[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"Great, I can't believe I made a plan everyone agrees with!" Logan scratched his head and smiling widely. "Well we need some winter jackets. Hm, Matt was it? Sure I'll take, it'll scare em' walkers (zombies, sorry walking dead getting to my brain xD ) off." He took the bobble head and set it behind the front window.
Harry fell asleep after tossing his extinguished cigarette out the window. He had been through a lot that day and just wanted to let everything sink in. He disarmed himself, placing his weapons on the floor before going to sleep, not wanting to cut or stab himself in his sleep.
For the duration of the trip, Jeff was just quiet. He took some time for all of this to sink in.

During their stop at the pharmacy, he just stayed behind and kept watch since everyone went inside. The old man needed someone to watch. Seeing the old man dispatch the little girl, Jeff just sat there behind the truck and observed. Some of his first impressions were changing even if only just a bit. He thought this group was unusually carefree.

After everything simmered down, the truck group (Logan, Harry, Dex, Lia and Himself) were now joined by two new people. One was a blonde guy who looked like he's been through a lot. Another was some black-haired chick that looked like she needed medical attention. It was surprising how everyone wanted to take a look at her. Guess humanity isn't completely lost. He still sat in his place watching things happen. It looked like he was'n't but he was listening to them talk. While it's true that what they went through was hard, they had no idea what it was like through the eyes of a cop. The first wave, the chaos it created, the huge death toll, the effort he expended to save as much as he could, and ultimately failing to keep anyone else alive until he met these people. He's seen a lot of death in just a short span of time.

Logan suggested they should go to Canada and that's a very long-term goal. It may be worth a shot though. It also seemed like a a great idea to find a place to crash. Sleeping on the truck isn't that bad but he didn't like the idea of being openly exposed to danger. He took the map of the area in his pocket out and knocked on the back window of the truck. "Hey Logan, can you take us here?" he said as he pointed to a small town on the map. "I've... been here before so I know this place we can stay for the night." he said as he looked at the sky and noticed it was getting dark. A sad expression was starting to creep on his face.
Vladimir would be walking on the side of the road, he has been travelling alone for a few hours now, hoping to find civilization somewhere along the way.

His clothes would be dirty and grimy from travelling alone for nearly a day, his skin would be oily and his hair would be greasy from not showering in a long time. He's walking very slowly, holding his left arm with the right one, as there would be a large, red bruise. His face would show disappointment, unhappiness and hopelessness.

While on the road, he would notice the truck coming from a distance. His face immediately shines up in excitement and surprise. He attempts to lift his arm up, but to no avail as it is still in much pain. He thought they wouldn't notice him, so once they got close he yelled out a cry that would surely be able to get their attention.
Logan took the map out of Jeff's hands and took a look at the location. "Well, if ya' think it's safe. I guess I can take ya'll there, although we'd all have to agree on it. Wake everyone up and ask em'." He marked the location with a red pen and kept the map in the front with him.

He noticed a human figure in the background, he believed it to be a zombie. But it was waving, he turned to the right and shined his head lights on the person. It was a human, he appeared to be healthy and in good shape for wandering on the road. "He ye' there, do you need a ride. I'm going north, although we might be taking a lil' detour. If you want you can crawl in the back with the rest of the folk."
"Yes, thank you very much." said Vladimir with an overjoyed face.

He slowly let his left arm go and grabbed the back of the truck, pulling himself up. He sat down slightly grunting of pain, then put his right arm back on his large bruise on his left arm
"I don't think that's necessary." Jeff said. "Besides, I think they'd prefer to sleep in beds inside walls anyways." he added. Jeff went back to where he was seated. After a few moments, the truck came to another stop. He heard Logan talking so he looked over to check. He saw another guy who climbed up to the back of the truck with them.

Jeff pointed his gun at him while gesturing to stay quiet. "Listen pal, I just wanna make sure you're alright and that we can trust you." he explained. "Are you bit or were they able to scratch you? I wouldn't want you to later end up biting and killing anyone else here..." he said with his gun still pointed at the new guy.
Vladimir's face would be in shock. He would lift his right hand up, and attempt to lift his left hand up aswell, although it's almost numb.

He assumes that the man pointing the gun is talking about his bruise

"I'm not bitten...this is from something else" he said with a worried face.
Jeff took a long look at it. He saw that it was just a bruise and nothing more. Jeff lowered his gun and sighed in relief. "Sorry bout that, man. You can never be too sure." he said. Jeff went back to a relaxed state. "My previous group fell apart cause someone thought it was a good idea to hide a bite." he added. He looked at the others who were sleeping. "We're on our way to a nearby town." he told the other guy. He took another good look at him. "So what's your name? What's your deal? Do you have any plans?" he slowly asked him questions in a friendly way.
Vladimir takes out a long sigh, his emotion would go back into neutral state. He would sit down in the back of the truck.

"My name's Vladimir.... I know what you mean when you say your group fell apart, half of my group died in the first week and I had to get away from it..." He gulps as he says that. "I uh.. got this bruise when I was.. hunting" Vladimir told himself that he has to lie, telling the group he got the bruise from an argument may make him seem hot-headed and not trustworthy. "For about a day I was walking, looking to find civilization, and then I come across you guys.."
Jeff was quiet after hearing Vlad. After a moment of pause he said "That's a peculiar way to get a bruise...". Jeff thought there was something up. He didn't want to pry but he didn't want leave it up just like that. He just made a decision to keep an eye on this one for the time-being. "Anyways, the name's Jeffrey Webb. You can call me Jeff if you want. I used to be in SWAT before all of this happened. It's nice meeting you." Jeff replied. "Maybe Matthew or Harry can take a look at that later if they feel enthusiastic about it." Jeff said as he smirked in reference to the earlier event with the chick. "Or you can get some sleep if you want. I'll stay up and watch. Wake you all up when we get there." he added.
Vladimir would adjust himself on the truck "Yeah, I somehow managed to trip over a rock, that was pretty stupid"

He thinks that he fooled Jeff pretty well, and feels satisfied with himself.

"Yes, sleep. Thank you, I will do that now."

He would lay down on his back on the truck, staring at the dark sky for a few minutes, before finally going to sleep.
Logan looked back on Jeff. "fine by me, I too enjoy a good sleep on a bed." Logan put the car in drive and drove off to the destination. It was rather close, and it looked quite small. The smaller the better he thought. He arrived in the town in a short amount of time, he again looked back to Jeff. "Alright here we are, any further directions?"
Jeff told Logan the directions to the house. It was in a slightly rural area so it'd be easy to spot walkers coming. The house itself was average in size. It had a wooden fence and was painted white. Logan would now be able to to know the house if he sees it. Jeff was now doubting if he was actually prepared to go back to that place. He had to steel himself if he wanted to survive.

Jeff remembered there were things there that he'd be able to use now. Now that there's more of them, it'd probably be put to use more. He was familiar with the surroundings. He could tell that they were near. He was gonna do anything to continue to survive.
Lia woke up to the sound of a new voice, she noticed the man holding his arm and how he was sleeping, she gently scooted over to him and dug in her back pack, she pulled out a little spray bottle that had a clear liquid in it and said "PAIN GONE" on the label, "Sir, can you show me the bruise, I'm just gonna put some of this on it, it'll burn at first then it will sooth" She said. 
(In Saskatchewan a woman in my town invented this pain remover of sore muscles and bruises and it actually works xD )
Vladimir wakes up to the sound of this woman opening her backpack. He looked a bit worried but then had a slight smile on his face. He found this woman to be very attractive. He does what the woman says and takes off his hoodie and reveals the bruise on his upper left arm.
"Can you hold out your arm a little?" She looks at it "If I get it in the wrong spot it'll burn a bit, it's better to let it burn on the bruise or muscle sore"
Vladimir nods his head and extends his arm to his left, being careful not to hit anything.

"My name's Vladimir, by the way. So we're not complete strangers now."
He begins to lightly flail his arm after the liquid drops. His eyes become wide open, showing their light blue color, his mouth makes an "O" shape a few times before calming down and sitting up on his butt. "Thanks.."

"You are a doctor, aren't you? You knew I was bruised and knew what to use"
"No...my dad taught me some things when I was younger...just in case y'know? I did a lot of sports so I got bumped and bruised, scraped and cut a lot" She giggles and goes back to her spot
Xobic watch the new man and drink his alcohol"so Vladimir on a scale 1 to 10 how bad does it hurt.you may call me Dex"
Matthew woke with a start at talking on the truck. He opened his eyes and looked around. A new guy. He looked at him suspiciously for a second, but moved on eventually. He had to be okay if the others let him on. Probably. "Hello there." Matthew nodded, but then noticed the large bruise on the man's forearm. "That's one ugly f**ker you got on your arm. I'm sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself. I'm Matthew." He held his hand out, motioning for him to shake.
Lia sat back down beside Matthew and dug in her backpack for something to do "Maybe I can get this to work" She took out a Nintendo DS that she stole when she was 17. She turned it on and smiled brightly seeing the battery is full

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