Teen Titans RP!

Godric smirked. "You would be correct except that I've trained my self to stay in this Technique for a long time..." Godric nodded to Flash and got ready. "Just in case..... KAIOKEN X3!" He said. He appeared in front of the tornado boy before he could even blink and attempted to roundhouse kick him up into the air. If it hit Then, he would fly up into the air and punch the him away. Next, he would fly up over him and down behind him to double kick him further up into the air. Finally, He would fly up into the air around him and hook kick him down into the ground.

(Tried to fine a visual for the move but couldn't find it. If it's too much I'll edit)
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((first of all, what the hell. This is godmodding and autohitting to the extreme. What the f**k do you think you're doing

you can't automatically say that you hit me especially that many times))
FroggieJay said:
((first of all, what the hell. This is godmodding and autohitting to the extreme. What the f**k do you think you're doing
you can't automatically say that you hit me especially that many times))
(I changed it)
((Godric, I think you might want to discuss with Froggie your guys plans for the battle BEFORE anything else.))
((pff i like jumping into the fray and seeing what happens but okay)) 
Good lord, he's fast! Rael only barely managed to see the blow coming. He spun his entire body before it landed to deflect it, but it only partially worked. His opponent was much stronger than he had anticipated, and Rael was knocked back a few feet. Where had all this power come from?

"It seems I have misjudged you. I'll be seeing you around, Parachute Pants," he said, tornadoing down a nearby alleyway out of sight.
((ALL Right, i went to work and missed a bunch. DX))

Lance did not like the way that child had spoken to him, saying things that she was not able to actually do, like break his arms. She may have all this power, but she can not stand up to Lance. His strengths may not be as direct as hers, but he had strength.

Damn child Lance thought to himself.

Changing back into his normal skinned form, he went to the edge of the building and found the fire escape. Climbing over on it, he proceeded down the stairs until making it down towards the ground. Pulling out his cell phone from his pocket, he flipped through his contacts till he found one that he needed to talk to.

"Hey Bruce. Its been to long. But there is someone that i would like you to patch me to. I believe his name is Flash." Lance asked Bruce over the phone.
"He got away.... Still... To be able to deflect most of my attack while the power of the Kaioken was multiplied by three." Godric said. "I wonder what happened to Robin and Flash..." He said. "He looked at the Communicator... "Should I try contacting them?"

(Hey Paradox. Is Noto accepted?")
X looked out at the city as he flew over and sighed."Man im bored...."He said and landed on the roof of a small building.He held out his hand and let a streak of blue lightning appear and he released it into the air.Several buildings shut down and he chuckled,"Awesome..."He muttered and continued to do it.
Rael had almost made it to his hideout when he noticed the fellow on the roof mess around with the power of the surrounding buildings. He seemed to have some sort of control over electricity. A useful ally to have.

Rael turned and rode up the side of the building that the person was on, and screeched to a halt when he reached the top. He wasn't sure what the most strategically sound way to greet him would be, so he just said, "Hello there."
X heard the sound of someone approaching him and turned,his sword held out with the blue sparks flying off.He looked at the one who had spoken to him and he growled.

He sheathed his sword,sensing the man was of good intentions and sat back down,making the electricity flicker on and off.He decided that ignoring the man would be wrong so he looked at him and nodded,"Sup."
Wally finally reached where Robin was, only to see him a distance away from robotic girl in some strange computer room. “Uh, Robin? What are you doing?” He asked his friend with a wondering look on his face. “What does it look like I'm doing?! This person tried to infiltrate this computer, it holds sensitive information about the city.” Robin responded with a hostile tone back at his friend. Wally couldn't believe it. Why was she doing something sneaky again?

Uh, robot-girl, uh is he right?” Wally asked with a concerned look on his face. “If you need help with something, we can offer our assistance-” “What are you talking about Wally??” Robin asked the Flash with a confused face. “She tried to infiltrate this computer-”

Stop, Robin please. Maybe she needs it for reasons she can't explain, but I think she's doing something right. I don't think she's trying to cause a hassle”. Wally replied to his teammate while still looking at the girl. Robin grunted. He must have a crush on this girl. Like the same as all of girls he ever meets.
((Would it be possible to be Starfire or Cyborg? Or Starfire and Blackfire? I totally would wanna see how Godric does against Blackfire))
Marceline appeared on a building in the distance,not in clear view,but she had a clear.From her perch she erected a few runic circles,"Lighting Lance!"She roared silently forcing lances empowered by lighting at Godric.Each spear going at different speeds,filled with different amount of power,all going an coming from different directions,and each a different size,"Lets see how he fairs with this little bit."Marceline said to herself with a small smirk.
Godric sighed putting his Communicator back in his pocket. He sensed all the Lightning Lances coming towards him. "KAIOKEN X 10" He yelled as he disappeared from sight just as the lances all collided on his location. He appeared behind her and tried to hit her with a pointblank Kaioken Kamehameha."
Rael smirked. He liked this guy already.

"I've come to request an alliance. You see, you and me are alike in many ways. We both are loners, in one way or another. We are both misunderstood. And we both possess powers mere mortals can only dream of. What do you say? Strength in numbers you know. In this city, not many survive alone."
X nodded.This guy had major balls and he admired that.

"Look bro your right I am all those things.I'm a loner.....major loner really.And your right I am misunderstood and you seem like a really good guy to ally with."X stood and walking over offered out his hand."The names X.......partner."
In an Instant,Marceline's crystal formed behind her and absorbed the energy wave with ease,"Hmph,to weak.Rebound..."She croaked as the energy that was previously absorbed was shot right back at him,but way faster and stronger.Marceline had created a defence mechanism in her body that would automatically block any incoming attacks,unless she was going full on in a match,which was highly unlikely.

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