Teen Titans RP!

((nvm i changed my mind I'll stick with Rael))

Rael sped out of his hideout and grinned at the city before him.

"Let's get this party started!"

Holding his arms out, Rael channeled the full might of his power through his body and all the air around him, causing a colossal tornado to form around his body. The tornado, with Rael inside it, then began to surge towards the city.
Whew. This was some day. Paradox crouched on the ends of the docks, far enough from the warehouses she/the creature had previously destroyed in order to avoid any possible ongoing police activity. Her legs dangled over the end of peer, just barely avoiding contact with the black waves beneath her feet. That "odd" expression still dominated her face. With the throbbing in her head returning, Paradox found herself fighting for concentration. It was soon to be daylight. She hasn't slept in three days, and despite being both mentally and physically exhausted, she knew that she did not want to sleep. Nightmares plagued her mind, and the last thing she needed right now was another psychotic memory resurfacing in the few moments she was able to grasp for sleep. The girl glanced at her hand right now, silently observing the communicator in her fingers. What in the world am I going to do with this? In fact, she had not the faintest clue.

((Everybody ready to jump to morning now?))
(Sure thing. Before you do, not to be nit-picky, but keep in mind to not post any one-liners for your role-playing. ))
Lance had been in contact with Wally once, but his cell service was cut before he could talk to Wally. Scrolling through his phone once more, he swiped across the newest contact list.

Hey there Flash. We need to meet. Meet me at Wendy's in 5 minutes.

Lance had sent Wally a message without his name hoping that he would actually meet him. Knowing that it seemed like a creeper text, he sat atop the Wendy's building. Looking out at the city, Lance looked down at his watch.

Come on kid. I hope you show. Lance thought to himself.
It was 5 in the morning, and Robin was still busy crunching away at his keyboard. He had gotten into very deep and secret government documents. The information, or yet the lack of was really starting to make Robin crazy. Why is everything running towards a dead end... Robin angrily thought to himself. He quickly scanned over through some files. Then he saw it. He clicked on the strange folder, and information poured onto his screen. Robin's eyes widened as he quickly scanned the data.


Wally's communicator was buzzing, it was receiving a message from an unknown source. “Gah....” Wally let out a moan as he woke up and looked at his communicator. He read the short message and quickly awoke himself. Who in the.. Flash scrolled over Robin's name, contemplating whether or not to tell him about the message. He decided not to. Wally quickly put on his costume and headed to the Wendy's. When he got there he realized a familiar person.

What's up Silver Surfer..?” Flash asked in a skeptical tone.
The lights were blinding, so incredibly bright and evasive that they seemed to burn into her very optical cores. They only further exposed her impending vulnerability, her inability to react.....her weakness. But the shining whitness could not even compare to the tendrils of pain wrapped around the Test Subjects body. She was only holding herself thrashing on the operating table from not only anger, but also the shear agony ripping into her. This time, she would stay quiet, she would stay still, she would not allow herself to respond in the way the scientists wanted oh so badly from their favorite guinea pig. All she could do was absolutely nothing while the metal straps cut into her skin likes knives, forcing her to physically contain herself to this prison of a medical table. The drills drove themselves even further into her sensitive tendons, sending volts of electric horror into her entire frame. There. Was. NOTHING. She. Could. Do. And as the Doctors leaned closer, their has-mat suits shielding them from the blood spatter and pouring radiation, they only smiled and recharged the syringes and electricity. Then that one knife that slowly began cutting into her head, causing her lack of anesthetic to take full effect now, reminded the Test Subject that she was completely helpless.

Just as he had always said she was.

Paradox swiftly gulped down the last dosage of her special "medication", willfully ignoring the shooting pain it sent into her brain and body. The impulsive shudders of sparking cold engulfed her desires, though as always, she resisted. The flashes of memory had caused her pupils to dilate and sweat to pour down her now ghostly-white skin. But she had to recollect herself, as always. And the syrum pushed the thumping sounds caused by her own mind to move down to the annoying "thudding" in her ears. Yet she wouldn't allow herself to further her thoughts on this, she had things to do.

And oh Lord how she hated the day time. Too much light, too much exposure, even more people then usual.

It was like a living nightmare.

So she stared up, her vision looking all around her. With this new information, the possibilities were endless. And though as much as she hated to admit it, she did require a couple more "pawns" in her plan for the day. Of course, she would recruit them later for discussion.

For now, as she sat on the inside of an abandoned warehouse STILL on the docks, she had to study these blueprints of Wayne Enterprises capital building in the nearby Steel City, that she had so recently "borrowed".
Mortem was still in his cell he was only allowed to leave to go to the bathroom. "ughhh...my stomich..g-guard" he shrieked cuddling his stomich like a worm, the guard walked over giving me a strange look. "yes mortem"
"I'm glad you showed up." Lance spoke out as he leaped from the building.

Landing upon the ground, it cracked under his weight. Standing up tall, his silvery skin glistened from the light.

"I would like to discuss maybe joining your fight for good." Lance spoke out as he titled his head slightly.

His clothes over his skin a little roughed up, but not cut up.

"There is something that i would like to discuss with you. You spoke earlier about being a 'hero', I would like to discuss this further." Lance spoke out as he looked upon Wally.
Godric woke up fully refreshed. "That was a good sleep." He headed towards the shower to get ready for the day...

Meanwhile in the canyon. The space pod landed forming a crater and shook the city. The front of the pod opened up and out came a girl that looked a bit similar to Godric. She smiled. She floated up and headed toward Jump city via flying.
(Where is Hanabusa Aidou? He is post to be Raven D:)

Marceline had a double,at night she was a villain and by day she was a normal school girl.The people of this town were idiots,they couldn't even tell the similarities between Marceline and Indigo Rabbit.They were so apparent,she was surprised when she first started being a villain,"Hmm..."She groaned as she made her way to the local private high school,in uniform.Marceline had no problem with going to school,in facted she enjoyed it.It was something where she could learn more about events free.
(Paradox and Wally(Kid Flash) have started a thing,even though he is a flirty one.Robin has gained a mistrust of Pardox,and does not trust Wally's feelings.Godric has faught with Marceline and ran away.Lance is trying to get in contact with Wally.Mortem is stuck in jail,trying to escape.Presently we have skipped to the morning!)
(( Robby-Poo doesn't like me one bit!!

Wally on the other hand......

Well, I am going to definitely hold him to that date he had offered earlier, if you catch my drift.

And nice explanation there, Mitaku))
Wally looked back at the silver man, skepticism across his face. "Well I'm glad you want to be a good guy, but how can you convince me to trust you? Also I'd have to run this through with Robin. He calls the shots around here." Flash replied with his arms crossed. "I'm also guessing you hacked into my communicator?"
After getting some clothes to blend in with the people Noto began her search for her Target. She spotted her target walking towards a Wendys. "Found you.... Son Godric. She followed after him glancing at the costumed boy and someone else. "Weirdoes....." She said.
Marceline bumped into Godric,"Hey!Watch it you a-hole!"She screamed at him as she hit the ground.She stood up to brush herself off,"Maybe you should get some glasses dumb ass!Geez!"She barked once more as she noticed who he was,and a small smirk appeared on her face,then disappeared just as fast it had came.
"You bumped into me...." He said. His eyes widened as he recognized her energy signature. "You!" He said. She was then shoved aside by Noto and sent flying. "Hi there! Could you come with me! She began dragging Godric away quickly. "Keep up if you want to live...." She said. Godric blinked. 'Who is this girl....?' Godric thought.
((I have no idea what to do with PD.

Temptation urges me to have her go mess with Robin.

But logic says "no no".))

What if I actually offered a temporary alliance with them? No, no.....that's absurd. Robin would never accept. Flash, on the other hand.....

No. Of course she couldn't do that. Paradox had always worked alone, and she had the highest intentions of leaving it that way. Forming any type of alliance, even if it were to be temporary, was far to risky.

I could always just use their abilities to my advantage, and then when our business is complete, never see them again.

That was a possibility that remained open, but it would be equally as risky as the other. Even though she believed that she could defeat ether of them under most circumstances, underestimating the two heroes would be a severe mistake.

Or better yet, I could not contact them at all.....and just make those two stay out of my way.

Now this sounded like an excellent idea. But they had something she didn't:


Why was this predicament consuming her mind?! Things like this NEVER caused her any trouble when contemplation was in order. It was always quick, always precise, always lacking any unnecessary complications.

Paradox needed to be in the Wayne Enterprises headquarters at exactly 12:00 tomorrow night.

That was when her target was supposed to strike, supposed to leave the message she had been waiting for. I haven't been tracking this bastard for all these years to miss this.

That would be the night......

But, she knew there was no way she could go undetected without causing any casualties. This would severe any possible or potential mutual benefit from the heroes.

Then again, if she told them of this information she had discovered last night, they would never let her go without supervision, and jeez, she hated being supervised.

If they come across anything mildly select-ably suspecting from me, I'll just lie through my teeth.

There, problem solved.

Though deep down, Paradox was aware that the problem was indeed not solved.

She sighed, standing up. The blueprints rolled to the floor, now completely imprinted into her memory. Paradox walked past them, heading towards the large double doors of the dusty old warehouse.

A crack in the panel revealed a streak of the outsides bright light.

Blagh, I hate the sun.
Rael woke up, dressed, and tornado'd out of his hideout and into the city streets.

"Ah, a new day, and a perfectly intact city waiting to be ransacked, pillaged, and destroyed," he said to himself, sighing and taking in the warm rays of the sun. Rael felt like a million dollars, no less.

"Well, I suppose I should get to it then. But where to start...?"

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