The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"I wonder" Emilio said sarcastically before stopping. "...we should probably get back to the school... things are about to get interesting"
Jack nodded slowly still by fully there, then he realised, vampires, hunters, Keith's sibling was a vampire, that little girl he met earlier, what was her name!? He had seen her before a dozen times Mary had sent reinforcements after the vampires, they were apart of her coven until she had them killed. He tried pushing that out of his head, it was a dark time in the Vikrla household and almost no one got out of that predicament alive, however it concerned him, if Keith's sister was a vampire he could unintentionally smell the blood of the vampire who did it, if he was told of this their entire coven was ruined.

They worked for years to fix what the past had done to them, they were working still on their title, Mikahmia and Aayame fighting was the least of their worries. Jack fully returns to society when he heard Keith addressing Mikahmia.

Mikahmia looks up his red eyes softening into a soft grey colour though his hair is still white. He remembered Keith but under different circumstances, though the same form his human form could not drink. He blinked as Keith explains or rather tells him he could have lost his job, truth was he was not in his game, seeing Aayame for the first time since god knows when this was his idea of a reunion, he glanced at the blonde whom was fixing her hair and holding her hand over her stomach over the gaping wound that strangely would be healed in no time with a little blood. "I do remember you," he breaths in a break from Keith though in not of need to nearly choking now that his throat lays in his hands, and not in of time because the hunter teacher continues nearly without breath to verbally insult Mikamia's ears with compliments on his sister.

Aayame does barely have time to react her red eyes to wide but Jack is holding her back faster then it took a human to blink. He picks her up bridal style though she fights it and walks up to Anari. "Ah would you come with me to the infirmary?" He asked the werewolf needing to discuss something with her, in privet. Aayame continued to fight squirming though injured and at last Jack simply looked at her an almost silent unspoken message transferred between the eyes before Aayame went limp her eyes closed. "Please?" He directed at Anari again a smile played upon his lips as he spoke.

"I understand." Mikahmia says and stands sticking what is left of his throat in his pocket. It was gross but he had no other place to put it. "As for that talk, it's Mikahmia, my mother did not name me that to have it short handed b-" he cut himself off not wanting to let his demon side fully take over, he was barely grasping onto life and humanity as it was and he could not risk loosing that. "Like that," he finished and smiled then took Keith's hand without warning. "That talk now sir?" He questioned glancing back a his sister looking so peaceful curled in Jack's arms, he knew the posing butler had preformed a simple word spoken power jolt there to get the girl like that but he did not advance to her, apologise or say he loved her, even though he did, he wanted to get out of this demon form as soon as possible and being throat-less was not helping him much.

{sorry it took so long, KAY! So I think I got everyone in here...? I cannot tag anyone so read, respond, YUS!}
Yoi chuckles slightly, "Since it's midnight right now, if Blanco is not in his room or in his office falling asleep, then he's probably in the hallway roaming. If you cause a ruckus you will only get detentions. We got school guardians and me here," she grins.

"Why should we head back to school? What's interesting is happening?" Suddenly, Tavia has remembered her first motice of exiting the school, she's supposed to go hunting and search for whatever trace of that vampire...THAT vampire. But Tavia is also curious about what Emilio has said.

(well well well XDD) 
Keith has suddenly feel a weird sensation in Jack, it's as if he has already noticed his secret. Damn it, he must have noticed it already. Does that mean Tavia is in danger? When Jack carried Aayame away, his desire to follow the other has nearly moved his legs before he stops himself. Wait, it is also possible that they can help him--help them--with it? That thought flies in Keith's mind briefly before that fear flows through his mind again. Just like how the wind spirits were all killed because they tried to help this sibling, he doesn't want it to happen to any other people. No matter how strong they believe they are, it is between a 50% about whether they will win the fight or not.

Shaking his head slightly from the thought, he stares as Mikah put what is left of his throat into his pocket with a raised eyebrow. Out of the corner of his eyes he can sense that look on Mikah's face as he glanced over to Aayame, peacefully curled up in Jack's arms. What kind of feelings the other is feeling right now is none of his concern. As the new guardian holds his hand, and asks him about the talk, he simply chuckles, and, suddenly, free his hand from the other's grasp. "To see you all bloody and wounded like this with not a throat, I guess it's better if you clean and deal with your wounds first.....Hmm....But the infirmary office is taken~" Keith smiles pleasantly as he said so, and act as if he's thinking about what to do. Well, he is thinking about what to do. It feels weird to talk to a person without a throat and is all bloodied and wounded like that. Sighing briefly, his eyes brighten up all of a sudden, "Ah~I'm sure there are some health aids over at the student council's office? And I believe some stuff that cn help you with your throat...I'm sure Blanco's not in the office right now....After dealing with you, let's talk somewhere peaceful and quiet with nobody listening."

He backs off slightly from Mikah before flashing a look at Zero, who nods silently in response and exits the office. Zero knows that look all too well. To not disturb Keith and go mind Tavia. But of course Zero won't interfere with what Tavia is doing right now, he will just find her immediately when he feels a presence of her danger. As a school guardian who has to to constantly deal with difficult students like her, whose bad habits basically all come from Blanco, sensing her is much easier than other students. The fact that he's a half demon makes it easier too when he needs to search for her.

Keith smiles warmingly before opening the office door, "I guess we should go now, Mikah. It's a wonderful thing to hear that you still remember me. How have you been?" As he walks he takes out his phone, which is his sister's reply of his earlier text. "I'm in the forest right now, Emilio's with me. You didn't do anything that is 18+ to students did you?" Keith frowns at the text before texting back, "Ask my sweet little sister, maybe I did? Are you jealous?" That, she immediately replies, "No joking, pervert." What she said makes the hunting teacher grins, though what he answered next is far more serious. "The revenge we are seeking, it's possible that I can get some help with that hunter I met a few days ago at the bar. But the possibility of him rejecting is really great, and I don't know if he's a vampire hunter. Anyway, beware. And don't do 18+ stuff with Emilio either." He shuts the phone, for a while completely forgotten about Mikah's presence, but he has walked faster than the new guardian, and he texts it so carefully it's not possible to know what he's texting.
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Emilio sniffed the air. He then took off towards the school. Emilio weaved through the trees. "First mental gate release." Emilio moved much faster and slowly lost his ability to move thorough the trees just as they reached the clearing to the school.
Mikahmia's mind was on Aayame the whole time, all he would need was some blood and he would be fine, his throat would grow back and all would be well. She however not feeding like normal would not heal as quickly he swallowed forgetting he did not have a throat in technical terms and looked down instead. Keith was walking now guiding him out of the office. As he left he glanced back at Jack one last time and a flashback was brought into his head, when Aayame and him were smaller, their father holding Aayame while the wolf girl played with his ears and tail. He smiled but noticed the hunting teacher getting away from him.

Quickly as if to pretend he did not just space off he appears right next to Keith without much effort, he knows in order to keep Keith from knowing he was a vampire he would have to keep this form, but this form was most dangerous of all, his demon form and he was still clinging on to what little humanity he had left. keith seemed troubled about something, he always had from what Mikahmia could conjure up in his memory of the man. He wondered if it was applicable to mention he technically was frozen at age seventeen thanks to Aayame, but that would give away his secret. He decided just to think about Keith and further deepen his memory of the man.

He remembered being at the bar, being asked of his occupation. He remembered saying he was a hunter, but had he shown his badge to legally hunt vampires? He blinked slightly wondering how it would look if Keith did ever find out he was what he hunted, if the hunters association found out about that he would be toast, and not the flakey buttery breaded one. He sighed pushing those thoughts out of his head like he was actually pushing them out of his head and started to play in his mind like a movie, the meeting. Sighing again he forgot he had no need to breathe and no real way to breathe, what with his throat in his pocket and all that.

As they passed a trash can he fumbled in his pocket tossing away his throat and placed his hand over what was left of his upper chest and swallowed mending it right there while Keith was not paying attention. He also removed his bloody cloths having another less bloody, more suit like type on underneath and though still in his demon form ruffled his hair and acted like his human self. Vampires, he lest of all never came unprepared he knew exactly what he was doing. He followed Keith though and at last decided reminding the man he still was in existence was a good idea.

"So what exactly is it that we talking about here?" He questioned not sure where they were going when they would arrive of if he had to worry. he was on guard and under his coat that though torn and slightly bloody he held onto a weapon in case of any kind of unfriendly interact was to happen. Most no one asked to speak in privet and have it turn out well for Mikahmia, he always wound up injured or like last time dicing.

{ @SilverBlack So I am sure you are to get this. And @D'Gamr Uh.. I posted for you earlier.... >.< Not sure if you saw.}
Tavia frowns, "What is that?" She chased after Emilio. "What is a mental gate?" Maybe I shall hunt another time.....She wonders. Hunting in the middle of the night is not safe anyway.


Keith has sensed it, the inhuman being inside of Mikah. To him, as long as it doesn't cause a threat to him, his sister or this school, then he will not voice it, unless it is out of necessity. He has slipped his phone back to the cellphone as the other appeared right next to him. As he was spacing off, Mikah has already thrown his throat into the trash can and changed his clothes. The hunting teacher has been thinking, about this hunter, what secrets lie within him, his true relationship with his sister Aayame, and their first time meeting at the bar.

It was a nice evening, that day, where the moon was full. Keith met this man at the bar, and knew that the other is no original hunter. If one is not an original hunter, than he will be a vampire hunter or a demon hunter. They had a talk, a chat, while all the time trying to figure out the other by observing the other at the opposite side of the small table. He knew that the other worked under the hunting association. Keith himself is a hunter who does not hunt anything specific. If he is to hunt something, because he is asked to, or because of some other reasons, he will do so. It doesn't matter what kind of specie he is about to hunt. He is a free hunter, one who hunt for something as long as somebody told him to, with an equal amount of worth in return. He is a hunter that is not under any associations, a hunter that has grown from a normal animal hunter to a kinda-famous powerful one. The fact that Keith is a wind spirit also helped him too. To control the winds and to move in an inhuman speed assists Keith when he hunts.

But that has changed quite a bit when Keith got his own intention when hunting. Even though he's a free hunter, he knows that he still hunts for vampires more. The only difference is that he doesn't hunt for any vampires, he only hunt for specific ones for revenge. So does Tavia, and they share for the same goal. Those vampires, who, after tons of research, are called Vlaxuda. It's a huge vampire family--or is it even a family? He doesn't know, but it's a huge group of vampires that share the same thoughts and perspective. Those vampires are the ones that destroyed his village, the ones that killed all the villagers, and turned his sister into a vampire--one of them. That truth has hurt Tavia so much that she nearly committed suicide once, but then has slowly grow calm of that fact. Keith remembers his past lover, that beautiful woman Juna, who died in a puddle of blood....The hunting teacher shakes his head, getting back to reality. He has walked a lot already, he realizes.

"....Hmm....." Keith opens a door that he thought is the student council room. He frowns though, when he realizes that the room has changed. "Yuh~" He lets a goofy smile plays onto his lips as he turns around to face Mikah. "I guess we can't fix you with me not knowing what the room is yet...Oh, but you seem to fix it pretty well yourself!" He lets out a chuckle. "But you still haven't grown back your throat yet. No offense, but I believe we should talk after you grow it back--I guess you can grow it back since you're not human--and we should talk them. I find it difficult to talk to a person without a throat, that's why." He grins.
Maximus sighed and followed Yoi out the door. "I guess I will have to wait for all eyes to be away before I cause any sort of ruckus, but perhaps there will be a small tea store in the middle of the school by morning. Yes that sounds like a fun venture start selling tea to the students!" He smiled and began walking before suddenly turning with a bit of an embarrassed smile. "So where is the office?"
Yoi laughs slightly, "That sounds like a good idea....But I guess Blanco's roaming around on the hallways now. Probably going to the guardian office? Since there's some fighting sounds going on there before I guess he's there to check." Yoi tilts her head to one side gently in thought.
Emilio stopped and looked at her. "... its one of my abilities. If you need to know more'll just have to be the subject."
"What do you mean by 'subjects'?"Tavia asks, curious as she sits onto a tree and looks down at him, cautious as well.
"What I mean is neither of us would walk away unscathed...or walking at all." Emilio shifted uncomfortably. "I don't make a habit of relinquishing my secrets lest those who know turn against me... make no mistake I trust none of you. Though I shall you to be a bit more civil with my distrust. "
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf i replied to you already O.o )

"Hmm~~Well I trust everything but love." Tavia chuckles, "Well what you are about to do sounds fun so, might as well follow." She says as she starts chasing behind Emilio again.
"Then you trust as little as I do...I don't hide it though"Emilio muttered before taking off. Emilio didn't stop until he got to the school. "Something doesn't feel right..."
"What doesn't feel right? And by the way I do not trust as little as you do I trust friendship comrades siblings and parental love I just don't trust lover love alright?!" Tavia pouts a little as she speeds toward the school first. "Hmm...There is a weird feeling...."
Mikahmia pulls on his shirt and tie slightly. Walking with Keith his assumption of the hunter is one that was majorly rude if not inaccurate. He believes that it is not the mind one holds outside of hunting that makes the a good hunter, but instead the game in which the hunter plays upon finding his kill. The room is dark and Mikahmia has cat eyes so he can just say he is not human trough that. He blinks his now softer grey eyes. Ones that matched his mothers so perfectly, now he is wondering about her, but briefly before returning to Keith as he mentioned his lack of a throat.

"It is not as if you can see it," he states loosely pressing his hand to his tie where it covers a majority of the missing throat in question. "And no I am not human, related-" he paused his mind choked for a moment, something tenses him about mentioning where he is from. "Uh, related to that creep show wolf out there I am a cat. Our rivalry is of that and nothing more." He neither assures or denies he is anything else nor his sister for that matter, 'no one is to know secrets of the students' hat is what zero said. But he is not a student, and it crosses his mind that maybe he cannot hold a secret. But Mikahmia is concentrating on using his last feed to re-grow back his throat. Swallowing when it is there he knows he just now rushed his need for more blood and probably made it so that he will not be able to take his human form without it. Purebloods are his way. They cannot often control their demon side from showing, perhaps that was why his grandmother always stayed in her demon form.

"Sir, if I may be so bold, it appears as if something is troubling you. I am not prying, tearing, or trying to read your mind without your permission I just see what I see and feel what I feel and right now it feels as if there is something troubling you. Something dark, feels like you wis to speak to me in privet not because I am injured but more or less when you stroke up that conversation with me at that bar you were wondering what type of hunter I was." Mikahmia spoke walking to the window his hands going into the pockets of his trousers. He waits here for a few seconds and then whips out his hunters academy card. "I specialise in vampire hunting, however I also hunt creatures too, whatever appears on the list I hunt it. I ask no questions and I ask for nothing in return." Upon hunting them Mikahmia where he lives knew that he would have to hide his demon form that no matter what he would always have to hide it. Even if his hunters academy council was heavily guarded both with spell binders and the spells then self. His human form was enough to get through those gates without anyone knowing and he was hopping to keep it that way, it was his job he had no other home to go to. Provided he did not actually go home but here were secrets there, secrets that even though he knew them to be there he still tried to run away from them.

"So what is troubling you? What family member was changed and how close was the girl to you when she died?" Mikahmia was not reading his mind, most men consulted them of family members changing, sisters brothers, mothers and children all a like were on that list. What was different though was the same feel he felt from Keith he felt from his own mother, a feel that could only be described as one the other loved, and loved so much that even now the pain still hurts them. "Please do not be afraid to tell me, I ask all my clients this," Mikahmia now had a note pad out, a list of people names crossed off that list was at the top. Some highlighted some crossed out most untouched, the list of names as it turned out to be the ones untouched were dead. "I also may need to see the one who got changed the secret lies in their blood." The silver haired not smiled flipping up his paper to a blank sheet jotting down most everything he knew a that moment, starting with Keith his age and occupation.

{My friend told me it was god modding to bring up something one has not said... I am simply pulling information that you yourself wrote... Mikahmia does not read minds he's just had a lot of personal experience and he is very bright. Unfortunately the only power he has at current is to change the weather, that is all he knows. So I am not god modding your character or power playing him I swear.}
D'Gamr] [B]{[/B][URL=" said:
@CoyotyZephyrWolf the post on page 281? Sorry I've been busy with high school}[/URL]
{all is well, I believe so... Sorry I am on my phone. Summery basically is Jack has Aayame and is requesting you to come with him so he can heal her.}
{oh okie}

Anari followed Jack quickly. "Is she going to be alright?" she asked looked at Aayame.

{short post is short post x3}

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