[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

She liked the song playing so she started to sing the words gently and slowly, in tune with the Melody. She made sure she was quiet so no one heard her, she was shy when it came to singing around people
Xobic saw her lips move he was not bad at lip reading but at the same time he was not great at it he was average at it he know that she was singing a song and he started to sing in his head and imagine her singing to side by side
When the snow globe stopped playing she stopped singing, she laid on her stomach on the bed and sat it in front of her. She slowly got up and looked at some nick-nacks smiling.
"Nobody? No? Ok then." Matthew shrugged, then looked down at the pack. Don't knock it till you try it, huh? He pulled one out and lit it, and put it in his mouth. "F**k!" Matthew spit it out immediately, coughing and wheezing. "Jesus Christ! It's as bad as the say!" He said between coughing. "I'm fine, just fine." He put the pack in his pocket.

Stamping out the cigarette, he replied to Vladmir's question. "Me? Perfectly fine, as you can tell. Goddamn cigarettes. I am a dumb shit at times."
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"Let's see. We're up to our necks in Zombies...Everyone's either in hiding, on the road, dead or one of them...My Suit has blood on it...I had to watch as twenty of my brothers were done in by those damn things...My Family's dead...I don't have a gun...Almost died myself earlier today...I'm feeling great! Fantastic!" Harry said sarcastically, although the tone in his voice was more or so serious when he he was talking about his Brothers and Family.
Xobic watch her roam the room looking at all the little stuff she seems to be happy too"as beautiful as a butterfly flying through a flower field while I'm just a monster I'm pretty bad at this poem stuff" he mentally hits himself on the head
She sees a bible and sits back down on the bed, she opens it and digs in her bag for a lighter, she goes and lights a candle and puts the globe and lighter in her backpack, she crosses her legs on the bed and looks at the dimmed words, she reads some allowed "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end." She bites her lip and shakes her head "yea right" She chucks the book on the floor and covers her face crying.
Xobic notice that she was crying he put his rifle down and then got out of the tree house he went into the house and then upstairs he went to the master bedroom and open the door and saw her crying"I'm sorry is it a badtime" he rub the back of his head
She quickly wiped her tears and took a deep breath, she looked over at him "w-what?" (you should post a pic of what he would look like without the camo lmao)
"I see this is a bad time I am so sorry I will be going now"Xobic wanted to comfort her but he was freezing up he started to slowly turn around
Logan went inside and rested his back next to a wall, he had not sleeped for a couple of days now. His eyes watered until they finally gave in to a slow and old sleep.
it was not scary for him probably because of his past"don't worry I will protect you"he felt that she put her head on his shoulder. he put his arm over her shoulderand held her
"Let's see what I can find." Neri said pushing herself off the ground and wandering around the house absent minded tapping her fingers on the stray cloth from the vest she wore. She was itching to get her hands play the violin, the same violin some jackass had smashed onto the pavement. As angry as she was over it, there was no way she would have been able to play with all the infected wandering about, so it was for the better. She pushed herself off the ground and wandered the house checking most of the rooms for something but ended up just walking in and starring out the windows. The last door she opened was what brought a gleam in here eyes, the library. Neri wandered in carefully picking up a few that were lying on the floor and placing them back on their seemingly respectful shelves. She ran her fingers across the spines reading the titles and letting her thoughts go back to when she would sit in her cousins apartment and read when one of her students canceled their lesson for the day, Pride and Prejudice, Frankenstein, 1984, The Catcher in the Rye, and so on. She stopped when she found one of her favorites, pulling it out of the shelf she carefully opened it recalling the thrilling adventures of the main character.

Hearing the ruckus coming from the living room, Neri placed The Odyssey back and walked out of the room, making sure to close the door. She could hear the men trying to break the ice, which only seemed to make things that much more awkward. She noticed Logan nodding off against a wall, so she grabbed the nearest blanket and carefully draped it over him, then took a seat on the couch.

"If you happen to stumble across a guitar, let me know." She mumbled, messing with her palms.
"So, uh, Harry was your name, wasn't it? I saw you smoking a cigar earlier. Want one?" Matthew held up the pack of Marlboro, pointing at Harry. "I don't exactly have a use for them, as you just saw. Even got a lighter." He took out the lighter from his pocket, and put it on top of the cigarettes.
"I am a light sleeper I'll be the first one to wake up if someone comes to the front or back door"he said with a smile
"Yeah. I have my own lighter. Thanks. Just put them next to my Hatchet. Don't wanna smoke right now. Its late and who knows what's outside." Harry then directed Matthew to where his other two weapons were.

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