Teen Titans RP!

Rael decided to go for the place where there would be the most victims, due to a distant calling he felt from his conscience. ((lol))

"A school," he said to himself, grinning as he shot down the street toward his destination.
Marceline sat in her desk,bored to death.

Ugh...This class is boring!I could have killed they guy from before,but the weird flying bitch came and grabbed him up...I will kill them both later,but for now I will muttle through this boring class.

As Marceline groaned and boomed and her mind,somebody passed her a note.She picked it up and began to read it

The young lady smiled at the guy,but inside her head she was actually creating a plan to make him her personally creature.
((That no good...lying, manipulative...person!!!! Marceline is the reason why us guys have romance issues lol))

The Jump City private school was an impressive building, three stories high and complete with pillars at the front and gothic architecture.

"It's a shame it'll all be rubble in a few minutes," Rael chuckled to himself. Spinning his entire body, he raced around the edge of the school and grinded up against the side of the school as he spun, crumbling the surface layer of the outside walls and weakening the structure. Not much of a blow, but it was a big building, and it wouldn't be fun if it was so easy, right?
By the time Rael had gotten to the school,Marceline,the most popular girl in the school,had already turned 3 guys into 4 different being.The first guy had been turned into a Frankenstein like creature,but with a much more humanoid appearance and body.She dubbed him ,Frankenstein.How original.The second turned into a incubus like demon,and he was dubbed,Bouji.The last was in fact twins,who were fighting constantly for her affection.They were complete opposite,and the irony is that they turned into Fire and Ice elementals.For this reason she named them after their Italian names,Buttare for fire and Gelato for ice.Of course she could not handle all of them at the same time,so she improsined them inside crystals,and they were gone.

Marceline had captured all of these guys at different times,Frank on the way to school,Bouji during Lunch,and the twins just now.Marceline's bunny ears popped out of her head at the sound of brick being crunched and ripped.The young woman did not want her identity to be out,so when she first came to the school she had put a spell on all of the students and faculty,they would forget and fall asleep on her whim.They would do exactly what she said,but for now they were put asleep.Marceline hopped out of the window,as everyone fell asleep.Exactly where Rael was at a crystal spike began to form to impale him.




((I will forget all about each of these summoning!))
Ardour stepped out of her house with a lollipop in her mouth and her hands in her pockets. Her long honey brown hair draped to her back as she walked. She had that same annoyed look on her face as she was in her own world just thinkning about things. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before opening them back up to reality.

She adjusted her necklace a bit, I feel as though im starting to forget my real name.... She thought. She changed her name after the mishap with her parents and she lived on her own, she went with Ardour meaning 'to burn'.

The waves lapped against the rocks that made the shore of the island that housed the Titan Tower. Devoid of life, not a single person in sight and not one bit of defense to guard against a person such as her. Armory was pleased at this turn of events. She had expected at least some resistance, but this was as simple as taking a baby's lollipop and replacing it with an active fragmentation explosive. Chuckling at the prospect of doing such a heinous crime, Armory clambered up the rocks, her duffel bag slung around her shoulder. She came up upon the grass that surrounded the Tower's base. Trimmed, it seems. Nice to see that at least they could clean up after themselves and take care of the environment. Armory didn't want to miss out destroying the beauty of the place. That would be no fun at all. She laughed a bit more and placed her duffel bag on the ground. No defense capabilities, no turrets, no cameras....what the hell were they thinking? This was too easy for her. Armory dug in her bag and pulled out a detonator, turning it over in her hands, wondering if it was the correct detonator. She shrugged and pressed the button anyway. A boom resounded from somewhere in the city, and Armory frowned as she saw a plume of smoke coming from the wrong place in the city. She threw the detonator into the water and picked up another one. She checked it and pressed the button again. Another boom resounded from elsewhere in Jump City and this time, Armory grinned satisfactorily. She knew that this was a good enough distraction to buy her enough time. She took out her satchel charges, primed them and began to set them on the walls of the Titan Tower.



The twin explosions shook the ground, the tremor rumbling through the city. Screams, chaos, panic, everyone was running as the groundwork of one of the towering sky scrapers exploded, blowing out the legs that held the tower's foundation, and another explosion from within the building ripped the entire building into half, sending debris falling towards the ground, even as the giant fell with a yawning groan. A few seconds after that, quite a distance away, the wall to a school ripped open with a blast that sent students nearby flying a distance away, and landing with a painful crunch in the ground. Coincidentally, I do believe that this school was of Marcelline's belonging. Plot works funnily, non?
Paradox had been just about to evacuate the area regarding the departure necessary for the next phase in her plan, yet found her senses momentarily distracted by the distant sound of explosives.

Several miles away, covering a multiple yard radius....not of radioactive origin, no, but simply what she believed to be a basic planted dust bomb.

Now who would be setting those off at a time like this?

That would surely call all the big-heroes to the wounded organs of Jump City.

Out of shear habit, the girl turned her attention to the Titans tower which lingered not to far off from where she now stood. She watched the gentle waves come crashing at the ends of its seating arrangement, leaping around the base.

But then her hawk-like vision caught the view of something else. Something that didn't....belong.

A girl, maniacally working around the walls.

Oh, this is just juicy.

An intruder? Paradox knew that to be a fact, having extensive knowledge on ALL of the titans. This was no friendly face. She focused her sights specifically on the girl, watching her with calculating precision. In that moment, a brilliant plan hatched in her mind.

The foundations of trust can be built on a display of protecting the code of safety provided by the other's home.

Then the girl set her ways towards the tower, swiftly moving along the docks to get a closer position.
Sirens blared throughout the Titan Tower. Robin, who had fallen asleep in front of the super computer, immediately jolted up from his chair. He exited out of the data files he was looking at and looked to see why the sirens went off. He scanned over what he saw. Two explosions had recently gone off. One at a sky scrapper, another at the local high school. Robin quickly grabbed his communicator and contacted Flash. “Kid! Two explosions just went off, I'm sending you coordinates to one of them. Go check it out!” Robin quickly bolted out of the room, heading towards the sky scrapper. A knot formed in Robin's stomach. Something about this didn't feel right. He still worried about what Paradox was up to, maybe this was all a distraction for another goal? Robin shook his head as he jumped onto his motorcycle. Just for precaution, I'll put up Tower on lock-down, just in case this is something done by Paradox. Robin went up to a near by security screen and put on the necessary settings. He jumped back onto his ride and headed for the sky scrapper.


Wally's conversation with the Silver Surfer was interrupted by a message from Robin. He let out a slight grunt. “I'll be back, stay put!” Flash told the silver man as he slipped on his goggles and hurriedly ran towards the direction of the school. When he finally got there, he saw that the front entrance was blasted wide open, people were hurt all over and the building was on fire. The Flash quickly ran into the building and began grabbing people lost in the smoke and bringing them outside.


Robin got to the sky scrapper, only to see destruction and confusion. The building was barely holding, and he could hear the screams of individuals stuck up in what was left of the building. He quickly grabbed his grappling gun and shot himself up near the top of the building. He grabbed individuals one by one, and lead them down the building.
"I admit, that was exceedingly clever. Congratulations on that. But you made several very large mistakes, which shall surely lead to the downfall of your little assignment."

Paradox, as though suddenly appearing out of nowhere, had silently arose behind the other girl, her arms folded confidently. With an expression revealing nothing more then valor and altertness, she raised a single eyebrow in taunting question.

The tower loomed ever so close, providing a shadowy linger of the symbolical hope the city encountered when met by its sight. She only viewed that meaning from an outside perspective, what she preferred to see as a "scientific" view.
"Gah! What the hell?!" Armory sprang away from the girl who appeared behind her. The satchel charge was set, primed, five of them, a red light and an accompanying beep reminiscent of a watch that beeped every hour the only signals that they exited. Armory snapped out a detonator, pointing it at the girl, as if it were a gun. Her Beretta was tucked under her jacket, but that would come later. A super, and she didn't want to waste bullets firing at something ethereal if it came to that. Armory pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose again, and pointed the detonator at the charges set upon the wall of the giant T that was the Tower.

"Oh? Mistakes? Like? These charges are enough to blow these walls away and you with it. And 'sides, those Titan freaks are probably being engaged in something else like saving dying citizens in the city. If you're one of them, I suggest you don't waste time with one single soul like me just to sacrifice..."Armory counted the fingers of one hand, "...a thousand more. Not good hero etiquette, dear."
"Hero etiquette? Pah! I am the opposite of a hero, girly. In fact, the only reason I am here to have a word with your faulty ass, is the simple essence of time relating to your arrival, and the fact that it will only benefit me in the end." At the girl's threat, she could only smirk. "It would take a lot more then those firecrackers to hurt me, I assure you. You have made so many mistakes, just listing them would be an ACTUAL waste of both of our time."

She twirled her index finger in mock thought. "If you are attempting to infiltrate the Tower, this is the wrong way to do it. Then again, if you are attempting to simply punch the titans right where it hurts.....this is ALSO, the wrong way to do it. Whatever your actual motive may be, the decision of your entrance into the situation is not the brightest idea." She lowered her eyebrow, her gaze now fiercely intellectual and contriving.
Ardour, being the rebel she is, decided to skip out on school today. She had no friends, no one who would care if she missed a day. Shes a good student, she could use a day off. Lost in thought she didnt realize how close she was to the Titan Tower, till she walked right into its shadow,"hmm?" She looked up,"The Titans..." she mumbled to herself and looked down at her hands,"Theyre like me." She said. She looked back up and narrowed her eyes at the tower and sighed.
Rael, seeing the crystal about to form below him, jumped and pushed off the wall, doding it and landing gracefully on the ground.

He had to admit, he was pretty confused. This school was his target, and someone else had already planted a bomb in it? Rael would have to have a word with them later.

"Oh well, surely this only helps my endeavors. On with it, I suppose," Rael said to himself, shrugging and tornadoing to the front of the school to take out the pillars. When he got there, the speedster from yesterday was there helping people escape a fire within the building.

"Fantastic, not this guy again..." Rael rubbed his face in frustration.
Ardour could see smoke from a far,"Fire?" She sighed,"why is it only destruction?" She took off running towards the source, seeing people being escorted and saved by a boy with a grappling hook and mask (Robin). 'What if people are still in there?' she thought and looked up at the flaming building. She ran up to him,"Do you need any help? Is there anyone still in there? Im immune to fire!" She yelled over the roaring flames behind them. She didnt want anyone hurt and if she could help she would gladly do so. Shes a rouge with good intentions despite her hot-headed personality.
Marceline landed in front of Rael,"HEY!No Running from me,slow-poke..."She chuckled as she looked at Kid Flash saving every one.As he was running in and out of the building,she erected a crystal barrier around it,"No escaping!"There was no way he could get out or in,and there was also no way he could have gotten everybody out of the building,because there where over 900 hundred students there,and all of them where put under trance to sleep.
Lance did not like being told what to do by anyone younger then him, but seeing is how he is a ‘titan’ he thought for a second. Shaking his head, Lance waited till Wally turned around, and he made his move. As the Flash turned to go back into the building, Something seemed to hold him back. Silver liquid began to spread from Wally’s back and onto his limbs.

“Hold on flash, I can help out in this situation.” Lances voice spoke out from behind Wally.

The liquid began to leave Wally and collect upon the ground in front of him. The liquid began to rise up and take the form of Lance.
"Are you the one that bombed this place? This is my target! Get your own victims!" Rael said irritably, spinning away form her as he attacked the pillars in the front of the school.
Marceline shook her head,"Have you not noticed,I'm wearing this schools uniform.What and idiot."She giggled as the crystal's began to create electric all around it.Marceline started to follow him with a vile and sadistic smile,"These are my toys,not your victims.I break them when I wish,and I kill them when I wish.One thing for sure I turn them into better toys!"She giggled as she held up her hand and a seal formed,"Come wreck and ravage,FRANKENSTEIN!!!"She screamed as frankstein appeared in front of her.Marceline could not just turn anyone into a creature of her choice,they had to have some kind of emotional connects with her.Love being the easiest to control and hatred the Frankenstein charged at Rael,"You must die for my beloved!"He croaked as rushed in to attack.
Rael stopped his spinning and stood his ground, gauging his opponents strengths and weaknesses. This creature appeared to be best skilled in brute strength, but at the same time was not very durable, as his body was held together by stitching. Rael's strategic mind went to work.

Close combat with this one is most likely not very smart, but I have to wear away at that stitching to defeat him. I'll have to stay quick and keep my distance, and wait for an opening to rip him apart with a full-force whirlwind.

Rael smirked as the frankenstein creature charged towards him. At the last second, Rael spun out of the way and circled around behind it, thrusting his palms out and releasing a small cone of spinning air at the creature from behind.

"I'm afraid you'll need more than this brute to defeat me," he told the girl who had summoned the beast.
Marceline chuckled once more,"Hehehe...."She looked at him with a slight smirk.Marceline looked at Rael some more,"Analyzing?"She giggled as she walked over to a tree and leaned against it.

Frankenstein was thrown into the crystal barrier,"You will not hurt her.YOU CAN'T HANDLE HER!!!"He screeched at Rael as he turned around and the stitching on his back coming apart,but nothing falling apart,"I'll kill you!"Frankenstein barked once more as he messed with the screw in his head,then launched a lighting blast.
(( Dear....Dear God, Mitaku! What on EARTH have you done to Stein?! O_O We need to call the DWMA immediately to send reinforcements.

On another note, where the glob is everybody? I'm going to make a few more characters if PD is kept at this standstill.

I mean, I'm bringing in the big S pretty soon, but now that I think about it.....a couple of old characters of mine should pop in at some point if the need pursues. Do you all think I should do that?))

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