[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Vladimir noticed Jeff bringing the gas tank, claiming he was gonna shoot it. He quickly turned around, pointing at Logan to wait with the truck. "No!" Vladimir yelled. "Wait for Lia and Dex!"

While Vladimir's foreign accent was almost unnoticeable, it really stood out in those few lines for some reason
"Goddammit! What the hell are they doing up there? Can't they hear us?" Matthew exclaimed, not ready to take off just yet, but it appeared they would have no choice soon. Walkers began coming around the house, heading straight for them. "F**k f**k f**k!"
"well it sounds like we got to go"he put on his boots and jacket he put his ghillie suit and his hat in his bag he put on his bag and went to the window he looked at the distance between the house and the treehouse he can make the jump in between the two he opened the window and jumped he grabbed the letter and climbed into the treehouse he stuff to sleeping bag into his backpack and grab his rifle and then jump back into the house and then he picked Lia up"I know you're not good at running that's why I'm doing this" he open the door and ran downstairs and open the front door he saw zombies we're almost to the front door so he quickly ran towards the truck with her in Lia hands and got in the back
He would notice Xobic carrying Lia and would think "Good man.."

"What the hell took you so long?! Come on, we're not staying here any longer! We gotta go now!"

Vladimir would pick up his bat from the ground, running through the front door and slamming a zombie's head in his way. He quickly rushes to the truck and jumps in the back.
Henry hurried back as well and jumped into the back. The Zombies were unable to keep pace with him. He got into the truck, with only seconds to spare.
Matthew immediately leaped onto the truck, and watched as the hordes of walkers came pouring out of the house. Dex had come rushing out with Lia in his arms, as walkers slowly followed behind him. Matthew stared at them, and motioned for the others still not in the truck to hurry up.
"Logan, c'mon!" She called out, grabbing the older man's wrist and pulling him along, making sure to stab the head of any walker that approached them. She reached the truck and pushed Logan towards Matthew. "Get him in." She turned her back to them and made sure there wasn't one near by.
As the Walkers began pouring out by what seemed to be by the dozen, Harry decided to put his life on the line. He quickly jumped out, armed with his Machete and Axe. He began to push back and fight the Walkers to buy Logan some time. "Come and get it!"
Logan busts open the door, quickly entering it. He stumbled to get the keys in, his hands were shaky, and he had not yet gotten the sleep he needed. He finally got they keys into the lock and put the car into drive. "Everyone in here'?!" He began shouting to the outside, he wasn't sure what was going on. He just woke up.

Zombies began banging on the windows, Logan had to leave soon. Although he awaited for everyones response, to make sure he was not leaving anyone behind. He noticed Harry going for the zombies, he couldn't help him, unless he too wanted to put his life on the line. He got out and ran to the back and had his shovel in hand. "Matthew if you can drive, then you take the wheel. I am the oldest here, my life is worth nothing compared to ye' youngsters." He threw the keys towards Matthew and switched his attention to the walkers behind him. He smacked both of them in the head. He ran up to Harry, and began to cover his back. "I ain't letting you die before an old man."
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"Yeah, sure thing!" Matthew jumped into the truck, and put the keys in the ignition. He turned them, and the large truck made a loud sound, causing many of the walkers to look over. It appeared that most were interested in the yelling people rather than the metallic truck. Matthew began rolling up the windows, and honked the horn. Hopefully the walkers would head for the front of the truck, giving the rest of the group a chance to jump into the back.
Harry was happy to hear Logan's words. He kicked a Zombie back before telling the old man to head back to the truck. "I'll be right behind you. I promise."
"No need to buy anymore time, we're all safe." The honking noise made Logan jump, it certainly made his current status a bit easier. but returning to the car would be harder with zombies surrounding it. He looked around, back at Harry. He ran to the truck, knocking as many zombies to the ground, to make an easier escape for Harry. "Sniper guy- er Dex! Harry needs a hand, try makin' the path the bit easier for him." He had a anxious tone, he feared Harry would die. He slammed one more zombie to the ground and made his way to the back of the truck with the others, standing guard at the door.
Harry daringly turned around and began to make his escape. However, six Walkers were heading in his direction
he looked through scope for rifle shot a zombie that was in the way it was the one on the right he quickly Ame his rifle at the zombie to left making a big hole for him to go through"go to the right"
Neri swung her weapon, trying to delay the walkers as best she could before climbing into the truck and watched Dex try to help Harry get to the truck. But the walkers weren't just gathering from one direction anymore. "If there if an extra gun, now would really be the time to use it!" She said stabbing a walker that had gotten a bit too close.
"Crap!" She pulled one of her knives and stabbed it between the eyes, gagging a bit at the stench then kicked it back knocking another one down but not for long.
"ya there is don't remind me about that I do bad under pressure I need to concentrate"he said in angry tone he shot two more zombies making a path to the back of the truck"Harry move"
Logan ran over to Neri and offered her a hand up. "Hey there miss, sorry bout' that shoulda' had your back."
As walkers surrounded the front of the truck, Matthew searched desperately in the glove box for any kind of weapon. Anything. The walkers were banging on the glass, and he saw a small crack beginning to form at the top of the window. "F**k!" He looked at the doctor bobblehead still bobbling around on the console. "I hate you." Matthew pointed a finger at it, then looked back at the ones in the back of the truck. He began motioning if he should begin driving or not. He didn't want to leave anybody behind, but they had to do what they had to do to survive.
Lia shot some more and ran out of ammo, she knelt down and quickly reloaded the clip, she closed it and latched it then stood up again. She aimed at one and shot it quickly then more and more

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