The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

"....You are also a student, which means you are breaking another school rule right now?" Zero sighs.
"You gonna turn me in oh great hypocrite? I've not the patience to deal with such blatant hypocrisy. You dare to recite school rules and enforce them upon those with no seat amongst the precious student council but turn a blind eye to their transgressions." Emilio took a long drag off of the cigarette "Charlatan! I'll have none of it. Especially today."
"...The student council....I let him go for there are certain reasons that are private toward the outside. He has been officially permitted to break against some school rules unless he has gone too far. The thing is he still takes responsibilities for nearly everything. And no, I'm not gonna turn you what or what, but as a student you should be in your dorm right now at least smoking out of the window." Zero calmly explains. "And I thought you are with Tavia anyway."
"Y-yes, I...I understand..." Tyra replied meekly, clasping her hands in front of her and staring down at her feet, "Please forgive me, this is my first day here. I'm still not completely sure of all the rules. What a way to give a first impression, I guess, huh?"

Chancing a glance up at his face, she bit her lip, hoping he wasn't too upset with her. "I-I'm Tyra, nice to meet you Guardian Zero," she introduced herself, "Again, I'm sorry. I'll do my best to reset my sleep schedule back to a more normal time."

As another figure emerged into the moonlight, Tyra took a step back, her entire body tensing once more. This one looked a bit more unstable than Zero, not to mention the cigarette sticking out of his mouth. The putrid smell filled the poor girl's senses and she coughed lightly. Anything fire-related made her nervous and smoke tended to make her cough and sneeze, due to her element being ice. It wasn't that she couldn't deal with a little heat, it was just raw fire itself that caused a problem. She ran her nimble fingers through her long, pale blue hair nervously as he and Zero began to argue, not wanting to get caught in the middle of it.
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"Why would I be with her. She left to go somewhere and I don't make a point to be bothersome... something I can't say about her. " Emilio took a couple of steps away from the door to the dorms. He clearly had no intent on going back in any time soon. "... student huh? What a load of crap. Nothing more than a prisoner in wwhat feels like an asylum." He took another step away from the door
Zero walks over to Emilio briefly and lifts him up by the back collar while pulling him back near the door to the dorms while he shakes his head slightly at Tyra. "It's okay, now you know the rules yes I hope that you can change your sleep schedule and not break the school rules again, Tyra." He sighs briefly before turning around to face Emilio as he sets the other down. "As a student who wants to become the SDC chairman, you are responsible to make sure what she's about to do will not break any school rules. Not like she will, but you have failed to keep an eye on her. My mistake for putting her into your care anyway. And I don't care what you think a student is, you are a student here and as long as you have a connection to your school you cannot do whatever you want." What a brief school guardian talk, he thought as he turns back to Tyra. "Tyra, this is Emilio, a guy fighting for the position of the School Discipline Club. I hope he can be a great help to you too. Hope so. Hope." He says it with less confidence.
Tyra's gaze turned to Emilio as her deep violet eyes studied him closely. She fidgeted slightly as she stood, his stare slightly unnerving. "Nice to meet you as well, Emilio," she finally replied quietly. She wasn't quite sure what to make of him yet exactly, but that didn't mean she wouldn't at least be polite upon first impressions.
Emilio gave serious thought to ripping Zero's jugular out of his neck... VERY serious thought. "I am NO ONE'S babysitter" he said through clenched teeth. "Tavia has absolutely nothing to do with me and I'd like to keep it that way." Emilio turned to Tyra and pushed his hair out of his face "I truly doubt that you think that someone like me is nice to meet..." He sighed and tried to let go of some of his frustration. "Its nice to meet you too... though I'm at a bit of a disadvantage seeing as you know more about me than I'd like you to, and all I know is your name"
"Tyra, he's a guy worth trusting if he's not in a bad mood. He's a bit hot-headed, too. You just have to find him at the right time and there's nothing to worry about. If you need someone to babysit he will be fine as long as nobody ruins his mood." Zero states plainly, loud enough for Emilio to hear.
Tyra's gaze flicked back and forth between Zero and Emilio as they both turned to look at her. After listening to Zero's statement, she turned back to Emilio, raising her hands in a "you're right" sort of gesture. "Yes, I suppose you do have a point," she replied, "I'm well....a hybrid of sorts." The Dragon girl noticed their puzzled expressions and sighed softly, knowing that wasn't going to be enough to satisfy Emilio's implied question of what exactly she was. Taking a step back, the girl's appearance then began to change. Her long pale blue locks formed into spines while her nose lengthened into a skinny blue snout, the rest of her body following suit. Mere seconds later, instead of a girl, a slender, graceful Dragon with navy blue scales stood before them, its violet eyes narrowing as she studied their expressions. Her tail curled back and forth behind her and she fluttered her wings a bit before tucking them into her sides. She was so used to the terrified crying of young children and frightened screams of their parents, that she was surprised when they didn't come. She fidgeted slightly, her white claws digging into the soft earth beneath her, as she waited for their reaction.

Even though she obviously was a Dragon, no warmth emanated from her scales; yet instead, her breathing came out in white, icy clouds. If anything, it was almost as if she was below normal body temperature, giving off a chill rather than a heat wave.
Emilio looked at Zero "I am going to murde-" Emilio stopped and looked at the dragon girl. "Well you don't see that every day. Great now I know more about you than I ever intended to know" Emilio sounded down right tired. He didn't like learning things about people if he didn't initiate it. It felt like they were pushing their way into his life.
Zero looks at the dragon girl, and his gaze softens after being slightly surprised because there are not much dragon girl around this school. He nods his head lightly, "Yes, your identity is on your student's form in the Student Council Office and it has already mentioned that you have some relations to dragons. A dragon girl, I see." He pauses looking over at Emilio who seem really mad at him. "It will be better if you keep your identity as a secret, because there are some not-so-pleasant students in this school...I don't mean him," meaning Emilio, "but others." He pats Emilio's shoulder then, "Keep your demon powers under control, kid. If you gonna murder me you will end up ruining the whole school possibly. In another word, keep your angers under control."
Emilio swats Zero's hand away. "If I want your advice I'll ask for it." Emilio put out his cigarette. "Until then keep your mouth shut and your hands off me." Emilio straightened the collar to his jacket and stood looking off into the distance
Mikamia twitched slightly at every mention of this new nick name he was given, rather unwillingly. He had the power to terminate Tavia and he knew it would not be against "VHAC" (Vampire Hunters Academy Council I know an academy too!? Who knew! xD ) as long as he had a valid reason, her being Vluxida "born" as they called it was reason enough. He tried to reason with himself though, killing Tavia would mean getting Kwith off his back and killing a human or creature without otherwise having a reason was high treason in the council. He would loose his position or worse. Shudders raced down his spine and he decided there was not reason enough to go and think about Tavia this way. He kind of wanted to read her mind to find out what was going on in her pretty little head, but her voice mentioning his unwilling nickname and using Aayame's unwilling nickname nearly pushed him off edge but yet as it on cue and knowing how pissed Mikamia was getting Keith put an end to it.

Mikamia listened, rather unwillingly even still to Keith and his explanation of the top secret hunters club, this almost bore him to yawn which in this form was rather easy due to the fact there was no prior oxygen in his brain which is how yawning is created but decided not to show such mediocre boredom to Keith. He was not in any way afraid for his life, Tavia no matter how strong she was- looked or otherwise he was not afraid. And it was not because he was cocky of full of himself, he was fully aware Tavia very well may over power him, he was not a god and not immortal. "The VHAC is just about as top secret considering our job is basically assassinating people." Mikamia mumbled below his breath looking at Tavia, thinking briefly and only for a moment before a sly smile rose to the corners of his lips. "Seems like our schools are just the same, eh, Tabitha?" Mikamia asked playing on his vampiric voice slightly making his voice turn a cross between childish and overly sexy.

Now his sister was mentioned, "okay I don't care if I am the worst brother on the globe, you, as long as I am in existence, will not get anywhere near my sister. And that is not only my choice but hers too. She will not go out with you or fall for your "love game" any time soon and I can guarantee that." Mikamia turned slightly looking back at Tavia. "Maybe while you impose on my sister I should impose on yours." He stroked her check slightly smiling towards Keith, "how would you like that Tabitha?" He winked at the girl similarly to the way Keith winked.

{ @Silver Black I like this response....}

{ @D'Gmr How am I supposed to respond?}

Jack purred feeling Anari's hands around his neck and rested his head on his paws thinking about what Anari said not wanting to mess with the subject right then. He was now thinking of how it would be if he let Anari touch his scar, what was it with girls and having a fascination with that kind of stuff? He exasperated a well breathed sigh before shifting his weight bringing his paws out from under him and twisting Anari as gently as possible so that he lay against the wall with his paws one around Anari as she dozed off and the others laying out. His tail flicked over the end of the bed and he slowly closed his eyes.

Jack was not to sleep, stating that he was would be almost a crime. Jack as a vampire never slept, he as a cat napped occasionally but never really slept. Assuming morning was not far by the smell of things he lay still engulfed by the sweet smell and the tender arms if the one girl he was starting to like.

He licked her slowly and purred whispering something to her. "Why don't I take you out to breakfast my sweet?" He asked finding no real harm in leaving the two children he was told to watch alone for a few hours in a heavily guarded and watched school, anyone who wanted to, could put them back in line. He wasn't needed at least for as long as it took for him to take Anari out and show her a good time. "How would you like that?" He purred nuzzling her.
The sleek female Dragon nodded her head, swiftly transforming back to her Human form, brushing her skirt off lightly. "Don't worry, I'm used to it...," Tyra chuckled in reply, though it was a sad laugh. She had hoped to be able to express herself here at this mystical school, but as it was turning out, once again she would be hiding her other half... Sighing softly, she rubbed her bar upper arms and looked around at her surroundings. "I guess I should get back to my dorm. Thanks for letting me know about the curfew, Zero. won't happen again," she finally spoke, brushing a few locks of hair from her face. Her gaze flicked to Emilio, but she merely nodded, afraid anything else she said or did would offend him more. He was quite the sensitive type, she gathered. Not knowing what else to say, she turned slowly on her heel and began trudging back towards the girls' dorm, sliding her hands deep into her skirt pockets.

What the Dragon girl wouldn't give for a nice cold shower right at that moment... the freezing water always helped clear her head and as an ice elemental, it relaxed and replenished her as well. However, she had no idea where the girls' bath house was and she wasn't just about to walk all over campus just to accidentally walk into the guys' bath house. Groaning, she rubbed her forehead and exhaled deeply. "Nice, Tyra...great first introductions...." she muttered to herself. At least Zero seemed like a genuinely nice guy. She just had to make sure she didn't want to break anymore rules... Just then her stomach rumbled and she quickly put a hand over her stomach. Right...she hadn't eaten in about a day... And it was beginning to catch up with her. What perfect timing...

Fire. It curled around his feet and lapped at his vulnerable underbelly. The smoke went up his nose and made his eyes water. He tried calling out for help, but all that came out of his mouth were blue flames. It entrapped his legs and he couldn't seem to move. He roared, how he howled. But no one was there to hear him. He was soon consumed by the flames and smoke, and they suddenly pulled back to reveal a sm0ltering dragon lying helplessly on the floor.

Matthias' eyes fluttered open and he sprang up from the rug. He looked frantically around the room, breathing loudly and heavily. He checked himself and discovered he was unhurt, then lie back down on the rug. He lay awake, thinking about his dream and greatest fear. He tried closing his eyes, but could only see wild flames raging underneath his eyelids. Matthias sat up and looked at Ivor, sleeping as soundly as ever. How Matthias longed for a peaceful night and he couldn't stand the sight of another sleeping so easily, not like he could sleep after that dream anyway. He transformed back into a human and silently headed out the door, cautious as ever.

(Wow, quite a bit has been going on lately. When will morning come?)
{idk *shrug*?}

She laughed silently. Anari opened her eyes a little and smiled. She nodded and nuzzled against him. "I wouldn't like that, I would love it." Anari whispered closing her eyes once more. "What time is it anyway?" Anari asked Jack as she played with his ears.
{I leave for one day and nothing happens anywhere... Sorry guys something happened. Silver WHY YOU NO RESPOND!!?}
Tyra froze in her tracks once more as this time, another scent crossed her nose. She hadn't smelled it before, yet the feeling that accompanied it told her all she needed to know at that moment... It was another Dragon. Some called it the sixth sense, how Dragons and those with Dragon genes could sense one another when in close proximity. The feeling grew more vibrant the closer they got and dissipated as they fell away from each other. And this one was definitely close...

Tyra truly didn't know what to do. She'd never come across another Dragon related species before. Sure she had basic instinct on how Dragons acted, but not when they were confronted with another of their kind. Her father hadn't been able to tell her much before....before the incident... Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her arms and peered around through the darkness, trying to find the source of the scent traveling on the breeze.

[ @Pateer Drakon ]
Matthias felt a tingling sensation on the back of his neck. He shivered. Yep, another one of his kind was near. He recognized the feeling from when his caretaker was still alive. As soon as he bit the dust, Matthias felt one last cold shiver and then nothing. Nothing. Now the feeling was back and he dreaded it, he thought he was just imagining it like the many times before. Matthias sighed and a small puff of smoke emerged from his mouth. He shook his head and searched for the cafeteria, where maybe he could find a glass of water.
(@Pateer Drakon need to wait till all the events are done for the night ><)

(@CoyotyZephyrWolf sorry but I'm seriously busy these days and will only be more free on weekend. I will find any free time I have within these days but don't expect an awesome respond. :/ )
Emilio gave a small wave to Tyra before taking out another cigarette. Even though he had literally JUST gone over this with Zero, he was just as defiant as ever. "Like I said... don't feel like being trapped inside" he gave as an explanation
(Yaaaay after today I will have time to replyyyyy :D
Keith laughs, wonderfully, at Mikah's respond. "Well, well. Let's not go so ahead of ourselves, should we? Aayame this, Aayame that. Let's rest that talk for a while," he winks playfully as he pats Tavia on the head, who takes some tape and then stick the drawing of Mikah with the mickey mouse ears onto his forehead. The hunting teacher chuckles under his breath, looking over at the joyful Tavia, who is whistling happily. She puts an arm around Aayame next, "Guys are alllll about girls this and that! We are both girls we need some girls' times too!" She pouts and pulls her arms away i case she will be emotionally hurt by whatever reactions Aayame will make.

"And well I don't care about what your academy is or whatever secrets and stuff I don't even care about this hunting club being exposed or not I'm just following the school rule~" She replies at Mikah's mumbling. "Ohhhh assassinating?!!! That is SOOOOO coool!!" Tavia is usually much more mature, but today she is going high on bananas (without reasons). Maybe because the existence of this other pair of siblings interest her too much, and she doesn't have to deal with Blanco's stuffs, because he has, as a student council president, grants her the permission to be free for at least a week. She, the vice president, can actually have a fine time of fun. What might this sibling interest her the most about? She is rather excited.

"Oh yeah! Both schools are similar! Yes it is! There are a fine numbers of students who joined this school because they know this school has soooo many wonderful secrets!" She dances around happily, completely forgotten that Mikah has this mickey mouse pic on his forehead. "Anyway! Mickey and Yummy! Let's have some fun together!"

Keith looks out the window and lets Tavia takes all the jobs of making friends and stuffs. (lol)

(Is there any other people's rp that I need to reply of? :> )

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