The Academy of Secrets (actual RP)

{ @SilverBlack

Just Vikrla estate, and sorry for the late response. Issues.

Also... When did Aayame re-enter the room? I thought I had her leave out the window.... Could be wrong. Maybe I am. I will respond ASAP}
(Ehhh u did? sorry i just came back from some place and i walked A LOOOOT im tired sorry if i didnt notice that ._.)
[Hey, I'm really sorry but I think I'm going to have to pull out of this one... :c It seems pretty cool, but I'm just having a hard time getting my footing for Tyra, and I don't think it's going to work out. Not to mention I have to limit my roleplays because of college... So sorry to have to go! Hopefully I'll see you guys around the site. c:]
Tyra said:
[Hey, I'm really sorry but I think I'm going to have to pull out of this one... :c It seems pretty cool, but I'm just having a hard time getting my footing for Tyra, and I don't think it's going to work out. Not to mention I have to limit my roleplays because of college... So sorry to have to go! Hopefully I'll see you guys around the site. c:]
(NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I was about to become her friend :'( Why do you do this?)
(Well....I'll think about it, I suppose, I'm just having a really tough time lately with coming up with good posts for Tyra. I don't have much to feed off of. D: But I'll attempt to give it one more shot if you really want me to. c: @Pateer Drakon Idk, I just have to see how busy I am and how many other rps I'm juggling...)
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Tyra said:
(Well....I'll think about it, I suppose, I'm just having a really tough time lately with coming up with good posts for Tyra. I don't have much to feed off of. D: But I'll attempt to give it one more shot if you really want me to. c: @Pateer Drakon Idk, I just have to see how busy I am and how many other rps I'm juggling...)
(I know what you mean, school seems to control my life nowadays. You don't have too, just being over dramatic...hehe....but it would be nice if you stayed. The more the merrier!)
(@Tyra aw, having you is fun! U r always welcome to create another character in which you can suit best of tho! It's okay if you are so busy, but you are always welcome to join back. Good luck in college :)
(@CoyotyZephyrWolf are you busy again? :)
(@LucianGrey7971 ) Zero sighs, staring at Emilio as he left. It is that moment a thought flies into his mind that he pauses. "Oi, even though you fail as a babysitter do you have any chance to know where Tavia is, then?"
Emilio shrugged his shoulders. "Haven't seen her since I was talking to Blanco." Emilio took a long drag off of his cigarette and flicked it at Zero's face "I'm no one's babysitter. Don't make me have to hurt you"
Zero exhales a light sigh, "You seem to be pretty confident about your abilities," he pauses for a moment. "Beware, not like I think I can overpower you or something. But once you decide to hurt someone, you have to be prepared for the consequences. Now..." His eyes flicker toward the girl that comes dancing toward them. "...Tavia, where have you been...."

"Making new friends~!!" She cheerfully reply, but frowns at the feeling of the tension. "Did I interrupt you from a fight or argument or something?" She tilts her head to one side, but Zero shakes his head.
Emilio merely glared at Zero. "...I was just leaving...this school doesn't have my brand of cigarettes and I'm down to one" Emilio started walking away from the school. He held his glare at Zero for a couple of steps before turning his attention to where he was walking.
"Waiiiit where are you goiiinggg?! Are you leaving for reall?!" Tavia catches up with Emilio fast enough, filled with surprise.
Matthias stumbled around in the darkness, hoping not to bump in to anyone. He saw a light in the distance and headed towards it. Perhaps it's the cafeteria he thought and sighed, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his hoodie.
Emilio stared at Tavia for a while before looking ahead "yea. I'm goin. Don't know when I'll come back... Don't really care. Worse case scenario I don't come back for a few days."
"NOOOO Then I'm coming with you~!!" As usual, that's Tavia's usual respond. She looks at the distant light and sees another guy coming, and her face lits up a little as she starts dragging Emilio toward the direction of Matthias. "That boy over there~!!! Let's go take an adventure together tooo~!!!" (@LucianGrey7971 @Pateer Drakon )
"Oh no no no you will get bald if you're always alone!" Tavia doesn't know where that comes from but either way she just wants to drag Emilio along. "That boy over there~!!" She calls out to Matthias. Whenever she gets the chance to meet new people she holds onto it.
(omfg I can't believe I lost this roleplay I feel so stupid when I stopped getting alerts I checked and it didn't look like it had been touched in a while and I completely forgot to check back, I got so caught up in running my own I am so sorry. Is my character even still applicable?)
(Yesh of course OwO Well school starts so everybody replies super slow now....>< including me...)
(alright haha and sorry if I'm slow and since so much time has passed I'm just going to assume Yoi hasn't just hung out with Maximus for a few days)

Maximus sighed and sat down on his bed his top hat in one hand and the cane in his other. "I need to get something done." It would have been in his best interest for that something to be schoolwork, but he didn't have time for that, at least as far as he was concerned. He had more time to be bored out of his mind than to do schoolwork, and usually when he arrived in a class he needed work for he would just summon a version of the assignment finished. It kept him afloat well enough. He pulled out his recently acquired cell phone and sighed, no new messages. "Maybe I should get a laptop." He wasn't really sure what a laptop was but from what he heard they were fun. He couldn't just create one because half of creating an object was actual knowledge of how it works, and the other half was imagination. Sighing he pulled out his phone and sent a text to the only person in his contacts, Yoi. Hey Yoi what is a Laptop?
Yoi is doing her usual SDC job when she receives the text. Frowning a little, she chuckles to herself as she replies, "It's a computer that you can carry around easily~What, do you need one?"
Emilio yanked free of Tavia's grip. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly covered his mouth and state coughing violently into his hand. When the coughs subsided, he looked into the pool of crimson that sat in hishand. " annoyingly poetic."
Tavia's eyes widen slightly, "Emilio! Are you okay?!" She leans forward and looks toward you, concerned.

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