The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Emilio stood up as the storm clouds over the school dissipated. Emilio jumped out his window and walked into the forest. He needed to become stronger than what he was.
It's night time and Tavia jumps out of a window to the forest, swiftly jumping from tree to tree.
Emilio walked through the forest and looks up at Tavia as she flew by overhead. "...and there she is" Emilio said in a soft voice.
Tavia sees Emilio and shoots at him, sticking out her tongue. It's no surprise to see Emilio.
Tavia frowns at Emilio's reaction. She stands onto a nearby branch. "What is that for?" She pouts slightly.
Emilio shrugged "you ran away the last time around. I figured you would have done the same this time or..." In an instant he was standing on the branch in front of her, his face inches from hers. "does it need to be a direct kiss"
Tavia has her hair spooks up as she swiftly jumps onto a higher branch of the same tree. "Before you were running away from me, now it's as if you are chasing me!" She frowns.
"...." Emilio stares at Tavia and frowns "Was it not you that first reached out to me? You used your words to persuade me from my path of destruction. You followed me willingly and against my consent into the lion's den. Now you turn away from me?" Emilio sounded a bit hurt. "I don't understand."
Anari looked on her paper with her schedule and her room number. She was somewhat lost on where to go. "Dang it, I wish someone can help me find my room." she said aloud, but softly, as she turned a corner while still glancing at her schedule.
"I reached out for you as to form a bond of friendship. You return with something called a desire for a lover." Tavia replies coldly, unaffected by how the other seems hurt.

Zero wanders around on the hallway, sighing. He frowns whne he sees Anari, who seems fairly confused.
Anari's ears twitched and she looked up and saw Zero. She got a tad bit scared then she worked up her courage and walked to him. "H-Hi, do you know where my room is?" she asked nervously
"Yea I'm a new student. The name's Anari." Anari said with a slight smile across her face as she stuck her hand out to shake his hand. "What's your name?"
(I don't know what's happening either xD But you can just walk around and I'm sure someone will get u lol)

Zero studies the girl quietly before nodding slightly. "My name is Zero, I am the school guardian."
Anari tilted her head slightly to the side. "School guardian." she thought. "Well, nice to meet you. Erm, do you know where the dorms are? Or wherever we're staying is at?"
{Well currently since t seems my previous role players have left I shall open up both my characters again.}

Jack begun walking around after his cat changing experience. He realised that if anyone had actually seen him as a cat his secret would be out. Not wanting that he shrugged off the change and out his cloths on to find someone to talk to or something he could do to pass the time.

Aayame woke a few hours having passed since she had fallen asleep groggy and mind numbed she rose and walked around the school wondering where everyone had shoved off to. After all the whole time she was here she had only met one person.
Keith is playing around with girls on the hallway as usual, where Aayame has wandered to.

Zero nods slightly, "Follow me..." He turns around and starts to walk. "It seems like you don't know what a school guardian is...huh."
Aayame yawned stretching and looked down the hallway at the people who were down at the end of the hallway talking or whatever they were doing. She blinked her abnormally red eyes and softened her hair into a half pony straightening her dress. She almost forgot she was not wearing any shoes as she braved walking further down the hall. She swallowed hoping that the scared feeling would go away, it always lead to her being rash.
(Sorry for the dissapearance I got suddenly dragged away to disneyland so I may be gone a bit longer I hope you don't mind I just finally found a way to post this to you guys sorry again)
(It's fine!)

Zero nods slightly, "A school guardian is someone who take care of the students, especially the troublesome ones, help students out, assist the SDC, protect the school, etc." He continues to walk until they reach a long hallway. Walking to the end of it, he opens the two-sided doors to yet another hallway but it is outdoor.
"Oh, that's really cool." Anari replied looking around. She yawned and began to close her eyes a little. She was getting somewhat tired though. "Damn, how huge is this school?" she thought covering her mouth as she yawned.

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