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Fantasy The 7 Reborn


Professional Fangirl


"Good, your awake."

Everything is spinning, your head is pounding from a splitting headache and hold it for support. When you look at your hand again you see blood cover it.

"Now, lets talk." says the man in the black suit. You don't know who he is. You've never seen this man before in your life. But you notice him wiping his hand on a handkerchief, blood staining the white fabric. he turns around and looks at you, a smile plastered on his face, a twisted smile, as if he's the mastermind in a cruel games and all the pieces are falling into place. "You're a lucky little fella... maybe not now, but you will be." he kneels down and looks at you at eye level.

"You won't really get it, but just work with me here. You have just won your self a spot in a little...... contest. You see, I need a successor, someone to take my spot as the big kahuna down stairs." He stood up again and pulled me up with him. I manage to stand up against all odds and a skinny looking man comes to hold me up.

When I turn back to the man who was talking he looks at me with a wave. "Just.. try and stay alive." Before I pass out again I'm sure I see him burst into flame, but instead of screaming in pain, he just vanishes.

Will you live to tell the tale as one of the Seven Deadly Sins?
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Satan looked around the dark room with The 7 sitting in a circle, bags over their heads, completely unaware of what is going on around them. "Good, everybody's here." When he said these words all the bags were pulled off their heads simultaneously, as if it was practiced. The 7 looked around, dazed and confused. None of them said anything, all to focused on the restraints holding their hands behind their backs.

Satan passed back and forth, looking at al of their faces before he started speaking again. "Well, it seems that none of you understood what I was saying last week. Predictable from new Sins." he said that last sentence as if he was annoyed, frustrated that things didn't go as he wanted. "Look, its not that hard." His voice stayed low, but the anger was obvious. "I'm Satan. You are now the Seven Deadly Sins. Yuh know, Envy, Lust, Wrath, Gluttony, blah, blah, blah. I, for reasons you don't need to know about, am no longer going to be the leader of the lovely place known as Hell. That job is going to fall onto one of you. Whichever one survives that is. Because that little competition I mentioned earlier..... is a battle to the death. All of you, against each other."

He stopped pacing back and forth and stood in front of all of them again. "Get it?" He looked at everyone with a cheerful smile, as if he didn't just sentence 6 of the 7 to death. But quickly his smile turned into a sinister smirk, one only... well, Satan could muster. "Good." He snapped his fingers and the restraints around everyone's hand disappeared, and so did he.
Was a bag over our heads really necessary. Amerus thought absently as it vanished most of his attention on the literal devil before him. When he vanished and His hands were free Amerus moved so his back was against the wall and he was facing everyone. Slowly he scanned them for the biggest threat even as he examined the conversation from before. So, I have to compete in a life or death game and if I am the last one standing will become the ruler of hell. That sounds about right.
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Maddox's eyes were close under the bag, even after it was taken of he kept them close not wanting to look at the dark lord as he talked to them -A game huh?..interesting, hell doesn't seem that fun but hey I'm up for taking over that torture oven- his tan hand ran through is dark silky hair in a bit of a neutral fashion, he didn't admit it but it seemed kind of frightening to be placed in a game of death. Maddox decided to put on a relaxed demeanor slightly waving his hand as if nothing were wrong just so he wouldn't have everyone look at him as the threat that had to be destroyed first "Ello~"
Kaylen was in shock, and then it quickly grew to rage. A fucking battle royal? Are you serious! Kaylen looked at everyone around her, just waiting for something to set her off and send her in a frenzy. Then she heard it, the confident little 'Ello'. She turned to the boy with the black hair with a scowl on her face. "Ello? Are you serious right now? Can't even muster up the effort to say the whole freaking word? God damn it! Now I'm stuck with all these shit heads and for what? To run the shit hole down stairs?" After her little yelling spree she let out a scoff and turned away from the other. "This blows."

Autumn looked at everybody without interest. To be completely honest, she couldn't care less. She pulled a cigarette out of her mouth and quickly lit it, breathing in the delicious smoke with a feeling of ecstasy. She would die for this feeling, the feeling of having her little smoke and nothing else in the world mattering. she slowly inched herself against the wall and relaxed with her hand resting on her bent knees, enjoying her smoke.
Maddox knitted his eyebrows together feeling slightly irritated by this girl's response, he was only trying to be nice, of course it didn't seem like the right time but he always needed to make the most out of it, there was certainly no going back from this so what's the use in going around being depressed and angry at each other like a bunch of little brats, and what was her deal with his accent? "Hey settle down girlie it ain't exactly my fault I can't say the whole word without sounding like a damn idiot, if you don't like my accent well I don't know what to do for you so the best you can do is deal with my voice alright." He slumped into his chair plopping his arms down onto his legs. -I could have worded that out a bit better, she sure is a looker...-
Kaylen scoffed and walked up to him with an arrogant attitude. "Oh my bad." she said sarcastically as she stood over him, looking down. "Just a thought, but maybe you should learn to talk right before you decide to live in this god forsaken country." She didn't know why she was so angry at this boy, she just was, angry enough to pick a fight with him, an actual fight. "And you don't call my 'girlie'! Got that, hot stuff!"
Sitting there, Diana could hear the people around her talking, but she wasn't paying attention.

Leader of Hell huh. Wow, that means I could be like Queen of Hell. I wonder what that comes with: servents, money, a cool crib? I could deal with that. All I have to do is win out over these guys.

Diana scans the circle of chairs and is a bit suppised to see a girl standing over some guy looking like she is ready to hit him.

Who knows, maybe this could lead to one less rival getting in my way.
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Maddox decided not to get mad and let the girl go, she could get as steamed as the back of a train but it sounded more like a personal problem that he didn't wanna deal with, he knew that in the moment he'd probably get punched in the face and yelled at for his accent but when has that not happened? -Hey did she just call me hot? Pretty great on the first day- "Oh please quit it with the country thing alright? I speak English well for a British guy it's not like I speak another language, oh ha, it seems like you're getting pretty fired up huh? Well look I'm not looking for trouble but if you want to sock me in the face than go ahead your majesty I ain't stoppin you" he leaned back and waited to get punched.
At this point Kaylen was blistering with rage. Did he just call me 'your majesty'? That little shit! She stood there with her hands baled into fists, her knuckles turning white and her jaw locked. "Don't tempt me, pretty boy." By the look on her face anyone could see she was close to letting loose, too close. She stepped closer, her fists shaking, as if itching for that feeling of a punch, a little bit of blood over her hands.

"Aw, screw it." She was trying to hold back but decided, why not? After all, these were the people she was supposed to kill. She brought her hand back and let it fly, aiming right for his cheek. As soon as she felt contact, she felt better. Good. That should keep me going for a while...maybe.
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Chris was confused while with the paper bag, listening half-wittedly to the words of the so-called Satan. "Wow, he is Satan? THE Satan?" he thought to himself. "How I envy him... If only I could have the powers and might he has." Thus later heard the Lord of Hell announce the battle for his position. Chris didn't have any interest in joining it, although his strong feelings of jealousy filled him with the desire to fight for the spot.

As the handcuffs disappeared and he could finally remove the bag off of his face, he looked around just to see two strangers about to fight - both of them seemed to be angry. "If only I had their ambition and will to show off my strength...", he thought. But all he did was sat in his chair and observed them from a distance.

"Why don't you stop barking at each other?" Chris finally spoke to the two. "How are you guys so... free-willed and open to each other?" He bit his lower lip, still looking at the two, wanting to have their freedom of speech and action. Christian couldn't even stand up from his seat - he didn't want to actually stand out and for the rest to see what a weak-willed piece of unimportance he is, thus remained seated, looking at the two fire-heads in front of himself.
Maddox spit out a bit of blood onto his shirt and simply blinked at the guy who had spoken to him, he shrugged and looked at the palm of his hand, soaked, red, and bloody as hell, of course it felt like a hundred bumblebees were stinging his mouth but at least her shouting was over and he really didn't want to go through that again. His eyes hovered over the circle of people, he had already met one of them which had turned out to be a complete jerk but he wouldn't pin that against her he did agree that his greeting seemed a bit too laid back but would never admit that to her, just because he was nice didn't mean he was stubborn and maybe a bit attracted to her fierce personality -god why did she have to keep calling me hot and pretty-

Maddox waved at the people around him instead of speaking, he only allowed that one girl to punch him because she seemed like she really needed it, if anyone else was going to come up to him and use him as a boxing bag he would surely go ballistic on them.
Why are these idiots already fighting? About stupid things at that. If they are going to fight then they should at least kill each other. This way I have a few less enemies. Amerus sighed already feeling tired. He wished he could find a comfortable bed to curl up and go to sleep.
Althea watched the whole ordeal with an air of distaste. Was she really being pitted against such neanderthals? What a waste of time. If Satan had just picked her from the start, this would go a lot quicker. Not to jump the gun, but, come on, there was no way this collection of half-baked surfs had any chance against her. What right did he have anyway? He couldn't just pluck her from her life and decide to throw her into Hell's hierarchy. Why should she listen to him? She stood with a disgusted scoff.

"Enough!" she barked. "I don't know about you imbeciles, but I have no intention of playing games. You're wasting my time. Fighting you is moronic. Why should we listen to him, anyway? What's in it for us? We get to sit on a throne and watch people scream? No thanks. I'd rather stay here, where I get the recognition I deserve." She crossed her arms and raised a dark eyebrow, challenging someone to disagree.

Autumn Hexx


Autumn looked at all the idiots surrounding her, the little show that that crazy blonde put on was something to laugh at, but as soon as the other one started talking she already knew she hated her. It was as if this other girl already thought of herself as better then everyone else. What was she? Royalty?? Autumn highly doubted it. The only thing this girl seemed to be good at was knowing how to get people to hate her. Autumn lazily stood up, looking at the girl with complete disgust. "Oh, yah? And why should we listen to you, princess? If we team up are our problems gonna magically disappear? Please. Like that would happen." She started walking up to her, getting all up in her space. "You probably just want to stab us in the back as soon as we let our guard down." She turned away, seeming to make her point across. "Easiest was to do it after all." After her long speal Autumn casually put her cigarette back in her mouth, taking a long drag before blowing it in the face out the pathetic boy in the corner who just now managed to take his bag off. @deuteragonist @WeabooTrash

Kaylen Simmens


Kaylen sat down again, starting to relax. She hated being so mad all the time. She hated it! It ended up destroying everything for her, her family, her friends. And look at her now. a contestant for the King of Hell. A fitting place after all the crap she's been through, most of it self-inflicted. She looked at the boy she just hit, remorse in her eyes. But she quickly looked away. Kaylen wasn't pathetic enough to start a fight and feel sorry for it. What would that say about her? Nothing except that even she doesn't trust her own actions. Which is true, but other people don't need to know about it.

She sighed and looked up at the girl speaking now. What she was saying actually made some sense, and before she knew it Kaylen had a new target for her anger again, but this time it was the guy who ruined her life in the first place. Satan. She was about to speak up, listen to the girl and ask about her next move, until she was interrupted by a sad excuse for a human being. The girl with the cigarette looked like she hadn't bathed in a week. Defiantly an addict. You could practically smell the drugs on her. And again a speak was made. And to be completely honest, it just seemed more angry then intelligent. Atleast up until the last part. ABout stabbing them all in the back. Now that part made sense. @Galactic Cloud @deuteragonist
Althea thought about the argument, ignoring the invasion of her space with gritted teeth. It was feeble, but she could see it working the minds of her potential adversaries. "You're right, I could stab you in the back and it would be easy, but your simple mind doesn't seem to be grasping my point here. Why would I want to go to Hell? If you honestly think that sounds appealing, you must be mad. If I'm going to rule something, it may as well be worth ruling. Now will you follow me or not?"

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