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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

djinnamon said:
When can we start the RP?
Hey, the team doesn't officially know each other. Our first official arc will center around Tigerlilly...and how to stop her from taking over both Metropolis and Gotham. But, for now, she will be lurking in the background while we form bonds and build our team. Understood?
Oh ok

RedIncubus said:
Hey, the team doesn't officially know each other. Our first official arc will center around Tigerlilly...and how to stop her from taking over both Metropolis and Gotham. But, for now, she will be lurking in the background while we form bonds and build our team. Understood?
@ROUX Interested?

Everyone, great work so far. We have a minor hiccup( @djinnamon) but if Sage does manage to get posted for, then cool. If not, oh well.

The whole HellBird/ Green Robin rivalry is encouraged @Knightling. The leader position hasn't really been taken, so don't give up so easily on it.

@lostviolence Wildcard is currently my favorite. All of her lines are on point. I feel like you really captured your Titan character--I have high hopes for Tigerlily.

@JaneXJeff I think Avalon should try to reach out to Benny @Demonhunter. I think there is an opportunity for sub-plot with his character, but we must uncover it.

What I will ask is that we stop having information automatically on hand--such as, the fact that Benny was "fathered" by BeastBoy. There are some things we must uncover as a team. It's okay not to have everything at your fingertips. BTW, Jasper has access to the Hall of Justice databanks, as well as some of the Oracle files. Feel free to customize it's mood and mannerisms to your character. I may have a reason for you guys to do so.

And don't forget to tag peps!
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Yeah I was wondering on that xD . The fact he was created with stolen DNA is like some huge classified secret that'd take a ton of tests to reveal. Maybe later they could get curious and do a DNA test on him and find that out. I might also add a stolen cat woman DNA character later that came from the same place.
Yeah I'll edit away my characters reference to Beast Boy

Also, I'm thinking that we should have Green Robin and Hellbird have a rocky relationship in this team, not only from the fact that they're competing to be in charge, but also from the tensions/distrust of their separate families. That being said, I don't think these two characters have really ever met before now, I anticipate him getting on Darrins nerves alot, lol.

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I anticipate Benny getting on everyone's nerves at some point. He dosn't understand technology... Or pet rules. He's going to bring every stray in the city in the tower xD . Probably also going to break some computers and get lost in the tower. Think of him as a grown up toddler. With bad ass archery and horseback skills.

ESPECIALLY when man handled. He hates being picked up. He HATES IT!
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Demonhunter said:
Yeah I was wondering on that xD . The fact he was created with stolen DNA is like some huge classified secret that'd take a ton of tests to reveal. Maybe later they could get curious and do a DNA test on him and find that out. I might also add a stolen cat woman DNA character later that came from the same place.
Knightling said:
Yeah I'll edit away my characters reference to Beast Boy
Also, I'm thinking that we should have Green Robin and Hellbird have a rocky relationship in this team, not only from the fact that they're competing to be in charge, but also from the tensions/distrust of their separate families. That being said, I don't think these two characters have really ever met before now, I anticipate him getting on Darrins nerves alot, lol.

As much as I love your character, I'm gonna ask you not to grow a sapling next to an oak for 2 reasons:

1- Benny is still a hit or miss character. I like the direction you took him in because it's BB and that works. But, Catwoman is a stretch.

2- I was gonna make Darrin's half-sister Catwoman's protege

I was hoping you'd go there with Green Robin from the start. They seem to be two sides of the same coin. Almost day and night...
I had to speed things up, but here's basically what happened.

Rick showed up in time and helped Sage defeat the thugs, then he left in a hurry to get to the Titans Tower.

@RedIncubus So I'm pondering on my character at the moment. I definitely want a Ra's al Ghul descendent. For the mother, would you approve of one of the Amazon characters? I figure the old man has picked up a few seduction tactics over his absurdly long life. (And I can come up with some sort of plausible backstory even if it's a bit of a crack pairing) Diana is the obvious choice but Donna Troy is another option. Both would allow for my character to have some sort of moral compas but also lead plenty of room for conflicting emotions. And Ra's would obviously be interested in his Demi-god spawn being helpful to his cause. If this all seems too contrived I can take it another angle.
Hey, don't knock the crack pairings. My character is hanging on to one instance that happened waybackwhen between his folks. I'd say go with Donna, not because I don't want you to use Diana but because she is younger and much more susceptible to Ghul and has shown some lack-of-daddy issues in her time.

RedIncubus said:
Hey, don't knock the crack pairings. My character is hanging on to one instance that happened waybackwhen between his folks. I'd say go with Donna, not because I don't want you to use Diana but because she is younger and much more susceptible to Ghul and has shown some lack-of-daddy issues in her time.
Huzzah! I'll start working on him though I have quite a bit to do this afternoon.

And concerning the pits...eek I can see my poor character put in a position to reveal them to save one of his friends. I'm excited <3
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No rush. I'll have everyone disperse and get familiar with their surroundings...

I will say that we need two more types of characters to complete the team for now (heroes come and go, as do writers. I'm just being prepared for the inevitable loss):

The wild-child who is completely unpredictable

and the enforcer, who is there on account of his parents to make sure everything goes smoothly.

I have plans for the latter, but I don't know whom to execute them with...

mainly because someone already did and she's currently on hiatus.

I'll post and then go let some of my unfinished projects know that I'm dropping--I have a feeling this might turn into something awesome.
So much OOC chatter. Trying to keep up. Could anyone give me a quick summary or run down of the plot so far?

I'm currently working on my character now and should have her posted today, hopefully :) .

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