The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

Jack listened to the girl his mind to lost to realise she had a tattoo or that she seemed to work so hard to cover it up. "I see," He said lost in his own train of thought trying to black out the lights. "Huh?" He asked his discomfort suddenly brought into light. (terrible pun, sorry) "Oh, no, there is nothing wrong." he answered nervously shuffling his hands taking a seat across from her. It was now he noticed the way she was sitting.

"You feared what?" Jack asked blinking slightly he was confused, what was she fearing, and why on earth did he had the sudden urge to read her mind or use the power Mary converted to him to make her tell the truth it was sick and making him feel worse about the girl. He felt as if he was deceiving her, not telling her he was not human, a creature that killed no less would not have ended well and he knew that but he could not tell her, even as it felt wring he could not say.
Anari slightly looked away from Jack and rubbed her arm nervously. "Oh. It just looked like there was something wrong." she said. (It's ok, I don't mind puns x3)

She then let out a sigh. "I feared befriending them." she said. "I feared that because, if they found out what I really was they would probably bombard me with the worst kind of names they could possibly think of." She then took deep breaths. "They wouldn't understand what I was." She then calmed down and closed her eyes for a moment and uncovered her tattoo which showed a full moon. She then opened her eyes and some tears rushed down her face.
Chills flowed though Jack's body. If his heart was beating he was sure it would have skipped a beat when she showed her the moon. She was a werewolf, that explained the smell the chills and the fact deep down Jack wanted to run. He swallowed and took her hand kissing the moon.

"My sweet, you must not fear what you are, what others perceive of you should not matter." He swallowed and pulled back the sleeve on his left wrist, there below the intertwining ink of the tattoo he had just under the area where a small cat lay in a sleeping position was a nasty scar where he was bit by Mary.

"You could have it both ways here." He said and flicked up his ears and his tail flicked out as well. "I was kinda cursed as a young boy to have the soul of a cat, it was supposed to make me healthy and it did but my parents wound up abandoning me. Later after Mary took me in, being what she was she could not stand my human smell, she tried, she tried for years, at first she homeschooled me, then she took me to a friends of hers house to homeschool me, I became best friends with his son but she still she could not stand it, she changed me on my seventeenth birthday. When I was supposed to be eighteen to cover up the scar me and Black got matching tattoos since we both had been changed by Mary, she really did try, and she gave me a house a roof over my head... I am not trying to sell you a sob story Anari, you are by far the sweetest girl I have ever met." He paused and leaved forward kissing her gently on the lips his ice cold lips tenderly touching hers.

"I want you to feel like you are in good company." He whispered smiling,

{okay I just had a loveless moment typing that last part! xD and I am glad you like puns but sadly I am not good at making them...}
Anari saw the fear in his eyes when he found out what she was, but she shrugged it off and wiped her eyes.

"I can't help but to fear myself. I can't help but to think that I'll end up killing my friends one day if it gets out of control." she said lowly. Then her gaze turned to the scar and she stared at his scar for quiet a while.

She listened to his story then she looked up at him straight in the eyes. Before she could say anything Jack had kissed her on the lips. Her eyes widened and she didn't move at all. Her body felt like it was in a state of shock.

"T-Thank you and I'm sorry that you probably fear me." she said as she pulled back from him.

[LOL that was just perfect. It's' ok c:]
Yoi chuckles lightly. "You are definitely not suitable to be in the SDC!" She sighs and drinks some coffee herself. "So what did you just do while I'm out of the room?"

Zero frowns when he receives the call, saying that there will be a new guardian coming who is late. He blinks a few times before heading down to the office. He is not asleep yet, for Zero rarely sleeps since nightmares come back to haunt him often. While walking down he sees Keith, who is smoking and lets the smoke out from the open window. "Smoking is prohibited you know." Zero sighs, and the hunting teacher chuckles, waving the guardian off for he seems to have something in mind of. So the long, black haired man walks to the office, seeing Mikah there, and immediately assumes that he is the new guardian.
Jack was taken a back by the girl's reaction. He knew he could make her seriously blush under that caramel coloured skin of hers but he decided not to try. "My dear, the only way you scare me is because I am a cat and you smell of dog, that is the only reason I am I any way shape or form scared. In fact our coven is covered with people just like you, Riku for example is the largest we have, he is like taller then a ten story building or something, tell me have you ever tried partaking in working for the government?" He was talking about a certain career the government did not ever leak out.

He was talking about killing people for a living.

"Most of the members of the coven have jobs like that." He glanced around nervously to make sure no one heard him, he could not risk people knowing that his family killed people, being vampires was enough but getting paid to eat was so much better. "I never got into that myself but I have heard it helps most of our wolf members when it comes... You know that time of the month." He sighs trying not to look so nervous as he explained, this subject was just so delicate he was not sure why he was talking about it, but he continued trying to help Anari


Mikahmia was a very patient boy in his human form. He while waiting decided to help the secretary of the office and this allowed her to get home or wherever she was headed. When Zero approached the office Mikahmia's eyes flashed red a brief second and he finished filling away the paperwork the secretary was supposed to do. He then turned to address Zero.

"Hallo." He said his voice sounding thickly of a German accent. He did not sound much like his sister but in truth Aayame had the same accent she just hid it behind her breath so to not make people believe they were related. Sure they were both blonde, and both had natural blue eyes but Aayame's were turned red by the change she had endured at such a young age. "You must be head guardian of the school, I assume? I am Mikahmia, I was asked to step in and help with the school over something..." He paused to remember what the person had said over the phone, "peculiar and or hazardous going on in this school?" His voice smoothed out as he spoke further and he stuck his hand out nicely to greet the boy.
"Oh nothing big I forced one of hell's most powerful fighters into the area chained him down and swung a pendulum over his neck. Then I forced him into a contract that made him my servant and caged him inside my cane, don't worry its actually very large inside and fully furnished. Next I opened the door and you know the rest." He poured himself a cup of coffee and smiled. "Of course it could have gone a lot worse had he decided to break the chains right off the bat he probably could have stabbed me through the heart before I could even respond, but that's not what happened."
Anari laughed a little. "Oh so that's why you were scared." she said. Then suddenly she stopped laughing when he mentioned something about the government. "No I haven't thought about doing that, why?"

She tensed up. "What are you trying to say?"

[sorry i dozed off]
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{oh she's headed back to her dorm, sorry forgot} 

{it's fine, I was sleeping too. XDD}

Jack swallowed slightly, he was not sure if he should mention it, but it helped his own family get by. "I am not segusting you should and or have to, all I am saying is that it might be a good idea because of how you scare yourself." He paused and looked around pulling his ears back. "My family partakes in in...." He could not believe it was so hard to say. "Well they all kind of partake in killin humans, creatures or otherwise to get their cravings handled, it is not entirely legal but it helps them." He was thinkin of Melina and Jude, about how they were kicked from the family for killing a vampire member.

"My family gets paid to do this, sometimes for some of the members such as Coyoty and Melina they get paid in blood or like Jude satisfaction that out of control creatures are laid to proper rest," he smiled but his ears were still down like he was ashamed. "This does not sound as horrible to you as it does to me... Does it?" He dared ask nervously still.
Anari was shocked by his response. She looked down for a moment wide eyed. "Kill people for a living...." she thought to herself. She gulped and began to sweat a little. His words echoed through her head as if it wanted her to make a choice. Kill or not kill, for a living, is what her mind was telling her.

She looked up very slowly at him. A tad bit of fear in his eyes. "No, not really." she whispered. Her voice was shaky with that reply. "B-But I'll have to think about doing that though." she told him.
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{you can run into Aayame if you want and if your character is a girl you two can be roommates if you'd like.}
Alright... I'll be your roommate ^^ Where is your character right now? Just so I know where to start myself off :)
{She is walking back to the dormitory right now. Guess she is going to her room... say cafeteria or a hallway something close to the dormitory rooms if you want ^~^}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{She is walking back to the dormitory right now. Guess she is going to her room... say cafeteria or a hallway something close to the dormitory rooms if you want ^~^}
How about she goes to the dorm and sees me unpacking or something :P
{ O.o Uh sure.., I should wanrn you... she is a jerk and will not like seeing someone "intruding" or otherwise in "her" dorm}
CoyotyZephyrWolf said:
{ O.o Uh sure.., I should wanrn you... she is a jerk and will not like seeing someone "intruding" or otherwise in "her" dorm}
Hmm... then what do you propose we do? My girl is like really kind and junk so idk how they're gonna cope with one another :I
{They will, Aayame is strangely nice... (when she wants to be) Being rude is just a front she puts on, [if you have seen Inu Boku Then that is how she acts, if not.... Uh, she will... just read---V}

Aayame was grumbling as she walked down the hallway back to her room. Showing up naked I guess I will have to just be a wolf for that don't want to get suspended on my first day. She snickers to herself reaching the hallway her dormitory happened to be in. Yawning and stretching she found herself slightly exhausted due to the days events but seeing as night was creeping in closer she knew sleeping was not going to be easy.

She yawned again and opened her door. No sooner had she then she saw a sweet looking girl standing there the lights on in her dorm. Aayame closed one of her eyes and winced slightly. "What in the hell are you doing in here?" She asked already being ion a bad mood she did not think twice about dorm mates, she almost forgot she had claimed the top bunk for a reason. Seeing the girl in her room was not happiest of moments for Aayame, she was not entirely people friendly and had not made any friends because no one liked sticking around her that often so she wound up almost always alone. This was probably why she was so unfriendly, but then again it might have just been her and her brother's quarrels that lead that on.



Jack folded his ears over and looked down shamefully. "I did not say you had to." He answered sighting slightly. "All I was wondering is if you had thought about it. It has helped countless members of my family get by. It helps us keep our profile too." Yeah profile of what, that Mary was queen, and that most everyone who was an assassin was a major star? Yeah that went over well.

"The press is always on top of us though, and since we have the secrets we do the government always looks to us because we are so good at keeping the secrets we already have and therefore always are able to keep them, never once has a singe secret ever been leaked to anyone. It is just a suggestion, you do not have to partake in it in any way." Jack smiled slightly and flicked his ears up slowly. "For the record, I am not... I was told to come here and watch two members of our coven, make sure they don't kill each other.

{Kay typing at the fastest speed ever... Accomplished....}
"Hello!" the girl smiled, even though she noticed Aayame was clearly irritated. "My name is Amber... sorry for just barging in here; I'm your new roommate." she said as she put out her hand for Aayame to shake. Amber had long, curly red hair tied up in a pony tail, with a long-sleeved brown dress with a turtle neck collar.

(Sorry for the shortness :P )
Aayame looked less then pleased to have a new roommate. She in particular hated people getting close to her and would seem to rather enjoy it that way. "Cool." She said almost swatting Amber's hand away. "I am Aayame, and that is my bed." The blonde pointed to the top bunk as being as quote 'her bed' and turned walking to her bag to unpack, something she had not done yet. She was wearing a loose blouse which even though Amber was in the room took it off immediately pulling on a soft white dress and pulling her hair through it which on top of her head suddenly a pair of ears formed from her hair. She pulled off her jeans and put them on her bag.

"So which dresser do you want?" She questioned after crossing her arms. She had dark blonde hair, a matching set of ears and a tail that both inhuman items tipped in dark black. This was her being nice, giving Amber first pick, something she almost never did. Speaking was also something Aayame did not do, she hated hurting someone and then apologising for it later. It somewhat hurt her to do that, so she tended not to speak unless spoken to first. (Or if she felt offended which happened a lot)
"So stupid" Anari thought. "I did kinda think about it." she replied back to Jack with a small yawn. "Sorry, I'm getting tired again."

"That's really nice." she said rubbing her arm. "Well, Jack, I'll keep it in mind though..." she said. Suddenly her wolf ears and tail showed. She suddenly jumped back and her chair began fall backwards. She quickly made the chair balance and she looked down embarrassed. "I'm not good with embracing who I am." she said.
{ @D'Gamr Pay close attention to this post please.... The speaking down in the last paragraph is for you, and no, I am not trying to be rode I swear. I am just letting you know (most people think he is tracking to himself....) sorry if it sounds like i am being rude. Also, did you get my PM?}

Jack nodded slowly "You are quite welcome any time, and do not be sorry we all get tiered at times." Vampire, that was all he had to say, he was a vampire too. She knew that though sleeping was not required and for him did not happen. He could simply just pretend to be sleepy it seemed as if the girl was getting tiered and maybe she should sleep.

"you-" he was cut short when the atmospherical air changed around him and quite suddenly he became a cat jumping up hissing at the now wolf girl. He shook his head quickly wondering what he was thinking. This all happened to quickly for him to decide what he was doing. Now though he managed to regain control over himself he begun folding his cloths.

"Regardless" His lips were not moving, in truth in this form he could not say a single word he and not ability to, this was a cat's body and because of that he had no vocal cords. He could not harvest, even of he wanted to, any voice for speaking human language it was like he had forgotten all language possible. "If you are in tuned, embracing, whatever, it is better then living a life denying it. There are some members of out coven that still continue to deny what they are and are on the verge of dying at any moment because of it. Never deny what you are my dear." His ears were pulled back now as his voice somehow continued to reach Anari's ears. Part of his vampiric powers were to communicate though thoughts, he got this after being converted so if he was not a vampire this conversation would absolutely not be happening.
Zero observes the guy in front of it, his crimson eyes slowly follow the other's movement as he reaches a hand out to him. His emotionless and stern face seems to relax a little as he holds hand with the other. "I am Zero...And yes, the head guardian." He pauses a little and let the handshake ends. Micah appears to be a nice guy, helping the lady and stuff, but you can't just determine a person that way.

"It's not like killing has just started. Deaths and kills are normal in this school. It's just that the number has been increasing, and those deaths are not for the positive effect." Zero tilts his head to one side slightly, letting his long black hair slides down his shoulder. "The main cause is still a mystery...But we do need to watch out more for the students. Most of the cause are probably due to the secrets each student hold. But only the Student Council President holds 
Yoi sighs, "You can at least do that after you have fully healed! Or you can tell me earlier what the heck you are going to do inside...."
Mikahmia nodded listening. His hunter ways allowed him to both listen to the boy as well as observe him. Zero looked to be disconcerting, cold or distant, something deep down inside this boy reminded him of Aayame. He shook his head. "I see." The boy nearly mused through his lips, killings and finding out who they were was his specialty. "I understand the killing have always happened," he furthered his research on the school before actually coming here. Records normally sealed to any human were opened to him in a heart beat. His personality was starting to fade now, he found being around people that even so much as reminded him of his sister tended to do that, something about him though he just could not get over rang out above all others.

"People dying anywhere is a bad thing," he tried to sound actually smart while saying this when in actual fact he had not thought of his statement prior to actually saying it. "I mean, people dying in any place is my specialty, I assume you have been made aware what my job is?" Hunter, he was a hunter and hated being labeled as anything but, even if his father was a cat and technically so was he. He hated being addressed as anything lower then a hunter because he was the first vampire to actually still be in the association without being kicked from it. The association strictly band creatures hunting their own kind, it led to riots and burning of certain buildings. But like his mother and part of his extended family he managed to hide it and promise no one would find out and if they did he promised death upon them.

Mikamia blinked unsure what to say next. "Is there anything else I am required to know about the school?" He was not so much as released student records but by helping that nice lady in the office he managed to make a photo copy of each student in the school. He was crafty and good at his job, first he would narrow down the list making sure every person checked out and was okay, any person suspicious would probably get marked in red pen, then he would study any suspicious characters for a while before deciding innocence or guilt. If all the students checked out he would go over the faculty list the one in which the lady had jotted his own name down at the bottom before leaving and unknowingly allowing him to make a photo copy of it. It was not like he was stealing, student records were open to the public, and more importantly it was not like anyone on the list showed species or anything it was jus a list of names.
Amber, being as kind, let Aayame get first pick. "You can decide, I don't mind really." She said as she began to grab a pillow from her bag to place on her bed. "You know, I don't really look like this... this is just a cover up." she said absent-mindedly as she crawled into the bed and laid down.

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