Teen Titans RP!

(Ahh not sure whats going on Dx anyone like ro sum up somethin for me please? >o<)
"Rael...partner," Rael replied, taking X's hand and shaking it.

"I've had all of my fun for today, but I'm sure I'll have all sorts of spectacular activities in store for tomorrow. Cya 'round."

Rael did a sort of salute-type gesture, then tornado'd back down the side of the building and out of sight. 
((okay honey-bear here goes

*deep breath in*

Robin, Wally (kid flash) and Paradox are in some sort of computer room, the database of the entire city or whatever. Paradox is trying to hack into it, Robin is trying to stop her, and kid flash is trying to stop robin from stopping her because he's convinced that Paradox has some sort of benevolent goal behind it.

Me, AKA Mr. TornadoBadassMan, and a mysterious lightning-manipulator named X just formed an alliance, and I said goodbye and "tornado'd" away, if you get what I mean. before meeting X, i was in a fight with Son, the guy with dragonball Z powers, but I realized i was gonna get my @$$ handed to me on a silver platter so I made a tactical retreat. Son (AKA mr. Parachute Pants) is now fighting some sort of crystal-manipulating, arcane magic-using villain girl. That's basically everything.

Oh yeah, and some Lance guy was talking to Batman on his phone.)) 
((Speaking of Dragonball Z powers, hey whoever's character is the Son guy, shouldnt your Kaioken be wearing off right about now? Or at least "taking its toll on your body"?))
(Oh mah gursh! Batman! And thanks a lot Froggie, i really appreciate it >o<)

Ardour followed the destruction trail, as well as a trail of crystals in the city, she could hear the conflict in the distance, and sure enough she ran into the crystal girl and a stranger? Shes never seen him before but definately recognizes the girland is still iffy about her and who she is.
Godric crossed his arms as the blast hit him. He then sent a punch toward her face. "What do you want from me!?"

((It wore off when Marcelline deflected his attack))
Marceline chuckled,"Good you blocked it,I'm surprised I blocked..."She giggled aloud as she noticed him charging at her.Marceline shook her head,"Your movements have majorly slowed down,beat it!"She ordered as her foot shot straight up,and would collide with his chin.If the kick connected then it would stop the punch from connecting with her face,but if he slipped his head past her foot,then she would wrap her leg around his arm,then go into a arm lock position,"Normal people play games,watch tv,or read when they are bored,well villains are a tad bit different.The whole world is their play pen,so when they are bored,they kill,murder,torture,or make mysterious.Simple,no?"Marceline chuckled once more,with a much more sadistic smile plastered across her face.
He simply stood there not even flinching from the kick. He grabbed her leg and slammed her on the ground before throwing her. He then flew off. He pulled out the Communicator. "Can anybody hear me?" He asked as he began jumping from roof top to roof top. "If this is Robin or Wally, I could use some assistance!"
Rael took the winding labyrinth to his hideout, made sure all entrances and exits were properly sealed and protected, and then went to his chambers and laid down on his bed.

"Jump City is gonna have one hell of a party on its hands tomorrow..." he said to himself, smirking as he nodded off to sleep.

((gnight everyone))
((Gooooooooooooooood morning, everyone! Froggie, I loved your quick little "sum-up". Have you ever considered pursuing the career of a narrator, or an editor? If not, you should.))

Very rarely was Paradox taken aback by anything, but this definitely surprised her. Flash is trying to...help me? That’s odd. She simultaneously watched the two males as they spoke, more like bickered, with each other. But the girl found herself stopping on Flash, her eyes once again meeting his. For more effect, she innocently scratched the back of her head. "Well, no. I mean, I didn't try. I succeeded. But then there was a system shut down and everything I brought up was lost." And committed to crystal-clear memory. At Flash's last words to Robin, she pointed her index finger at him. "Bingo. The person who was attempting to create a hassle would be he who so carelessly set off the building alarm earlier. I am merely a passerby who needed some information. If I was trying to cause trouble, I would have simply torn apart the west side and strolled on in, opposed to taking this more stealthy approach.” Paradox kept her gaze steady and still. Why would Flash be making a less hostile approach then Robin? He must have something else up his sleeve…..correct? On another note, she found the nickname “Robot-girl” quite funny.

((PD (Paradox) is the kind of paranoid person who never trusts anybody under any circumstances, but for some reason.....some way in the future I can see her developing a "crush" on Wally.

Also, backlash, if you are planning on bringing in Batman, I need to see an example role-play of you as him, because he IS a cannon character))
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The Boy Wonder let his bo-staff collapse on itself. He let out a grunt and looked at Wally and the girl. “Well, what am I supposed to do Flash. Do I let her creep around everywhere without any consequences? If she was any other person, we wouldn't be having this conversation. She'd be captured by us by now.” Robin glared at his friend. The Flash cleared his throat to speak, but suddenly his communicator went off. He and Robin looked at each other with a look of surprise.

Wally put the communicator up to his ear. “Hello?”


Robin looked back at the, his eyes squinting at her. “What's your name?” He asked her in a judging tone.
"Flash? It's Godric! That Crystal girl showed up and I'm a bit winded from the fight with the tornado boy. "I could use some help!" He said still jumping from rooftop to rooftop. "Where did you disappear off to anyway?"

(Did you see my new character Paradox?)
She took a rather daunting step forward, now returning her attention to Robin. "If I was any other person, yes, I would be captured. Though because I am not, even if you decided to try, the situation would not end in your favor, Robin." She glanced at Flash's communicator for a moment, a wondering thought of what was going on vaguely coursing through her mindset. "If you must know, my name is Paradox. Will this be turning into an interrogation, now?

((No Godric, but I will check now))
Do. Not. Test. Me.” Robin fiercely replied back at the girl. “The only reason why you aren't cuffed and in the back of a prison cell is because of lover boy over here...” Robin didn't turn from the girl and pointed at Wally.

Godric! Godric!?” Flash talked back into the communicator, but the transmission was interrupted by a foreign frequence (Lance)

When do you plan on telling us what's going on?” Robin asked the girl with judgmental eyes again.
"Oh, so it's perfectly fine for you to test me, yet I do not have the privilege to do so to everybody's favorite hero?" Her tone was sarcastic, her expression cool and intrigued. "Well, "Lover Boy" over there at least has some common sense. THAT is why I am still here, and THAT is why I am still talking to you." She pointed at him. "I admit though, I am somewhat disappointed." Paradox shrugged. "I expected a bit more from you, Robin. But that's why expectations should never be fully taken into justification." A tiny smile appeared on her face.
Don't be fooled, the only reason why you're still here is because I'm allowing it. Also, don't judge me like you have suddenly seen and know everything about me. I know my place in this world, question is do you?” Robin spat back at the girl, he wasn't one to get into pesky arguments, but she was getting under his skin. “Flash! Who's on the communicator?” Robin asked as he turned around. He saw a confused look on Wally's face.
"Flash? Flash! Darn it!" He said as their connection was suddenly cut off. He closed his eyes trying to sense for Flash's energy. He sensed a type of energy that felt as if it was always in motion. "That must be him!" He flew towards the energy. He was still a bit winded from using a times ten kaioken.
Mortem slowly managed t escape. ''sigh...haa....haa...man...tell me im out of it'' He looks side to side carrying a large bag of money. ''man...those coppers..ugh....d-did a reaaal...number on me...haa'' He held one of his shoulders tightly.
"Robin, the fact that you think you control so much in a place you know so little about." Paradox winked. "The funny thing is, my newly acquainted friend, is that I have merely been messing with your little head to see your response.

That is where the disappointment comes in. Your response." She folded her arms, her left index finger lightly taping on her other elbow. She also turned to face Flash. What am I doing here? I have to go, no more games with these two. They may end up useful in the future, but as of right now they are only taking up my time.
Flash hung up his communicator. Whatever had happened, someone hacked into it. The thought lingered in his mind when he saw Robin and Paradox fighting verbally. He watched as Robin took an aggressive stance, and reached into the back of his utility belt. Flash quickly ran over to Robin and held his hand behind his back. “Let's chill out before we make rash decisions boss-man.” Wally tried to calm his friend down. “I swear Wally, if we end up making a mistake and letting this “Paradox” go, it's gonna be on your head...” Robin glared at Paradox as he replied back to Flash.

Hey now! You know I can handle it myself if anything happened, just trust me.” Flash let go of Robin's hand. He gave a quick wink towards Paradox. Robin let his arm slouch next to his side. “Get lost. If I see you snooping around again where you're not supposed to be, I promise you I will come with no hesitation.” The Boy Wonder growled at Paradox. “We're leaving Flash, let's go.” Robin turned around and headed towards an exit.

Wally looked back at Robin and then back at Paradox. “Paradox, was it? Well that's an interesting name, maybe later we can talk about it!” Wally gave her another wink and then turned around to follow Robin.
He kept walking with money bag. ''I-...I must...get this....to them....m-my sister'' He drags the bag slowly, even though to him it felt as if his own arm would fall off, he still kept on going and trying harder. ''ahhhh!!''
"I'll be snooping, but you won't see me." She gave a quick, almost teasing smirk. "But I'll try to not get Zippy in trouble because of it." She looked to Flash. "Oh definitely later, no doubt about that." She turned the other direction, the weight of the communicator Flash had given her suddenly pressing harder against her leg. Paradox furrowed her brows. Something was "off". She didn't know what it was, but this strange feeling in her gut messed with her head. It didn't matter, however. The night was almost over, and she had completed the day's worth of missions. Paradox walked out of the room, a strange expression on her face as her boots made no sound against the metal panels.
I....I cant....do it'' He soon passes out from sheer blood loss and complete exhaustion, the police eventually find and lock up mortem in a special prison of pure glass, so thick even guns cant pierce through.
((I'm getting rather bored with Rael...I think ima go make a new character

:3 brb))
((You sure about that? Okie dokie.

OH. And keep in mind, everybody, that we might want to wrap up THIS night pretty soon. I mean, it should be about time for morning by now.

So if your characters have to go to home, bed, or wherever, let's make that happen so we can move with the natural course further. :D ))
Godric made it to the Apartment he had bought and went to sleep. Meanwhile... Something had just entered Earth's atmosphere. A round Pod like ship.

(I think I'm gonna give Godric a sword)
Robin and Flash got back to the Titan Tower. When the doors closed, Robin immediately turned around to his dear friend. “You're my best friend, Wally. You know that right?” Robin asked his friend as he took off his mask. “Yeah of course man, what's wrong?” Wally also took off his mask.

I don't have a good feeling about all of this Wally. Somethings going on. Something big, and I have no idea what's going on.” Robin opened the fridge and grabbed a couple bottles of water. “I'm gonna look up everything I can about this “Paradox”. I'll listen to you for now, but the moment I see anything suspicious, I'm going after her.” Robin shot a serious look towards Flash. “I-I understand, D1ck. I take full responsibility if something happens.” Wally replied as he grabbed some food from the fridge. “I'll see you in the morning.” Robin walked away from Wally and headed towards the super computer. He had a long night in front of him.

Flash let out a slight sigh. He's as cold as ever, Wally thought to himself as he ate alone. At least he was back, I was getting....lonely.. Wally got lost in his own thoughts as he finished his meal and headed to bed.

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