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Fandom Teen Titans: New Generation

Emperor Of Embers

The Red Kaiser of Flame
Jump City's original Titans have been disbanded, going their own separate ways. But Crime never rests. So a new group must be formed to take evil down and keep the peace. Will you fight for justice? Or take over jump city and enslave its citizens?
Vivian soon entered the door to the main room, she quietly walked over to Vlad, trying not to make so much noise, "Hello Vlad" she said, with her usual soft voice.
"I am doing fine this morning, thank you, how are you?" not having the ability to respond telepathically Vivian was forced to speak aloud, anyone not knowing of Vlad telepathy would think she was crazy, talking to herself.
Soul wore his usual goggles and hood up over his head, along with his gas-mask to hide his face, but also for show. He could breath just fine, and his powers didn't affect the mask nor the mask really affect his powers, however sometimes it caused others to think Soul had an air of mystery which he thought was funny. Carrying a large bag of clothes and belongings, he knocked on what seemed to be the front door of the Titan's tower. "Ello? I'm here about the new team forming, I heard you might be accepting teammates!"

(Dunno if this intro post was okay or not, if not I'll change it ASAP >.<)
"I am fine." Vlad replied telepathically, then he turned to soul, and smiled with a nod, "We are in fact. Welcome." he said to soul telepathically. Minerva then goes inside and was surprised by the sight of two teammates. she then circles them, getting a look at them, and then she hugged them both in her massive arms. @Silvey @Suki19
Vivian looked towards the newcomer, he seemed to be waring some weird clothing choices, then again, so did she "Welcome" was the only the only thing she could say before giving him a soft short smile, when Minerva showed up and hugged Vivian, she looked rather surprised, not knowing of her presence, soon after embracing the hug.

@Steel Zinogre @Silvey
Vivian smiled as she was released from the hug "Im glad she does" after a long pause she decided to ask "Will we be waiting for any other members?" Vivian asked, looking out the window.

@Steel Zinogre @Silvey
Tabitha slowly walked along the sidewalk on the path to the titans tower as she starred at the ground trying to avoid eye contact as midnight slowly trailed behind her. You just don't see a dragon walking down the sidewalk everyday so it often got Tabitha and Midnight much people starring and whispering at them. Finally Tabitha couldn't take it anymore she slipped into the nearest alley way Midnight still trailing behind her as she climbed up a stairwell up onto the roof. It was a much easier way to travel without been seen while at the same time much faster then normally soon Tabitha broke into a full dash as Midnight raced to keep up as they dashed towards the tower.
Johanna burst into the from door of the titans tower, wondering if there would be anyone there to greet, "Hello!" she exclaimed entering the room, upon seeing some embers already there, she walked around and studying it, before taking in a long breath, preparing herself to speak: "My name is Johanna, you can call me Jay if you want, I heard you guys needed teammates, would I please join your team?" as she finished this sentence she looked at the members already in the tower, looking for their reaction, Johanna was really exited to be here, even more so to have the chance of finally being in a team, since she had worked so hard learning how to use her powers, and this would be the perfect place to start.
Duke walked towards the tower,when he arrived he entered and he said hello to the people that were inside the tower "Hello... sorry, I know I'm late Vlad... So finally we have new people!" Then Duke walked towards Vlad and said " Our team is bigger now...... I think Jump city is a safer place now that we have more people taking care of it right. But do you think all of the new ones know how to control their powers completely?"
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Illianna sat at the coast watching the dolphins jump from the water. A smile slowly crept across her face,"They are just beautiful......Hmmm,I need Raven's books. Illianna teleported to the Titan's Tower,and quickly glamoured into a younger version of herself,but now she was holding one of her mystical swords. Entering the tower Illianna looked around the place and and announced herself,"Uh....Hello! Is anyone here?Titans?"At the moment she appeared as a 13 year old heroine,who appeared some what nervous.

(The invasion has began)
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Illianna was slightly surprised by the telepathic speech,quickly blocking out her evil thoughts,"Uh....I-I'm Mystic! I heard the Titans were here and I wondered if I could get some training under you guys,not for my powers,but just simple heroics."Illianna explained with somewhat timid voice and a hand on her shoulder as if she was nervous. Illianna looked at everyone and decided to speak up real quick,"Is there some kind of test I have to do or do I have to display my powers?"
Meanwhile while Tabitha and Midnight slowly proceeded towards titian tower a rather sinister figure watched from afar. "Curses how much longer in till the force field is down!" A black figure shouted dwelling at the boarder line for jump city. Now to most people he would look like a maniac shouting at the border line as he slammed his fists on what appeared to be a invisible wall but there was much more to the story then that. A group of creatures screeched when the black figure shouted as they flew all around jump city it looked like as if they where stabbing midair with their scorpion like tails. "I thought you said you would have this force field down by dawn!!" The figure said as he grabbed one of the creatures by its neck as they flew by as the creature jerked back startled. "M-master we are trying but there is nothing we can do in till we figure out a way to bring the shield down that protects jump city our kind cannot enter or escape the city in till it is down" The creature replied stuttering as it grabbed at its neck "I want that shield down now! Every second we waste is another second I could be destroying that girl!" The figure screamed back as he slammed the creature into the ground before letting go of its neck as it slowly crawled away before taking to the sky again.
"Man! I forgot the last time we trained here, it's good to be back and train new Titans" as impulsive as always Duke shouted so all jump city could hear him and then said " Sooo who is going to train who? Because if we want a good team everybody must control completely their abilities."
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(Sorry had a weird brain fart and forgot I had signed up for this RP xD )

Soul listened to the boy whose voice he could hear inside his mind. It wasn't that shocked him too much, as sometimes Soul could communicate with the demon and angel souls in his body, however it was only when their terms. "Sorry for not saying much earlier, but as long as we can control our abilities and don't be a burden to the rest of the team, then why exactly should that said person who can do both need to train with others?"Soul asked the boy who seemed to be the one talking to him in his mind. @Steel Zinogre
"I guesssssss I can do a couple, while Minerva can do those who are feeling hard." Vlad said in his raspy voice while he went into the fridge and grabbed a wine bottle full of animal blood. "Sssssssorry if the sssssight offends you, but it isssss feeding time." he said as he took a drink. "and besides, my friend, we want a proficient team, therefore, i will train two at a time, and the tough ones will showoff with my female friend Minerva." he replied telepathically to soul. @Galen Ardila @Silvey @Jailbird @Dlabell9 @nighttimecatplayer @Suki19
As Tabitha and Midnight continued their pursuit to titans tower Midnight had screeched to a stop and had begun to growl as something in the sky. "What is it girl?" Tabitha asked as she backtracked over to Midnight resting a hand along her snout as her gaze followed Midnight's to the sky only to find nothing "Strange its probably just a bird or something come on" Tabitha said as she gave a little pat on Midnight's head before once again jumping from roof top to roof top at full speed as Midnight lingered behind for a few seconds her gaze still locked on something before growling as she slowly started to pick up pace again rejoining Tabitha's side.
He walked up to The front door of the tower and looked around for a doorbell or something.

"Why am I even here? This was just a waste of time." He said to himself. "It's not like they even need help. They're the Titans!"

He shrugged before turning to leave.

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