[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

Harry was shaken awake by what just happened. "What the f***? Please tell me that was just a speed bump."
Vladimir would jump out of the back of the truck, holding his head in disbelief. A thought came into mind though "Matthew.... why were you driving on railroad tracks..?" He asked suspiciously.
The truck forcefully came to an abrupt stop and in turn caused awake him up he got up and he saw the Train he got out of the back of a truck and walked right to the side of Vladimir he rubbed the back of his head"what is going on"
"forget about it I am going to go get back in the truck"Xobic got back in the back of the truck and set down beside Lia"are you okay guys"
Matthew looked at Vladmir, and replied to his question. "You said to go to the coast. Here we are." He waved his arms at the city of Savannah. "We can't get the truck past this train though. There's too much rubble surrounding it. We could walk down. Not my decision though. You wanna ask the others what they think of it?"
pulled out his medkit and then pulled out a pill bottle out of it"take some of these it will make that dizziness go away"he handed the pill bottle over to Lia
"there is it train in the way because they wanted to go to the coast"he put his arm around Lia
"oh... okay" she stands up and walks to the edge of the truck, she hops down "come on Dex" She smiled back at him, her backpack hooked to her shoulders
"Depends on what you guys think. We either walk around, or head back in the truck. Doesn't matter to me." Matthew stepped up to the train, examining it. Further investigation showed that the tracks were missing in front of the train. That's why it stopped.
She watched Matthews frustration "well if we wanna leave then we should do something..." She looks around and sees a dirt road "there" she points
"Look, Harry. Can you decide? I'm not really in the position." Matthew nodded and peered down to where Lia was pointing. A small, country, dirt road curved and ran all the way to the back roads of Savannah. "That road does seen relatively safe."
The man sweated with fear, his face dripping.

"Who the hell are you?" He demanded, desperation showing in his voice.

"Oh, just some kid. But that shouldn't really matter to you, considering what's behind you." Said James, watching through a security camera.

The man whipped round, but there was nothing there. James laughed, half way between a booming laugh and a cackling one.

"Oh but now you should definitely look behind you"



A large hammer came down from behind and above him, swinging and cracking into his head.

"How boring. I barely had him for an hour."

The man groaned.


He produced something from his inner pocket. Something ovular... A GRENADE!

James could do nothing as he watched the man throw it all the wall, and after a second, it blasted through. The explosion killed him, but it allowed zombies from outside into James' little deathtrap. James himself was stationed at the end of the course, so that he could shoot someone if necessary. Now the zombies would be able to get to him.

He took the secret back door he had installed near his control panel, and he got behind the wheel of his truck. He was just tall enough to use it, and he could drive fairly well. He turned the keys in the ignition, and started driving, onto the road.
James was driving his way up a dirt road when he saw some people standing at the end of it. He was unsure what to do, so he kept driving, coming closer.
James decided, he'd play the innocent boy who'd lost his parents. He'd always been a good actor, he needed to be to fake emotions.

He stopped the truck close to them, and waved.

"Hey! Oh my god humans!"
The voice of a small boy entered Logan's ears. He looked towards the sound and noticed a small, adolescent boy. He came out of a truck, although he looked to young to drive. Logan had not seen a teenager since he was one himself. He had always been cooped up in a farm. A smile tugged at Logan's face. "Howdy ther'. What brings ye' here little boy?"
Vladimir heard driving coming up behind him on the dirt road while he was looking up at the train. He noticed what appeared to be a blurryfigure driving a truck, it then got a little clearer and he saw that it was what looked like a teenager. Vladimir's face was a mix of suspicion, doubtfulness and hatred.

Suspicion because he doesn't know him, and Vladimir is hard to get along to new people. Doubtfulness because he's driving such a big truck, for a boy his age, and hatred because Vladimir almost despises kids, or anyone below the age of 18 who needs to be taken care of. Vladimir quickly took out his gun at the sight of the truck and moved a little closer to the truck when it stopped.. He was ready to aim and fire. Noticing the boy waving, Vladimir was still very much on guard, not holstering his gun.

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