[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

(leaving me behind :'( ) 
Lia (Athalia for short) ran past everyone, not seeing them, she started slowing down since her breaths are short and quick, the asthma. She looks around making sure nothing followed her.
"hey girl come on more zombies are heading this way"he said to the girl that was outside the truck
The girl looks at him with a scared look on her face. She slowly walks over, holding her hand gun "are you gonna hurt me?" She says breathlessly
Logan peered back through the back window after hearing some words and discussion. "Hey girly, if that man ther' does anything to ye' just scream and I'll stop the truck okay? Now get in the back quick, we don't have alot of time."
She nods shyly and climbs in, she sits down watching the guy, keeping her gun in her hand. She takes deep breaths and counts, something she did at school when she was younger to calm her breathing.
He looks to the right, at Harry. "Hey can you keep a eye on the back. It don't seem like those two get along to well. I am sure as hell not letting some girl get sexually harassed or worse in my truck."
"I am NOT going to hurt you.you can call me Dex what is your name"Xobic reached his hand out for a handshake towards the girl
"Sure thing." Harry said, as he started to keep a constant watch on the back. However, he knew that both Dex and Jeff were completely harmless, so Lia was in good hands. However, seeing how she was breathing, he quickly turned to Logan, somehow knowing that she had a medical condition. "Hey, let's take a little detour. Stop by the Pharmacy, I think we're gonna need some medicine if we're gonna be travelling."
"Now those are some words of wisdom. I don't know this town too well though, if you are from here directions to the nearest pharmacy would be nice." He noticed zombies began biting on the windows and he pressed on the gas, moving forward at an adequate speed.
Lia closed her eyes tightly at the speed and sight of the zombies. She looked Dex and finally answered him, "I'm Lia" She said just loud enough over the wind.
"nice I saw a pharmacy on my way here keep on going straight 5 Road then turn left on the 6"Xobic yelled so they can hear him
''getting more medicine is the best state so if one of us get sick we will be good''he said to Lia
"Come on, open up you piece of shit." Matthew slowly banged at the can of beans with a rock, hoping to open it somehow. He was starving, and unfortunately had nothing to cut the can open with. He banged many dents into the can, until finally the sweet sludge poured out. He put the can over his head, and let it fall into his mouth. That was when he heard the sound of an engine. He did a quick look over towards where the sound was coming. A truck. Matthew grinned in delight, then threw the can to the ground and started waving his hands around like a madman. "Hey! Over here! Help!"
Lia heard a man yelling and peered over the box of the truck to see him waving his arms, "stop the truck!" Lia patted the roof of the truck and pointed out the man
Lia's voice echoed in his ears, he stepped on the brakes quickly and swerved the car to the right. He picked up his shovel from behind the seat, but then he noticed a man calling out for help and he then realized why she was probably calling. He set the the shovel down and rolled down his windows. "Hey buddy, ya' need a ride?" He got out of the car and checked the back, to see if everyone was okay, then returned to the front seat.
"Yeah, that would be good. Thanks for the ride, by the way. I just hope you guys aren't freaks or anything. You don't look like freaks, but that was what I said last time." Matthew tipped his hat to the old man in the driver's seat, then hurriedly jumped into the back of the truck. He waved a hand to the guys in the back, then jumped in. "Uh, hello. This is a nice truck you guys have here."
Harry waited quietly. Then turned over to Logan. "If I remember correctly, a Pharmacy should be on the next right. Think there's a Grocery Store right by it too. So take the opportunity to find some food while I go look for some medications."
"My names Matthew. Nice to meet you Dex." Matthew turned to the new voice, a man in a suit. He looked like a mobster. An actual f**king mobster. "Yeah, the pharmacy. 'Reed's Drugstore.' Then the old BI-LO store too. I know my way around this town pretty well now. Didn't check out them though, last I checked they were being raided by some gruff men. They looked dumb though, so I'm sure they missed a lot of things."

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