Teen Titans RP!

"I don't need it, brainiac. And you're right to not trust me, if you trusted a complete stranger then you'd be beyond stupid." She raised an eyebrow daringly. "Of course, why would I be lying? You can run a sample check on the insides of the central control's systematic functions, if you believe me to be dishonest. This happens to be a rare sample, one of the few cylinders in the world. When I'm not engaging in a fight for my life, I prefer to research such things. I only planned on holding this specimen for no longer then a few hours, before I would slowly release the pressure without exposing it to oxygen, then adding a chemical compound to initiate a "sleep mode". But being that you decided to have a short little marathon while holding it, the couple hours has most likely turned into around 45-75 minutes. If I don't get this to a nuclear compressor pronto, we're screwed." A tiny smile appeared on her face. "And if you value having all of your limbs not snapped in half, you won't call me "honey" ever again." Paradox also didn't mention that they she could easily deactivate the device now, but hell she didn't waste this much time to just throw it away without a second glance.
The Flash cracked a slight smile, “Well, what's stopping me from tossing that cylinder out in the middle of the ocean?” he asked. This whole situation eerily was starting to remind him of the dream he just had... At times like this he wished Robin was still here, he would know what to do. Wally was pretty intelligent himself, but he wasn't nearly as book smart as Robin is, so he couldn't really evaluate what the girl just said. “Just to be safe, I won't let you leave with that cylinder, and then we can go on a date. We can get to know each other, I would like to get to know you.” The Flash gave her a wink, she looked cute. Whatever she was.
"What's stopping you is the fact that if you did, I'd drag you by your yellow unitard and make you fetch it while the thing was in the middle of exploding." She narrowed her eyes. "I don't need a babysitter, and I certainly don't need to babysit you. What I find amusing is that you won't "let" me, when I really do not require your permission." Paradox shifted her weight slightly to the left. "It's a shame then.....that I really am not all that fond of people getting to know me. But if you're up to a challenge....." This is perfect. He's a Titan, and by God we all know how incredible the Teen Titans super computer is. If I could manage to access it.....hell, there's no limit to the information that would be available. Yet, is my dignity worth it? He was odd, she'd give him that. His ulterior motive was all too obvious, though there wasn't anything he could dish out that she couldn't handle. She'd still have the ability to commit to the rest of her plans, correct? The girl did a mental calculation of the dates and times within the week, dividing each multiple by their estimated activity sessions. Affirmative, she did indeed have the capability, just barely. "Let's make a deal. You get off my back, and we'll see how it goes from there?"
Hitting the ground, Lance looked upon the destruction that was now a battlefield.

“Holy crap!” Lance spoke out as he looked over at a couple of combatants.

Lance leaped into a full on sprint towards the two that were extremely fast and chasing each other. He knew that he could stand no contest in a foot race, but if he knew anything, it was a fight. Seeing how a man up against a girl was nothing to smile at, he rushed over to see what was going on.

“HEY YOU! What the heck is going on here!” Lance spoke out as he arrived at the place of the two speedsters.

His skin a bright silver still as he looked over the two people.
Flash barely heard the rest of what the girl was saying when another strange came out of no where. Is he an ally, enemy? Man this is getting strange. Wally let out a sigh. Thoughts raced through his mind, quite frankly he didn't know what to do. “I'll only get off your back if you give me the cylinder.” The Flash looked at the girl with a serious face. “Also, who are you?” He asked the silver man.
"Oh this is just dandy.....now it's a party, huh?" She glared at the silver man, seeming to ignore the Flash's statement. Paradox's smile vanished. "What's going on here, shiny, is this spunky young lady," She motioned to Flash, "Apparently doesn't know how to stay in her own business." Without another word, she turned and began walking away again, yet she cautiously watched both of the males from the corners of her eyes.
Wally slightly twitched. Did she just call me a girl... The Flash looked at the girl from behind. He pulled out his communicator and tossed it in front of the girl. “Call me?” The Flash asked in a joking and flirtatious tone. He turned his attention back at silver man. “Let me guess, Silver Surfer?” Wally grinned at the new silver man. Out of the corners of his eyes he could see the police closing in on the crime scene.
She had to withhold a grin at this little twitch. Ohhhh, seems like I struck a nerve. Stupendous. Her hand shot out, fluidly and gracefully, the girl caught the communicator. She slipped it inside of her boot before returning the hand to its place holding the cylinder. "You're to kind. I can't wait to take out the tracking device, so we can have our little rendevous sometime soon." Once again, her face was engulfed in a humored smile. "It's been fun, Flash." Then she jumped up, a steady and strong leap to a taller position on the warehouse ruins. The police sirens made her anxious, and she couldn't stand to be around them. She turned around again, giving them both a little salute with her free hand. Then Paradox lightly jogged off in the opposite direction, a shadow of the smile still flickering across her face.
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Lance listened the girl as she spoke about her opponent. A smile came to his silvery face as he soon looked upon the flash. Lance smiled at the man, but just shook his head.

“Silver surfer, No. I am not the silver surfer.” Lance spoke out as his silvery skin began to retreat from around his eyes.

As the silver retreated from his eyes, it revealed his dark completion. Taking in a breath once again, Lance spoke out towards the Flash.

“Flash huh? What was going on here?” Lance spoke out as his skin began to revert back to pure silver.
Wally watched as he saw the strange girl disappeared into the top of the buildings. I look forward to our next encounter, he thought to himself. The Flash looked back at the silver stranger, who had now turned to be a dark-skinned man. From his side, he could see police men approaching, guns out. Wally waved his hand. “We're all good here officers, he's a friendly”, the Flash told the cops. The policemen noticed who was waving at them, and headed towards the opposite direction, towards the destroyed warehouses.

“I actually have no idea. By the way, you are a friendly. Right?” Wally asked the man.
“It all depends on the situation.” Lance spoke out as his skin fully became silver.

Cracking his neck, he looked over at the cops whom seemed to leave from their direction. Exhaling deeply through his nose, Lance turned his gaze up towards the girl upon the building.

“There is something that i must find out first.” Lance spoke out as he began to walk away from the Flash and towards where the girl went to.
It didn't take long for her to gain some distance from the area. Now the police sirens were distant, drowned out by the busy streets and highways. It was dark. It was late. But she had an entire night to herself. Paradox glanced at the cylinder in her hand. Suddenly, it didn't seem so important. Now, the communicator in her other hand did. She had already pulled out a tracing mechanism from the back hatch, skillfully attaching it to an unsuspecting squirrel around a minute ago. Her gloved thumb ran along its edges, causing her to frown. She had a vast sea of options before her. Many involved manipulation, deceit, dishonesty, and a gain of knowledge. Yet....for some reason, none of them felt truly right. But when has anything I've ever done felt "truly" right? The girl released a low growl of self-annoyance. This was ridiculous. She was pondering over "right" and "wrong" when she should be getting to the nuclear compressor. Paradox felt she was being absurd, and had the sudden impulse to chuck the communicator into the traffic. Despite this impulse, she slipped it back into her boot. Ridiculous. She mentally repeated. Then, standing up, the female scanned the sectors bellow her. The perch was a good height to keep her fairly concealed from the prying eyes of civilians, and she felt mildly comfortable at this altitude. Careful to latch the cylinder onto her belt with the utmost care, she continued her cautious stride over the building tops.
The Flash watched as the new comer just walked away from him. Man, now I know how it feels to be like Beast Boy, he reflected watching the man walk from him, as if the Flash was irrelevant. Still, he was intrigued by the two newcomers he met. Had he made a mistake? Should he have tried harder to fight out their objectives? No, Wally thought. That wasn't his style. He would let things pan out. He ran away from where he was standing, back to the Titan tower. The night sky was looming. Wally had slept all through the day, and he was still wide awake. He got back to the tower. He changed out of his uniform and put on some regular, night-out-on-the-town clothes. Wally walked out into the garage, and eyed his red camero with yellow racing strips. “I need to relax, clear my head”, Wally sighed to himself as he hopped into his ride, and headed back into the city. He blasted EDM music. 
Wally pulled out his cell phone as he sped down the highway back into the city. He scrolled though the names of all the girls he has had flings with. No no no no no maybe no never no no......yes. Wally called the number. “Heyyyyy Walllly what's up!?!” An energetic college girl picked up. “Not much, I'm coming to pick you up, let's grab dinner?” Wally asked. “Mmmk I'll be ready in ten, mua!” *click*

He got to the Madaline's house, picked her up and headed towards the nearest Wendy's. “What's wrong baby, you seem so...uptight.” The flirtatious girl played with the button on the Flash's button down shirt. “Nothing, it's just been a long day at....work.” He replied. He slowly drove through the city, admiring the lights. It's been a while since he had been out in the city, as a regular young adult.
Marceline turned on her heals,thinking she had killed the person,and continued on her path of destruction.Crystals forming all over the place,some exploding and others generating electricity then releasing it all over the place,"Lalala,destruction is fun..."She giggled out loud,as she could 10s and more.She didn't have a care in the world and could careless who showed up,tonight was hers.
((Oi, guys. I decided that we can just use the sign-up thread to chat for now. I mean, we already filled it up with enough OOC, and might as well keep going. So if you have any suggestions, ideas, or you just want to talk, post over on there!))
Wally pulled into the Wendy's, but then saw explosions come off in the buildings off into the distance. "Uh, Hey Madaline darling, can you go ahead and order me five double cheeseburgers, five chicken burgers, ten fries, and four shakes? I'll be in a sec, I gotta uh, take a call." Wally bolted out of the car and quickly walked to the back of the Wendy's. Shoot, I don't have my costume, and some lunatic is causing havoc. Just my luck. The Flash quickly ran to the destruction. He saw a cute, purple haired girl causing all the destruction. "Hey, can you not do that?" Wally asked in a kind voice, his hands up.
Leaping into a full sprint, Lance followed the trail left by Paradox.Even if she did not mean to leave a trail, she left one clear enough for Lance.

She is a quick one Lance thought as he continued his sprinting.

Leaping from roof top to roof top, Lance followed the trail. Keeping his backpack on tight, Lance reverted back into his normal form. His silver skin was now his normal dark tone. Climbing up the wall, he got to the rooftop and looked upon the city. There was a lot of activity here, but he needed to keep the trail fresh.
She stopped again. Paradox had fully known that this silver man was following her, which is precisely why she made it so obvious of her mark. But she was much faster then him, and even not going at her full pace (in order to secure the stabilization of the radioactive material) she was forced to go slower then she normally would have. Exactly what his purpose was, she was not aware. Yet the girl had full intentions on finding out. She didn't take lightly to being traced, to being hunted, she'd had enough of that in her life-time. Even with the explosions occurring not to far from here, she kept her focus on both the man and the process of jumping roof to roof. Her body was swift and quick, moving with expert skill with each spot. But every few steps, she slowed herself for a moment or so, waiting for the male to catch up. She made a sharp jump onto a particularly shadowy building top, slinking her way into the darkness, a cover that very few would see unless she had allowed them to follow.
"Oh dear,its looks like missed one.Are you a cop or under cover agent.Whatever you are,your unimaginable brave."Marceline began to think and it started to register in her mind.She shook her head,"Oh,I'm guessing your a hero out of costume?Yea,don't care!"Marceline said as began to unsheath her blade,slowly.To her killing was an art,at moments it takes time,other times its quick and easy.Marceline charged at the young adult,ready to impale him with her blade.
The Flash watched as the girl ran at him, intending to strike. He quickly moved out of the way with ease. “You're gonna have to move faster than that!” He quickly kicked the blade out of her hands. He saw out of the corner of his eyes the dark-skinned man jumping off the roof-tops of the buildings. Hmmm, what's going on, Wally wondered.
Lance had reached into his pack and sought for another piece of tech that he loves. With a smile upon his face, he held it in his hands. Placing his backpack back on his back, he made a mad dash towards the edge of the building. Planting his foot firmly on the ledge of the building, he placed the ring upon his finger and in an instant, his skin began to change once more. This time, his skin changed into what seemed like a fiber weave. He was now in a carbon fiber form.

"I've noticed that you had been slowing down!" Lance called out as he landed upon the roof top.
"A speedster huh?OK,but just to warn you,I have a major advantage over you right now and later on."She giggled as walked in a circle around the flirtatious man.Marceline began to giggle louder,"I won't reveal the advantage,but you will find it out,once you begin to run."She explained with a smirk.
The Flash ignored what she was saying. He knew for a fact should could not match his speed. He was the fastest. “Listen, can you just chill out with what you're doing...actually what are you even doing?” Wally asked pointing at all the destruction she's caused. “I'm currently on a date right now, I would appreciate it if you could tone it down, maybe not do this.” He added cracking a friendly smile.
She stepped out, her arms folded in an annoyed manner. "If you'd like, I can stop by the nearest store and buy you the biggest medal I can find, champ." Paradox's voice was smooth and sarcastic. "But before I do, would you care to inform me as to your motivation for stalking the likes of myself?" A glint of light streamed across her face, softly illuminating her steady, pale complexion. Her eyes glared into his, taking in every last detail pertaining to each singular movement.
Sliding to a halt, Lance looked over at the girl. Not really cracking a smile upon her joke, he pointed at her with an underlined hatred.

"You think that everything is just a joke, but from i can tell, what you are carrying is nothing shy of serious business." Lance spoke out as he continued to look at her.

Making sure that he did not make any unwanted moves, he kept his distance and did not move an inch. Even though his form was black, you could slightly make his for. from the shine from the moon, you could even tell his expression. His expression that he just wanted answers. just wanted to understand.

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