[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"Sure thing." Matthew stepped over to the hatchet, and dropped the cigarettes next to it. He grabbed his lighter and eyed the fireplace. The hearth was beautiful, with gold lining around it, and bronze fire pokers in a stand next to it. "This is the prettiest hearth I've ever seen." Matthew too out a small receipt that he had in his pocket for a while, and clicked the lighter on. Burning the receipt, he threw it into the hearth. It must have been in use when the outbreak started, due to the charred wood still on. Matthew watched as the logs burst into flames, and he grabbed the metal gate that had been guarding the hearth, and closed it once again. Let the fire burn.
"you probably just need to be more comfortable"he laid her on the bed and covered her up with the blanket he took off his bag and then his ghillie suit revealing the clothes underneath he took off his jacket and his boots and his hat revealing his face and dark blue hair. now he's wearing black pants, a black T shirt and black socks he got in the bed and covered up with the blanket
Neri leaned back so make herself comfortable on the couch and rested her head on a pillow and listened to the popping of the firewood as she drifted wearily to sleep.
Lia smiled and laid her head on his chest "y'know...you're attractive" She blushed and looked away quickly, not have been good with words ever
"Jeff has been out there for quite a while now. I think I'm going to check on him." Matthew stood up silently as not to wake Logan,and walked towards the backdoor. He opened the door and looked at what Jeff was doing. He was hovered over a grave, possibly had been for the entire time he had been outside. "Hey Jeff. What've you been doing out here?" Matthew walked down to where Jeff was standing, and looked down at the grave also. A crudely made cross was stuck over the grave, made from sticks and twine. It was sad that this person died, but Jeff had been out here too long. What was so special about this one grave? That was when the pieces came together.

"Were you, uh, the one to kill it? Whoever it was. Did you kill it? Or did, uh, someone else?"
Xobic blushed a little"me a...attractive nobody has ever said that to me"he looking through the window for a while then back to Lia
Jeff was startled by Matt. Did he take his time? Hearing Matt ask his questions, it looks like the jig is up. He looked at Matt. "It was my mom..." Jeff answered. Negative emotions were starting to creep on Jeff. "When I got here, she wasn't her anymore." he added. Jeff could almost tear up thinking about the first time he got back. Though part of her flesh was flayed, Jeff could still recognize her. "I had to put her down... I just couldn't leave her like that." he said. "Before I left, only a strong sense of survival kept me going. It was like adrenaline. But now that things are settling down, I can't help but think about it..."
Vladimir would notice Matthew stand up and go to the back yard, so he peeked outside while the door was open. He saw Jeff kneeling in front of a grave and Matthew consoling him. Vladimir quickly got up and took a very quick peek of the family photo that was on the desk, showing him and his family, and quickly put it down. He couldn't hear what Jeff was saying, but saw him saying something to Matthew. Someone from that family picture is buried in the backyard, Vladimir decided.
Lia smiles and kisses his cheek "there's no one to say it anymore..." she smiled and propped herself up on an elbow looking at him
"I gotta take a piss, be right back." said Vladimir, as he got up from the couch and went upstairs to the bathroom. Lia and Xobic would be able to hear someone going up the stairs, as the stairs would be old and would make a loud noise, as if they were about to fall apart.

After he finished peeing, he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, just looking at himself, thinking about how much this house reminded him of the old times, he was not in a good mood.
"I'm sorry. We've all had bad experiences." Matthew simply nodded and stared at the grave below him and Jeff. It was sad. Matthew's mind began drifting off, as he wondered if the world would ever be the same as it was before. He had hope. A lot of it. But if things were this bad, who's to say they'd get better anytime soon? That was when the familiar sound of groaning came from behind him. A walker, next the treehouse, and heading towards Jeff and Matthew. Matthew had left his baseball bat in the house, so he became alarmed. "Jeff. Walker, by the treehouse."
Jeff also heard it and was alarmed. "Yeah." he said as he unsheathed his dagger. "Don't shoot it. If there's more of em, the sound will attract them." he warned Matthew. He took a stance as the walker slowly dragged itself towards them. "Matt, look around if there's big activity of them." Jeff stabbed the walker on it's right eye. It stopped moving and dropped to the floor as Jeff pulled out his knife. "I'll go warn the others." Jeff said as he rushed inside.

He made his way to the living room where Harry, Logan and Neri were situated. He wondered where Dex, Vlad and Lia were for a second before getting back to business. "Guys, we might have to leave on short notice. Prep anything you wanna bring along. Someone take the gas container from the garage as well as the tools. Logan, you might want to stay at the truck." Jeff said as he reached for something behind a nearby cabinet. "Here." He threw a handgun to Harry. It wasn't loaded though. He didn't bring it along the first time because he thought it was unnecessary. "You might find bullets for that some other time."
Matthew nodded to Jeff, and began searching around the dark area for any large swarms. He headed out into the open field, searching for any human like figure in the distance. Nothing. That was when he heard the loud groans. He turned around quickly, and noticed a few walkers coming out of the forest. Then more. And then more. "Holy shit." Matthew quickly turned around and began heading back for the house. He approached the door, and quickly opened it. "It's a lot of them. It's a whole f**king swarm of them! They're headed here too! For us!" He told the others, then rushed into the kitchen and grabbed his baseball bat, backpack and kitchen knife. He put the knife into a pistol holster strapped on his side, and held the baseball bat in his hands.

The sounds kept getting louder and louder. The zombies were at Jeff's mom's pocket fence, slowly tearing it down. One even fell over and started banging on the door. Countless other approached the small pocket fence and toppled it over. "Come on, let's f**king go!"
Harry caught the Handgun. He then examined it, but did not disassemble it since now wasn't a good time. "Hmmmm, Colt M1911. My Favorite too. Jeff, that is mighty kinda of ya." When he heard a bang on the backdoor, he scrambled to barricade it, in order to buy some time so he and the rest of the group to escape. Although they did not have the luxury of time, it was still enough for everyone to exit through the front door and for Logan to start the truck. He then quickly rolled down his sleeves, re-buttoned them, threw his Jacket back on, placed the Gun in an empty Jacket pocket and quickly grabbed his Hatchet, Machete and the Pack of Cigarettes that Matthew had given him earlier. "Alright, let's get outta here! Someone go upstairs and get Dex and Lia. No one's getting left behind."

Harry's newest weapon, a gift from Jeff:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/colt1911_4.jpg.4c6ac0d3af78c6e9a964b8aa0c42bf1b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14713" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/colt1911_4.jpg.4c6ac0d3af78c6e9a964b8aa0c42bf1b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Vladimir would take off his glasses and wash his face. He slowly puts them back on, at that point Matthew had slammed through the door and warned him about zombies coming this way, then rushed off downstairs. Vladimir was very shocked, as he had only seen a couple of zombies in real life, and was afraid.

He took his handgun out of his holster and quickly rushed downstairs. He noticed the zombies breaching through the white picket fence in the back yard and even door banging. He was in panic. He totally forgot about Xobic and Lia. Vladimir quickly picked up his backpack, which was left on the couch.

Deciding that a baseball bat would be better in this situation, he holstered his handgun and took out his baseball bat from his backpack. He noticed Harry barricade the back door, so Vlad quickly opened the front door, planning to make a run for it, when he noticed that 4 zombies were heading for Logan's truck. Vladimir thought to himself "I can't take 4 zombies out alone... I haven't even killed one..." and quickly shouted to the group "Hey! The guy in the truck needs help!"
"I'll go help the old man! You go upstairs and get the other two. After I help Logan, I'll come back for you. But if I don't come back in the next five minutes (at least two or three posts after this one), it means I'm dead. But I promise, I won't let you down, new kid!" Harry to Vladimir, showing that he cared, despite not knowing him.
Vladimir put his hand on his head, remembering that he forgot Xobic and Lia at the house, and sends Harry a thumbs up. "Harry is a tough guy" he thought "He could probably take out the zombies" He enters back into the house and looks in the kitchen. No sign of human life. He quickly runs upstairs and checks the bathroom, no one. He then enters the other door, which would be the bedroom. He notices Lia and Xobic kissing and cuddling on the bed.He stands still for a brief second, attempting to unfold what he is seeing then warns them about what's going on.

After that, he runs downstairs, checking on Harry.
Matthew grabbed

More and more things, putting them up against the back door that the zombies were constantly banging on. He finally ran out of things to barricade the door with, and watched as the door splintered away. So much for barricades. He rushed out the front door, and noticed Harry dealing with four zombies attacking Logan in the truck. "Shit shit shit!" Matthew rushed at a couple of the zombies, bashing one over the head. It stumbled back, and the others looked up at Matthew. "Rargh!" They began rushing towards him, and he began stepping backwards. He hit another on the head, but it simply stepped back and shrugged it off. This bat wasn't doing too well.
Vlad saw Matthew run up to Harry, helping him rush the zombies. At that point, Vlad put his baseball bat on the ground for a second, and took his handgun out. He slowly exited the house and noticed the zombies were going for Matthew. Vladimir wasn't that great with a gun, but he successfully shot one of the zombies rushing Matthew in the head, "How did I do that shot...?!" he thought. He wasn't so lucky with the next zombie though, he attempted to do the same, but managed to shoot him in the right leg, only dropping him on the ground. He was now crawling instead of walking.
Harry went on to deal with the crawler, cutting its head off before it can physically harm Matthew. "Where are the other two? We gotta leave eventually! F***! That door ain't gonna hold the horde forever and I can't take 'em all on! I don't know how many the f*** there is. Geez!"
Jeff helped barricade the back door but seeing it didn't last. They were having problems with the other members of their group missing. He went to the front where the truck was situated. Seeing how Harry and Vlad dealt with the two zombies making their way to the truck, Jeff decided to take care of the other two.

Jeff closed in on the other two with his gun in his hands. He moved in to a reasonably short and safe distance so that he'd surely hit them in the head. Both walkers only took one shot each. What he did almost seemed like one single motion because the transition was so smooth. I guess being in SWAT had its merits.

Jeff saw that the door wouldn't hold. He suddenly had an idea. He ran towards the garage and took the gas tank he was referring to. He placed it somewhere between the living room and the door. He was gonna shoot it the moment the horde came in when everyone was in the truck. "Guys! Hurry up!" he yelled with urgency.
Springing up from Jeffs warning, Neri fumbled about grabbing the little weapons she had and placed them back on her person. "Logan, we have to go!" She warned as she grabbed the machete in one hand and a smaller knife in the other and made her way to Jeff. "I woke the others up and- what are you doing?" She referred to the gas tank now sitting in the middle of the living room, she shook it off and went back to the problem at hand. "How many are there?" The banging at the door replied for them, and instinctively took a step back, the door wouldn't hold much longer. "Oh shit."

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