[Telltale] The Walking Dead [Inactive]

"What in the hell?" A small truck, driving up the dirt road came rushing around, and came to a halt. A small figure popped out, and began waving it's hand. Matthew smiled at the new figure, and waved back. "Hey! You're friendly, right?"
he pointed his rifle at the kid to make sure he will not shoot anyone"ya are You friendly"he said in a nice tone
"hey, hey, hey! You put that gun down Dex." Logan let out a big sigh. "Ya' guys didn't do this to Neri. I think this kid deserves a little more respect, ya hear?" Logan signalled to Dex to lower the gun staring at him quite seriously.
"He's alone and driving this huge truck, there has to be some way he got it, he can't have survived alone all this time. He may have stolen it." Vladimir says while still having his gun ready in his hands.
Logan walked up to Lia and Dex. He over heard what Dex said. "Ther' is going to be no killing with my eye on it. I don't want this group to become full of distrust. Just accept the kid, he is only kid!" Logan stared down to Dex.
Jeff was sitting idly at the back of the truck. After what happened to the place of his childhood memories, he was just quiet. Even after the rough stop in front of the train, Jeff didn't make a peep.

There was a commotion brewing after the group had run into someone. It was a kid who was driving a truck. Jeff thought this was dubious but it didn't matter at this point with what, the dead rising and killing people? Being a cop, Jeff's seen a lot of people and circumstances. Their group was full of colorful people for sure. For Jeff, Vlad wasn't trustworthy but he wasn't a threat neither. Dex is strange to say the least, but he looked like he was just awkward around other people. The rest seemed normal enough. This kid however felt different. For someone his age to make it this long, he either had to be strong, or dangerous. Jeff was leaning to the latter. There was no sign of mental stress on his face. It felt like the kid even enjoyed what was happening around him. Jeff found that eerie.

"The kid is dangerous... I'd rather he went on his own way." he just said plainly after taking a good look at him. "He was good enough to make it on his own." he added. It was unlike Jeff. He must be still depressed. "We should probably look for more supplies. We need more ammo and better weapons."
Logan began to smile, as he looked at Lia and Dex getting along very well. "Ya' two are quite cute, ya' know that. Reminds me of me and mah' ex wife. She turned out to be crazy but our early days were like spring and sunshine'."
"Well yea of course I think that. What I say is what I mean. But if your anything like me and my ex wife, don't let the lady drive the tractor. Bad things'll happen." Logan let out a chuckle, memories can be so ironic sometimes he thought to himself.
Lia shook her head and smiled "too bad I hate tractors eh?" She smilese "never was a farm girl" She shrugs and looks at Logan, "sorry"
Xobic felt his heart explode twice"thank you I'm at a loss for words now"he said as his face become more bright red

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