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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

QueenOfDisaster said:
I don't know where Freddie is but most of the people are at a house party hosted by Ashton...
Its cool, I fixed it so shes at the party. He;ping out with the bar xD Sorry about that!


"Dude, it's an Archer party, how do I pick one thing?" He laughed as he looked around again. "Same with the girls man. What do you call the opposite of a sausagefest?" Despite how much he wanted to spend this time hanging out with Scarlett, he couldn't help but notice that more girls seemed to be arriving by the minute, and they were all looking great. "Speaking of, have you seen a girl named Scarlett at all, I think she's one of Cass's friends or something? I was talking to her at lunch today about maybe hanging out tonight. Oh!" He broke his train of thought as he slipped his backpack off of his shoulder and held it open for Ashton to see. "Almost forgot, my cousin was able to get me some booze for the party."

@QueenOfDisaster @Mariam
Shea climbed off Freddie's lap, giving him a smile and wave goodbye, and headed off into the crowd. She spotted Ashton and "Mr. Police", but she wasn't interested, so she decided to talk to someone she hadn't conversed with all night; Brian, his name was?

Adel was dissapointed because there were no good drinks at the table sho she wandered to some corner. Adel looked like a casual blonde when she saw this girl with some kind of drink. She walked to her and sat down. "Got any for me?"

George looked up without moving her head to see a blonde girl walking towards her as she asked her. 'Isn't that. . . too tight?' She thought while staring at her. She was the same age as her but on a different level. And yet she managed to wear something revealing while George wore casually. But she didn't mind as she wasn't the one to judge. Shrugging, she took out two clean shot glasses in front of them. "If you're up for Russian Vodka then sure why not?" She said and poured the vodka onto their glasses. Taking one, she drank it in one go and placed it on the table.

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Adel watched how to the girl poured the drink and then drank it.

"Why shouldnt I try new things," Adel said as she dranked the vodka. It was strong, really strong.

"How many have you taken?" Adel asked while still holding the class.


"15 shots and yet I'm still alive" She answered and passed some sour cream and bread to her.

It was true that she took a lot shots from the challenges earlier which is why it wasn't a big deal.

"Eat that. It'll slow down the heat." She said and took one for herself before taking another shot again in one go.

"Thats crazy!" Adel said and took the bread. She felt like she was about to die but still very happy.

"Where did you get this stuff?" she asked while taking a bite from the bread.

Violet and Gabriel both arrive to the party stone cold sober. They prefer to get a little bit drunk or high at the party rather than before. The two of them nod their heads and go their separate ways once inside. Tonight they planned to mingle separately. For Violet, she was in the mood to relax, and Gabriel wanted to record only the best moments of the party. Violet makes her way towards a small group of people she's never socialized with before and pops a piece of bubblegum into her mouth.

"Hey." she says to one of the guys.


Gabriel is already upstairs, camera in hand. He looks around for something to film, and finds a couple making out. So he takes a couple seconds to record them for a bit. He keeps looking around for new things, and records someone vomiting in the toilet. For now he wanders, whistling a tune as he goes.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8aa1001f_ScreenShot2016-03-23at1.57.34PM.png.bea97e52e83231c8af8dc93493a6c86d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8aa1001f_ScreenShot2016-03-23at1.57.34PM.png.bea97e52e83231c8af8dc93493a6c86d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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"You know. . . My uncle. He would show me how to drink vodka since we're Russians. Sometimes he would challenge me on it. . " She said and ate a piece of bread. "My mom wouldn't allow it but Uncle convinced her. . . so she limited it on party occasions" Stretching, she took the vodka and took another shot again before leaning back. "There's a trick to it to avoid getting drunk in a split second when drinking."



Jason turned to the new arrival as she approached him with a greeting. She looked vaguely familiar, maybe he'd seen her before in the halls, but he didn't really recognize her, much less know her name. Still, Jason was an outgoing guy, and more than willing to talk to new people when the opportunity presented itself. "Hola," he replied as he swung the backpack full of liquor from Ashton's direction to hers. "See anything you like and it's yours, on the house. I'm Jason, drummer extraordinaire and all around awesome guy, and you are?"

@Tiny Turtle
"Hahah. You have a interesting uncle. My mom doesnt let me drink anything besides juice," Adel said with kind of louder tone. She took another vite from the bread.

"Gimme some more of that stuff!"



Scarlett rushed home and walked in the door, quickly saying hi to her brothers. Her father had said it was fine for her to go to the party, he trusts Ashton and Cassie. Scarlett rushed upstairs and threw on a nice(er) top with her jeans and some converse. Most Archer parties aren't very formal. Just very messy with lots of beer. The best kinds of parties. "Shit!" She whisper-yelled, as she curled her hair up a bit. She was running late and really wanted to see Jason. She took out a light pink lip gloss and lightly applied it to her lips. She also put on the smallest amount of eye makeup. "Bye guys!" She yelled out as she grabbed her phone and purse. Scarlett shut the door behind her and got in the car, ready to go. She packed pajamas just in case she ended up staying the night, which she probably will. 'On my way.' She texted Cassie and Ashton.

Scarlett pulled up to the driveway and had already heard the music blasting from a block away. There were people passed out in the lawn already.

She opened the door and headed in, as nervous as can be to see Jason. She immediately saw him and Cassie. "Hey guys!" She nudged Cassie's side lightly and waved shyly at Jason. She could feel her nerves take over, "I'll be right back.." She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a solo cup of beer. She walked back out and saw Ashton with his arm around Kayla. Scarlett thought about going over there and giving him a quick hug, but he knew that would cause major drama that wasn't needed at a fun party. It was a matter or time before someone starting anything anyway. She shrugged and walked back over to Jason and Cassie. "Sorry about that." Scarlett smiled, sipping from her cup.

(So sorry I've been a little inactive! I'm finally on break now so I'll be on a lot more often. :) )

@QueenOfDisaster @Phobos
"Wonder where she's going..." Freddie looked puzzled. Then, he laid his eyes on Skylar and decided he'd introduce himself. "Hi." He shyly smiled.


Meanwhile, Winnie was bored. "God, aren't there any girls that like me here?" She mumbled woozily, downing a shot.

~Sophia woke up to her phone going off " wake the fuck up " a custom ring tone rang loudly. " fuck the party" she jumped up grabbing the dress she had picked out when she skipped school earlier. She didn't even look what time it was she just ran out of the house grabbing her skate board jumping on it kicking off the ground. It was a site to see a beautiful girl in a beautiful white and pink mini dress skate boarding down the road. Her tan heals werent the best to skate with but they looked bad ass as she zoomed down the street swerving between cars on the street. She got to ashtons house not knowing what to expect I wonder if my crazy friend and the cute boy are here~



George could imagine herself facepalming by the girl's words. 'Girl, be happy you don't have bastard Russian general for an uncle' She thought only to be cut off when she started demanding for it. "Woah, OK. Let's see if you can take 5 of them in a row without passing out then. . . After that we'll try the strongest vodka in the world if you're up for it. ." She said and poured five shots and looked at her. "Quick tip. Exhale through you nose after you drink. We can't let you get drunk real high if you want a challenge" She said.

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"Lets do it!" Adel shouted and took the first shot. It didnt really feel anywhere. She exhaled trough her nose like the Russian girl had said. Next shot. Easy beast. When Adel started to pick up the third her hand was little shaky and she this weird feeling.

Fourth. Adels eyes started to blur but she had to do this. And here it gomes. After the fift shot Adels etesight was very blurry and she felt like she was going to pass out. But just, and just Adel stayed awake.

"Did it."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8a740abc_images(2).jpg.f1a285ce573d012310cbf7504d9a6ccb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113836" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8a740abc_images(2).jpg.f1a285ce573d012310cbf7504d9a6ccb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.e8ee43cb5a4158a3a929dc47c4c4b4db.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113837" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/images.jpg.e8ee43cb5a4158a3a929dc47c4c4b4db.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8a74734b_images(1).jpg.586fc8b950c3f5fd21537d1d04fb65d1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113838" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/57a8c8a74734b_images(1).jpg.586fc8b950c3f5fd21537d1d04fb65d1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Names: Daniel, Destiny, and Clarity

Location: Party

Interacting with: @TheRebelAngel @ anyone

The three goth siblings walked into the house and ignored everyone staring at them. They walked to were the drinks were and they just started drinking a little bit. Destiny looked around to see if Sebastian and Raven were here but she didn't see them anywhere. She shrugged and started talking with her sister Clarity. Daniel was on his phone and Destiny sighed. She took it away from him and put it in the car. " No phones, little bro. We are supposed to have fun today. You know, grind on girls for once."she told him. Daniel shook his head and chuckled. "You know i dont do that."he said. They all laughed and talked. But Destiny kept thinking about sebastian. Stop thinking about him Destiny!...Be cool its a party. Grind and Drink!!!


(Minus the the cardigan thing around it. Just imagine a leather jacket)






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~ Sophia jumped off her skateboard as she reached the front door. It made her feel weird to walk in but she watched three very attractive people walked into the house "it doesn't look like they had to knock and it is a part ". "Who is he I've never seen him before " (Daniel ) She spoke out loud as she grabed her board putting it under her arm. As she walked in she could smell alcohol and cigarettes the more she walked through the house she can also smell weed. " mmmm" A sweet smile came to her face now as she noticed a spot where she could grab a drink. She put herself a vodka and Coca-Cola cherry before she turned around looking to see who was there. She already expected not to know anyone but she was open to talking to new people. She put herself a vodka and Coca-Cola cherry before she turned around looking to see who was there. She already expected not to know anyone. Sophia smoothed out her short dress as she looked around the room noticing the guy with the black awesome trip looking pants. She had a different style but her type was very wh Sophia smoothed out her short dress as she looked around the room noticing the guy with the black awesome trip looking pants. She had a different style but her type of man was different.~Julie

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.ecd8d21aa424603db4866863b7915cb1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpg.ecd8d21aa424603db4866863b7915cb1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Brian smirked as he seen Riley arrived at the party, Then a blonde girl came across him he looked at Riley then back at her. "Sup Baby Girl" He bit his lip. He sat his drink down "I'm Brian, By the way what's your name new girl?" He raised an eyebrow. As for as Brian knew, He was trying to make Riley jealous or was he exactly having a liking on the blonde girl in front of him? Brian smirked and grabbed her hand before she could reply and he took her upstairs to Ashton's room and he locked the door behind them. "So, Let's cut the chase I know you were looking at me, So what do you say you looking for some fun tonight, cause I can give you an adventure girl" He explained. @irl000 @Rui



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"Wow. . . You look like you're about to get sick. . ." George commented and passed the food to her. "You did well. Haha kinda better than mine when I first got challenged. ." She said and ate some. After drinking another shot, she took out a black metallic bottle that said BAlka. George knew that she was going to get slapped for this due to the fact it is going to knock them over in an instant."Say. . I haven't got your name yet. ." She mused and looked over her.

She leaned into one hip, "Moving fast huh?" She bit her lip, "You don't even know my name," she shook her head, "I need to be drunker before I got that far." She picked up a bottle from the nearby table top, and opened it.

"It's Shea, and let's make that happen."

She offered him the bottle,


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Adel took the bread while leaning her head to her hand.

"I am Adel," she said. And then she got this weird feeling. Adel ran ro the closest toilet and threw up. Six shots was a little too much.

@CandidFox (gtg to sleep)

-Sebastian P.O.V-

Sebastian walked over to the bar next to Destiny and sat down.

"Hey, you never gave me your number." He said, leaning down and flashing a smiling.

-Ravens P.O.V-

She looked around for someone to talk to but she couldnt find anyone. Sebastian was flirting with Destiny a​
"Hey." she says, giving him a nod.

Violet looks down at the many bottles of different booze and raises an eyebrow.

"How'd your cousin get all this eh?" she asks, grabbing a bottle of cheap whiskey and taking a sip. "Pleasure to meet you Jason. My name's Violet. Amateur writer but all around awesome too. You got a band?" Violet asks.

She hopes the answer is yes, because ideas about recording a music video is already going through her head. Gabriel would have a field day, and getting to write up some scenes. Get some cheap backgrounds... the smile on Violet's face grows and grows, and she can't help but wonder if she looks a little strange.

"Sorry about that." she says, blinking back to reality. "If you've got a band or even if you're on you're own and you're looking for someone to record a music video for you, my buddy and I we got you. I can design scenes like cool lights and shit, and he can film it all. We can make you one rad fucking video man. At least that's what was making me smile anyways." she states, ruffling a hand through her hair and taking another sip of whiskey.


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