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Realistic or Modern "Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me" (Teenager rp, accepting now!)

Shea genuinely smiled, "Good," she paused, feeling a little guilty, "I'm sorry for being so rude earlier, I really meant it, not about the hair color, but about wanting to be you. You've got it all going on, girl." She grinned, "Now let's get drunk and do stuff we'll regret." She offered her a shot of the fireball she'd brought.


"And no, the password is 'I brought booze'." she corrected, and took her shot.


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Winnie stepped up to the bar and shook the officer's hand. "Hiya!" She smiled, making a silly face. "I'm Winnie, and this is Freddie!"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/VzAVCJqzcxQ.jpg.0ed016cd4602111675a5b68835f7022d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/VzAVCJqzcxQ.jpg.0ed016cd4602111675a5b68835f7022d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • VzAVCJqzcxQ.jpg
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.6631df377fd7be355cda74cde4cb8ef3.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="113835" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.6631df377fd7be355cda74cde4cb8ef3.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Shae smiled, "Hey, I'm Shae, and this is Lili." She said, gesturing to the pinkette. "Nice to meet you." She waved, "Freddie, c'mere. You look nervous as can be." She stood up, offering him her seat, "You, sir, are going to be sat on. Agreed?" She giggled, "I don't weigh much, I promise." She looked at Winnie, "Is it okay if I snag him?"




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As the 'officer' and Shea began conversing among others again, Lilith turned back to the bartender and downed the rest of her drink in one go. She cringed lightly at first, as the strawberry didn't help so much in toning down the burn of the rum, but it was enough. With a smile plastered on again, she asked the bartender for another, and turned back to Shea when her name was mentioned.

She caught sight of the two newcomers, and she waved with a gentle expression.
"Hello, nice to meet you guys." She said politely, then ran a hand through her hair timidly. What she would give to play some music right now, but for the meantime she idly played around with her wristbands and continued smiling.

She patted her seat, "Sit?" She offered, and promptly deposited herself into his lap. She smiled, "Do you want anything to drink?" She asked, gesturing to the bar.

"Pretty good," she replied, and handed him the drink. "Here you are." She sighed, "this party needs some better music," she frowned, "Dj? Anyone?"

We're going to pause for tonight! I'll tell you when you may start posting again! Have a goodnight!

"You are the worlds shittiest driver. I just needed to put that out there."

"Christ Seb are you colorblind? Can you tell the difference between green and red."

"We're gonna die before we even get to that stupid party."

"Thats it. Im designated driver, stay sober all you want but im not letting you touch that steering wheel."

These were just a few of Ravens comments about Sebastians driving abilities, until they finally got to the party.

"Hello bitchachos. The party can start now." Raven said, walking in and Sebastian mentally slamming his head in the door.
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Skylar walks into the house, she had been asked to help out around the bar. That of course, would be the only reason she would ever go to a party. Yes, Skylar loves the music and the dancing, mainly because the music is so loud that she can feel the vibrations running through her body.

She looks around the crowded room. Her eyes stop at that one boy. She had seen him from school so many times, but she had never had the time or... Courage.. To talk to him. Skylar slips the blasting earbuds into her ears. Listening... Or feeling... The vibrations of the beautiful music in her inner ear. She looks down at the ground.

Skylar walks towards the guy and smiles softly, she looks at the gorgeous girl with him, flirting, smiling. It breaks her heart. Skylar walks behind the counter and smiles to her companions.

"Hello, I'm here." She voices, her small voice booking through the room, she instinctively puts her hand to her throat. Focusing on the vibrations her voice box sends.

Sky pulls on an apron and makes her way around empty tables, cleaning up all of the glasses, spills. Skylar balances a whole bunch of half empty glasses on a tray. She glances at the boy, turns, and drops the tray. She squeals and kneels down, picking up the glass.

"Shit! You have to be kidding me..." She looks up at the gorgeous boy and notices he's staring at her. Her eyes shimmer and her face flushes.


(Mentioned: @killerqueenie46 @Rui )​
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(Sometimes I am really annoyed because I have different time zone. When you posted the goodnight post it was 6 a.m. here.)
(Holy crap. I didn't receive any notifications. ÒAÓ Imma have to make a long post. . . . Just her arrival to the party I guess. .)

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RandomFoodGirl said:


Skylar walks into the local bar. She looks around the crowded room. Her eyes stop at that one boy. She had seen him from school so many times, but she had never had the time or... Courage.. To talk to him. Skylar slips the blasting earbuds into her ears. Listening... Or feeling... The vibrations of the beautiful music in her inner ear. She looks down at the ground.

Skylar walks towards the guy and smiles softly, she looks at the gorgeous girl with him, flirting, smiling. It breaks her heart. Skylar walks behind the counter and smiles to her companions.

"Hello, I'm here." She voices, her small voice booking through the room, she instinctively puts her hand to her throat. Focusing on the vibrations her voice box sends.

Sky pulls on an apron and makes her way around empty tables, cleaning up all of the glasses, spills. Skylar balances a whole bunch of half empty glasses on a tray. She glances at the boy, turns, and drops the tray. She squeals and kneels down, picking up the glass.

"Shit! You have to be kidding me..." She looks up at the gorgeous boy and notices he's staring at her. Her eyes shimmer and her face flushes.

Its not a bar... Its a house party...


Riley scoffed at his comment.
Short stuff eh? Riley could feel the stares of fellow girls around her. ''Of course I'll be there'' She said. Riley would never miss a party. Riley finished her day at school and made her way home.

Riley stared in the mirror as she applied a thin coat of lip gloss on. She brushed her hair out of her face, ''Could look decent of once, Ril'' She scoffed at herself. She furiously brushed her hair out of her face, trying her best to fix it.

She finished getting ready and made her way to the party. As she arrived, she made her way up to the house. The music got louder as she made her way inside. As she looked around, she spotted Brian from afar. Act like you don't care. She made her way into the kitchen, looking around at the empty cans of drink @Mariam

Eddie laid on his bed as he looked up at the ceiling. He actually really liked that Cassie girl. She was quite cute. She didn't throw herself at him either, she just spoke to him which he liked. He heard about a house party later which he was actually wanting to go to but he had to see Cassie. He felt his phone vibrate and smiled at the text. Thank god. Now twice the fun. He waited a while before responding.
Should I add an x? ''Of course Cas, see you there xx '' He texted back.

He sat his phone on the side of his bed before getting up. Best to start getting ready. Eddie had a quick shower and changed into an outfit before leaving in his car.

Eddie arrived at the house. He stepped out of his car and made his way inside. The smell of beer hit him straight away. Eddie spotted a few of his friends and went over to him. His friend, Daniel, offered him a beer which he gladly accepted. He wondered where Cassie was.


Conan never ever missed a party. The second he heard about this party, he was quick to buy beer. As he arrived to the party in his car, he got out, grabbing the beer which was sitting his in passenger seat and locked the door behind him. Party was already packed enough. Conan made his way inside. He placed the beer on the counter, taking one for himself as he opened it and began drinking it @Anyone


Lily arrived at the party. She looked around her as she spotted girls all dressed up in skirts and dresses. One thing about Lil is you'd never get her in a dress. She simply wore black jeans and a top. She wasn't very girly. She didn't make big efforts for events like this. She didn't make an effort full stop. ''Excuse me'' She said politely to a figure standing infront of her @Anyone


As school was about to end, George grabbed her bag and walked out of the school while dodging any obstacles that passed by her. She saw an intimidating man beside a motorcycle wearing sunglasses as his hair was tied up loosely. His arms were ripped and filled with tattoos while wearing a leather vest, a white shirt that clearly showed his muscles and cargo pants. The man looked up at her as she was walking towards him.

"Hey kid. How's school?"

"Boring. . " She replied and went to the bike then waited for her uncle to drive her home.

The two of them arrived as George opened the front door to her house and entered. Meanwhile her Uncle left again saying he had a score to settle with someone. Running upstairs, she decided to sleep for an hour then either make something or do her homework. Her bedroom was dark. Books scattered on her shelves and bed while some scented candle were lit up, making the room smell like vanilla. Yawning she walked towards her bed and slept.


When she woke up, she heard music coming not far from here. She knew Ashton would host a party
again. George groaned and decided to check out, after all she was invited somehow. Putting on an over sized jacket with a hood, jeans and boots, she tied her hair up. Only to realize that she looked like a feminine guy, that way no one knew she was young, well. . . to most people (Certain ones knew her since she was either in the same class as them or recently met). Shrugging, she yawned and grabbed the keys and locked the house before blending in with the people towards the house.

Music blared from all over the place as she cringed from the huge crowd. Looking around, she figured that she brought some Russian vodka and looked for a decent place to sit on. George covered her head with her hoodie as she sits on a single couch by the corner and started taking shots. But then along the way she made small conversations here and there until it started to form a small game with some people using her Russian vodka. This of course, made half of them pass out from the intensity of the alcohol. They couldn't even take a couple of shots of it.


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As Ashton and Kayla walked back to the party he heard Kayla announce that they weren't in a fight anymore. Ashton bit his lip and rolled his eyes, he felt that no one really needed to know about the fight, but he didn't want to get Kayla mad so he went with it, "Yup, together!" Ashton cheered and kissed Kayla's forehead then looked in the other direction to Jason and grinned, "Hey!" Ashton gave Jason a hand shake and then put an arm around Kayla in an affectionally way, "So, whats up, man? You excited for anything in particular at this party... Any girls on that mind of yours?" Ashton said jokingly and winked playfully. @Phobos @Mariam


Cassie giggled and shook her head to Jason, "No, not 'newts'... Maybe bunnies! Ooo! Bunnies! Awe... So cute!" Cassie then heard her phone buzz and quickly took it out of her dress pocket to see it was from Eddie, which made Cassie really excited.

Cassie walked back to the kitchen to finish her ginger ale then looked around to hear that Kayla and Ashton made up. Cassie couldn't help but roll her eyes. She couldn't help but feel that their relationship wasn't sane and they needed both different people. But Cassie wouldn't say that of course, Kayla and Ashton would just get all defensive...

Cassie immediately saw Eddie after her little thinking moment and couldn't help but squeal in joy and run over to Eddie, reluctantly trying not to hug him right then and there, "Thanks for showing up!" Cassie grinned and looked around at his group of friends, "Hello boys." Cassie then looked right back to Eddie, "What you drinking?" @irl000 @Phobos
Adel stepped in to the party. She was wearing a really tight red dress. With pair of black stilettos. Everywhere was people. Adel started making room for herself to get to the food table.

"Sorry, sorry," she said while making room for herself with her elbows.

George slammed the shot glass on the table as she exhaled through her nose and looked in front of her. The guy was totally wasted and even stumbled back. She knew he couldn't take it anymore as he didn't even know how to drink vodka. And it was natural for her to not get drunk so easily due to her Russian blood. After all she did have some tricks on avoiding getting drunk.

Chuckling, she watched the guy pass out as his friends dragged him away. Meanwhile she took a small piece of bread and dipped it in sour cream before eating it. Older teens would just come and challenge her or talk anyways. Yawning, she relaxed on her seat and continued to converse with them. Finally, she relaxed and continued eating the bread in peace.

@Anyone(if u want..)
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