The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

[Alright, I'm gonna have Tyra poke around outside and if anyone wants to interract with her, be my guest. |D Lol. Everyone's characters seem to all be caught up with someone else so if you have a free charie I don't know about, Tyra's open. :3]

The light, silvery moonlight shining onto Tyra's face caused her to wake from her slumber and sit up, rubbing her sleepy eyes. It must have been early morning, and even though the Dragon girl had been exhausted, curiosity now pricked her brain, refusing to let her sleep. Not to mention she'd spent so many sleepless nights, her sleep schedule was all screwed up. Sighing softly, she straightened out her wrinkled shirt and brushed off her skirt. If she didn't at least go explore a bit of the campus, she would never be able to sleep...

Groaning softly, Tyra stood and stretched out her back lightly before cracking open her dorm room door, peeking out into the hallway. Not seeing anyone at the moment, she slipped out and let the door click shut, locking automatically. Brushing her hair all over one shoulder, she stroked it lightly, a nervous habit of hers, and made her way down the corridor towards the exit. She paused for a moment, her sensitive ears picking up on a male voice as well as a female. Odd... she thought, this is an all girl dorm... Rolling her eyes, she figured it was just some rebel students deciding to break the rules and have a little "fun" in the girl's room.

Shaking it off, Tyra continued on, finally exiting the dark building and stepping out into the moonlight. She blinked a few times until her violet eyes adjusted, then decided to stroll down one of the paths, gazing up at the trees she passed beneath. They appeared almost silver due to the moonlight and rustled slightly as the gentle breeze swept through them. Looking around, she wondered if any other students were restless sleepers such as herself, or considering everyone here was supernatural, they could possibly have nocturnal students housed here.
(Zero's free~! @Tyra)

(Waa Emilio u r free to go interrupt Tavia @LucianGrey7971 even tho that means getting caught up with a bunch of SUPER DUPER complicated stuffs...)

(oh fug @DarkAncient where is ur last post? QAQ @CoyotyZephyrWolf you too i don't know why my phone wont show ANYTHING except this page right now lol it's stuck =w=)
[Okay, though I don't know where he is at the moment for Tyra to come across him. |D Lol! But I'd gladly have her interact with him if you could shoot me his last post! ;u; Or just summarize what he was doing last. Or just have him run into Tyra. xD @SilverBlack Either is fine, haha.~]
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{it's ok and best of luck on the surgery}

Not too long ago she was being told that no boys are allowed in the girl dorms and she was now breaking a rule. She wasn't going to get in that much trouble she hoped. Her glance then turned back to him.

She smiled when he said yes. "I just hope we don't get in trouble." she whispered to him as she watched him remove his clothing. "Hey, what's that?" she asked pointing at his tattoo.

Anari was a little shocked about how short she felt whenever he sat by her. "It doesn't matter to me." she told him kissing him on the cheek and getting up to pull down the covers. Another yawn escaped her throat. "I'm sorry, I'm just tired." she told him as she got adjusted with the covers covering her legs. "I like both of your forms though, so it's hard to choose with one." Anari said with a small laughter.
"........" Tavia blinks lightly, studying the two in front of them. The other sibling, who can just randomly fight and stuffs. Looking toward Aayame, she studies the other more. What she said makes sense....If her blood is investigated then everything will be so much easier. But she doesn't like the idea, not like she's running away from reality, she just doesn't want to think of her blood. The only time she needs to think of it is when she hungers for blood, other than that, she doesn't really like to see her own being shown to investigate. She shakes her head slightly, and sighs as she looks toward Keith.

"Brother~! Are you seriously flirting with her? Woah, you aim for a type I never thought of before!" Instead of talking about some serious topics, she looks toward Keith with curiosity. Upon that he frowns, then laughs as he plays with his bangs. "She is a fierce tiger, or right now more like a fierce wolf. Anyway it's rare to find her type."

"Ehhh really?? By the way how she fights with her brother is soooo interesting~!!"

"Ahh~You mean Mikah....He's a good brother..."

They blink for a moment when they realize what the topic has become, and Keith coughs a little before grinning toward Aayame. "How do we put it...First, we are not exactly vampire hunters. Though we strive to find out Julio and the rest for revenge, we still balance our position as original hunters. How do we put it, what you said can actually be easily done with the help of the student council, but I don't think Tavia likes that idea for various reasons too lazy to explain." He lights a cigarrete but Tavia snatches it out of his hand.

"Anyway...Ah, Mickey don't go. We might still possibly want you." Tavia calls out as he sees Mikah leaving, somehow she is influenced by the student council president to make weird nicknames for guys. She smiles brightly then, then turns around to face Aayame. "Anyway Yummy," another nickname, "and Mickey, you can't possibly want us to decide which option to choose real fast can we? Different from Keith I mind about friends or foes a lot. I know it sounds cliche but maybe we should hang out more first before deciding on the option~~~" Tavia says it like a little girl as she clutches Keith's arm.

"......Tavia.......That sounds.......Not really good..Unless it's with Aayame only....." Keith frowns as he tries to politely rejects. "Oh no it has already been decided~!!!" Tavia cheers. 
Zero is just patrolling around the school when he sees a violet-eye girl. Frowning, he remembers the time. What will a student be doing at like 3 AM in the morning? She should be in the dorm room. Sighing slightly, he brushes the thought of the wonderful moonlights away as he hardens his features as a strict and cold guardian. Walking over to her, he calls out, "Excuse me, what are you doing wandering alone at this point of day? You should go back to your dorm room." (@Tyra
"It is not unless the president permits you to help students with their secrets," Yoi explains seriously. "Often it is solved without much of a hassle, because students like to deal with their own secrets. Blanco won't get involved unless it starts to affects the school, or unless the students seek for his help." She lets out a whistle. "And what do you mean, there are more secrets than you've heard of me?" 
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf can you please link me to the Vikria rp again? >< Sorry for the botherrr)
Maximus chuckled and sat down on his bed. "I just feel like your secret is deeper than just being a nature sprite. I could be wrong, but I feel like there is more to the enigma that is Yoi." He chuckled and laid back on the bed popping the skull off the top of his cane to throw up into the air and catch. "So tell me, is there anything more to your past?"
Tyra froze in her tracks as her sensitive ears picked up the sound of footsteps nearby. Forgetting all about the safety the school was said to provide, her natural instincts kicked in and her deep violet eyes slowly took in her surroundings, searching for the source of the noise. When Zero called out to her, she nearly jumped three feet in the air, whipping around to face him. Clutching the front of her shirt nervously, her entire body prepared for transformation into her Dragon form, readying her for flight if necessary. As Zero stepped out into the moonlight, she relaxed a bit but still wasn't sure if he was friend or foe. From how he sounded, it seemed he was a teacher of some sort on campus perhaps? He inquired at why she was out so late and not in her dorm, then Tyra fumbled for an answer.

"O-oh I'm sorry...I didn't realize...there was a curfew," the poor Dragon girl stammered, running her fingers through her light blue hair nervously, "I mean..I guess I knew there was but, I...I couldn't sleep..." Sighing, she let her eyes meet his anxiously, hoping he would understand. "I haven't really had a solid place to stay for a while. My sleep schedule is all screwed up and I'm still adjusting," she told him truthfully, scuffing her feet against the pavement lightly. She hoped she wouldn't get detention on her first day...that would just be a lovely introduction to the school...

[ @SilverBlack ]
{As do I, and my surgery isn't until noon today but tapatalk keeps waking me up. xD thank you so much, I'm starving I want to eat.}
{Um, I would rather not say, I am not so quite open, I only wanted you guys to know I would be gone for a bit... And the reason so you guys wouldn't worry... I don't want you guys to worry so it's not serious surgery}
{No, you were only asking cuz you cared. Or like one of my friends thought I was lying. I seriously need new friends.}
Emilio walked out of the school and stood there. He saw Zero talking with some girl he hadn't seen before. He decided it was none of his business. Besides he was in fact breaking curfew. Emilio reached into his pockets and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a Zippo. "..." he took one out of the pack and flicked open his Zippo and lit it.
{I am tiered half-alive and in pain, but I will respond! At some point between now and sunrise... V.V} 
Mikamia stands a confused look on his face. Aayame just verbally bashed them, or was he the only one who hear that, they were chatting now about his sister and he hated conversation on her. Itching to remove himself from this room before said harm was going to come to either sibling he turned on his heals grabbing his long coat the only thing remanning from his original cloths. He stopped though when he herd his name, the normal version of it. "Mikamia" He corrected again loosely, he never let anyone besides who he loved call him Mika, the only people who ever did and did not fear of dying as Aayame and his mother. Occasionally Jack would use Mika as a term for his name but Mika remembered giving the cat boy hassle when he was younger, the butler deserved to call him anything he wanted, that was until Tavia decided calling him a name that was not even his own.

"Mickey!?" He demanded his eyes flashing red. "Are you mad!!? That sounds like someone from Disney world!" Mikamia could barely control how flabbergasted he was at the name and prior to that he was explained to how they were not entirely vampire hunters. "Tavia, do- do me a favour sweetheart and don't EVER call me Mickey. My name is Mikahmia and contrary to popular belief I like my name the way it is." With that out of the way he hesitated but only for a second to bring up their "not exactly vampire hunters" statement. "Don't you think that is kind of obvious?" He let his sour mood continue, "I mean in the fullest extent of the word but vampire hunters kill vampires and in some cases get asked to kill other creatures, we do not kill for sport or even sometimes to get paid. And whether or not you want me or not is not in my position to decide but I will not go on a killing spree unpaid." Tavia gets all girly now and normally in his human form Mikamia would be all over that.

But he was in his demon form

The silver haired boy almost rolled his eyes. "Whoa! I did not decide anything, so, hold them pigtails girly!" Mikamia was just insulting Tavia now, and he was beginning to understand why Aayame did it. "My sisters name is not Yummy either, did your mother teach you any manners?" the boy asked pausing for only a second not giving anyone in the room time to respond. That statement was not meant to cause any harm, he tried his hardest not to sound like a jerk but he knew his time was limited. "Whether or not I choose to agree now to that, since you have obviously given me choice, is my decision..." He trailed off sensing Aayame still lurking around. "It is also up to my.... sister. And Keith, you will not be spending any kind of time alone with Aayame, I can guarantee that, knowing my sister and it is not just you it is all men like you se hates them and would not bat a single eye at you, probably just eat you senseless or die trying is more like her. So if we "hang" out or whatever you kids call it now a days is a talk I will have to have with Aayame and most likely we will need some alone time and a huge vast forrest like so." Mikamia was looking out the window now seeing his sister's blonde tail flicking back and forth under a tree."

"Is there anything else you two need?" He questioned turning slowly to look at them, his eyes now glowing in hungry red.

{ @SilverBlack I must keep myself from correcting EVERY typo in your response xD I like the way this story is going, however. Also, my dyslexia is bad today.. xD I kept flipping words around.}


"If we do I take full blame." The boy pressed his lips smoothing out his voice some to sound similar to his human self, a n attempt really, one of which that failed this time making him sound strangely more appealing, at least he thought so, and decided to ditch that as soon as Anari addressed his scar. "Ah, it's a flame." He purposely joked while sitting next to her. "No, me and my brother got into a fight and I went to bite him to heal for the wounds he had given me, but I wound up changing him instead, a mistake really but one in which we both paid for. It never healed properly as most vampires finds out this happens when they change a human into a vampire and It just healed like a tattoo, after bruising over of course." He smiled purring still happy that he could still freely explain the story and joke before and now after as he was about do. "thankfully it does not hurt as bad as it used to, I could not lay down for a whole wee imagine how happy Mary was that we." he laughed but wondered loosely if he had done a correct job explaining.

Shrugging slightly not wanting to stay on sad subjects he smiled at Anari now that she had chosen. "How about I surprise you?" He asked turning his head and flicking one of his ears. Though he had asked it was not really a question merely a statement used to acknowledge that he ad heard her decision. H turned kissing the girl on her forehead in return for her kiss and took his cat form. his form was not your normal average house cat as Anai had seen earlier. This form was a huge if not large black panther, this what was known as a demon form of his normal form. Most vampires had one, all except the wolves and like Aayame if they had one they were rare.

This form of black panther even in the dim lighting had dark fur yes, but even darker then that was spots from an apposed normal panther, he also had larger incisors, large enough to make him look almost sabre-toothed. He smiled though and leyt a purr out of his throat as to assure Anari she was safe and it was still him just in a larger form, he was also A LOT more fluffy then his eight pound self. His fur was thick not long and when you lay your hand on it, after it sinking a few inches, it felt like touching a hundred bunny rabbits (Sorry the softest fur I have ever touched) Jack loved this form because he prided in keeping his fur in this form clean and soft as almost every hunter that hunted for sport wanted his fur and he loved watching them crawl when they could never catch him.

{ @D'Gamr DONE MOWAHAHA! Sorry it took so long, I was in surgery and then sleeping for most of the day, obviously it went well cuz I am still alive. xD And with you I kept forging words together without putting spaces in them. xD Huh... I must be tiered.}
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf Meow I hope you're fine ><...And the link still doesn't work...Like it won't open to that site...)

Tavia pouts a little when Mikah said he's name is not Mickey and Aayame's name is not Yummy. But she is starting to enjoy how the other reacts angrily. She starts laughing even more when Mikah insulted her, it doesn't make sense to laugh but she actually enjoys the insult. Dude, pigtail girly??? What kind of insult is that?? So creative! "Oh by the way it's not my mother who taught me manners it's an old man~" She corrects halfway when she finally stops laughing, but when she remembers that Mikah complained about his name being like one from Disney, an image in her mind forms with Mikah wearing mickey mouse's ears. And by that, she laughs even more. "I like pigtails Mickey, it's really tasty Mickey, you really have to try tasting one Mickey, because it's really Yummy." She smirks a little, and Keith yawns.

The hunting teacher calms his sister down as he places a hand on her shoulder. "Anyway, I'm just a hunting teacher now. My only job is to teach my students how to hunt, other than that I really don't do anything else, except when we're trying to, you know, find out some information or help the student council president too. That applies to Tavia as well...We keep the hunting club members a secret, but I believe Tavia will be completely fine if her identity is exposed..." He looks toward Tavia who has started to draw Mikah in a mickey mouse costume on a scrap piece of paper with one of her most childish faces. "She is one of the highest level hunters in the hunting club..." Well even though she doesn't look like one right now..."And as usual, she hunts for what the school specifies and nothing else, and it's rarely vampires. But when we're out for hunting we do seek information about Vlaxuda as well...It's just not what we mainly focus on. We act by chance...And anyway." Keith lets a playful smirk plays onto his face when Mikah mentioned about hanging out and not being alone with Aayame. "You are not a bad brother~Don't worry your sister will be fine~Fine~Fine with me~" He winks at Mikah playfully before Tavia cheerfully finishes the drawing.


Zero looks at Tyra and sighs a little, shaking his head. "If this happened one more time, detention will be given. If you cannot sleep then at least stay in your room doing other stuffs. Yes, we do have curfew. I'm Zero, the school guardian, responsible for guarding the school as well as catch any students who break the school rule..." He lets out a sigh when he notices Emilio. "And you, what are you doing here?"
(It's fine that you took so long and it's ok. Sleep tight gurl :D )

A small smile came across her face when he said he would take the blame. "But I don't want you to get in trouble either." Anari told him looking down. Her glance quickly looked up at him and he began to tell her about the scar/tattoo. "Will it hurt if I touch it?" she asked him. She wanted to ask him who his brother was and this Mary, but it seemed like it'll be too much butting into his personal business.

"Ok. Surprise me." Anari said closing her eyes. She felt a slight peck on her forehead and her face turned red again. Anari then opened her eyes and gazed at him. Fear rose in her and a low growl was trying to escape her throat because of instinct, but she kept calm. Her fear kept her from moving to him though.

Anari's instinct calmed and she embraced him tightly and kissed him in return, but this time on the lips. "Your fur is so soft." she said nuzzling against him closing her eyes and slowly dozing off to sleep.
Yoi lets a complicated smile plays onto her face. "There's really not much about my past...I'm just the one who usually get bullied. But really now I'm fine~! Completely fine...You don't have to worry about it." She plays with her hair as she says so, smiling a reassuring smile.
"Calming myself." Emilio exhaled smoke without looking at Zero "if I do not people might get hurt... and that's not the reason I'm here. "

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