The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"Excuse me for forgetting my contacts at home but I plan on actually getting an education and were not that much different you know besides the fact I know how mask it." The girl smiled an almost evil grin, the first person to stand up to her in ages, this guy deserved a golden medal or something, no one liked Aayame let alone spoke to her. It was also a lie to get an education Aayame could not care less, she was perfectly content in staying home with her own life and sleeping in until the sun had all but settled down. She did not sleep often but when she did she was not one to loose hours but days.

"Why are you in here anyway? You knew or something? Of did you get into trouble." She was not trying to flaunt her looks in fact now she was trying to pretend to be invisible. The boy had seen her eyes let alone commented on them. She blinked now almost too nervous to keep up her front. She tried to role with it however and gave him time to speak her arms still crossed over her chest.
"I am new here." Sedrian answered. This girl obviously wasn't used to having people talk to her. He didn't enjoy talking all that much so he threw in the other ear bud. He swapped the song to Pain by Three Days Grace. The songs he listened symbolized either his preferences, personality, or desires.
Aayame sighed slightly and then noticed the boy outing in his other earbud. She punched him without a second thought as to how it would effect her, a small thin girl against him but continued to make her point. "And you called me a jerk." She simply said trailing off to go wait for an office attendee to help her. She was nervous now sitting looking at the guy, she guessed he did not hear her since he was listening to his musik but she did not care all together much, he was after all a stranger and why mess with someone you did not know? It was stupid and she was not first to try it. Punching him on her level was like saying hello, goodbye, or anything else it was just second nature violence was always second nature to her.
Sedrian fell off the chair and landed on his iPod, it broke. He pulled it out of his pocket, the screen was shattered and the iPod itself was dented. He took the ear buds off and wrapped it around the iPod. He stuffed it into his pocket and glared at the woman, his eyes turning Crimson. "Music is the only thing that keeps me calm, prey that I don't lose control of my killer impulse, I'll buy a new iPod tomorrow, but for now I'm gonna be extremely hostile, so just leave me alone." He said with a growl. His eyes reverted to normal and his hair draped over his face as he sat down with his head facing down.
"Yummy," Aayame responded closing her eyes. "I really don't care how hostile you get can get or are. In case you hadn't noticed." She paused flicking out her tail and ears her eyes now glowing and eight elongated incisors bared from her teeth. "We are exactly the same so if it tickles your fancy to ahead and attack me I would love to see you try," she growled lowly her eyes glowing and her tail flicking in anticipation. She had been waiting to get into a physical fight and a fight with pain both something she could inflict and feel, how she missed the feeling of pain. Last she felt physical pain she was in a fight with her neighbours Rottweiler pit bull mix or something like that. Thirty six hours later she was fine and thirsty for more blood and when her neighbours dog came up bloody and beaten the next day they were carted off to the police for animal abuse, she got two great pleasures that day,
Sedrian kept his head leaned down. He didn't want to lose control, he just couldn't help himself anymore. "You don't understand... When I'm... When I start to fight... I just go nuts, I fight on pure instinct, every fight I've ever been in, even with creatures like you, I have never once received a cut..." Sedrian warned, he wasn't being cocky, he was being honest, anyone could tell by the fear in his voice as he spoke. "Just... Leave me alone... Please..."
Aayame would not take it, she was not cocky either she simply felt bad all of the sudden for want she did. "Ah, well, you know not that I like turning down a good fight but... Here." She slipped over to him flicking her tail now in a less threatening manor and pointed at his iPod in his pocket hands or whatever, "I'll save you some money then." She whispered something closing her eyes and when she opened them she hopped the spell worked. "All that I have broke shall be undone. And for the record as strong as others may be I must admit I am not like others. I am not being cocky or full of myself, I just have noticed that when it comes to fighting for me pure instinct takes over too. I have been this way since I was born and believe me I have slipped up demon hunters for Peats sake. I think I can handle a few punches now and again, I might deserve them, but hey if it gets you to show your demon side maybe I should break your iPod more often." She closed her eyes now flicking her ears up and smiling.

"My name is Aayame by the way... I suppose friends shorten names, you can call me Aaya but that is only of you want."

{I feel a bit broken just now...}
Sedrian's eyes widened, he reached into his pocket and pulled a perfectly functional iPod. He stuck the left ear bud into his left ear and continued playing Pain by Three Days Grace. "Thank you Aayame. I am Sedrian." He said revealing his face again, his gaze somewhat softer now then it was. He stopped tensing and relaxed and looked at her.
"No- no problem." Aayame looked away. She did not do this much, interaction besides insults hurtfulness and hateful words. "Any time I guess." She said again hoping to not turn out to want to torture him. Maybe now would be different for her. Maybe now she would be able to actually say there was someone she liked enough not to inflict pain upon them. For now she played with her tail not wanting entirety to let it disappear, he liked not being human but hated her armoire side, that was too much for her to bare in a single evening and even for several years.

"So if your new, where do you come from?" She asked shyly now, her voice barely reaching a humans extent of hearing.
"I come from Los Angelus, the city of nightmares. I've seen things that would make full grown men wet themselves till they died from dehydration." Sedrian told her. "I don't even have a dorm yet, wanna share one?" Sedrian asked, he felt comfortable around her, she understood him more than most other people did, regardless of how little that actually was.
Aayame was suddenly reminded of her house. "Sure, that would be cool, I don't think I would mind that too terribly." She smiled looking down at her tail not addressing him anymore. "I am sorry about earlier: I am not a friendly person and I know I should be but I have seen some stuff that may not wet a man but cause him to die of fright rather. I was raised on the instinct to kill. If anyone should know what it feels like to hurt a person it's me." Lord only knew how a by people Aayame had actually tortured to death. Always putting them in the mental fear she would be back and one time she had she also read about a girl who committed suicide over the fact she tortured her, but all she said was "I was tortured in life I hope it will be better in death." Sweet melodic screaming was all she could and was thinking about. She fidgeted in her seat thinking about it. Then she got a ate she craving, she felt it before thigh and wondered why now it was surfacing. She however pushed it from her thoughts closing her eyes tightly as if in pain, she tried to grind her teeth and bare the Insatiable need to kill and feed, she tried though and before too long wound up passing out completely hunching over onto Sedrian unwillingly.
Emilio fell to his knees and glared at Tavia. In his weakened state, he couldn't do much....but what he could do was down right deadly. "you're going to pay for that"
Sedrian's eyes widened when she fell onto him. He stood up and lifted her over his shoulder. After getting their dorm room number, Sedrian carried her to the dorm and layed her out on the bottom bunk. He didn't know when or if she was gonna wake up today, but he decided he would get on the top bunk and wait until she did so. So he climbed up the ladder, layed himself out and listened to his tunes.
Aaayme opened her eyes moaning lightly but sat straight up realising what was going on. "owww oh god!" She hollered banging her head on the top of the bottom bunk. She rubbed her head feeling a cold and thin trail of blood sliding down her eye. "Oh god." She whispered and before she could wipe it away she realised the room had changed quite a bit. It was rather empty now, no desks, chairs or places to really sit beside the bed.

She removed her hand and blinked slightly confused as to what was going on. "Eh?" She questioned shaking her head but feeling light headed. "Um, where am I? She asked delerious and now incredibly in pain. If she had been feeding well on blood the ct she just inflicted on her forehead would be gone but she did not feed well and more importantly it was not gone and it was giving her a massive sized headache. Her ears fell flat in her hunger and she graoned again.

Smelling someone in the room she stood and glanced at Sedrian blankly as if to have forgotten who he was, flicking her ears she shook her head but felt light-headed again and stumbled slightly unable to keep balanced.
Sedrian looked at Aayame all dazed. "Good you're awake, this is our dorm." Sedrian told her going back to his music. He shut his eyes as he listened to Demons. "No matter what we bring, we still are made of greed..." Sedrian mumbled singing quietly to his music. "This is my Kingdom Come, this is my Kingdom Come..." He sang continuing, he lived this song, cause it was so true, not just for humans, but for creatures like him, ESPECIALLY him.
Aayame blanked for a moment and then (using her bed) Pulled her almost innocent face up to the bunk above her and blinked blood still on her forehead. "Uh, whatcha listening to?" she asked sounding timid and scared. She may not have engaged in conversation or for that matter laid off her front but when she did all that was left was the child that Aayame could never be, she was sweet and kind and liked people, but her front she built after so many years made her despise people. hate her own kind and more so much that she had someone to share with what she was. Right at that moment she was in pain, from (now) head to her toes all she wanted was to be hugged and loved on.

She turned her head to the side her face flooding pink like she had caught a flue that sprouted within a single moment. All this was not her fault she just was not thinking straight, she never did when she was sick, but how could she tell the boy whom seemed to like who he was so much or even the complete opposite, like her, that she needed to feed. Het tail swayed curiously and her ears flciked as her head was turned curiously.

{Blimey what time is it where you are at!!!?}
Walks up to academy. takes a deep breath and walks in."A place where im accepted." walks down the hall.wa;ks up to a room."hope this is the one"
Sedrian opened his eyes to see an innocent expression on Aayame's face. He didn't know her well enough to judge, but it seemed weird. "Umm... Demons by Imagine Dragons." He answered before he forgot, she looked so innocent right now it was too cute. He being a hateful person didn't feel like this on an everyday basis, and when he did, it was extremely rare. But he felt it now. He felt like he could get lost in her eyes. He started to loosen up a little more.
Eyes slowly turn blue. "See where I am now Kyrie. Where I belong." puts bags on bed. "Lets go meet some people." Nero walks down the hall. 
{stop double merging stupid computer 
:banghead::banghead: :banghead:} Nero walks down the hall and hears talking "imagine dragons" keeps walking" crap I think I is lost"
Aayame pointed at the iPod. "May... may I hear?" She threw her ears forward almost wagging her tail now like an excited puppy. She blinked her redish eyes and looked at him every now and again turning her head as she waited for a responce.

All the while her mind was screaming at her, to feed, to quit being so open, to bully and belittle him, but in her condition her wolf side was taking over and all she wanted was some childish fun, she innocently had no idea what she was doing to the boy.

{Sedrian Waht time is it where you are? shouldn't you be in bed??}


Jack lay on the bed as a huge back comes crushing down on him. "GAF!" He jumped up his cat side coming out, quickly before he could stop it though he became a cat and now sat on the bed meowing insults to the person who scared him so incredibly bad that he took his full cat form. Great god no girls enter this room and no soft boys, please if you help then help just this once and save me. He looked around for the perpetrator who crushed him and jumped off the high bunk after the boy who had just conveniently left him.

"MEOW!" He hollered angry at the boy running after him unable to make more then simple animal sounds, he found something more abrasive however and remembered he was given a fine set of claws at birth. He jumped up on the boy's leg using his needle sharp claws to try and get back at the boy.

{Nero Last portion is for you}
Sedrian just stared at her, what the heck happened to her? She's all nice and sweet. "Sure." He said removing his ear buds and handing them to her. He didn't know what the heck was going on, but at this point he didn't really care.

(Why does it matter?)
"What the?" turns around. Eyes turn electric blue "Calm down."picks him up." what the duce cat." 
Drops him. "What did I do to you?"Starts to walk back to the dorm room. "Ha ha ha I get it your the school mascot"
Aayame blinked and took them fashioning them into her ears and smiled. "It's a good song." She whispered and returned the ear buds. She then turned her head and stopped wagging her tail smelling an almost human walk by, her eyes flashed a more glowing type of red. She returned her gaze softer to the boy and simply disappeared below the bunk bed curling up as a wolf. She was silently convincing herself she did not need human blood. She was in self denial that is what she needed.

"Sorry." She sounded hoping he was not to freaked out in her change of personality. "I get those way sleep is all I need." And maybe for now it was but lord only knew when this would happen again and what if in front of the boy? What then, it was not like she liked him or thought he was anything special she just needed to grasp a hold of herself. "It will not happen again. I swear." And now she was lying, that clearly was code for "not in front of you it won't "Not that you are worried but don't I am a grown girl I can effing take care of myself." She snorted and curled into a ball.

{Sedrian I- I'm sorry i did not mean to insult you... I was just worried... sorry again please don't be mad, also sorry for the posts, Aayame gets that way when she is sick... I thou- I'll shut up now.}


The cat, more importantly Jack hissed at Nero pulling his ears and lips back bearing his strangely sharp teeth. His eyes were a grass green his fir jet black with a twinge of blue in it. "MEWRW!" He protested like Nero spoke cat. Because everyones fluent in catanise right? He thought belittling himself for being so stupid, he had at least an hour now before he could explain what had happened to him, Today was getting worse by the minuet.

Being dropped was no fun and now he felt terrible, all he had to to now was get to the dorm before the door closed so that maybe he may SHOW Nero what he did to him. "Meowlp." He said making his cat noise as he hopped on top the bunk bed and unadultriatedly literally pointed to the bag that crushed him. He hissed once more

{Nero God that is short...}

(How did you get so offended? Think nothing of it. And don't feel bad about the long posts, I rather like it. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the sack.)

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