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Fandom Teen Titans: Inherited(OPEN)

Oh sorry if I seem hostile in anyway , I'm really just joking around.

SayGoodKnight said:
Obviously this is all in good fun : P And they're all hella attractive heroes/neutrals.
This seems mildly hostile/serious so I'm out of the convo lol.
I want to make a long haired make character but I can't find any good ones that have waist length hair

SayGoodKnight said:
I thought we needed a long haired guy! Miles Mcmillan is one of my favorite male models so he's perfect.
I'm on!

As for Jenga, I think he might be a little over complicated. Being artificial on top of having his mom like trying to kill him is a lot.
Maybe the virus could come in later on? I think if you start with that much drama going on for him now it's going to be really hard for him to develop much, ya know?
Consider, and I know this could completely change your chacter so feel free to tell me to back off but:

I understand that Cyborg and Jynx unable to conceive, perhaps Cyborg can implant his DNA and inseminate his wife. The child could be born baring both their DNA but he would be all flesh an blood. He could have abilities that mimic his mothers and his father can train him in hacking computers ect. He could be a nice mingle of the two in personality, in features, and in abilities. :)
It's because the animated series version of Jinx is hugely off base compared to the serialized comics. You'd have a hard time getting any info you wanted.
good point. didn't think about that. so if I made it so that jynx wasn't in the picture at all we'd be on a decent track?
djinnamon said:
Sage folded his arms and kissed his teeth , he was thoroughly annoyed by Valentine. He gave the girl a look of superiority as if he was way above her level. " Hunny , your sense of style is just as terrible as your nicknames. " He said in distaste before he grabbed Brightfire's arm and dragged her to Valentine's room again.
Sage looked through the girl's closet. " Whoa , you actually have a sense of fashion but you don't know how to coordinate outfits. " He said. " No wonder she looks like such a goddamned mess. " He muttered as he pulled out the clothes he thought would look good on Brightfire. He was actually pretty sized that the girl had so much nice clothes.

" I hope you ok with gay guys seeing you naked. " He said before he changed the girl's clothes Default. Sage admired his handy work before pulling the girl back to the kitchen , not feeling the least bit of shame.. " Introducing Sexy alien girl 2.0 " Sage said before he went over to the food he had made. He put the food in a plate and sat down next to Darrin after walking over to him.

Do mind changing your post? You just redid my entire post which I find unfair. The fact it took me forever to writer and also I did on a phone as well makes really pissed. If you can change it that would be great!
Oh sorry about that

lostviolence said:
Do mind changing your post? You just redid my entire post which I find unfair. The fact it took me forever to writer and also I did on a phone as well makes really pissed. If you can change it that would be great!
lostviolence said:
Do mind changing your post? You just redid my entire post which I find unfair. The fact it took me forever to writer and also I did on a phone as well makes really pissed. If you can change it that would be great!
Actually I'll just delete the post
djinnamon said:
Sage was getting severely annoyed by Valentine now and was resisting the urge to hit her with a magic circle enhanced punch. He growled under his breath as began muttered but stopped himself. He was about to try casting a curse on girl that would change her hair into snakes but decided against it , for now. " Sage put his food in his plate and sat next to Darrin , he stab the food on the plate ate quickly.
" Darrin , you know what you said last night about giving this girl a chance. I'm sorry but she is making it very hard not to kick her ass all round the tower. " He said as he trembled in anger and gritted his teeth , Valentine was to him like oil was to water. He couldn't say he hated the girl but if he was allowed two he would break a few of her bones. He took a few calming breaths and relaxed slightly but would attack Valentine if she annoyed him again.

Sage stood up after finishing his food and placed the plate in the sink. He speeded walked over to Brightfire and grabbed her hand firmly as he looked up at the girl , feeling slightly intimidated by her height. " Me and you are still going clothes shopping. I don't want borrows that girl's ugly clothes" He said before he flipped the middle finger at Valentine and a magic circle appeared under him and Brightfire that would teleport them to the mall.

@Little Lozy @lostviolence @RedIncubus
This behavior isn't acceptable. Dude, you've had too many complaints against you so far and I don't think you're much of an asset anymore. @djinnamon, yout are relieved of being here, effective immediately.
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Lol why do I feel like Val has the coolest room here? All kinds of fun gizmos and fun toys.

Also random though: if Ophius is related to ra' guel (exuse spelling) then does that make him related to Damien Wayne?
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