[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Due to the amount of stress he has been coping with, Harry was still out cold. Oddly enough, he wasn't snoring.
He would notice Xobic, looking back at his bruise. "It was like a 7 before, now it's 3"

A few minutes later, he would notice Matthew wake up. Vladimir would become worried, as he doesn't know how he will react to seeing me on his truck, so he would speak in a calm, slightly suspicious voice. "Hi... yeah it's not a good look. My name's Vladimir." He would notice Matthew offer him a handshake and decides that this man isn't like Vladimir thought he was, he calms down and accepts his handshake.
Lia flashes Vlad a smile, it's like it's almost flirty, "don't worry, non of us bite" She shrugs "i mean unless one of us turns...then we might" She jokes around
Vladimir turns his head over to Lia, you would be able to see his bright blue eyes and his shiny brown hair. He would let out a short giggle, even though he didn't find the joke funny, so it doesn't feel awkward.

"So.. what are we doing right now?"
Logan drove up to the house Jeff requested, there were no zombies in sight. He looked towards Harry and shook him a bit, trying to wake him up. "Wake up Harry, I found a place to stay." He opened the door and went to the back, "Hey Jeff this the place yer' wanted?"
After the truck stopped, Jeff heard Logan. He went down the truck and saw the house. "Yeah. This is it." he said.

Jeff walked inside the gate and made his way to the door. As he touched the doorknob, he slightly hesitated. After a brief moment, he went inside to see his mother's house again. His companions were probably not aware of this fact. He didn't plan on telling them either. He had his knife at hand just in case there was a zombie inside. He made his way to the living room. He made his way to a desk by the fireplace where there were pictures of him and his mother. The most recent one was when he graduated from the academy. He toppled it over.

"It's safe guys. You can come in now." he called out to them.
Xobic got out of the truck and went in side he started to look around then went to the living room and then set down on the couch
Harry woke up, still tired. "How long was I out?" he asked Logan. He then started grabbing his weaponry, just in case the Infected decided to start attacking the house. "Where are we?"
Vlad smiles at Lia, politely declining. "Heh, I'm good on that. I actually have some water with me." I would notice Jeff getting off the truck first, wondering how he knew this house, but didn't say anything. He peeked while Jeff was inside, it looked like he knew the layout and where he was going, but didn't think much of it.

He heard Jeff's confirmation and pushed himself off the truck. He entered the house with caution, looked around and adjusted himself on the couch in the living room. "This place reminds me of back home, very comfy and cosy." "Why did we stop exactly at this house though? Was there any purpose or is this pure luck?"
"Vlad, was it?" he opened. "I... passed this house by chance before the town were I met the others." he added. He lied but he didn't mind if anyone found out that this was his mother's house. "I also found a few stuff that could be useful now that there's more of us like clothes. If I remember correctly, there's also a small gas tank in the garage." he said. "I thought this could be a good place to stay for the night and get some rest. It's relatively safer than sleeping outside."
Vladimir looked at Jeff with a raised eyebrow. "Alright... makes sense I guess.." He decided to let it go and started to relax on the couch by the fireplace. He took off his backpack from his back and opened it up, revealing a water bottle, from which he took a sip of.
Neri had sat starring at the road the entire trip, there was no point in sleeping if she was only going to wake up terrified of her own dreams, and besides car rides weren't as relaxing or as comfortable as other people tried to convince her they were. When Logan had stopped to pick up a stranger she had made sure to keep her weapons at hand, in case the living or dead began to attack. But the others seemed to have some faith that the new guy, Vladimir, was trustworthy so she loosened her grip and tuned out the small talk in the truck.

They stopped in front of a small house Jeff had said would be safe, and turned out to be just that. Neri groaned as she jumped out of the truck and stretched her arms and legs, making sure to not injure herself further. She carefully made her way into the house, watching as Jeff seemed to know this house pretty well for just happening across it a while back, but it wasn't any of her business so she didn't pry. Instead she leaned against the wall near the fireplace and sank into the floor, she was exhausted but they needed to make sure nothing would get in while they all took a breather.

She looked up at Jeff. "We should cover some of these windows up, before we do anything else."
What a nice place. Hopefully there weren't any walkers hanging out in it. "Hey, uh Jeff, right? You don't mind if I search around, do you? Food, water, weapons? Could use as much of it as we can get." Matthew stood around in the living room, eyeing the fireplace. "And would it be possible to get a fire started? I'm not really cold, but it just seems... Nice. Like how things used to be."
"Good idea... uhm... Neri, right?" Jeff agreed at the same time tried to recall her name. "But I don't think there's anything we can use to do so." he said to Neri. His attention was then averted to Matt. "Uhh... sure. But I think the same applies to your case."

There were two bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs but telling them would probably give away that he knows the place very well. "I'm gonna check out back." he said as he made for the backyard. He buried his mother out in the backyard after finding that she has turned. Jeff wanted to see her grave one last time before he thinks he could finally move on. His previous stop here was all a rush and he didn't quite have the time to mourn.

He was out in the backyard and stared at the grave. he started talking to himself. "Sorry, mom... In the end, I couldn't protect anyone." he mumbled to himself.
Vladimir notices Jeff was out, so he used the opportunity to look around the house. "Guys, I'm uh.. gonna look around for anything useful in here."

He quickly goes upstairs to find the bathroom. He checks the cabinet and finds a few bandages inside the mirror, pocketing them. He also checks around the bedroom, seeing nothing of use except a bed, some lights and a few cabinets. Opening up the closet, he found a bunch of old clothes, thinking some might fit him, he took those as well.

Coming back down the stairs, he looked over to the desk near the fireplace. He noticed a picture was fallen over so he put it back up, quickly noticing Jeff on the picture. Vladimir would be very shocked, he hastily put the picture down and went back on the couch. He crossed his feet and waited for Jeff to come back inside.
"Might as well try, y'now. Everything is useful nowadays." Matthew looked around, searching through drawers and cabinets. A kitchen knife, some yogurt in the fridge that was a bit moldy, a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter. He didn't personally smoke, but maybe if someone else wanted some. That was just the kitchen, but there wasn't much stuff in it. Must've been raided. Some freaks even took the pictures off the walls. Bastards. Matthew headed back for the living room. "Anybody want a cigarette? Found a lighter and a full pack back in the kitchen."
Xobic noticed that Vladimir picked up a picture and put it down he got up to go check the picture he pict the picture up and Saw Jeff in it he went out into the backyard where Jeff was he saw a big tree and a grave the tree was taller then the house and it had a treehouse in it he sneak past Jeff and climbed up in it when he got to the top he could have seen all over the house he lay down he pulled out his sleeping bag and rolled it out and then he lay down on the ground and then look through his scope he saw nothing for right now"good no trouble"he whispered to himself
"You were out for a while, but honestly I have a bad sense of time. Also Jeff wanted me to go here, he said it would be safer."
Vladimir would notice Dex picking up the picture after him and heading straight for the backyard. Vladimir thought that Dex was going to go confront Jeff about it and already made an impression that Dex is a very impatient and non-sympathetic person. Obviously something happened with Jeff and this house, it's no one's business but Jeff's.
Lia hopped out of the truck and walked inside, she yawned and looked around, she sat down on the couch and curled up, she looked at everyone and smiled. "lets tell some stories."
Herry quietly followed Logan and Lia into the house. He was met by the new kid, Vladimir. "Oh, hey new kid...I don't believe we've met." He was still a bit groggy and tired, since he woke up just a few minutes ago. He was rubbing his eyes at the sight of lights. Afterwards, he decided to set his weapons aside, since it was uncomfortable carrying them all the time, especially with what he was wearing. However, he did keep his Bowie Knife, since it was the smallest and most portable compared to his Hatchet and Machete. Since it was a little warm, he decided to take his Jacket off and raise the sleeves of his shirt. He still hoped to get a gun soon, at the very least a Handgun, preferably the M1911, since it was his favorite. He sat down next to the couch on the floor, where he leaned back against the couch to be a bit more comfortable.
Vladimir notices Herry walk inside the house, looking at him strangely as he hasn't seen him before. You would notice Vladimir has a regular handgun on his holster, near his waistband. "Hey.. my name is Vladimir." He would offer Harry a handshake from the couch
"FINE THEN! lets not tell stories" Lia giggles and stands up. the goes to look around the house and goes into the master bedroom, she sees a little snow globe and spins the dial to make it play music. She sits at the end of the bed and watches the little prince and prince spin to the music.
Xobic looked down through the windows to make sure nothing was happening he saw Lia enter a room and played with snow globe he watch her set on the bed"so sweet and innocent"he whisper to himself

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