picture of a boy with black hair and no cat ears. He also pulled out a scarf and slipped into it showing that it was him (since the boy had a scarf in him too.) He was proving he was who he showed on the card.

he then pulled out a tablet from his bag and begun typing on it, his tiny all black paws flew across the iPad's screen then when he was finished he nudged it to Nero.

It saud:

"Hi, name is Jack, Cat demon, don't ask things will get more complicating and hard to type. I mean you no harm, just try not smashing my body with a bag again. Also... please oh gods please do not be in the bathroom in an hour, and could you put my cloths in there?" The cat was pointing to a folded pair of clothing on the bed. It had normal pants and a shirt on it, he just knew dressing was important and didn't want to make a horrible first impression on the boy.

"Um sure why not." does what he said and walks to the bed "which one is mine?" as he takes out an iPhone and calls grim"Hey hows my sis doing grim?"eyes widen "Holy s***" grabs weapon and jumps out the window. 
GTGso sorry im freaking tired}
Jack rummages through his bag and grabs a dagger racing off after him. Wout in the hell am i doing!!? He asked blinking and racing after the boy. And he is friends with the grim reaper, cheesits... I thought mary was the only one. He huffed racing as fast as he could after Nero something clearly being wrong but he obviously not seeing it yet.

{Nero Sleeps well}
Sedrian just chuckled a bit. "You can't expect to do everything yourself you know. I'll be there for you, just know that and hopefully take advantage of it." Sedrian said softly, he would be there for her when she needed him, he made a silent promise to himself to do so.
Aayame's wolf ear perked up and she snorted, but that was all she did and then she lay to sleep. She was not going to say no, or yes, or even a thank you but she silently thanked him and used a snort to show that.

{Sedrian well then short post.... You should do something to bring things up again. xD }

{as for you DarkAncient I don't think so me and Sedn here kinda slammed the RP board kinda... Oops... Sorry. >~<}
(alright then)

Maximus suddenly woke up and looked at Yoi. "The school doesn't happen to have a sewer system that is easy to get to, or perhaps a pond nearby that is secluded from the rest of the school." He smiled but his left hand was nervously fidgeting with the red book tucked under his arm. He kept it close to him having removed all but one of the bookmarks.
Nero runs to the forest"come on WHERE is it" looks around and spots a gnarled tree."Alright hope it works." cuts arm and it starts bleeding."come on" the ground starts swirling around Nero."yes"
(Rai-Chan I made a post =3=)

Tavia sighs as she forcibly grabs Emilio's arm and roll the sleeves up. "You can't pay back right now can you?" She lets a light smirk plays onto her lips. (LucianGrey7971)

"Why do you seem so nervous?" Yoi places a hand on Maximus's shoulder. "You don't have to be so anxious, you have me." (DarkAncient)
Trinity walked up to Keith and kicked him in the shin, her expression filled with annoyance.

"Stop flirting." she huffed. "You're shameless."
Emilio plants both palms on the ground and starts to push himself up though sheer will power. He collapsed shortly after. Emilio knew that had he been in battle he would have been able to get up
Maximus smiled and shook his head. "I'm fine don't worry about it, just need to find a small body of water that is secluded from everybody else for, reasons." He patted the book out of habit a tell that what he was talking about was in there.
Tavia sighs, and starts to drag Emilio away from his spot but he is too heavy. She ends up kicking him around and pushes him into the lake hoping that the freezing water will boost up some of his energy.

Keith blinks slightly as a girl suddenly speaks up to him in an annoyed tone. He turns his attention to her and observes her for quite some while before a smirk plays onto his lips again. "Oya~Young miss~How's your day?" He ignores what she said about stop flirting.

Yoi tilts her head to one side before smiling, "I'm a nature spirit, come on." She forms a lake in Maximus's room and turns the floor into grass.
"I was fine. I hate seeing girls being toyed with though." she sighed, flipping her hair over her shoulder and shrinking down into a tiny baby fox.
"Toying with girls?" Keith laughs simply, lifting the tiny baby fox up. "I'm not toying, fox-chan, I'm just having a fun time with them. They don't expect much from me except for entertainment too, you should go get some of your own entertainments as well~" He lifts the fox to the other girls, who starts to pat the fox then, for it is very cute.
"Ah thank you Yoi now if I could just get some privacy." Maximus hopped up out of the bed and smiled. "I just need to be alone for a little bit and uhm." He sighed. "No matter what you see or hear just don't enter the room okay?"
Emilio stayed under water for longer than he should have. Just enough to make Tavia worry a bit before his knives shot out of the water and stuck in the ground before Emilio dredged himself out of the water. Emilio coughed up a bit of water before glaring at Tavia. "I think I hate you..." 
Emilio stayed under water for longer than he should have. Just enough to make Tavia worry a bit before his knives shot out of the water and stuck in the ground before Emilio dredged himself out of the water. Emilio coughed up a bit of water before glaring at Tavia. "I think I hate you..."
Tavia chuckles, "Oh come on, aren't you stronger than any of us? Anyway, you actually gain some conscience back!" She lets out a sigh. "Whoo! And there I thought you actually got eaten up by the monster in there or something."

Yoi frowns, then her eyebrows furrow with worry. "You're not going to do anything strange right?"
"..." Emilio stood up slowly. The contracting of his muscles due to the frigid water had made most of his wounds reopen and start to bleed again. He was taking shallow breaths and slowly shambling towards the school. He needed to be stitched up again...that and he needed to get away from Tavia. He couldn't understand why she still came around. He had to close his heart to her before she became a target.
Tavia immediately follows Emilio. "Say, you will catch a cold this way. I can actually call a fire dragon and blows fire on you so you can be warmer, you know? Cause right now I don't have a towel."
"I'm fine" Emilio said shortly. The words did not have their usual bite to them. In fact it had a hint of gentleness to it. This confused and frustrated Emilio to no end. "I'll be fine...besides demons don't get colds."
"Define strange." He smiled but his hands were still nervously fiddling with the book. "I mean what is strange really but an opinion of what a person shouldn't or should do."

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