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Fantasy [temp OOC + info] ʙᴏʀʀᴏᴡᴇᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

Zedalith Zedalith question re: an idea for gift/power: would something like being able to summon or command things with 1-2 words (i.e. Fire, Jump. etc) to varying degrees be acceptable? I understand that second bit might be pretty complicated to make work in a rp, so I'm totally find w limiting it to just the first if that works best.
Could have a limitation like Echoes and Heaven's Door from Jojo part 4 where either some kind of visible projection from the user,or the user themselves has to write the command/effect on the target,and only a limited number can take effect at a time.
What's a sunshine character without a little bit of moon in their backstory? 😁😁
very true! an excellent mixture indeed! 🤌 i hope him and oskar can get along :')

You're one to talk! What's up with Oskar's backstory! The poor kid!
🙈🙈🙈🙈 it's okayyyy
what he doesn't know won't hurt him
until it does
but that won't be for a while 😇
Zedalith Zedalith I see on the CS it says characters have to have a minimum of 24 hours as an agent? Is that negotiable? If my character gets accepted I thought it'd be a cool idea to start their first post off with their life flashing before their eyes as they wake up as an agent.
Selece Selece I can work with either of those ideas! If you want your character to summon/control pets then that concept is fine as it is. If you want to go with commands, I would limit it to 5 commands, otherwise, it's too versatile. The limitation makes it easier to balance, perhaps with room for unlocking 2 more during pivotal moments. I would also impose the inanimate object limitation that Wyll proposed as well, even mild mind control can be difficult to work with.

Togy Togy I'm afraid that the 24 hours is a hard minimum. The agents will need to have gone through orientation already for my plans to kick things off to go smoothly. You are free to include that as a bit in the history section if it's an important aspect of your character!

Wyll Wyll I do enjoy the portal shenanigans you have going on with Mellor. There is a tiny bit I have an issue with, which involves the guillotine section. It has too much one-shot potential. I would change it so that something that gets caught mid-portal is instead propelled in the direction of the section that is carrying most of its mass. So for example, if someone sticks just an arm through and the portal is closed, they are propelled in the opposite direction that they are facing. Other than that, I see no issue with anything you've written. As far as his personality goes, I do enjoy the more light-hearted direction you've taken him! Anything involving death is just inherently angsty, so I do appreciate you shining a bit of light on all of this x) He seems like a great guy to be around. The part I like the most is the variety of languages he speaks, which is going to be useful while traveling the world. I didn't miss the connection between the way he died and his power, which is traditionally used for transportation (I thought it was very clever).

Nellancholy Nellancholy You're all good, now it's perfect.
I do enjoy the portal shenanigans you have going on with Mellor. There is a tiny bit I have an issue with, which involves the guillotine section. It has too much one-shot potential. I would change it so that something that gets caught mid-portal is instead propelled in the direction of the section that is carrying most of its mass. So for example, if someone sticks just an arm through and the portal is closed, they are propelled in the opposite direction that they are facing. Other than that, I see no issue with anything you've written. As far as his personality goes, I do enjoy the more light-hearted direction you've taken him! Anything involving death is just inherently angsty, so I do appreciate you shining a bit of light on all of this x) He seems like a great guy to be around. The part I like the most is the variety of languages he speaks, which is going to be useful while traveling the world. I didn't miss the connection between the way he died and his power, which is traditionally used for transportation (I thought it was very clever).
Never even realized the one shot potential but I definitely see it now that you mention it 😂😂. My bad entirely.
I'm actually fine taking that section of it out all together and making him more of a support type. I can see his portals being used to support others' abilities where he just gives everyone a little bit extra range and versatility.
Although, your idea of throwing something in the opposite direction gave me an idea. If you've watched Days of Future Past, I'm thinking something similar to what Blink and Colossus did there. Basically, create an exit portal way up in the sky, drop like a trash can through it, let gravity speed it up, another portal on the ground to send it at the enemy. Basically throwing something at someone really hard.
Wyll Wyll No worries! Aberrations might be able to tank a couple of punches or pyrotechnics, but there ain't no surviving getting cut in half. There is a lot you can do with portals, this whole thing is giving me flashbacks from a very popular game made in 2007. If it would feel more appropriate to you to keep him as pure support, then I have no objections. It's up to you ^^
I'm thinking something similar to what Blink and Colossus did there. Basically, create an exit portal way up in the sky, drop like a trash can through it, let gravity speed it up, another portal on the ground to send it at the enemy. Basically throwing something at someone really hard.
It's not a bad idea at all, it could be used as a dramatic finish on a big bad. Your allies would just need to buy enough time to set it up.
Togy Togy I'm afraid that the 24 hours is a hard minimum. The agents will need to have gone through orientation already for my plans to kick things off to go smoothly. You are free to include that as a bit in the history section if it's an important aspect of your character!
That's cool, I just thought it'd be a creative opening but doing without it isn't a problem.
Nellancholy Nellancholy Ohh true, those would be pretty interesting!! Echoes is one of my favorite stands from part 4 haha
Even like, a limited range is definitely something I hadn't thought of, thank you 👀

Zedalith Zedalith Yeah I was thinking either summoning objects or pets- definitely down for the limit on commands and the inanimate object thing!
Zedalith Zedalith Would agents wake up in the hotel for the first time carrying whatever they had on them during the time of their death or would they just appear dressed to the nines in a formal uniform with no worldly posessions?
And how do characters discover their gifts? I plan on making my guy a very recent addition, within the last few days, so I was wondering if it'd be alright for him to discover his gift as the RP progresses. I've already got an idea I could send you through messages.
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Togy Togy That is a good question that I hadn't considered! Let’s just say that they wake up in whatever they were last wearing to keep it simple. If their clothing was tattered or had stains, it would have been fixed up. They won't have any of their possessions on them beyond clothing, but I am willing to make an exception for any objects that hold emotional or personal plot-related significance. As to the gift question, I will let you determine that for your own character. For some Agents it comes as easy as breathing, for others it might take some time to figure out all of the ins and outs. Please do feel free to message me if you're cooking up something special ^^
So apparently we've been cooking in here and RPN figured I didn't need to know 😪😪

I'll try and get my lil' guy in the characters thread as soon as possible
this is, indeed, real
Fun to see a historical character,I didn't consider that angle
same, I love her!! i was also thinking going that direction but i was thinking okay, just how “old” can they be lol
It'll be interesting to see how Anna feels about the world of today.

Rania/Pinky might avoid calling her by name at first.
yall… stop traumurtizing me… these bios are so good but so hurt…

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 A character plucked from the past was something I loosely imagined when first thinking about this scenario. It makes for a doubly stressful situation, as on one hand, she has to reconcile with her death, and on the other, she has been displaced in history. At first, I thought her situation was especially unique, as, unlike the other characters she has no chance of ever meeting anyone from her past life. It would make her regret especially challenging to make peace with. But a war would leave behind some long-lasting aberrations, so it is still possible for her to meet some demons from her past 👀

I do enjoy the concept! I don’t see any errors and your sheet is perfect. The entire aesthetic you put together with your choice of words, and the grayscale FCs were well written and beautiful woven.
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Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 A character plucked from the past was something I loosely imagined when first thinking about this scenario. It makes for a doubly stressful situation, as on one hand, she has to reconcile with her death, and on the other, she has been displaced in history. At first, I thought her situation was especially unique, as, unlike the other characters she has no chance of ever meeting anyone from her past life. It would make her regret especially challenging to make peace with. But a war would leave behind some long-lasting aberrations, so it is still possible for her to meet some demons from her past 👀

I do enjoy the concept! I don’t see any errors and your sheet is perfect. The entire aesthetic you put together with your choice of words, and the grayscale FCs is well written and beautiful woven.
Awesome! I'm glad you liked it! I was a bit iffy on the historical aspect at first, but I'm elated to hear its not detrimental to the narrative! There are some details that we can go into detail like the officer and the debutante when you wish to inquire about it.
It would be interesting to have her face the ghosts of her past. My girl is going to be so shook!!
The best way I could balance her narrative and abilities, at least with this approach, is to handicap her between having to learn about the new world she is in and trying to reconcile with her long-gone past. More room to learn and grow!
How perceptive are these Seraphim, or how closely do they watch the movements of the Agents? Hypothetically speaking, is it possible to indirectly get revenge against the people who caused your death? A minor version of it would be if they could take advantage of being able to stop time in a small area to collect enough evidence and dirt on some illegal activities going on and tip off the police who'll hopefully do something. The more extreme variant would be "accidentally" allowing an Aberration to deal with those people as "collateral damage" due to "negligence". Punishment is expected, but as long as the Agent in question wouldn't be reduced to atoms...
Asking for a friend. (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
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Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 I’ll just have to wait until she gets comfortable with the new world before forcing her to face her fears all over again >:)
I will save my prodding for now, but learning more about the officer is something I am interested in.

Nano Nano Assume they’re always watching if there’s not a very powerful aberration blocking their vision. There’s ways to make that happen if one is clever enough! Seeing something happen and actually understanding are two different things, so it may still be possible to get away with some nefarious things even under their ever-watchful eyes. But, getting caught can always make for some fun too. Just have to save up enough time so you only get the disappointed parent lecture and not the instant de-atomization.
Nano Nano Assume they’re always watching if there’s not a very powerful aberration blocking their vision. There’s ways to make that happen if one is clever enough! Seeing something happen and actually understanding are two different things, so it may still be possible to get away with some nefarious things even under their ever-watchful eyes. But, getting caught can always make for some fun too. Just have to save up enough time so you only get the disappointed parent lecture and not the instant de-atomization.
dwdw he will do his utmost to put on his best kicked puppy act the moment he returns from his "failed" mission 😔 I do like the idea of not directly getting caught but the Seraphim being HELLA suspicious, so for an entire year they're like "you're on thin ice" :angryfrown:
Nano Nano YES, you get it, I fully anticipate the drama of their past life getting in the way of their present duties. Just have to see if puppy eyes will be as effective on an immaterial eldritch being 🤔

Elyn‘s backstory has a good example of what happens when things go wrong.

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