Teen Titans RP!

"Nah you can keep the cash. I'm in it for kicks."

With that, Rael swung his arms to get himself some momentum and then leaped at the nearest cop car, his arms swirling with rotational energy so that they resembled drills. He plunged his spinning fist down on the hood of the cop car as he landed, and the car flew up in the air and slammed back down on the ground behind him. The cops that were using the car as cover began to run.

"You're not getting away!" Rael tornado'd after them, using his body as a battering ram as he slammed into each of them. The cops slumped to the ground, unconscious. Rael spun back over by the other cop cars and thrust his palms out towards them, channeling his rotations through the air to create two miniature tornadoes that surged forward and tossed cops and cars through the air.
The alarm continued to create a blaring scream, the sound so shrill and piercing that even as it bounced off the cold metal walls it remained as fresh and annoying as though ones head was directly laid in front of the original censor. It vaguely reminded Paradox of the sound the creature had created while she bashed its head in. She couldn't help but think about how incredibly obnoxious the sound was. It didn't help but fuel her growing agitation regarding the situation. It's not even like I set this damned thing off in the first place! Her thoughts roared in contained anger. Though her face only displayed a well-practiced mask of serene calamity, her fingers flew across the holographic keyboard with a furious speed only capable of comparison to the metaphorical fire coursing through her eyes.

Each covered digit glided with astonishing skill along the glowing keys, yet despite her efforts, the large computer screen continued to flash a vivid red "WARNING: ACCESS DENIED" alongside the screaming alarm that pursued ever so deeper into the depths of annoyance. Paradox grit her teeth in concentration. I swear on my futuristic grave, when I find that moronic fool who set off the alarm, I'll make their empty head into a trophy after I've caused indefinite torture sequences.

The girl then proceeded to ignore the growing pounding in her head. She had to only focus on:

A: Shutting of that siren

B: Finishing getting though the mainframe of this "super-computer"

And C: Collect the desired information and get out of here.

It was exceedingly simple, but unfortunately for her whoever had actually disturbed the alarm screwed up something in the internal electronic functions of the security programming, causing a delicate though severe virus to hook itself into ALL the wired systems. Even the highly advanced codes being typed had little positive effect. Every single firewall she broke down caused around fifty more to take its place. After all, she had already secured the sample from earlier, and broken into this lovely government information-station. Paradox was quick, and she knew it.

Then the moment it appeared as though she was successful, the moment the gratifying sight of the green "ACCESS GRANTED" flashed across the screen......

Everything shut off. Even the alarm.


She acted immediately, not allowing herself to succumb by this obstacle. That's all it was, after all, a small obstacle. There wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.

Paradox had no trouble seeing in the dark, but that ability brought no assistance to the fact that the main power grid was down. Of course, the emergency core should activate in,




With a loud click, the area was suddenly engulfed within a deep crimson illumination. The color beeped and flickered, much like a pounding-heart beat gleaming within an electronic body.

The police forces were busy dealing with the evil newcomers, as were the Jump City heroes.

Oh, how she loved opportunity.

((Blah, by the Allspark))
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"So, you got a name, Mr. Shootsalot?" Rael said as he sent more cop cars through the air with a few rotationally powered-up kicks. The police force's cars were all either on their side or upside down now, and whatever cops remained had all started to run.
A slight beeping sound came from Robin's watch. He looked at it and didn't like what the text said. Someone is trying to hack into Jump City's mainframe, Robin quickly hopped onto his motorcycle and headed towards the secret government facility


Flash finished his meal, just in time to see more explosions off into the distance. He jumped out of his car and checked in his trunk to see if he had any spare costumes. He saw one. He quickly put it on and raced towards the explosions. He saw two cop cars flying in the air, he quickly used his speed and set the cars down relatively easily onto the ground. He saw two villains, one looked like a regular crook, the other that tornado boy. “Well would yeah look at that, we got dumb and dumber teaming up!” Wally joked the two and stuck out his finger, shaking it side to side in front of them in a mocking manner.


Robin got the the facility with ease. He saw a severe lack in security around the building. The large amount of villains probably had to something to do with the decreased amount of guards. He slowly crept inside into the main control room, and saw a strange robotic-looking girl on the computer mainframe. Light quickly engulfed the room, Robin shielded his eyes. He pulled out a couple of explosive discs, and threw it at the girl.
"What does that make you? Dumbest?" said Rael, smirking. This speedster was fast, but speed wasn't the only thing that Rael had up his sleeves. Plus, Rael had already had an encounter with this one, and had had a chance to gauge his speed. Strategically, Rael already had the upper hand. Plus, it was two against one.

It'll be interesting to see how he handles this, Rael thought to himself.
Paradox heard the male's entrance, yet was not yet aware of exactly who this was. She heard the discs heading in her direction, but this was off.

See, if she moved they would hit the computer.

Though,was that such a bad thing?

The girl spun around, then swooped low in a swift duck. The discs planted themselves into the screen, and she took a jumping step forward.

"Do you always make it a habit to attack every girl you see, before even attempting to communicate?" She glanced him up and down, now coming to a realization of who this was. Robin? She didn't reveal her surprise, her expression unchanging.
Robin pulled out his bo-staff from his utility belt. He would have to tread carefully, he didn't know who this person was. From what he assumed, she seemed to be an intelligent one, to hack her way into the mainframe by herself. “Seeing as how you're not supposed to be here, it's safe to assume you're a bad guy”. Robin extended his staff. “State your business”. He said with a stern voice.


Flash looked at his two opponents. He quickly moved both hands in an outward motion, and pushed two mini tornadoes towards their direction. He would observe how they reacted.
Godric heard the explosions and flew towards the scene. He saw two people causing havoc and was about to stop them when he saw a costumed person. He could tell it was Flash by his voice and landed next to him. He glared at the two villains. A white Aura suddenly appeared around him and the ground began shaking a bit. Almost as if it was Reflecting his Anger.
""I'm whatever I feel like being at the moment, Robin. So it's not very safe to assume anything." She maintained a non-aggressive stance, not wishing to display any negative motive towards him just yet. Paradox knew all to well of Jump Cities Golden Boy, and just like his quick-footed friend Flash, he had her curiosity. "State a logical reason for wanting to know my business", she made the quote on quote signals with her fingers. "Then we'll really talk." The girl observed his motions. If he was already creating this battle preparations, he clearly already considered her a threat. This provided both advantage and disadvantage.
((dafuq since when can Kid Flash make tornadoes with his hands?))

Rael face-palmed.

I always speak too soon.

He spun his right arm and swiped at the tornadoes with it, causing them to dissipate.

"You're going to have to do more than make a few little zephyrs and white light to stop us."
((Maybe he's been playing a lot of Twister lately? And he- Get it because.....

I am a comedic failure.))
((I know this is rather sudden and kind of a bad time, but I think I wanna change my character's powers. They're a tad but too close to Kid Flash's for my liking))
Flash nodded his head towards Godric, acknowledging him. “I got tornado boy”, Flash told his ally as he quickly ran up to him, He moved back his fist and threw a punch towards the villain, there was no way he could dodge it, unless he was a speedster.


Robin grinded his teeth. He didn't have time for games. “See as how Jump City has become the world's most popular vacation spot for villains, it wouldn't surprise me if you had bad intentions. You also have no right to be in this room, all of the information in the database is confidential, the fact that you had to hack into the system let's me know you weren't here under clearance by the guards.” Robin carefully watched the girl. 
(Kid Flash has made tornadoes in Teen Titans, Justice League and Young Justice from what I remember.)
Godric disappeared and Reappeared in front of the other Villain and swung a bone crunching punch at his face. "What did these innocent people ever do to you!?" He yelled.
Rael grinned and quickly spun his entire body around, deflecting the punches from both heroes and repelling them backwards.

"I can handle the speedster. You take care of Mr. Baggypants over here," he told the other villain.

Rael picked up a large chuck of rock and threw it in the air. When it came down, he spun his fist and punched it, shattering it and sending a shower of razor-sharp rock shards in the heroes' direction. 
((well yeah but he made them by running around in a big circle, right? not by thrusting his hands...that's just, like, copying Rael's abilites))
"What defines intentions from being bad or not?" She raised her left hand. "Who decides what is considered a good motivation..." Paradox then leveled her right hand, "And what is considered a less then favorable motivation?" He was intelligent, that much was clear. "Bravo, Robin. But do you really think they would give a simple person such as myself, actual clearance? We've all had to reach certain points where we had to take.....certain measures to ensure the safety of ourselves and others. You should know all about that." Her head slightly tilted to the side, her eyes growing darker and more calculating. Though her tone remained non-threatening and casual, it hinted at some unsaid words.
Godric sent a volley of Ki blasts at Rael to counter the rocks. It was at that moment that another one of his dream attacks happened.

"Kaioken! Kamehameha!" Said the Godric look a like in his vision as he used The Kaioken technique and then fired off a more giant than usual Kamehameha.
Godric opened his eyes and cupped his hands. "KAIOKEN!!!" A red aura surrounded Godric. "KA ME HA ME......" Godric began gathering energy between his hands. "HA!!!!" He yelled firing the stronger Kamehameha at the two villains.
Wally watched as the sharp shards of rock flew towards his direction. He was really starting to get ticked off. He didn't have time for games. Slowly everything around him began to slow down, his mind was racing, he was tapping into a different type of speed. He easily jumped around the shards of rocks, and reappeared in front of his opponent. “I'm gonna count to ten, if you surrender yourself, then I'll arrest you kindly, if not. Well let's say you'll regret it to say the least.” Flash let his emerald eyes stare deeply into his opponent. Wally saw a huge burst of energy come from Godric, he quickly jumped out of the way and waited to see what the enemy would do.


“I'm the authority around here, if you think somethings wrong, or that we're in danger then you let me know. You don't come into my city and peak around not thinking someone would come after you. You're in over your head if you think I'm just gonna let you walk all over the place, getting your hands dirty without me interfering.” Robin still had his staff ready. Any sudden movements and he'd go in for disarmament. Quite frankly he was losing trust with strangers, he didn't really trust anyone these days.
((huh...well played...

In that case I suppose it's high time I made a new character then

perhaps pretend like Rael never existed and it was just that one villain causing trouble?))
Just because you are the authority around here doesn't make you the authority over me. "You should give me some credit. After all, I'm not your average street-kid. Of course I expected your interference, I'd be exceedingly surprised if you didn't show up. See, the thing is Robin, considering you would never mildly fathom placing any form of trust in a stranger, you wouldn't take my word. Then there would be investigations to clarify what intel I provided, which is the last thing anybody needs. But do we both really have time for this? You're a busy man, and I am an equally busy girl." She silently annalized him, fully prepared to react the moment he struck.

((If you really want to do that, Froggie, go ahead. But maybe we can figure a way out around that?))
(Actually Rael and Flash's abilities are completely different,and it is highly unlikely for any of the flashes to the hand thing,they can but their forte is running and leg action.Rael has rotational energy,which can create many effects,so you can just change his tactics)
Meh alrighty then)) 
Rael's eyes widened at the energy attack. He had faced energy manipulators before, but none of them ever used an attack of this magnitude...or potential for destruction, for that matter. Instead of spinning to try and deflect it, he instead spun his legs and leaped acrobatically out of the way.

"Judging by the immense power of that attack alone, I can tell you're only capable of performing such a feat a numbered amount of times, eh? You put far too much effort into one such act alone. Keep using that and you'll run out of energy in no time."
The girl wasn't going to budge, he was going to get her out of this room, even if he'd have to drag her out. Robin pushed a button on his communicator, signaling that he needed assistance. He quickly threw a couple of ice capsules, and charged at the girl with his bo-staff. “Either way, unless you give me specific details, you're under arrest!”

Flash watched as tornado boy moved his limbs again in rotational fashion. It was interesting, but Wally could see that if it came to speed he could beat him head on. A beeping noise came from Wally's communicator. He quickly looked at it and found Robin's coordinates. “Godric, I leave you to him. See yeah tornado kid!” Wally waved to both people and headed for Robin.
At first she didn't move, and instead remained completely and perfectly still. But then her reactive instincts kicked in, and Paradox welcomed Robin's attack with open arms.....literally. When he came into the close range, she ducked again from the thrown projectiles, darting beneath him. The girl avoided the upcoming blow, choosing to instead avert her physical formation away from his direct assault. Though she was not running away, no, she was merely keeping a stance in the room while maintaining an offensive defense.

"Under arrest? And by what charges, dare I ask?"

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