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Fantasy The 6 Kingdoms


Alvar tried to hide the grimace at The Sapphire Queen's words. He doubted she had intended what she said to sound as such, but to him, it sounded like the work of his kingdom served as nothing more then to help her's stand out more, help them sparkle in comparison to their dull glimmer. The poetic justice that if the kingdoms ever went to war, no matter who was fighting, the odds of the weapons that would be used to kill the Sons of Iron likely came from the Realm of Iron was not lost to him.

The clopping of horse hooves drew his attention and he turned towards the source, his eyes falling upon the trio of riders. The King of Muvia, an old respected ruler with a large family of his own. Alvar wasn't sure if he came to marry someone himself or he intended to offer up one of his sons for a match, it became harder to tell when he hazard the two men with him were his, the resemblance was strong. When the King's eyes fell on him, examining and weighing, if Alvar had to judge, he inclined his head slightly in the older king's direction.

Alvar was about to raise his head to give a more formal gesture to the approaching king, but their last guest had arrived, the one that presented the greatest threat to any of the gathered royals, the dreaded Emerald Witch, he would have been lying to say he wasn't curious as to what she looked like.

Well, his curiosity was shattered with sheer surprise as they announced her. Announced her.... like this was some flop's ball in some cozy southern hall.

"Long live, indeed," Alvar muttered to no one in particular, "Especially if everyone around her keeps disappearing."

He swept his green eyes over her, she looked incredibly... human. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but a part of him expected some hag, warts included. As she gave her introduction, talks of gift and ale, he kept his eyes on her, taking her measure.

Just like the other two princesses, she was remarkably beautiful, the emerald dress and pleasant skin tone giving off a warmth he doubted was real, still, they did say it was often the prettiest flowers that were the most toxic.

A prosperous one... Well, wasn't that an interesting way to say it, or, perhaps, mercenary way. Tilting his head to the side, his green eyes watching her carefully, he approached slowly, "An... interesting introduction, your Highness," Alvar said, "I wasn't sure if I was to clap or to bow, tell me, which would have been preferable?"
Elegance opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off with the last two arriving. She looked over and tried to straighten her back more. She wanted to look more noble in front of the two older ones of the group. She prayed they didn't degrade her because of her just taking the rule of Queen.

She looked at the Copper King and seems to be his two sons. She would like to know the knowledge he possessed about ruling a kingdom, she liked learning new things from more experienced people. "Welcome King Murandy, I'm glad to finally meet you. I've heard so many good things and I hope to see them myself." She used her melodic voice again, she had started to take a liking to it. She hoped to come off as nice.

Then came Queen Farah, came in with her servants to ensue a prefect introduction. She had heard rumors, which made her worried and unsteady on her feet. She looked over at the Iron King's comment then to the Emerald Queen. "Ah, what a wonderful introduction and thank you for bringing gifts. It's very kind of you. I'm Queen Elegence, I hope that we all get along nicely." She was happy her voice didn't waver at all. She sort of expected it to. Though, there was always need of improvement.
The corner of Farah's mouth twitched as she tried to conceal her anger. She had almost felt herself snap at the Iron Kings question...Insulting... She thought, and just as sharp as his iron. She held out her hand for the Iron king.

"A simple kiss may do just fine o'lord of Iron. It will be a special pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Farah grinned at her own cleverness as she sought for a more traditional greeting between a male and female monarch.

"And let's not forget the good Queen of Silver! Queen Elegance, quite possibly the cutest maiden of the lands. How I remember how it was to be 21. So young and Innocent. Naive to the burden of the crown. But I can tell be just looking at you that we are going to be just the best of friends." Farah said to the child as she went to give her a small hug and two kisses on the cheek as per casual.

"And the gifts! It isn't even worth a thought. It's only custom for rulers to give each other gifts don't you know." Farah already knew none of them brought some gifts which worked for the better as it made her seem more generous.
Alvar raised his dark eyebrow, not what he had expected. He had wanted to gauge her reaction to his insult, see what the fabled Witch would do, but she unless she was trying to kill them with eloquence, it seemed his barb did not work, entirely. There was a flash of... something, that passed behind her eyes. He wasn't sure what that flicker had been, but he was curious; he would merely have to try harder to get it to come out, well, eventually. Still, he would give her this round, as there would surely be more, taking her hand, he bent at the waist and placed a light kiss over her knuckles.

He dropped her hand and stood back to his full height once again, fighting down the twitch at the side of his mouth as the Silver
Princess moved to cover up his... briskness again. Perhaps he should keep her around just to fix all his diplomatic missteps, of which, there were plenty as she seemed adept at doing so. Alvar's dark brow shot up at the Witch's return comment, a back handed compliment if he had ever heard one, and he doubted some quick kisses were going to fix that one.

"Is it?" Alvar said, "Must be in the lowlands, in the highlands, we do not give gifts to one another on meeting. Gifts are acts of love and consideration, not bribery or flattery."
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