Teen Titans RP!

((As am I. It seems the original plot was thrown out the window. I think we all need to sit down and converse about this for a moment.

Okay, main antagonist: Slade

Appearance: Soon

Now, I think a big problem is, a lot of people are filling this up with "one-liners" and are not working with the other people in actual interaction. If we have everybody just going in a whole bunch of different directions, nothing is going to make sense. Because we have so many people already role-playing, anybody who has not responded for a while will be booted for the sake of what remains of our sanity in this damned thing. If you have a separate plan that you would want your character to go with, MESSAGE ME, and we'll work around that. But with like, five different villains going all across the city, and a couple of people trying to join the titans and keeping THEM busy, confusion confusion confusion confusion. As of now, I don't want to call anybody in particular out, but if you (and you guys know who you are. Yes, there are more then one of you) keep up ether godmodding or simply changing the direction your character is going every post or so, cut it out. I do not want this RP to go to sh!t, as it is now headed in that direction))
right right okay okay, we get that we have to keep together, so why don't we do this we go with my idea of the mutant force 5 or whatever the crap there name is, then paradox is leader, im happy your happy and where all together. what does everyone else thing?
((You think so? What about the interaction your characters and mine had? Just a complete restart in general....or from a certain point?

But I do think you have the right idea))
(( I say that if we restart, we make more balanced characters, and teams. No more having EVERYTHING. In my opinion, if you are to have a super power, there must be a balance to it. I think that we make OC, and leave the Cannon out of it, unless they are the NPC's. ))
(whoa....we're restarting? If we are we should make sure everyone is there so we could all start at the same time OoO...or...atleast the majority of ppl? OwO)
((Okay, we are NOT restarting, but you all need to remember what I said earlier. Also,

Painclown, I'm not really sure where your character is at this moment. I think you need to regroup yourself and make a plan that others agree on. Mitaku, your posts are very jumbled and difficult to follow. If you could write them in a more legible way it would be much appreciated.

As it was said by myself and backlash, balance your characters. Don't add or take away powers, don't make them insanely invincible, figure out their personalities and stick by that. We can't have a whole bunch of different villains spread across doing a whole bunch of different assaults with no connection, it's just to confusing. I am going to be Starfire and Raven, and if you know any person who would be interested in joining and being a protagonist of their own creation or from the show, please have them message me.

Now, let's get back to the role-playing. If there are any questions or concerns, shoot me a PM. This plot is revolving around Flash and Robin leading the Titans together, as they attempt to figure out Paradox while managing to deal with the other villains and young heroes popping up, and then they will deal with the threat of Slade to top it. We are going to work on the relationship links between us all, and it would be just dandy if you other antagonists would form a team and work with that (if it was a team, there would be less of this spreading out and more centralized attacks that would actually make sense). I would actually really prefer if that villainous group would be formed, it would save a lot of time.

((I think for this to work for me, I'm going to have to make a neutral character to replace Rael the villain, because we already have enough villains as is. Mitaku's character, Slade, the whole deal with Paradox, with all of that going on at the moment, Rael isn't important to the plot at all

so yeah making new character brb))
Marceline's eyes lit up with surprise,"Ugh...."The young woman muttered to herself as her eyes fell back down to half slits.Marceline began to waver back and forth,as the fatigue began to set in.She has used to much energy from the night before and now,"Franky...We need to leave..."

Frankenstein turned and bowed to her,"Yes,milady!"He spoke watching his master go over to the crystal barrier,and absorb into her body to regain some energy,"Hmph..."Marceline groaned as her and Frankenstein leaped away from the school.
Zodiac wandered the streets of Jump City, his starred cloak swaying as he walked. His spotted hair was swept in the wind, and it blew in his face. He absentmindedly pushed it aside.

He was lost deep in thought, half of him pondering various queries, the other half reminiscing about his past. He did both of these things very often, but he usually didn't do both at the same time.

Zodiac continued his walking as he thought. He went down two blocks, turned left at an intersection, walked another block, turned right. His path didn't have any specific pattern; Zodiac just always went wherever his subconscious suggested. Sometimes he went in circles when he traveled, but he didn't care. If that was his fate, then so be it.

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