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Fantasy The 'Abnormal' Academy

If you had powers would you be good or evil?

  • Good

  • Evil

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Mike rised but answeeed before she could cll on someone "Im assuming it uses its brute force to over welf prey?"
Lucius smiled and he placed a hand on both Ace and Tsubaki's shoulders and said in a happy tone "And If they cant protect eachother or themselves you bet as their upper classman I will keep them safe." He smiled to both of them. Lucius was a friendly person. He loved to help people and he always did what he could to protect others. Although he enjoyed a good fight he was more laidback unless it came to his friends. Being their upperclassman was the main reason he felt the need to protect them.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
Lucius smiled and he placed a hand on both Ace and Tsubaki's shoulders and said in a happy tone "And If they cant protect eachother or themselves you bet as their upper classman I will keep them safe." He smiled to both of them. Lucius was a friendly person. He loved to help people and he always did what he could to protect others. Although he enjoyed a good fight he was more laidback unless it came to his friends. Being their upperclassman was the main reason he felt the need to protect them.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf The Outcast The Outcast
"Keep us safe?" Ace said and smiled "what an you do?"
After several spellcastings, Stella finally appeared within the confines of the academy. She had to admit it was quite different than what she expected, but she was different as is, being a witch.

She sighed in slight annoyance, dropping her luggage beside her and took a good look around her.

"This must be the Academy... I'm like 96% sure."

Hopefully she was in the right place. Stella was never good at casting teleportation spells.
Ace nodded, "cool"

Her luggage started to float. "Need help?" Mary said as she walked up to her

After several spellcastings, Stella finally appeared within the confines of the academy. She had to admit it was quite different than what she expected, but she was different as is, being a witch.

She sighed in slight annoyance, dropping her luggage beside her and took a good look around her.

"This must be the Academy... I'm like 96% sure."

Hopefully she was in the right place. Stella was never good at casting teleportation spells.
(I'm just going to say Severynd snuck out of class since I basically got booted from it anyway)

Severynd was walking as he saw Ace and the new girl. "Hey human!" He walked up to the two of them, but his attention was on Ace. "Where's your friend? He has my book." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. He then glanced at Stella and took a double take. "Helloooooooo new girl~" He gave a flirty wave and adjusted his mask.
Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré The Outcast The Outcast
"Oh! Thank you!"

Stella smiled at the person and walked alongside them.

"And you must be a student here, I assume?"

The Outcast The Outcast
She laughed "no silly im the headmaster" mary told her

View attachment 285049
(I'm just going to say Severynd snuck out of class since I basically got booted from it anyway)

Severynd was walking as he saw Ace and the new girl. "Hey human!" He walked up to the two of them, but his attention was on Ace. "Where's your friend? He has my book." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. He then glanced at Stella and took a double take. "Helloooooooo new girl~" He gave a flirty wave and adjusted his mask.
Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré The Outcast The Outcast

(Lel you where occupied and we wanted to ro so we continued)
(Also ace is t with her, sorry if iade that confusing
Realizing that Mary was the headmistress of the school, Stella quickly panicked and bowed.

"Oh...~! M-my apologies, Headmistress! Please excuse my comments!"

She then turned her attention to the young man. She noticed that he was eyeing her, to which she didn't mind. In fact, she giggled and swayed back and forth.

"Hi, there! And you are?"

The Outcast The Outcast
Severynd Severynd
Mary waved her off. "Dont worry, i hate whrn someone talks like a kiss ass" she said. "You can talk as if yiu with some one you know" Mary then looked at Severynd "Hello, come to greet a new student?" She asked
(I read your post wrong outcast. Ignore the book part.) The Outcast The Outcast Stella Fleuré Stella Fleuré

Severynd smirked a bit through the mask. "Ya Mary, I also wanted to say thanks for letting me wear the mask. It makes me a lot more comfortable." He smiled.and looked at Stella. "Newbie huh? How are you unique?"
Stella nodded in response. She really hoped the headmistress didn't see her as a narrow-minded girl.

And as far as she knew, Severynd looked somewhat odd to her and thought he was doubting her abilities. She stood tall and proud, closed her eyes and pouted.

"I'm a witch, I have you know. A 'Witchling' as they call us back home. I'm fairly new to casting spells and such, but that's why I came here. So I could harness and control my powers."

She placed a hand over her chest as a small golden aura appeared over her chest.

The Outcast The Outcast
Severynd Severynd
The headmistress smiled. "Oooh another witch!" She giddly said as she to 'was a witch'. "Wait, you don't use blood or bone magic right?" She asked, her tone sharp and cold
"Thank you! Both of you! My powers are more focused on elemental magic, mostly healing for now. But I would love to learn more spells and curses to add to my journal."

She smiled at the headmistress and clasped Severynd's hands.

"I hope we can see more of each other soon."

Her hand glowed the same yellow aura when holding his hand. It was a feeling of warmth-- Stella already knew her new life in the Academy would be one of wonders.

The Outcast The Outcast
Severynd Severynd

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