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Fantasy [temp OOC + info] ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

That's the dream baby! I don't want him to flirt with death, I want him to stalk it like a crazy ex.
This reminds me of how I treat another one of my characters: poor guy is constantly going through "character development" 😂😂
Waiting for a prankster that wants to use Mellor's portals to cause complete terror
This reminds me of how I treat another one of my characters: poor guy is constantly going through "character development" 😂😂
"Character Development" is a deep view into the most sadistic parts of the human psyche. The most surefire way to make a character a better person is beating the everloving shit out of them.
Waiting for a prankster that wants to use Mellor's portals to cause complete terror
Fifth is never the bigger man. He's a very small man, in fact. He can't even reach the moral high ground. He's more than petty enough to bribe Mel to endless portal-loop people he doesn't like.
"Character Development" is a deep view into the most sadistic parts of the human psyche. The most surefire way to make a character a better person is beating the everloving shit out of them.

Fifth is never the bigger man. He's a very small man, in fact. He can't even reach the moral high ground. He's more than petty enough to bribe Mel to endless portal-loop people he doesn't like.
I like the way you think, friend 😂
Waiting for a prankster that wants to use Mellor's portals to cause complete terror
Angie's not a prankster, she's a good person whose conscience is limp and dead on the ground. She would absolutely use it to cause complete terror
AURS AURS You cooked, from beginning to end, it is a beautifully written profile. Angie is a wonderfully constructed character, from the way her background informs her gift, to the little nuances of her personality. I enjoy the dichotomy of her self-sacrificing interior and her generally impassive attitude and I can see how she developed that personality through her history. It is sweet how much she cares about people, to the point that one person was able to change the trajectory of her life to such a degree. It is a trait that will get her into a lot of trouble as an agent. I do hope that she learns to reconcile with the fact that she can't save everyone. Well done, I am really impressed.

Kovacs Kovacs I mean this in a good way… creating a character that killed a mother while drunk driving is an insane decision. It is fun when someone doesn't shy away from making a character that is just a complete fuck-up. The moment his leash got a little slack, he went from golden child to party animal. That's not to say he isn't without his positive traits, even still. At his core, he's a well-meaning dude that just wants a little freedom. It is a funny irony when you consider what pushed him to this path was a rebellious spirit from years spent as a model son - when all he did was trade the end of his leash, and he’s still following a road paved by someone else. If he just listened to his own instinct for once, he would've still been alive. Good stuff! I am really interested in seeing how his personality will translate into his new career as an agent.
AURS AURS You cooked, from beginning to end, it is a beautifully written profile. Angie is a wonderfully constructed character, from the way her background informs her gift, to the little nuances of her personality. I enjoy the dichotomy of her self-sacrificing interior and her generally impassive attitude and I can see how she developed that personality through her history. It is sweet how much she cares about people, to the point that one person was able to change the trajectory of her life to such a degree. It is a trait that will get her into a lot of trouble as an agent. I do hope that she learns to reconcile with the fact that she can't save everyone. Well done, I am really impressed.

Kovacs Kovacs I mean this in a good way… creating a character that killed a mother while drunk driving is an insane decision. It is fun when someone doesn't shy away from making a character that is just a complete fuck-up. The moment his leash got a little slack, he went from golden child to party animal. That's not to say he isn't without his positive traits, even still. At his core, he's a well-meaning dude that just wants a little freedom. It is a funny irony when you consider what pushed him to this path was a rebellious spirit from years spent as a model son - when all he did was trade the end of his leash, and he’s still following a road paved by someone else. If he just listened to his own instinct for once, he would've still been alive. Good stuff! I am really interested in seeing how his personality will translate into his new career as an agent.

Oh my godddd, no I'm super thrilled to hear that you enjoyed Angie's profile! :o)

She was fun to write, and your roleplay's concept was too interesting to pass up; so much potential! Honestly, while her childhood trauma isn't overtly violent, it's definitely messed her up in ways that show her as a good person to a fault. That good nature of hers is very much on paper. I can't wait to see how her story plays out with everyone else's in-game, I'm almost tempted to give her the good ole' 'character development' to the very end. It's also going to be fun for her to wrestle with her concept in her second chance at 'life' now. That and being the game's messed-up version of a support/healer.

I think I wanna give her a moment where she has to consciously choose between this group of strangers, and the one person she wishes she did more for, like a sister she never connected with/hated, or even just, choosing herself for once. Anything that makes her question her blind-followed morality. Looking forward to seeing where she goes from here!

Oh my godddd, no I'm super thrilled to hear that you enjoyed Angie's profile! :o)

She was fun to write, and your roleplay's concept was too interesting to pass up; so much potential! Honestly, while her childhood trauma isn't overtly violent, it's definitely messed her up in ways that show her as a good person to a fault. That good nature of hers is very much on paper. I can't wait to see how her story plays out with everyone else's in-game, I'm almost tempted to give her the good ole' 'character development' to the very end. It's also going to be fun for her to wrestle with her concept in her second chance at 'life' now. That and being the game's messed-up version of a support/healer.

I think I wanna give her a moment where she has to consciously choose between this group of strangers, and the one person she wishes she did more for, like a sister she never connected with/hated, or even just, choosing herself for once. Anything that makes her question her blind-followed morality. Looking forward to seeing where she goes from here!

I’m glad you like it! She’s more of a harm-acist than a healer 🤣, but still filling in that support role for sure. Tbh when reading Angie and Nick’s profiles, I thought there might've been a connection there? Since they both involved crashes. But, the circumstances are a little too different for that to be the case, a not-so-happy coincidence.
I’m glad you like it! She’s more of a harm-acist than a healer 🤣, but still filling in that support role for sure. Tbh when reading Angie and Nick’s profiles, I thought there might've been a connection there? Since they both involved crashes. But, the circumstances are a little too different for that to be the case, a not-so-happy coincidence.
!!! Woah I just read Nick's! I made Angie's profile early on in the night but that's a total shared braincell moment - a truly missed opportunity. Unless,,,, Kovacs Kovacs 👁️👄👁️
Death by yapping. What a way to go. Ends up he never needed Aries and should've trained up his ultimate skill instead. 😌
Hahaha. It's official. I hereby christen Arwin as the Not-So-Slim Shady. Throw in some musical talents and we got ourselves an album.
Kovacs Kovacs I mean this in a good way… creating a character that killed a mother while drunk driving is an insane decision. It is fun when someone doesn't shy away from making a character that is just a complete fuck-up. The moment his leash got a little slack, he went from golden child to party animal. That's not to say he isn't without his positive traits, even still. At his core, he's a well-meaning dude that just wants a little freedom. It is a funny irony when you consider what pushed him to this path was a rebellious spirit from years spent as a model son - when all he did was trade the end of his leash, and he’s still following a road paved by someone else. If he just listened to his own instinct for once, he would've still been alive. Good stuff! I am really interested in seeing how his personality will translate into his new career as an agent.
I guess my tagline the maestro of mad shit is living up to its name, so thank you lmfao I'll take that as high praise. You really hit the nail on the head with Nick, and put it so eloquently too. Very much the folly of youth, to think you have it all in the bag just because you've struck it out on your own and can make your own decisions now. If one had asked a ten-year-old Nick, dreaming about being the next Neil Armstrong and fielding missions to Mars about the sorts of decisions he'd make when he was older - never in his life would he have dreamed he'd be the direct cause of someone's death - and all because he listened to the Devil on his shoulder. The red flags were all there, but it's easy to lose sight of who you truly are when the company you keep indulges your worst tendencies. The soul-crushing temptation to shift the blame vs facing the consequences to actions is what I really wanna explore with Nick, even if it means he may never get the redemption he will be so desperately seeking. His role as agent I believe will be largely defined by that desire; basically killing himself over and over again to try and somehow bring back the life he unjustly took, all the while discreetly visiting the daughter in the coma, promising her this even though she can't hear him. Heavy but interesting stuff for sure... I can't wait to write it

!!! Woah I just read Nick's! I made Angie's profile early on in the night but that's a total shared braincell moment - a truly missed opportunity. Unless,,,, Kovacs Kovacs 👁️👄👁️
I knowww I was gonna mention it when I actually had the time - it's so coincidental and yet so genius that we managed to write nearly perfect synced continuations of our OCs' backstories. Legit, with a few minor details changed and some more expanding, we could tie them and their deaths together, I'm 100% down for that if you are.
Zedalith Zedalith I'm also expecting that these backstories will largely be kept from each agent - basically, you wouldn't know your coworker's cause of death unless it's something they're willing to share about, and I imagine that'd be quite a touchy subject for many, especially those newly deceased and revived into their roles. In Nick's case, out of sheer guilt and terror that he'd be ostracized, left to fend on his good-for-nothing own against aberrations, he'd definitely lie about the cause of his death. "I died in a car accident" and refusing to elaborate type of shit LMAO

Of course though, seeing as his death was relatively so recent, and the hit-and-run so fresh in the mind of the media, its just a matter of time before the cat slips out of the bag and he's gonna have to deal with the fallout of that, regardless of the relationships he's managed to build with his fellow agents.
I guess my tagline the maestro of mad shit is living up to its name, so thank you lmfao I'll take that as high praise. You really hit the nail on the head with Nick, and put it so eloquently too. Very much the folly of youth, to think you have it all in the bag just because you've struck it out on your own and can make your own decisions now. If one had asked a ten-year-old Nick, dreaming about being the next Neil Armstrong and fielding missions to Mars about the sorts of decisions he'd make when he was older - never in his life would he have dreamed he'd be the direct cause of someone's death - and all because he listened to the Devil on his shoulder. The red flags were all there, but it's easy to lose sight of who you truly are when the company you keep indulges your worst tendencies. The soul-crushing temptation to shift the blame vs facing the consequences to actions is what I really wanna explore with Nick, even if it means he may never get the redemption he will be so desperately seeking. His role as agent I believe will be largely defined by that desire; basically killing himself over and over again to try and somehow bring back the life he unjustly took, all the while discreetly visiting the daughter in the coma, promising her this even though she can't hear him. Heavy but interesting stuff for sure... I can't wait to write it

I knowww I was gonna mention it when I actually had the time - it's so coincidental and yet so genius that we managed to write nearly perfect synced continuations of our OCs' backstories. Legit, with a few minor details changed and some more expanding, we could tie them and their deaths together, I'm 100% down for that if you are.
Oh, I'm down, :hornstongue; It's been at the front of my mind, and honestly, I may need to do some more digging? I really do like Angie's death, I'm not sure if you'd be okay with your boy being the one she was trying to save! Maybe he didn't die instantly and she was trying to assure him that she'd get him out as the gas leaked and the inevitable drew closer, she just didn't want to admit it in hopes of a close, close call. I think about this song when I think of her. Validating her existence in critical service of others and bundling it up in some struggling belief in a higher power is Angela's Roman Empire. She's probably one of the characters that would want to spite the Seraphim the most because she half-believed nothing came after death, and now she's just, "Why?" Were we born just to suffer?

That said, when everyone connects the dots that he did what he did, I can't see Angie being too mad at him. Does she think he's spineless and despicable? Yes. But he's got a second chance to not fuck up again. That's why they're all here, 'cause they're fuck ups.
Kovacs Kovacs A "moral wringer" is a great way to put it. It's easy to write him off as a terrible person, and what he did IS terrible ... but you did a phenomenal job illustrating how he got there. I want to be sympathetic to him, it's just that the crime looming over his head is too hard to look away from. At the end of the day, he was behind the wheel.

Other characters only know what you want them to. If / when he gets found out in character? Oh boy. All that potential for drama puts a smile on my face, especially with so many strong personalities. He's going to make Fifth's week easy, replacing him as the office asshole. High chance that the other agents will see the good in him by then and it's going to be hard to see his self-sacrificing attitude but not see the desperate act of repentance behind it.
Zedalith Zedalith on less emotionally wrenching topics,I did have a couple of setting questions.

Is it typical for agents to put down roots in a new place on earth and start a new quasi-immortal life,or do they spend most downtime in the hotel?

Also,does the hotel have the equivalent of a firing range/gym/training room?
Seconding that, what's the layout of the Hotel, if there are any?

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