[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

He focused on the road, and slowly put his foot on the gas. His ear flinched as he heard Harry. "Sounds good." He looked into the rear mirror and then began to speak. "I'll stay here, I can't leave my truck unattended. I trust you, but the people I have not spoken with; sorry I can't trust them." He turned right, just as Harry said and came upon the pharmacy and grocery store. "I'll stay here with the girl, she doesn't look too good. It is best she doesn't get into any more action. You and the other 3 men can sort the things out, and no I am not bein' sexist."
"Let's go then." Matthew jumped over the side of the truck, and looked at the pharmacy. The R on Reed's had been tipped to the slightest, and some of the windows had been broken. He walked up to the doors, and peered inside. Baseball bat at the ready, he tapped on the unbroken glass. "Hello?" He called out. He waited for a few seconds, but nothing popped out, so he creaked open the door and walked inside.
Lia sat quietly in the back of the truck, she's leaning against the side, resting her head on her backpack with her eyes closed. Her asthma has calmed down and she looked like she was napping.
Xobic got out of the truck and went into the grocery store and started to look around 2 gas can and a garden hose he grab them up and then went to a car he open one of the gas can and cut the garden hose the right way with his combat knife and put it in the cars gas tank and started to suck on the hose Intel the gas came up and then he put in the gas can the wait for the others well he drained the gas from the car.
Harry exited the car, armed with his Machete. Before entering the Pharmacy himself, he decided to ask Lia what kind of Medication she needed. "Hey kid, what kind of meds do you need?" he asked politely.
She opened her eyes and looked at him, she sat up and slung her backpack over her shoulder, she hopped out of the car "I'll get it myself"
"can you get me some mouthwash if they have any"Xobic kept on filling up the large gas can
"Um...Okay..." -he said. "Try to help someone out and this is how they repay you..." -he whispered to himself as he followed Lia into the Pharmacy, since anything could happen at any moment.
She climbed over the counter and looked at the different inhalers, she grab a few boxes of the one she needed then when and grabbed a few other things, she picked up some mouthwash for Dex and looked at Harry "Sorry...I just needed some other things too...cause...im a girl" she walked out and to the truck carrying the mouthwash in her hand and everything else in her backpack.
"Its all good. Just trying to help everyone out is all. In times like these, we gotta stick together, ya know?" Harry replied as he walked with her back to the Truck.
"Yea... And, my dad was a pharmacist before all of this happened so I know what kind of major sickness' there are and what treats them" She smiles and climbs back in the truck
Xobic finished filling up the gas can and then went to a different card and then started on the other gas can
Logan rested himself on the side of his truck, he kept his eyes open for any zombies that might have been provoked by the sound. He had his trusty shovel rested nicely in his cold hands, he noticed a zombie coming towards him. It was a young girl, her was blond hair torn and her clothes, tattered. "Damn, they got you too." Logan knelt down to the zombie girls size. "Don't worry, your pain and suffering will be over soon." He swung the shovel at a fast speed and knocked the girls head off. A small tear filled his eye, no little girl should go through such a death. He knew how brutal they died, he witnessed it happen to his mother. And judging by the girls bite and scratch wounds, it was worse.
Matthew searched across the shelves, looking for something to hopefully use. That was when he eyed the needle, morphine and stitches. He could use this for a minor stitch up if he had to. He turned around quickly, and noticed a small bobble head on the counter. It was of a Doctor, and when Matthew hit it, it bounced around playfully. He smiled, then grabbed it up. It did look awfully familiar however. Oh no. He shoved it in his pack as not to look at it. Matthew walked back to the truck after the others.
Harry decided to go help out Dex since he was by himself and alone he would end up Zombie Chow. Despite not having a gun of any sort, Harry still had a Machete, which can still cut a Human's Limbs off. Since Zombies are basically decaying walking corpses, a Machete can easily cleave through. "How much longer till that can fills up?" he asked.
Lia looked at Logan kill the little zombie, "I watched that happen to my little sister..." She whispered and frowned a little bit, "it was brutal...biting...tearing her apart, listening to her screams..." Lia closed her eyes tightly to push the images away.
"its almost done"it was halfway filled up and still going he laugh a little"that is just funny"
Matthew looked at the dead girl, who's face appeared smashed in. Logan had killed it with a shovel, and then Lia had been going on about her little sister. "I really don't want to hear about it. F**k."
Lia raised an eyebrow and looked angry at Matthew, "you know, talking about memories is the best thing to help you from going crazy. So kiss my a$$ and shut your trap" She rolled her eyes.
"You don't even understand what I'm talking about. Look, it's a personal problem. Just dead little girls. I have a small problem with them." Matthew looked solemnly at the walker laying below him.
"I'm sure everyone here does. Daughters, sons, sisters, brothers. They're all dead now and this is what the world has become. Just have to learn to deal with it. And I would love to talk about my sister, I want to hold onto the good memories and the bad memories." Lia bit her lip and looked away, "sorry for snapping..."
" its done" Xobic put everything away and pick up the two full gas cans and started to go back to the truck"hey Logan I got your gas"
Despite being a bit of a distance from the truck, Harry can Lia's voice as well as Matthew's. "Let's hurry back. I can smell an upcoming argument from a mile away..." he said to Dex, worried that an argument might start between Matthew and Lia. However, from what he heard, Harry himself can sympathize with Lia, except what he went through was much worse; all he could do was watch in horror as his fellow mafiosi die off horrible deaths, with most of them trying to protect him and even cover his escape. All that Harry had left of his life in the Mob was a Big Family Photo that was taken pretty much the day before the Outbreak. He kept this photo in his wallet, only looking at it when he was thinking about the Don of his Family. He then jogged back to the Truck with Dex.
"Hey, I can understand. We're all under pressure here. I watched my wife eaten alive in our own home. She bit poor Cynthia. I had to kill my own daughter with a pistol. I had to look at her brains all over the wall... Her blood is on these hands." Matthew choked up silently inside, and headed for the back of the truck.
"And Dex, got the mouthwash" She holds it over the edge of the truck and dangles it in front of his face, "now you can smell minty fresh" she teases and looks at the boys. Then looked back at Harry "I was kicked out of the house when I was 16, the only reason I would visit was because of my sister..." She bit her lip and shrugged "my mom was a druggie and dad only stuck up for her"

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