[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"Oh...I...I'm sorry to hear that happened to you..." -Harry said as he took a deep breath. At this moment, he was thinking about his fellow Mafiosi, particularly the Don, his fellow Capos, the various Soldatos he has worked with as well as the Soldatos that has worked under him. He quietly got in the car, pulled out his wallet, and pulled out a Photo, of himself and his crew, which consisted of about twenty men. He started staring at it as soon as the Truck's engine started.
"thank you I need to get the gas taste out of my mouth.and I was kicked out when I was 10"he set one download gas can and grab the mouthwash and use some of it then put the rest in his bag
She smiled slightly at Dex and curled back up in her spot in the back of the truck, she liked hearing their stories, she felt closer to them, like a family. Everyone would look at her like a dirty street rat who stole clothes and food. But now she can steal and be a dirty street rat without being judged by people since half of them are dead.
"Well aren't we a sad sack bunch." Matthew smiled, but quickly frowned again, and hopped into the back of the truck. He took out the Bobblehead, and hit it over the head. Boing! "I mean, it's kind of hard when I think about it. I shot my daughter. I shot my daughter. I can't bring myself to think that I shot my own daughter, but I deep-down I know I did. First stage of grief I guess. Denial."
"Good to see ya'll back in one piece, you guys had me worried with that argument." He looked towards Dex, a smile creeped onto his face. "Well ain't that kind of ya'. I needed some gas, badly." He reached into his pockets, making jingling noise. He handed Dex a key, it was a rusty bronze key. "One of those boxes opens with this key, in there you might find some food. Now you all share that, we clear?" Logan went to the front of the car and started it up, he noticed two zombie followed the sound, but they would be no problem.
She gently took Matthews hand, in a friendly way, like a daughter way, he may not be old but she ain't either, she's the baby in the group so she just wants them to feel like they aren't alone.
Neri hid behind the pharmacy and watched as one of the men, the blond one had put the medical supplies she was hoping to grab. "Great." She mumbled to herself, placing a hand over the bullet wound on her arm. She had with not much care taken the bullet out, that now left her arm a bloody mess, she needed the material they were taking. She was in no condition to go up against any of them, not like she had the superior skills anyways. So instead Neri did something stupid, she walked out of her hiding spot with a hand resting on the hilt of her machete. "Got anything you can spare?"
Harry quietly put a thumbs up, as he heard what the old man said. He was busy staring at the Family Photo of himself and his twenty younger 'Brothers'. Afterwards, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and let out another deep breath. It eventually became apparent that he was trying not to cry, and instead was trying to 'tough it out'.
Matthew smiled at Lia, but was suddenly alarmed when he heard someone's voice from behind the truck. "Shit." He muttered to himself, then stood up. "What do you need?" He called out.
Shocked at how nice these people were she nodded and ran over to the truck, pulling herself onto the back. "Just something to stitch this up."
Xobic saw blood"come here let me check you out" 
he pulled out a rectangular metal box that had a red plus on it
"Here, I have a needle and some morphine in my pack for you. Unless, you think you're tough shit and don't need any morphine. Heh. Don't worry. That was only one person who said they didn't want any morphine, and a couple of nurses ended up having to restrain him. I'm Matthew, by the way." Matthew took out the needle, stitches and morphine from his pack and handed it over.
Logan's attention was drifted as the a new-unfamiliar voice popped up in his head. He opened his door and went to check what was going on. He notice a new face, another young girl. "What do we have here?" He had a joyous tone and a wide smile, until he notice she was injured and his tone switched. "Hey waita' second, how did this happen? Were ya' bit? I can't have people turning into zombies and biting everyone else."
"I'm Neri, nice to meet you. With or without morphine I don't really care, this open wound hurts more than the stitches would." She grinned
"Alright Logan, let's get outta here before more of those damn things show up..." Harry told him, because he looked at his rear-view mirror and saw at least a dozen zombies heading in their direction. He was also trying to keep his composure, not wanting to look like a little b**** in front of his new crew.
"I wasn't bit, sir, just shot." She turned to the older man. Hearing the girls reply she turned to her with a raised brow. "Well aren't I lucky, thank you for your kindness."

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